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18368848 No.18368848 [Reply] [Original]

Does your country use a health star system so that people are healthy?

>> No.18368887

Kind of, we have something they call a Nutri-Score (Nutritional Score) but its a retarded system easily abused.

Lots of very unhealthy food gets a Nutri Score of A, B or even a high C because they will say on the packaging that the entire box is 3-4 servings.
The nutri-score is not made up on the entirety of the packaging but by what the manufacturer claims is a single portion, so the bad shit gets cut up into smaller portions and thus the score goes up.

That the portion size is inherently made up and doesn't matter and is literally abused to get a good nutri-score is nothing the state is concerned about

>> No.18368913

So we finally corrected it from just being fat-based because of the fucking retards in charge? so much sugary shit was still 4+ while everything fatty was sub 2 star.

When did this happen?

>> No.18368947

How is Diet cola healthier than 100 per cent juice?
Diet cola is sweetened with carcinogenic artificial sweeteners and has basically no nutritional value. Is it the sugar in the juice that makes the health star low? Regular fruit has sugar, you know.

>> No.18368987
File: 1.27 MB, 1524x840, nutriscore vegshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these rating systems are just a scam to sell vegshit frankenfood.

>> No.18369007


Health ratings are for morbidly obese people who guzzle drinks by the gallon. Preventing that much sugar and calories is healthier for them.

>> No.18369016

I bet your shithole of a country rates a steak low because they can't afford it.

>> No.18369023

How do you explain the strawberry flavoured milk? It has more sugar than the 100 per cent juice.

>> No.18369030

So is untasty cheese better or worse?

>> No.18369057

>cheese is worse than processed puffed corn with artificial flavoring

>> No.18369068

As far as I can tell these changes came in 2020.
>How is Diet cola healthier than 100 per cent juice?
The ratings are categorised. You aren't comparing milk to chips to juice, you're comparing products in each category.
>Diet cola is sweetened with carcinogenic artificial sweeteners and has basically no nutritional value.
The ratings don't include broscience about artificial sweeteners.

>> No.18369083

>The ratings are categorised
Diet cola, orange juice and strawberry flavoured milk are all drinks. Isn’t the health star rating supposed to help you pick the healthiest one and not get the diet cola?

>> No.18369086
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>coke is healthier than fruit

>> No.18369092

Brando the thirst mutilator

>> No.18369096

the cheese is literally the most healthy thing on that list and it still deserves a one star

>> No.18369102

All soda is for goycattle, but as someone with kids I know juice is fucking terrible for you. It is a massive increase in risk of cavities and fucks up your blood sugar because you're drinking the equivalent of 10 fruits in one small box. I essentially never let my kids drink juice. All that said it should be higher than soda.

>> No.18369124

No. People here aren't retarded.

>> No.18369133

Dairy based drinks have their own category.

>> No.18369143

How the fuck is strawberry milk higher than diet soda?
How the fuck is dried fruit popular?

>> No.18369148
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>strawberry flavored milk
>4 stars

>> No.18369150

australia is a dry place
wet fruit is hard to find I guess

>> No.18369173

>Have the most diverse jungle in the world
>80% of the landmass is a dessert
>Unable to terraform because some activist is going to complain that some species of lizard only exist on that dessert
Australians are retarded

>> No.18369174
File: 66 KB, 1200x1200, Mount Franklin Lightly Sparkling Water Wild Berry Bottle 1.25l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk actually has nutrients in it.
The cola is just flavoured water, which isn’t a bad thing if it wasn’t for the shitty ingredients.
Here’s how you flavour water.
>Carbonated spring water, natural flavour

>> No.18369187

oh, I'm soooo glad you know about the plight of the *spins wheel* Lake Pedder Earthworm.

>> No.18369209

How do you terraform desert? There's no nutrients. Also some of their land has so much salt in it that nothing grows in it.

>> No.18369223

Milk has fat and sugar, strawberry milk has even more sugar added
It's fine if you are drinking one glass
At least they could have used regular milk or 1% instead of fucking strawberry milk by that point go all out and suggest people drink chocolate milk with chocolate shavings on top and whipped cream

>> No.18369230

You can start by creating rivers which is actually super easy
You can actually build forests in actual sand by planting the right kind of tree and those trees would eventually fix the shitty land quality by themselves

>> No.18369233

>Natural Flavor
Nobody has any fucking idea what this means. Why am I supposed to treat seltzer as superior to soda when it's flavored with mystery crap?

>> No.18369240

>Lightly sparkling

>> No.18369241

Oh, ok. You should probably call their PM and tell him about these brilliant ideas you have.

>> No.18369242

Tasty cheesebros.......... our star rating... it's too low....

>> No.18369249

>You can start by creating rivers which is actually super easy
we're not allowed to terraform abo land, same thing as canadians and their natives. NATO hates whites and what we can create to solve issues.

