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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18366080 No.18366080 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18366086

just buy fresh/bake and don't eat a whole loaf on every meal. you'll be fine.

>> No.18366091

Bread is my favourite food, I eat it with every meal and can't stop. I WONT stop.

>> No.18366165

>want bread
>realize it's all carbs
>realize cake is also mostly carbs
>eat cake instead

>> No.18366206
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what's the problem with carbs?
you do work hard to deserve bread, aren't you Anon?

>> No.18366216
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I see you, ketolard. Very nice.

>> No.18366218

Yeah, the literal food source that turned us from cave dwelling retards to where we are today is evil... I mean modern society isn't great but fuck subsistence living.
Go back to facebook and bitch with the other soccer moms

>> No.18366228

I deserve cake!

>> No.18366240 [DELETED] 

>want sex
>realize it's just a hole
>realize my arsehole is a hole too
>fuck men instead

>> No.18366248

You know people in Europe eat bread, pasta, potatoes and rice like crazy and aren't nearly as fats as Americans?
Carbs are not as evil as you think

>> No.18366271
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>literal food source that turned us from cave dwelling retards to where we are today is evil
I love bread but this actually makes a lot of sense

>> No.18366282
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Because European bread is actual bread

>> No.18366294

What do people even use wonder bread for? I'm not judging but I never had any while growing up despite still being white trash.

>> No.18366307
File: 276 KB, 435x392, 1647634781451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least wonder bread is trying to be healthy

>> No.18366320

I'm making eggs Benedict tonight: https://youtu.be/eFrEgyTZvV0

>> No.18366463
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>implying putting in whiteners, preservatives and other chemicals to stretch out the lifetime of bread just because of making it presliced is in any way healthy for you in the long run.

America fucked up bread in a way no other country did and is still doing it wrong today.

>> No.18366508
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do your own bread retard
mix and play with it, put it in the oven, enjoy
even I can do it

>> No.18367043

lunch sandwiches for kids is common, also quick grilled cheeses with a couple kraft slices and some butter

>> No.18367092

This is a globohomo conspiracy

>> No.18367160

wonder bread was meant for kids originally, it had vitamins added to it, so in effect it is better for you than any other bread. and the amount of sugar in it depends on where it is made.

either it does not have any more sugar than you will find in sliced white bread in europe. I know i've checked.

>> No.18367178

What agriculture did was give us the excess calories, sedentary lifestyles, and free time to start wasting time and energy on dumb shit like developing civilization and technology. This happened because grains are an easy calorie source, not because they're a healthy food. The fossil record shows a pretty abrupt transition from hunter-gatherers with great bone structure and perfect teeth to agrarian societies riddled with malnutrition and cavities, and smaller brains as well.

Agriculture paved the way for modern civilization, no doubt, but you're the retard if you think that's a positive thing. You're a double retard if you think there's anything healthy about bread.

>> No.18367186

Even the worst American supermarket has literally dozens of varieties of bread. Shitty chain supermarkets in my tiny town still have in-store bakeries that make various breads with ingredient lists that are flour, water, salt. Do you honestly think that wonder bread is the only option we have?

>> No.18367200

>The fossil record shows a pretty abrupt transition from hunter-gatherers with great bone structure and perfect teeth to agrarian societies riddled with malnutrition and cavities, and smaller brains as well.
[citation needed]

>> No.18367216

don't bother, he's retarded.
civilization began with the greeks. it was their culture and riches that afforded them free time, not bread. humans have been eating bread since the beginning.

>> No.18367224

>[citation needed]
Then go to fucking google you lazy cunt. It's common fucking knowledge. Don't they teach you anything in school anymore?

>Dawn of agriculture took toll on health
>When populations around the globe started turning to agriculture around 10,000 years ago, regardless of their locations and type of crops, a similar trend occurred: The height and health of the people declined.

