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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18368198 No.18368198 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women insecure about cooking nowadays? There's nothing wrong with enjoying and knowing how to cook.
We need to get women back in the kitchen.

>> No.18368205

Real incel hours.

>> No.18368220

that poor lady.

how are women going to learn how to cook now? they can watch bon appetit and fagusea but it's not really the same as doing it. a strong independent career woman doesn't need to cook for herself, anyway. that's what uber eats is for.

>> No.18368229

Girl bosses use food delivery apps and subscription meals to eat nowadays

>> No.18368231
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>tfw will never be a househusband for a career woman and cook her meals every day

>> No.18368235

What's so bad about being a Mr. Mom?

>> No.18368236


>> No.18368245

>they can watch bon appetit and fagusea but it's not really the same as doing it
Holy shit. This might be the biggest projection I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.18368249

did you catch the last fagusea vid? I love how he respects women AND the science.

>> No.18368255
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Nothing anon, you may have misread my post.
Its what WANT to do. I just don't think it will happen

>> No.18368256

If I ever met anyone irl who told me they ever clicked on a ragusa link I would beat their face in. I fucking hate zoomers.

>> No.18368268

I didn't, and I agree on it's likelihood. But all a man has, is hope.

>> No.18368275

Neckbeard moment.

>> No.18368289

same with babish. I've only ever met preddit types who think they're smart for knowing about them, like a secret key to cooking: some faggy midwit charlatans on youtube.

>> No.18368316

Did you happen to see that smash burger thread from a few days ago? It was nothing but ragusa/babish babies repeating the same talking points about "maillard reaction" trying to argue how overcooked fast food burgers are the *best thing ever!* with a few anons who actually cook. It was one of the cringiest things I've seen in awhile. E-celeb crap is the worst thing that's ever happened to this board.

>> No.18368320

All you need to take a look at that face and you just know hes a retard.

>> No.18368322

damn still seething about smash burgers being better three days later huh? That's kinda sad

>> No.18368325

e celeb shit used to be fun anon,
joey threads, jack threads

>> No.18368338

They aren't. You don't sound like you know many women. You might not know any women at all, or possibly anybody of any gender.

>> No.18368339

No shit. Where do you think you are?

>> No.18368342

>assblasted roasties haunting the thread like the fetal ghosts that haunt their pussies

>> No.18368345

Brava. Way to exhibit behaviors akin to sexist.

>> No.18368352

There's nothing sexist about being familiar with women as real human beings.

>> No.18368355
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>> No.18368362

You're judging people with access to little information of who they are, that's akin to what sexist do.

>> No.18368365

>e celeb shit used to be fun
That's when this board went to shit. If you don't remember masao you're just a retarded election tourist.

>> No.18368369

I’m living your dream apparently lol

>> No.18368404

Actually I truthfully started using this site in 2017 so that's 3 years before Biden won. I'm pretty far from an election tourist and I only ever used /pol/ during the campaign and not since then so sit and be humble.

>> No.18368411

We need to get everyone back in the kitchen. It is not acceptable to be at or above the age of 18, and not know how to prepare a meal for yourself.

>> No.18368413

>truthfully started using this site in 2017 so that's 3 years before biden won
>pretty far from an election tourist

>> No.18368416

Yes, I agree but there is no prejudice against males in the kitchen nowadays as there is about women. The powers that be don't want women to know anything about cooking, they want to make women believe it's demeaning.

>> No.18368423

Don't think anyone is stopping them m8.

>> No.18368434

Damn. My titty-memory is off these days. I could have sworn that was Nadine Jansen.
Because we want women to be able to be self-sufficient and able to feed themselves and others? That is sexist. Learning skills that allow you to be independent gives you strength. Next thing you know people will scream at me for trying to teach women how to sew.

>> No.18368436

No, because you sound like an incel.

>> No.18368449
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>w-why did you aborted me, mommy? you would have named me deshawn
>why do you look at 4chan when it makes you sad, mommy?
>maybe you could have maked me pancakes instead, mommy
>you d-didn't have to be alone, mommy
>it's okay, mommy, I'll w-wait for you

>> No.18368460

They all want to be strong independent women who don't need no man. Well, until they need to date me or hire my services just to fucking feed themselves.

>> No.18368471

Yeah. They'll need you one day. Then they'll be sorry.

