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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18365988 No.18365988 [Reply] [Original]

what did we think of the latest ask adam, bros? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JfgDxMFn0X4

>> No.18366004
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adam is based and /OURGUY/

>> No.18366014

looks kinda jewish? or am I just being a retard?

>> No.18366023

adam is a POC(italian american)

>> No.18366061

adam uses a manager named colin at Solaro Management to make these promo posts. This is why there is a ragusea thread here every single day.

>> No.18366153

he’s southern italian

>> No.18366321


>> No.18366836

based, keep making these generals.

>> No.18366855

How many Raguseas does it take to change a lightbulb?
Reseach suggests that there's no actual need to change a blown lightbulb. Ambient light has been shown to not only be sufficient for household requirements, but may even by the superior option. Of course, the best number of people to change a lightbulb is... whatever works best for you. But, as for me, I'm not changing that lightbulb, and you'll do the same if you're rational.

>> No.18366867
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>read it in adam voice

>> No.18366875

>You may be wondering, "Adam, why are you eating BUGS? GROSS", well let me explain. I actually want my wife's sons to grow up in a healthy planet, and if not eating "traditional" meat helps achieve that, I'm all for it. Who even decided what meat is "traditional" anyways? A bunch of old white dudes who probably owned slaves. Why in the hell should we be beholden by their standards? Besides, they're actually quite tasty*Adam takes a bite and visibly grimaces*mmm you can really taste the fact I seasoned the broth I boiled the bugs in and NOT the bugs. So yes, I WILL be eating these bugs and you should to, if you care at all about anyone on this planet other than yourself, that is. But you do you.

>> No.18366877
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Hiroshimoot has had self serve ads for a while adam try it out

>> No.18366883

post on /ck/ is the single worst possible way to grow a channel in the history of social media

there's like 15 unique people here who are active users

>> No.18366897 [DELETED] 

>is the sterilized liquid my food is soaked in okay to eat?
>is the product specifically produced for being eaten with no risks okay to eat?
No, it'll reconstruct your body into a nuclear missile that causes ww3 to break out.

>> No.18366900 [DELETED] 

wtf i thought this place had like 100
t. active user

>> No.18366902

That other guy was lying, its actually just you, me, and him

>> No.18366911

Good stuff as always! How does Adam keep doing it? Also I forgot, do I get paid hourly or by the post?

>> No.18366914

Jump off a bridge Adam.

>> No.18366924

And me!

>> No.18366928

Ah yeah, sorry for forgetting about you bro

>> No.18367125
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Well done. Have some booba.

>> No.18367129

and your mom

>> No.18367155

vinegar leg goes on the right

>> No.18367196
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>> No.18367214

Why is his wife's novella so shit

>> No.18367721
File: 1.64 MB, 1270x621, raguseses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for /ourguy/

>> No.18367881

how does the guy in skinny jeans on the right look more masculine than Ragusea?

>> No.18367894
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where muh guse crew at

>> No.18367919

It's only you. You and him, but he doesn't count.

>> No.18368082

Right here bro. Keep it up! A combination of science with realistic home cooking techniques is exactly what /ck/ needs more of.

>> No.18368085

Why didn't you renew your hello fresh membership? I need to keep my numbers up or they'll pull the sponsorship.

>> No.18368095

pov you didn't add white wine to your cereal

>> No.18368145


>> No.18368193

Fuck off Ragfag, we don't need you here.....

>> No.18368738


>> No.18368746

This dude makes me want to travel to America and crush him physically because of all the woke and headcanon nonsense he spews.

>> No.18369033
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I liked the one he did on Georgia peaches where the plantation owner cries that orange man bad because he won't be able to import slaves to pick the peaches.

>> No.18369222

seethe harder. he’s right about everything and you know it

>> No.18369264

adam just cooks kenji lopez-cuck’s recipes. he’s dumb and can’t cook

>> No.18369373

he literally uses science to perfect his recipes but ok

>> No.18369388

that but replace with chef john

>> No.18369542

Cooking is a an art and something that takes dedication. Though a lot of failure and strife you can work it out but ultimately you should take note from the great chefs of the past. These people didn't need a study on the exact best way to cut an onion, they figured it out themselves and the certain context curtain cuts where needed. It is through this human experience that makes it something meaningful. When you take a purely scientific route you loose some of that humanity which ultimately detracts from the food. People like Adam exist as the soulless face of the modern state of cooking. Where instead of making food you are making nutrients.
Also his knife skills video is retarded.

>> No.18369586

Why does Adam talk about us so much?
Is it because he knows were calling his wife a goblin beast here?

>> No.18369607

>Cooking is a an art and something that takes dedication
Neither of those statements are even remotely true. By your logic, I could argue taking a shit is also an art form.

>> No.18369660

brain rot

>> No.18369925

Fart sniffer but harmless

>> No.18371017

Have sex, incel.

t. adam

>> No.18371191
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not bad

>> No.18372072

Did he fuck it? I don't think anybody would reject the experience unless they were rejected. I mean, no matter what you think it's no worse than porn or masturbation or fleshlights.