>Human Health and the Neolithic Revolution: an Overview of Impacts of the Agricultural Transition on Oral Health, Epidemiology, and the Human Body
>By analyzing teeth from Neolithic samples, paleoanthropologists have observed a general trend of declining oral health among Neolithic people in comparison to their hunter-gatherer predecessors. The advent of agriculture is associated with the reduction of tooth size, crowding, increases in caries, and increased occurrence of periodontal disease

>> No.18367229
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>It's common fucking knowledge.
is it?
if you make a claim back it up.

>> No.18367231

>humans have been eating bread since the beginning.
Since the beginning of what, you simple shit? Agriculture is 12,000 years old against the 300,000 year existence of anatomically modern humans. Regardless, read and weep: >>18367224

>> No.18367235

>is it?
Among people possessing an education past high school, yes.

>if you make a claim back it up.
You're responding to the post in which I did exactly that, so...?

>> No.18367254

Seethe more. It tastes good. More for me

>> No.18367257

Illusion of choice, most of it is the same trash.

>> No.18367259

There's not much difference between a eurosceptic and a Jew in terms of hating America. One is just sneakier about it.

>> No.18367264

>Shitty chain supermarkets in my tiny town still have in-store bakeries that make various breads with ingredient lists that are flour, water, salt.

>> No.18367267

So literally no argument, just deflection.

>> No.18367287

>tfw smartasses disappear as soon as you provide the proof they were whining for

>> No.18367289

I don't know the specific bakeries that you're talking about but just because it looks fresh and healthy doesn't necessarily mean it is. It might be, but I wouldn't take it for granted.
For example https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370448/Fresh-baked-supermarket-bread-rolls-frozen-YEAR-old.html

>> No.18367290

>Agriculture is 12,000 years old against the 300,000 year existence of anatomically modern humans
sir the earth is only 6,000 years old

>> No.18367319

>let me tell you about how terrible american bread is by posting an article about how terrible european bread is
jesus christ, are you people serious?
My local in-supermarket bakery is completely open, just sitting behind the bakery counter. If you care you can stand and watch them mix and bake bread, you can literally buy it warm if you want to show up early enough. This is just the chain supermarket shit, there are two independent bakeries in town as well. This is a town of roughly 25,000 people and the options massively expand in larger towns and cities.

>> No.18367331

to eat bread and not have a massive carb.surplusin your body you'd have to be working physically all day. our bodies are too efficient and bread is too nutrient dense.

>> No.18367347

anyone can tell this is a disingenuous argument.
as far as recorded human history is concerned, our reliance on grains/carbs has been increasing, yet people are getting taller.

the cultures/areas regarded as having the lowest incidence of disease, the most longevity, and the highest overall indicators of health are all extremely reliant on grains (meds and japs).

nobody cares that muh ooga boogas didn't have cavities. they also had the longevity of fruit flies and died with their fucking baby teeth.

>> No.18367351

Europe is not one country you know. UK has very shitty bread comparing to most countries in continental Europe. They're similar to the US in that sense. I'm sure you can find similar articles about supermarket bakeries in the US, it's a common practice in such places. I was referring to this.
>Shitty chain supermarkets in my tiny town still have in-store bakeries that make various breads with ingredient lists that are flour, water, salt.

>> No.18367356

a healthy body is one that moves around a lot during the day. if you don't move around a lot during the day, you have bigger problems than just diet.

provided you are healthy and DO move around a lot during the day, your diet should be about 70% carbs, which is plenty of room for delicious bread.

if you want to argue that since you're a vegetative lard-ass fuck who sits on his ass watching TV all day every day, you can't afford bread in your diet, then I'll argue that I don't want to take advice from an obese hambeast that will die at 35 from their body collapsing under its own dead weight long before their diet could affect them.

>> No.18367369

This looks great. What kind of oven are you using?

>> No.18367371

>anyone can tell this is a disingenuous argument.
Yes, the fossil record showing an undeniable decline in human health coinciding with the advent of agriculture is just so disingenuous! I can't even...just ugh, it's not fair, it's basically cheating to use evidence to prove your argument.