>> No.18368482

They need me every day. I make food for a living. After 5 years with a gf who couldn't cook I got a bf and we cook together.

>> No.18368497

>After 5 years with a gf who couldn't cook I got a bf and we cook together.
Normally we call that a best friend or a dorm-mate. Or you were just gay all along.

>> No.18368510

>just gay all along

>> No.18368512

If he kept the gf it's a trinity and that's ideal. Most people need more than one partner to complete them, but more than two can get frustratingly conplicated.

>> No.18368514

ive used this site since 2009 anon, i just never really browsed /ck/ a whole ton since the joey shit
calm down loser

>> No.18368535

>admitting to being a newfag
Double yikes!

>> No.18368562

who the fuck cares this site is reddit 2.0 anyways elitist fag

>> No.18368573

Is anyone going to make a crude remark about the size of that woman's breasts?

>> No.18368574

Doing shit by yourself is considered waste of time nowdays.

>> No.18368575


>> No.18368622

No idea, I've never dated a girl who can cook. I was with a girl who would get dominos on those finance plans though, even though I told her she could literally buy 2 sacks of potatoes with the three £7 payments she's making over three months and sustain her for weeks.

>> No.18368646

>dominos on those finance plans

>> No.18368671

>We need to get women back in the kitchen.
This is why you men are still single and will never find a girl to settle with you let alone leave your creeper anime dungeon. Why would we want to sequester ourselves like our ancestors did? I rather be free to enjoy my life's ambitions and pursuits rather than be weighed down by a fat dysgenic loser incel who thinks women are some brainless creature you keep as a sex pet. Your understanding of women goes to show why you all are nothing more than unfit for society outcasts where you shouldn't be brought out into the sunlight.

As you all say, cope and seethe. The world is different and you're outdated, out classed and obsolete.

>> No.18368677


>> No.18368699

>"I can order food by UberEats, so I don't have to waste my time in kitchen and can waste my time browsing social media more" The post
lmao even

>> No.18368706


You clearly have no friends, let alone the ability to comment on how relationships work.

>> No.18368714

>fat dysgenic loser incel
I am those things but I am not a misogynist who thinks like that, I simply believe we should encourage more women to learn and enjoy cooking for themselves or loved ones instead of viewing it as something demeaning and shameful.

>> No.18368724
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>> No.18368729

Nobody does that, Anon. You need to learn to discern between the real world and what terminally online people love to spout in their little echo chambers

>> No.18368899

okay then have fun when youre 40 and childless. No one will settle down and provide for you. You do not get the benefits of being a traditional woman while offering none of the benefits.

>> No.18368909

Midwits need an idol to worship.

>> No.18368917

wow dude youve wasted more of your life on here than anyone else youre so cool man haha

>> No.18368929
File: 9 KB, 275x183, ronnie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow oldfag. remember the ronnie's burgers posts?

>> No.18368931

last post best post

>> No.18368934
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>> No.18368937
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I made all of these btw

>> No.18368974

My aunt lives with my grandma and I've never seen her in front of a stove. My mom claims to have seen her in front of the stove only to heat up a hamburger patty. We and my mom hate her so we try not to bring too much food to my grandmas house and if there's any leftovers of food we made at my grandmas we take it home and throw it in the trash.

>> No.18369066
File: 1.64 MB, 221x244, Pain, sorrow even...gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.18369082

Mother claims she never feels appreciated for her cooking.
Sister actually kinda likes cooking but always feels stressed like something might go wrong while under time pressure. Hence she prefers baking.

>> No.18369129

>second wave feminism still living rent free inside op's head

Why does it always feel like I'm communicating with people through a wormhole in the spacetime continuum. Prime rib is cool, murphy brown is destroying america's moral fabric, what's next are we going to be sperging about the hazards of MSG in chinese food?

>> No.18369157

Gender roles were considered oppressive by marxist thinkers.
Today women feel obligated to not oblige them in order to continue the revolution.
Evolution will fix this sort of thinking, look at who is having children and who isn't, they will inherit the earth and feminism will be a footnote.

>> No.18369165

This has to be bait right?

>> No.18369172

>Next thing you know people will scream at me for trying to teach women how to sew.
Somehow I don't believe that you know how to sew or have ever tried to teach a woman how to sew. I suspect you just criticize them online for not being trad enough while you sit in your underwear eating cheetos

>> No.18369180

Or perhaps he is advocating for the change he wants to see in society same as you.
I don't care if you don't like it.

