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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 640x964, 07jlse0ulrw81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18374168 No.18374168 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18374171

I wish my standard is low so I can get a gf

>> No.18374182
File: 103 KB, 580x631, 1662292622894615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed is not food, fuck off drug addict. This is now a fat person hate thread, which is far more food related.

>> No.18374186

I mainly choose whatever's on sale, desu.

>> No.18374188

Would squeeze bottom left's titty and belly

>> No.18374190
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I just get what's on sale usually.

>> No.18374193
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/idiots/ will downvote you but i think /weed/ threads should be allowed in

for me it's sativas on the weekend mornings

>> No.18374196

If this is what guys have to choose from nowadays in the dating pool, I'd go celibate desu

>> No.18374203
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>> No.18374204

whatever that has hindu kush as the ancestor
i noticed all the weed strains that i enjoy had a common ancestor of hindu kush
and specifically the flavor of those strains was a berry kind of sweet/sour taste, no earthy flavor

>> No.18374205
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>Why yes, I smoke weed every day, how could you tell?

>> No.18374209

Smoking and vaping are /ck/ and that's not even including the culinary aspect of weed

>> No.18374213
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thankfully i have an online menu I can stare at before I go

>> No.18374214

thats called a projection & its more of a reflection of you than the hypothetical women you allege to hate

I like Poison Cookies & Black Tuna, two indica-dominant strains that often post above %20THC, usually closer to thirty

>> No.18374215
File: 2.05 MB, 1334x750, 1489285257291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culinary aspect of weed
fucking lol. Pic related is your average weed "enjoyer".

>> No.18374216

Holy fuggoli. I'mma start doing less weed.

>> No.18374217

25% mb*

>> No.18374218
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yes it's like semen
idgaf what you do but semen is top protein
an thus >>>/ck/ worthy

>> No.18374221

I hate myself enough. So I'm just passing unto others what I do to myself. I might not be hot,but atleast I don't look like a landwhale nor a junkie.

>> No.18374222
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>> No.18374228

Im in canada rn and having legalized weed stores is pretty cool. Back to europe soon where its all HURRR DURRR FORBIDDEN fucking hell

>> No.18374229


>> No.18374231
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>> No.18374233

>not ignoring the french atmosphere
Just speak english there, people dont mind. Its pretty multicultural etc

>> No.18374235

I've been before in the 90's and 00's.

Haven't been back since about 2008 though.

>> No.18374238

one on the left got hotter somehow

one on the right shoulda stayed skinny tho

>> No.18374239

Checked they both have Only Fans too.

>> No.18374240

>obvious weed hate thread bait post
>fat hate replies
>meanwhile I'm auschwitzmode and need it not to vomit my dinner back up half the time
it's medicine and barely a recreational drug if you're not in middle school, grow up already

>> No.18374242

Same, 120lbs, 5'11", daily dabbing for a decade and need it for appetite stimulation.

>> No.18374244

if you're not attractive then why pass judgements? again, you're acting like a fucking sperg loser & attitude is 50% of the game

>> No.18374259

>if you're not attractive then why pass judgements? again, you're acting like a fucking sperg loser & attitude is 50% of the game
Because 9 times out of 10 i keep it to myself. The 1 time being I'm bored and feel like being a jackass. Also whatever flavor sperg I seem to be, it's one people like.

>> No.18374261
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>> No.18374278

Even as a fattie i'd still probably tongue punch that fartbox

>> No.18374402

I miss the old 2010-style stoner threads on /b/
Can't have them anymore because out either devolves into polfags arguing about degeneracy or coomers spamming pictures of ugly chicks they claim to 'know'

>> No.18374409


Why does this pic make me so hard?

>> No.18374434

Imagine getting fucked over by your job so hard it m-pregs you.

>> No.18374439

Corruption fetish.