>yet people are getting taller.
This is a very recent phenomenon which coincided roughly with worldwide improvements in nutrition after the industrial revolution:
>Human height has steadily increased over the past 2 centuries across the globe. This trend is in line with general improvements in health and nutrition during this period.
and has begun to reverse now that, as you said,
>our reliance on grains/carbs has been increasing

>According to a new study from Imperial College in London, the average human is getting shorter. The report looked at 1,472 studies from more than 200 countries that included the measured heights of 18.6 million people between 1896 and 1996. Overall, average human height seems to have peaked about 30 to 40 years ago.

Or is that "disingenuous" too?

>> No.18367378

>muh study
look around you. I don't know a single person shorter than either of their parents.

>> No.18367389

Ah yes, for what is science in the face of anecdotal evidence? You've outwitted me, good sir, and ably so at that.

>> No.18367427
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>we didn't domesticate wheat
>wheat domesticated us
who else is wheatpilled

>> No.18367437

as a native of the americas, I am blood-bound in my oath to be maizepilled before wheatpilled

the indigenous peoples of central america actually did worship maize as a deity.

>> No.18367600
File: 43 KB, 1281x819, iStock-1262323535-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quite literally the most evil food there is
guess again

>> No.18367652

>a healthy body is one that moves around a lot during the day. if you don't move around a lot during the day, you have bigger problems than just diet.
defend this statement

>> No.18367719


Why are anti-Americans so willfully stupid? Americans can purchase food products from the complete spectrum ranging from low quality to high quality. Yes, we even have real bakeries baking fresh bread daily without all the chemicals. Did you know that? Or are you merely pretending to be a reverse cherry-picking retard. Even coming close to generating abundance for over 330 million people is a testament to American Glory.

>> No.18367732
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>white bread
You didn't eat the bread

>> No.18367745
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I hate America so much is unreal
>you WILL eat the slop

>> No.18367763

How do you preserve it? shove it into the freezer and reheat in the morning?

>> No.18367765

It would be stale.

>> No.18367773

Yes. It works for me.

>> No.18367893

>its another thread where non-americans tell amerians what they eat.

>> No.18367905

fuck off schizo

>> No.18368321

get the guillotines, it's marie antoinette!

>> No.18368364

There is some evidence that hunter-gatherers were making bread from wild grains and tubers at least 14000 years ago, although their diets were still mostly based on animal products. There are some arguments to be made about modern grain varieties being less nutritious and refining removing even more nutrition, and obviously if your diet is mostly bread that's not good either, but bread doesn't have to be inherently bad.

>> No.18368371

>and has begun to reverse now that, as you said,
>>our reliance on grains/carbs has been increasing
I don't think carbs are the problem, it's more processed food in general. Processed food often contains carbs because they're cheap, but the heavily processed fats we started consuming don't seem to be good for us either.

>> No.18368376

Vegetable shortening was infinitely worse than vegetable oils. It was so bad that they had to reformulate it to remove most of the artificial trans fats that were directly killing people.

>> No.18368697

Ketofags are retards
The bread isn't making you fat. Being a lazy fat faggot who eats nothing but fast food is making you fat.
Keto is literally the first time in your entire life when you've tried counting calories, so you've lost weight. Congrats. You retard. Add bread back into the mix and keep counting calories and you won't have a problem.
Every generation of your ancestors was tougher and more masculine than you and got up to 80% of their daily calories from grains, which they would use to beat the shit out of you for being a massive pussy.

>> No.18368718

>Starts his height chart in the 19th century, during the industrial revolution, which was a known time of quasi-famine due to population growth exceeding nutritional supply
>Uses this argument to say human height has monotonically increased throughout human history
You're not short because you eat bread. You're short because you eat nothing at all.

>> No.18368939

The food of the gods, revealed to man along with the use of fire and the making of bronze.

>> No.18368962 [DELETED] 

who the fuck eats bread without consideration of their own intake

>> No.18368994 [DELETED] 

>me and my buddies are too retarded not to eat everything we see so i blame nature
Honestly, you're right. Nature was wrong to give you even a semi-sapient body, you should've been a primal animal.

>> No.18369040

Unbleached being a thing to even notice still make me laugh.