>> No.18369182

lmao I love you

>> No.18369186

That was my first post itt Cheetos anon

>> No.18369192
File: 56 KB, 625x605, male-feminist-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, maybe you'll get to hug a woman if you continue to advocate for their liberation from oppressive gender norms.
What do you like to cook?

>> No.18369197

I am a woman, and I will never sew or cook anything for you. So it doesn't matter what I like to cook because you'll never taste it ;)

>> No.18369217

Cool, you don't need to as I have one already who will. The best part is that you don't even need to change your attitude in your lifetime, those who believe in gender roles are the ones having more children. Society changes to reflect its inhabitants.

>> No.18369225

Kek my dad and me where I still am for my mom I miss food being cheap and feedie her

>> No.18369228

The zoomer generation is filled with ze/zir types anon, and lots of them come from trad households. Sorry to burst your bubble but people are going to continue to be more and more liberated from traditional gender roles

>> No.18369247

>back in the kitchen
yes to clean
i dont trust women to make food for me

>> No.18369256

doesnt exist
woman is a sex

>> No.18369259

>Gender roles don't exist
Then why are you mad about women not cooking and sewing retard

>> No.18369262

It actually doesn't matter if they are, that's kind of my point. Those who accept your viewpoint effectively self-select out of the genepool, either outright through being childless or by breeding under replacement level.
The segment of the population that doesn't identify with dysgenic strategies will only become more staunch in their opposition. Social conditioning also only works for as long as basic needs are met, once those are no longer being met and normal darwinian conditions return, then you'll see a large societal adjustment as the energy that was available to think about concepts like women's liberation will need to be diverted to simply surviving.
I'm playing a longer game than you, no civilization has lasted longer than 500~ years before being ripe for collapse. Conformity is enforced by necessity.

>> No.18369277
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>Oh yeah, well when the apocalypse comes you'll be sorry, because my wife knows how to cook beef wellington!

>> No.18369282

>the apocalypse
Societal collapse isn't the end, just a new beginning in a cycle that has been occurring since before recorded history.
I'll accept your concession.

>> No.18369288
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>I'll accept your concession

>> No.18369325

this was me, I was in neetdom for 2 years and it was ideal

>> No.18369334

everyone should know how to
it seems zoomie women are particularly terrible at cooking
idk why you think every poster it is OP

>> No.18369349

>discussing why people are insecure about a basic life skill that has been practiced since living in caves and huts makes someone an incel

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.18369363

I've yet to have been with a girl my age who can cook as well as me. Kind of nice though cuz it's gotten me head before lol. >>18369334

>> No.18369366

see >>18369129

>> No.18369375

>he said increasingly nervous for the 8th decade in a row since women acquired the right to vote

>> No.18369376

Repackaged "CURRENT YEAR" posts aren't worth anyone's time. You're not clever.

>> No.18369379

I'm pretty at ease. We haven't had harsh darwinian selection since the industrial revolution, 8 decades isn't a very long time.

>> No.18369385

thank you for your service

>> No.18369399

You're right, it doesn't show any cleverness to point at a retard and call it retarded

This being something that took zero skill on my part doesn't make *you* any less retarded though

Were you adopted by octogenarians or what's your excuse?

>> No.18369406

I'm a fat piece of shit who can't cook and I'll survive Darwinian pressures because I'm intelligent and have marketable skills. Have fun hunting moose or whatever meme bullshit you tell yourself

>> No.18369415

What does this have to do with Splatoon?

>> No.18369441

I think there's a concept that fits this type of situation, Donkey Kong effect or some such.
>assuming there's a proper market and that the skills you have will be valuable on the other side

>> No.18369452

>Society is going to completely collapse and return to the bronze age!! 2 more weeks!!!

>> No.18369460

My dream…

>> No.18369474

>it's unprecedented
>never happened in all of history
As stated, long game.

>> No.18369482

>plays the long game
>dies alone surrounded by canned beans and katanas
>discovered weeks later when neighbors report a smell

>> No.18369498

You're still thinking short term.
>anon is found as a mummified corpse in an excavated city 2000 years in the future clinging to his virtues that no one cares about

>> No.18369537

>marketable skills
at least you are smart enough to know you are a useful idiot