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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18369095 No.18369095 [Reply] [Original]

After I had my wisdom teeth out I ate nothing for a week but instant potatoes, cottage cheese w/refried beans, whey protein shakes, and greek yogurt.

What are your go to soft foods?

>> No.18369097

Did the dentist steal your teeth or give them back?

>> No.18369126

never understood that meme, my dentist told me to pull them but I called his scam and took the pain for 2 months and now I have all my teeth as nature would want it to be, power and health is in the teeth to a large part as the darkweb astrologists tell us. so basically you just aborted 4 powerstations, I would be angry.

on topic, soft food is minced meat and melted cheese, tasty and healthy

>> No.18369279

They kept them, I know, DNA on a database now or whatever. Already gave that shit to the bikes at 23andme before I knew better so it's a moot point.
I put it off for years, got to the point where it was causing crowding, I don't have a giant ooga booga mouth like a British-Caribbean lad such as your self.

>> No.18369336
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That's more variety than I normally eat.

>> No.18369350

are you some sort of jew abomination? all white here, still with the jaw size and head size to fit a big brain and teeth. gen z coombrains will never understand, nogsxrnt your fault I guess

>> No.18369364
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A lot of people don't need wisdom teeth removed, but some do. Mine came in at a 90 degree angle, straight out into my cheek. Every time I talked or chewed they'd rub against my cheek and cause cancer sores.

Sort of like this Pic, but instead of tilting against the other tooth it tilted to thr wide more until it was at 90 degrees with the other teeth

I've got some scars there from where the cheek skin was repeatedly rubbed raw and bleeding and kept from healing for months due to the wisdom teeth pushing straight out into them.

>> No.18369372 [DELETED] 
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>remove teeth
>one of them doesnt have a bottom and one of them literally is a screw

>> No.18369381

I received my 23andme parcel recently. how long did it take for you to receive your results?

>> No.18369504

Penis pot pie puree.

>> No.18369562

I thought you weren't supposed to remove wisdom teeth unless it is decaying or infected. There's really no reason to except to make dentists richer.

>> No.18369573

They stole mine. I even asked for them back and they were like "no :|"

>> No.18369574

Pureed soups.

>> No.18369624

I've gotten all of mine removed but I live in a country where it cost only around 25€ per tooth. Two of them required actual surgery too.

>> No.18369635
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>I thought you weren't supposed to remove wisdom teeth unless it is decaying or infected.
Why would you think that? I've never heard anyone say anything close to that before. Wisdom teeth are removed for any minor reason because they aren't important and the harm of leaving them in outweighs their general lack of benefits in keeping them.
Usually they're removed if they look like they're growing in at an angle that will impact / crowd the other teeth.

>> No.18369671

should i have my tooth in front of my wisdom tooth removed? its quite decayed, hollow and black on the inside, really nasty
every 6 months it starts to hurt which lasts for two weeks before the pain goes away

>> No.18371672

bro what. What does your mouth smell like?

>> No.18371822

yeh man, blood tests in k12 for sports. shit like that. parents sending in dna tests to random companies. it's a clown world.
who's this bute?

>> No.18371976

I got mine, they are fucking massive!
When I had mine out I ate a lot of custard and veggie soup. You cant avoid the DNA stuff because there will be SOMEBODY related to you stupid enough to have done 23andMe so your going to get got eventually.

>> No.18372892

The chick in pic related is from this music video

>> No.18372920

>I thought you weren't supposed to remove wisdom teeth unless it is decaying or infected.
You are correct. If it's not causing a problem it shouldn't be removed. I still have all my wisdom teeth, they grew in perfectly straight and have never had a problem. Dentists are just greedy fucks and want you to pay them thousands of dollars to remove your teeth so they fearmonger you about what "could" go wrong, and people like >>18369635 buy into it hook line and sinker.

Thing is we have other organs such as tonsils, appendix, and gall bladder which all can become infected and need to be removed yet we don't remove them until that happens, and in many people it simply never does. Never let someone scare you into removing healthy parts of your body "just in case."

>> No.18373016
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>go to get a wisdom tooth removed
>dentist makes it sound like it's just gonna be popped out
>oh shit it's basically horizontal
>has to instead break the tooth into pieces and pull out piece by piece

it was only 70 bucks compared to having to shell out 2 grand or more if I wanted a dental surgeon to knock me out and remove them, but man did that suck

>> No.18373027

Same, had it done with no novacaine or anesthesia.
After I got out he didn't even give me the good painkillers for recovery.
Gave me fucking dog painkillers that made me vomit.
I hate being an outlaw

>> No.18373132
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I bet you also think it is important to cut off your foreskin.