>> No.18369469

You guys wouldn't have the concept of food deserts if everyone in America had a supermarket close to them. Yeah you can get artisanal things in a big city most likely but it's not like the majority of Americans can access things. If you truly valued bread, you would have bread shops around almost every corner and a 5 minute walk would get you to quality bread like in Europe. There's no need to overcomplicate a food that at minimum only needs 3 ingredients for making it convenient and longer lasting and thus requires 20-30+ "ingredients".

>> No.18369748

>store in the ghetto stocks fresh bread and produce
>people spend their food stamps on chips, soda, candy and microwaved frozen meals
>the bread and vegetables go stale and rotten and have to be thrown out, store loses money and decides not to buy more
I've heard of people buying a bunch of candy bars with food stamps, reselling them for cash and using it to buy drugs, etc.

>> No.18369832

bread is all glucose, cake is sucrose+glucose and unlike bread is almost always 100% white refined to fuck flour. Bread is basically health-neutral while cake is actively bad for you.

>> No.18369939
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>> No.18369970
File: 279 KB, 1300x956, bakery-section-at-wegmans-grocery-store-westwood-massachusetts-usa-GNTC1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just making shit up
Basically every grocery store has a bakery.

>> No.18369974

Grocery stores in the ghetto have fresh produce and bread. What are you talking about.

>> No.18370096
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normal Bosch oven that came with my apartment
I give half to my mom or sister and eat the other half within a day or two
no idea how much it'd last since freshly made bread it's too tasty to find out

>> No.18370111
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>shove it into the freezer and reheat in the morning?
just store it in a plastic bag at room temperature
or if you want to be fancy, pic rel

>> No.18370131

>let me tell you about your country
ghettoes with mexicans or FOB africans might. but ""food deserts"" exist because black people on average aren't interested in eating healthy. not enough for it to be profitable to stock healthy foods. more than that, in real dangerous, crime ridden hoods, the kind of store that would stock fresh produce often finds it isn't worth conducting business when they are constantly getting shoplifted, robbed and shot up.

>> No.18370899

Bread is literally the foundation of all food. If you dislike bread fuck off

>> No.18372643

You're a big guy.

>> No.18372665

eating a croissant while I'm reading this

>> No.18372671

incorrect use of the word "literally"

>> No.18372851

Two slices of bread per day won't make you fat.

>> No.18372893

I'm the only one eating bread in my household, so I slice and freeze it and then either toast or microwave it. Almost as good as fresh, and way better than anything I can get in a store.

>> No.18374749

it's called a sneed oil fucko

>> No.18374855

That's not corn syrup

>> No.18375922

That's false
Meat is. The agricultural revolution is where we became nutrient deficient and shorter
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant some people are

>> No.18375933

This. There are some breads that have a decent ingredients list but I've only found a few at whole foods. You have to check there isn't more than flour, yeast, eggs, and salt or whatever.

>> No.18375957

bread with just flour,water,yeast,salt goes stale buy the time dinner rolls around if baked in the morning
adding just a little fat of some kind helps

>> No.18376048

mine lasts for 3-4 days without problems and if I get something left by then, I slice it, give them an egg bath and fry them
I only do high hydration dough so that may do something
also, the bigger the loaf, the more water it has and the longer it lasts

>> No.18376091

Americans don't have cities, so they can't have local bakeries. Just the logistics of someone semi-spontaneously walking 2km to the edge of the current single housing unit sector to get to the bakery is making me cringe.

>> No.18377372

>Americans don't have cities, so they can't have local bakeries.
Every supermarket has a bakery inside. Yes, a real bakery.

>> No.18377416

You realize we have a lot more than just wonderbread? My local supermarket has like 40 different brands. Still make it myself though.

>> No.18377422

>y walking 2km to the edge of the current single housing unit sector to
we have cars, within 2km of my rural house there are two grocery stores with bakeries

>> No.18377747

You have different laws on what needs to be disclosed, and in both the US and EU they lie anyway, are you such a dumb faggot goy you think they really tell you the truth about bread but not a pandemic or a war or shootings? You're so fucking stupid.

