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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18383478 No.18383478 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get a job as a cook as a drop out neet with 0 work experience?

>> No.18383495

Yes. Who do you think is running the McGoyslop?

>> No.18383499

i mean a cook in a non shit restaurant.

>> No.18383501
File: 150 KB, 1200x1012, Wendy’s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the Dave Thomas family

>> No.18383520

you could probably be a dishwasher and squeeze in eventually.

>> No.18383530

Just pretend at the interview but then again.. Why would you?

>> No.18383548

Yes. You will start as a busboy. Soon you will start stealing meal orders from the counter and sneaking out to the back alley, where you will cook the food yourself using nothing but a sterno stove, recycled table scraps, and your own plucky slumdog genius. Then you sneak the food back inside for the waiters to deliver. Customers will instantly notice the immense improvement from your delicious secret cooking, start leaving huge tips, and the restaurant will be featured in the local newspaper. The restaurant's real chefs will be clueless, having no explanation for the sudden change, and they will continue bullying you and your ambitions. But then, one day, an undercover Michelin reviewer will discover your secret and hold a press conference, revealing to the whole world that it was the humble busboy who was cooking such exquisite cuisine all along. The restaurant's chefs are humiliated, they all get fired, the owner is forced to retire, and you marry his hot daughter who always believed in you, becoming the new owner and head chef, renaming the restaurant "Busboy's Secret" and eventually starting franchises, get a cooking show, and a huge sponsorship deal from Sterno. Timothée Chalamet will play you in the movie adaptation of your life.

>> No.18383680
File: 305 KB, 2560x1440, FHBcAGCVcAE71je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how /ck/ used to be.
There would be awesome posts like this all the time.
Thank you anon, shplendid post

>> No.18384557

made me laugh out loud during lecture

>> No.18384649
File: 40 KB, 631x595, wagejak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's 3rd shift Monday sound?
pls respond

>> No.18385182

this is probably the easiest time to get a job in your lifetime
make hay while the sun shines, once you're in the system people will forget you're not really one of them

>> No.18385191

I'd watch it.

>> No.18385853

Yes its very easy but usually unenjoyable. you will be eating your workplace's food so try to pick something that isn't absolute shit for your health

>> No.18385868
File: 44 KB, 657x527, apucig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, this is actually a brilliant plot and you should delete the post before someone steals it and makes the biggest film since Avatar with it.

>> No.18385886

first step get a GED retard. second step start sending out applications retard. just apply for every job and you will probably get hired somewhere because fucking everyone is understaffed and they do not give a shit who you are as long as you can prove that you know how to read.
it's a fucking shitty job though. you probably have some idealized version of the job in your head or you think that somehow something about it will make you want to kill yourself less but it's really not something to aim for.

>> No.18385893

They'll hire any retard. You'll be working with people who have criminal records that have anger issues. You'll realize that you're better off cooking your own food and not eat at restaurants anymore after working in kitchens.

Have fun.

>> No.18386039

If food service really is what you want to do, then you don't need to waste a single minute or cent on further schooling. Start at the bottom and just show up on time for your shifts. As long as you're not a complete social retard you'll earn favor and rise up. Every place is understaffed. Turnover is at an all time high. Your competition is a bunch of braindead entitled zoomers. You don't even have to work that hard. Just show up without quitting for like two years and you'll probably end up as manager if you want to.