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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 653x580, 19D86494-B56D-42F0-824C-D912A1DE4FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18369405 No.18369405 [Reply] [Original]

I think a healthy mixture of science is good, but mostly just science. What is your opinion?

>> No.18369419

>the man who pisses in his omelet is a pro cook
God, I must be world class.

>> No.18369429
File: 311 KB, 680x383, fagusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off fagam, you will never be a real chef.

>> No.18369433

there isn't enough science to determine what food is best or most tasty, also there is the variable of the individual gullet. but never take cooking advice frome a scrawny and never take health advice from a fatty and never take any advice from a black.

>> No.18369436

Nah, I'll just eyeball it.

>> No.18369439
File: 14 KB, 470x470, Heston-Blumenthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off cuck

>> No.18369451

Cooking is a an art and something that takes dedication. Though a lot of failure and strife you can work it out but ultimately you should take note from the great chefs of the past. These people didn't need a study on the exact best way to cut an onion, they figured it out themselves and the certain context curtain cuts where needed. It is through this human experience that makes it something meaningful. When you take a purely scientific route you loose some of that humanity which ultimately detracts from the food. People like Adam exist as the soulless face of the modern state of cooking. Where instead of making food you are making nutrients.
Also his knife skills video is retarded.

>> No.18369465

good post

>> No.18369467

Cooking is literally just an application of chemistry and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.18369477

Cooking is an art, notscience

>> No.18369483

>doesn't know how to pH balance his baked goods

>> No.18369794

don't need it

>> No.18369899

The processed food industry uses tasting panels, they have a pretty good idea.

Chefs just cook for themselves, at least the ones who like eating. A lot of chef's don't even seem to enjoy food as food, more the theater around it.

>> No.18369904

Can science explain why his eyes are so fucking close together?

>> No.18369986

Are you talking about the science that changes its mind between eggs are healthy and eggs are deadly every two years?

>> No.18370021

Alcohol + Womb

>> No.18370062

>big jew has tests

okay bud

>> No.18370064

I already filtered the word ragusea and this ugly cuck still pops up here

>> No.18370275

Because food science, just like exercise science is a load of retarded bullshit that doesn't actually do anything other than tell us what we already instinctively know and figured out centuries or even millennia ago without needing some faggot in a lab coat to tell us how to cook food or how to lift weights.

>> No.18370306
File: 139 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam vs Alex in the cage, no rules. Who wins?

>> No.18370319

if that is not the face of a scheming jew then I don't know what is, looks like le happy merchans fucking lol