>> No.18377761

Not everyone wants to live off cum like you bitch boy.A period of famine would fix weirdos like you

>> No.18379322
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Wheat flour bread rules. OK?

>> No.18379330

>A period of famine would fix weirdos like you
we need that so badly to get rid of so much retard in this world

>> No.18379346

>but i would survive, because i'm special :)

>> No.18379364

Easier said than done, not everyone has a huge kitchen to make bread. I sure don't, then there's cleanup. It might come across as fucked up but I'd rather pay a professional baker, I'm good at some stuff, baking's not one of them, at least I admit it.
Cleaning up a bunch of flour all over the place doesn't come across as too much fun to me.

>> No.18379381

You can make bread entirely in one bowl and bake it with parchment paper. Pretty minimal cleanup. You don't really have to throw flour all over the counter to knead, just do a slow rise bread that doesn't have to be kneaded after the initial mix just to make sure everything is evenly distributed which can be done in the bowl.

>> No.18379385
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>Writing a serious response to a post that literally just says
>Americans are _, Americans always _, America America Americaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
I tried to pick a euro face but they haven't any culture so here's an American reaction as usual

>> No.18379388

Yeah I know, I'm not a lazy cunt the real thing is this, I don't have a proper oven and professional bakers do. Excuses, excuses...

>> No.18379395
File: 2.63 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20220908_133527201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take scale put on counter
Take bowl put on scale
Measure 500g bread flour into bowl, or use up to 250g wheat flour
Measure 400g water into bowl
Measure 10g salt into bowl
Add a pinch of yeast, about a quarter tsp or 5g, it doesn't matter too much
Stir until mixed
Cover bowl with plastic wrap
Let it sit out 2 hours
Put it in the fridge overnight
Take it out of the bowl, punch it down and form it into a tight ball
Put it in a new bowl coated with flour to support it's shape as it rises
Let double in size
Gently turn it out of the bowl and slide into oven. Slice the top before it goes in if you feel like it, the bread will expand on the slice line.
bake at 450 for 30-40 minutes, or until interior hits about 190-200F
Cool on wire rack

Bread is so easy I just made that recipe up and typed it on the toilet with a turd literally dangling

>> No.18379396

*And your cleanup is two bowls and a spatula

>> No.18379397

This is why I need a wife or girlfriend, I'll make the bread and she can clean it up.

>> No.18379401

It's self-evident

>> No.18379416

It's kind of like fishing with my grandpa we go out there and do the hard work of drinking beers and catching fish then we expect the women to scale them and cook them for us. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.18379445
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BLT on this loaf

>> No.18379623

>80% hydratation bread recipe for newbie fags in a mogolian goat trading forum

Good luck with that

>> No.18379657

but you're the retard if you think that's a positive thing
guess i'm a retard, sitting here under an air conditioned roof with indoor plumbing shitposting is a thousand times better than crawling through the forest for 8 hours a day trying to find some berries
thank god for bread and fuck primitivismfags

>> No.18380524

is it though

>> No.18380563

bread is literally hitler

>> No.18380940

Going to start making sourdough starting Sunday. How can I optimize nutrition (i.e: whole wheat vs all purpose etc.) Also any recipes? Imagine I'm retarded. I only need 10 slices a week 2 a day

>> No.18381367

no it is not

>> No.18382679

>Going to start making sourdough starting Sunday
>I only need 10 slices a week 2 a day
honestly, don't
sourdough it's not worth it unless you make at least a loaf of bread every day
it's easy as fuck to do, but you have to do it every day for the rest of your life and if you fail your sourdough dies
also, the first few weeks it's shit anyway and overall it's inconsistent compared to commercial yeast
if you simply want the flavor of sourdough, just use preferment

>> No.18383025
File: 209 KB, 660x440, grrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never buy sliced bread
slice you'reself
fuck pre-sliced bread

>> No.18383377

>bread is evil

This statement is literally demonic. If Jesus is the bread of life then how can bread be evil?

Checkmate, anti-bread demon.

>> No.18383511

>your diet should be about 70% carbs
Fucking lol, did the food pyramid pay you to say this?