>> No.18374453
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I can't believe I would look back at those times and think of them as whimsical and innocent, but here we are

>> No.18374477

This retard didn't have one hour a day to himself? I hate fatties and their bullshit excuses. The office ones are the worst
>Ugh I'm so tired from sitting all day
Shut up

>> No.18374505

Wish Australia would hurry up and legalise this shit

>> No.18374536

Should've been a husband turning these girls into hamplanets.
Fuck weed

>> No.18374550

While on a road trip I once saw a dude, very professionally dressed, driving a BMW at a rest area with silver paint all over his face and the faggot couldn't even walk back to his car.
Still trying to peice together the backstory that could make a man fall so low

>> No.18374551

LMAO absolute cuck tier

>> No.18374561

You dumb fucking retard

>> No.18374566

>anon was buck broken by fucking weed
LMAO keep seething about bulls, little cuckboi

>> No.18374572

Did weed turn these girls into fat cows?
That's pretty fuckin' hot, NGL.

>> No.18374579

Fantastic; this will result in less stupid kids being born.

>> No.18374582

Why the fuck would anything fun be allowed in this cunt? It’s just boomers desperately trying to pretend it’s the 70s, and Melbourne faggotry.
The only major party wanting it legalised are the greens and it’s the one aspect they’re not dumb as dogshit, and also want everything else legalised because the junkie icehead bogan cunt breaking into people’s cars was driven to it by mean middle class white male privilege or some shit

>> No.18374603

too late. I've bred twice.

>> No.18374633

I know, right?

>> No.18374658
File: 109 KB, 1440x960, The Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legal in all states
>no doctor required
>no need to be an authorized dispensary, that's too much government control
My investments in snack food vendors are a coincidence.

>> No.18374725

I can’t believe Yurop is such a stick in the mud regarding le funni plant. It’s even legal in most red states, now.

>> No.18374727

just reverse architect bro

>> No.18374789

Won't happen
Dutton uses his connections to to Federal Police to connect his drug dealer friends up with free product

>> No.18374804

My wife and I are both pretty big potheads and we're both fairly skinny. Though on her part it's due to chrohn's and mine adhd, so whatever.

On topic, Wagner's cherry jam has been purchased go-to weed when we buy special stuff. Otherwise it all random homegrown and shared stuff.

>> No.18374806

>tfw New Zealand voted against legalisation 50.7% No
>All because boomers believed the "my son injected a marijuana and he turned GAY" shit being spammed on Facebook

>> No.18374826

back then u needed at least like 80 iq points to use the internet. Now every window licker can post on 4chan while taking a shit

>> No.18374839

Most likely he was a high functioning adict of some sort who got found out, probably for coke or something like that. My guess is whoever discovered the problem he was hiding, be it spouse or employee, he is now subjected to random drug tests. So now to deal with withdrawal but still keep up appearances he's turning to anything that will take the edge off that he hopes they won't test for. Spoiler alert: he probably failed miserably and is now in a gutter.

>> No.18374858

Who cares, just grow your own.
In fact im doing it right now, having some royal cheese auto in my cupboard. Until the pigs finds out and send me to jail ill keep on growing.

>> No.18374871

In Canada for years now cops would turn a blind eye on April 20th and just let whoever smoke weed if they weren't otherwise causing trouble. It got cited as one of the reasons to legalize it because over the years it was observed that ignoring pot laws on that day didn't lead to anything bad. Just a bunch of sleepy people wanting to spend more than usual on food.

Now in Canada, weed is like zucchini. Everyone grows a few plants, realizes it's far too much and give most of it away.

What's better and why I wanted this more than anything is that legal weed which is taxed appropriately is still cheaper than most illegal weed pre-legalization. So now if I buy good weed, not just shit I grew, those profits go into the government coffer instead of some criminal.

>> No.18374942
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all I want, honestly.

>> No.18374947

BC God Bud- $99/oz

>> No.18374956
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No legal stores yet here in Ny but luckily enough we can smoke anywhere that tobacco is allowed. Can't wait to be able to get legal edibles on the regular though

>> No.18374961

I cant be too demanding since i have a beer belly but im an old man and its only natural, her on the other side shes young and ate too much crap, a diet is necessary. Still would with disgust.

>> No.18374963

praised be the architect, fellow conossieurs

>> No.18374966
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>> No.18374983

99 for an Oz of good seems crazy high, but maybe that's just BC pricing.

>> No.18374990

Just imagine them riding you and handing them hash brownies while you fuck.