>> No.18369260

>only tasty cheese is a 1 star
what about shitty tasting cheese

>> No.18369273

>just pay higher taxes and you can live in a prettier prison

>> No.18369280
File: 33 KB, 300x225, Coca-Cola-ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coca-Cola also has natural flavours. The biggest problem is actually the sugar or the even worse high-fructose corn syrup.
If you must get a cola get a Zevia Cola or something similar.

>> No.18369286

Oops, I forgot the artificial sweeteners in the diet cola, which are even worse than the high-fructose corn syrup.

>> No.18369294

Just give them quiet money that's all they want

>> No.18369297

Too busy creating women only spaces I guess

>> No.18369304


>> No.18369317

Isn't Aspartime roughly as healthy for you as methanol?

>> No.18369383
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There are several studies on the subject.
More studies need to be made to reach a final conclusion.
It’s really strange that some people don’t care and just ingest this stuff without it ever have been properly studied.
The 5G in this pic is just a joke, or maybe not, who knows. But everything else actually happened.

>> No.18369610

Drinking diet is as healthy as smoking a menthol. Which is as healthy as eating an apple.

>> No.18369627

Well, asbestos is a great insulator. We're replacing it with fiberglass, but fiberglass insulation removal has literally exactly the same problems as asbestos.

>> No.18369636

>sweetened strawberry milk healthier than cheese

Who the fuck made this?

>> No.18369643

Read dune

>> No.18369650

Im still laughing at the canned cassoulet getting an A nutriscore. This shit is laughably bulls, i dont know anyone who give it a single thought.

>> No.18369672

time to cut out tasty cheese and fruits and replace them with strawberry milk, thanks OP!

>> No.18370284
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Just make strawberry cheese, it's like concentrated strawberry milk

>> No.18370293
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Timtam bros...

>> No.18370299
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>yogurt bad

>> No.18370303
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>french fries good

>> No.18370315
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What happened to Australia?

>> No.18370324

This must be some kind of propaganda
Those potatoes obviously produced locally while they must be too retarded to figure out yogurt making so they would rather promote something they made instead

>> No.18370331

>diet soda
>literally just water
suck my fucking cock

>> No.18370360

>people still don't you that its a jew system where companies pay to get better ratings
eat that goy stop goys

>> No.18370363

>4 times less healthy than milk full of sugar syrup
>less healthy than fucking Cheese Twisties
>diet cola
>more healthy than fruit juice
Who the hell made this rating system? This is the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

>> No.18370382

I think they're going by sugar/fructose content. OJ doesn't have any fiber unlike oranges so it gets absorbed much faster.

>> No.18370384

Then why are all these things in the same graphic with no indication of categories at all if it's all category-based?

>> No.18370386

What is orange juice with pulp

>> No.18370393

Majority juice, also for some reason companies still add sugar to it. They never clarified what brand except just "juice", while cola is specifically named...

>> No.18370394

>1 star because it's tasty

>> No.18370419

That's because the process they use to make the juice removes the flavor so by the point it's ready to be packaged they have to include ways to artificially enhance it otherwise it would taste like shit
This is why supermarkets have their own brands of juice and they include organic in the label

>> No.18370461

>They never clarified what brand except just "juice", while cola is specifically named...
Anon, cola is a flavor, not a brand. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and RC are all examples of brands of cola-flavored soft drinks (and there are many others). "Diet cola" doesn't specify a brand, it's just as generic a term as "orange juice" in that it specifies a flavor (orange/cola) and preparation style (juice/diet) but not a particular brand.

>> No.18370488

They clearly didn't say organic orange juice

>> No.18370744

So string cheese is half a star healthier than other cheeses because somebody decided it isn't as tasty?

>> No.18370764

Most string cheese is skim, which is "good."

>> No.18371950

It's probably from a newspaper website that mentions the categories in the article that OP didn't include.

>> No.18371969

>you're comparing products in each category.
If so that makes OPs image extremely misleading
fuck I hate journalists so much

>> No.18372589

Yogurt is one of the healthiest things someone can eat. I bet fucking cornflakes have 3 or 4 stars.

Anyway if you arent cooking from mostly raw ingredients your eating wrong anyway.

>> No.18372612

Who the fuck uses aspartam anymore.
Here they all just switched to Stevia extract.
We probably don't know if it's better than aspartam but at least it's not aspartam.

>> No.18372615

Cheese is fucking awful for nutrition, brah
Not saying sugar yogurt is better but still.

>> No.18372641

because it is? juice is fucking terrible for you

>> No.18372655

>Cheese is fucking awful for nutrition,
Why? It's like concentrated milk. Full of calcium and vitamin D.

>> No.18372662

>Who the fuck uses aspartam anymore.
Just about every major diet soda producer in the US. Coke Zero uses aspartame, for instance. Only the smaller hipster brands catering to hippie moms use more expensive sweeteners like stevia.