>> No.18374999
File: 1.50 MB, 1816x4032, gl20je77def81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this. I was looking into prices on buying a tent/filter/light/etc to setup in a closet in my apartment and it looks like it'd only be a couple hundred $$ to get started. it'd have to be one of the small 2x2 ones or whatever but I should be able to grow an auto (maybe 2 idk) every 8 weeks or so and if I can yield 8-10 ounces then I'd probably never have to buy weed again. I'm just mildly retarded so I don't know what to do to actually grow like what nutrients I'd need, how/when to water, all the details. I know there's a ton of shit online but everything is so different, everything reads like you need previous knowledge about a bunch of shit, so I need like a first timers step by step that I can just read/watch and follow for the first time. any idea if something like that exists?

>> No.18375009

Ontario prices and that is cheap, most go for $150 oz
Hash is ridiculously priced

>> No.18375010

It's called weed for a reason. If your strain is good and you give it basic bitch water and fertilizer you will do just fine.

>> No.18375014

bruh its a plant they just grow on their own lmao

>> No.18375019

Where are you buying your weed??? Even big stores give good priduct for $80 an ounce or so.

>> No.18375037

I get that, I just want to do it "right" I guess. I can't imagine I'd have even decent results if I just buy a tent setup then throw a seed into soil and water it and hope for the best. all the shit I see online people are following specific techniques or whatever and they're mixing nutrients, I don't know how much light to give the shit, I just want something that is going to give me the basic beginners first grow guide so I'm not wasting money and time.

>> No.18375040

Buy good soil like biobizz, no need for fertilizers, carefull with water especially at early growth, its better to underwater than overdoing it, if you drown them they will die. For lights LEDs are the best, doesnt heat much relative power consumption and good results.
Dont be impatient mistakes will be made

>> No.18375045

Oh also use tissue pots

>> No.18375071

I would the one on the left

>> No.18375078

Like you get to choose the partners you want.

>> No.18375114

I'd like to get some Thai weed like from the 1980s. It's all legal here in New York state, finding old stuff isn't so easy it's pretty much all the same.

>> No.18375134

I love weed but it makes me do stupid shit like order 15 bags of chips and like a 100 snack size reeses

>> No.18375139

You'll get over that pretty quick.

>> No.18375141
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>In Canada for years now cops would turn a blind eye on April 20th and just let whoever smoke weed if they weren't otherwise causing trouble. It got cited as one of the reasons to legalize it because over the years it was observed that ignoring pot laws on that day didn't lead to anything bad.
lmao what the fuck am I reading. This is the most clueless shit i've seen in years. Are you like a 70 year old woman or something ?

>> No.18375146

why would you want to give the gov't money, just l2grow

>> No.18375149
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That's not so easy with a bag of Gardetto's nearby.

>> No.18375158

Anyone can get weed, but how much for the hot Canadian chicks?

>> No.18375186

That's retarded, not everyone has that much open space or wants to be the target of some political fed investigation so to further your agenda. It's just weed, it should have never been illegal in the first place and if missing that then you've missed it all.

>> No.18375210
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"bifbeans" google them. Brothers in farms works to help people grow better and teach others. Also the grow from your heart podcast is another good source of information for first-timers if you don't want to get into the Bif discord.

>> No.18375215

Sounds like a fucking cult, san diego maybe? Just because I like smoking some weed doesn't make me a cultist or a homosexual.

>> No.18375218

That tree could use some Christmas ornaments on it.

>> No.18375222

Man it's loaded with trichomes, what's the strain? i'm guessing some sativa variant by the claw leaves.

>> No.18375273
File: 252 KB, 1600x1200, 2022-06-25-055658419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first step out of denial is acceptance
The strain name is Prosecco, Indica leaning hybrid. From the same group, bifbeans / brothers in farms genetics

>> No.18375289

Read Rippetoe and drink your fucking milk

>> No.18375308

>I have to be at my desk 24/7
Sounds like fatass cope.

>> No.18375395

Denial of what?
I like smoking weed and it was one the ultimate lies on the people of the United States that it was made illegal in the first place, some multi industry like an octopus was made out of that lie.

>> No.18375397


>> No.18375412
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That seems logical to a bunch of engrained morons.

>> No.18375630

You're doing this on purpose,nobody uses that old propaganda to support weed since the days of limewire