>> No.18372703

it's weighted

>> No.18372708

>drink glass of orange juice while health rating is 5 stars
>mid drink, goes down to 2

>suddenly, get nauseous and throw up, gain 10 pounds and nose starts bleeding

what ?

>> No.18372719

the new health star formula weighs sugar content more heavily negative than it used to but also weighs things like nutrient density and protein content more positively than it used to.

ergo, fruit juice which has the sugar content of some sodas and is the #1 cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, but provides minimal micronutrients and only vitamin c, has slid in the ratings. strawbree milk, which has less or equal sugar but high calcium, vitamin, and (most importantly) protein content, has gone up.

you can download the excel calculator and see how the formula works

>> No.18372723

The only reason diet coke uses aspartame is because they know it'll piss people off if they change the formula. That's why coke zero exists. Not to mention their energy drink division uses erythritol

>> No.18372730
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Coke Zero uses aspartame, I said so specifically in my post. Can you not read?

>> No.18372732

Just looked this up and it looks like a few brands don’t deoxygenate the juice which kills the flavor. Odd that they don’t advertise that.

>> No.18372899

You are correct, I'm illiterate, my bad

>> No.18372914

william saurinbros... where we at

>> No.18372970

Probably because we live in a time where deoxygenated sounds like poison

>> No.18373023

>weiner art
do germans really?

>> No.18373530

Australian food health board is the most shilltastic nightmare shit you can imagine
All I needed to know about it was that they literally gave goat cheese 1/5 and give milo (chocolate powder) and up&go sugar milk like 4 and 5
It's just fucking fake and if you read them in any way you're just plain retarded
Maybe it correlates sometimes (like chocolate corps that don't pay the fucking corruption money) but you can tell that shit with your fucking eyes
Nutrition facts reign supreme and all you need from those is generally grams of sugar, grams of fiber, and the micros (and the calories obviously)

>> No.18373552

Plus getting a star rating is voluntary, so nobody gets them unless it makes the product look good.

>> No.18373568

Some of them really don't make sense. A bag of just frozen vegetables with nothing added gets a B but bags of potato chips get an A for some reason. I think they weigh calories/weight way more than actual nutritional value but then deduct points again if there's too much sugar in it.

>> No.18373570

If the ingredients in a package exceeds the fingers on one hand it's fucking trash.

That's MY system.

>> No.18373587

Why don't they do it to the other deserts in the world?

>> No.18373589
File: 268 KB, 295x400, veggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This product is a mix of three vegetables with absolutely 0 additives or seasonings and somehow only gets a B, the same grade as a bag of frozen potato wedges with truckloads of salt and sunflower seed oil. Literally makes no sense.

>> No.18373612

It's what you send to art hoes instead of dick pics

>> No.18373713
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Nestle was using the health star rating of a tbsp of Milo when mixed with 250ml of skim milk. now they have to just list the serving of Milo and it nosedove

>> No.18373725

oh and Up & Go gets 2.5 and only because of its high protein and fibre. Up & Go No Sugar gets 5

>> No.18374769

The impression I get from this thread is that maybe health ratings are a stupid idea for trying to reduce something so complicated to a simple score

but really for most people the only thing that actually matters is calories, just put that front and center on all packaging, calories for the total pack to avoid any serving size nonsense, anybody who needs more than that can just look at the actual nutritional info

>> No.18374902

People are getting so fat that they are putting artificial sweeteners in a lot of things, it’s getting harder to avoid. Some people are going to pay because of others.

>> No.18375604

>the only thing that actually matters is calories, just put that front and center on all packaging
they pretty much already do that, it's the easiest thing to discern from any food packaging at least.

health ratings aren't a stupid idea at all because they provide a little extra nuance and guidance, but like with everything the retards can't make sense of it and then we have to dumß it all done even more. we have to tell people not to eat batchries ffs

>> No.18376029

>Crisps healthier than cheese

You're all being lied to

>> No.18376082

>literally flavored 99.9% water worse than strawberry milk
Wanna know how I know this chart was made by a boomer and/or American? They still can't get over the fact that milk is not "healthy", and might actually be among the equivalent category of junk food for beverages.
No one has delusions sugary Coke is healthy. But the meme is strong with milk.

>> No.18376116

Because it’s (poorly) categorized.
Here’s an explanation:


>> No.18376147

So cheeses are rated on tastiness with blander being better while crisps are rated on something else?

>> No.18376157

based nettobro

>> No.18376267

our natives barely give a shit about our land and are actually making tons of money and value with their tax and zoning breaks, they have already created a fuck huge mall and are making a 3000 unit tower complex in vancouver in an area where you'd never be allowed to build anything close to that dense.

>> No.18376441

ffs read the thread. these items aren't compared against each other, they're compared to their own category, so there's no relevance to the star rating between a dairy drink (it's own category) and a water based drink.