>> No.18372078

>Ragusa threads stay up for days
>Threads about actual chefs are deleted within minutes

Nigger mods tongue my anus

>> No.18372081


>I'm going to buy a waterproof camera and use it to record me putting pasta in the water from the pans perspective
>I am very normal

>> No.18372085


>> No.18372098

i thought it was funny too but i don't know what adams voice sounds like. anyone willing to do a vocaroo impression for me?

>> No.18372117


>> No.18372127

did the burgerpunk getcha?

>> No.18372176

nice try adam

>> No.18372296

you do know pretty much all phones that aren't bargain bin trash and go pro type cameras are waterproof these days right grandpa?

>> No.18372414


>> No.18372882


>I'm going to put my phone in the pan to record me putting pasta in the water from the pans perspective
>I am very very normal

>> No.18372992

adam is an “actual chef”. stop gatekeeping

>> No.18373209


>> No.18373224

Adam, this is just sad.

>> No.18373226

I cannot decipher the faggot hieroglyphs on his tranny blouse. Can somebody please translate this soyanese?

>> No.18373252

Has he been cutting his wrists?

>> No.18373273

"Vinegar (chicken) Leg (is on the) Right"
It's a reference to an old video of his where he used vinegar on a chicken leg and to remember which leg used the vinegar he repeated "vinegar leg is on the right." Adam found his own retardation to be so funny he tried to force it into a meme and blend it into his branding because he's a giant faggot.

>> No.18373286

Well that's just sad. Imagine trying to force your own memes on your goycult.

>> No.18373362

i watched the video about the chicken leg and i still didn't understand what the shirt meant until you pointed it out

>> No.18374669

he talked about us

>> No.18375007

He deserves a hotter wife.

>> No.18375025

It's a lifehack. You marry below your league so you can cheat on her sometimes and she'll look the other way because she feels she can't replace you. Once you have a wedding ring you can screw around above your league more easily because seducing husbands is an egotrip for many women.

>> No.18376762

Bump for page 10 goosechad

>> No.18376993

he's certainly leftist, but also very clearly not congruent with modern wokeness, so I don't really get what these are mean to represent

>> No.18377004

when has he ever talked about /ck/?
I'm aware that he said 4chan in I think his plastic video, but has there been any other occurence?

>> No.18377706
File: 72 KB, 357x722, antiragitism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely sus

>> No.18377714

over for sanctity of marriagecels

>> No.18377744
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Oldest instance of the term and tweet the next day

>> No.18378253

I wasn't aware that not changing lightbulbs was a woke tenet.

>> No.18378521
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he said he doesn't tho

>> No.18378580

Stop lying, Adam.

>> No.18379903

kek, nice one

>> No.18379910

We just can’t stop winning raguseachads!

>> No.18379914

look at those bitch tits

>> No.18379917

That 'summon forth the upside down bear' thing he did to force a honey meme caused me psychic pain.

>> No.18379968

Yet still he doesn't know how to pronounce his name correctly.

>> No.18380516

He says it ra-GOO-see-uh
If that's wrong, what's the correct way to say it?

>> No.18380517

More like Cumraguse

>> No.18380536

ra - goo

a true italian american fucks up every pronunciation like oof madonna

>> No.18380546

>ra - goo
What about the -sea part?

>> No.18381672

He thinks forcing memes is good for branding.

>> No.18381879

Fuck off
He pronounces it RagOOsIA. Its fucking flat ē. RA-GOO-SĒAA. If I had to go anglo it would be Ragusaea. To make it even more irritating he puts an accent on the U which is blatantly wrong.

>> No.18382511

>How they make alcohol 'harder'
just casually watched him commit a federal offense

>> No.18382579

I am the only poster on this board

>> No.18382646

I actually like his videos but I can't stand the Ask Adams and the Podcasts because he talks like a southern Baptist pastor and it weirds me out. Feels like he's trying to do some cult shit, idk

>> No.18382658

I was subscribed for a while cause some of his recipes were pretty interesting but I had to unsub simply due to his personality. He's just... such a fucking dweeb the way he sounds so smug and insecure simultaneously

>> No.18382668

I can't believe some retard had to call into a podcast to ask if the liquid inside canned FOOD is safe to eat. No idiot, everybody knows it's common practice to store food in cans of fucking poison.

>> No.18382699
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Stopped watching this fraud after trying his pizza recipe.

>> No.18382978

Sounds like you can't cook. His pizza recipe is just a rehash of kenji's recipe which is possibly the best way to make pizza in a home oven.

>> No.18383251

>I can't stand the Ask Adams and the Podcasts because he talks like a southern Baptist pastor
One-man podcasts are always cringe as fuck.

>> No.18383979






>> No.18384029

oh shit it dropped?!

>> No.18384036

Adam this is just sad.

>> No.18384070


>> No.18384086

>t. Faggot

>> No.18384103

>A sandwich that's literally all bread (Includes Paid Promotion)

>> No.18384120
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>> No.18384198

Person Of Cuisine

>> No.18384289
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>> No.18384307

if you came home to find a naked passable tranny in your bed and you wouldn’t give it a try than you’re just lame bro

>> No.18384320

>can I drink can juice?
>to answer that, we must go back to the Napoleonic wars
Taking it a little too far there Adam.

>> No.18384406
File: 1.63 MB, 460x816, ded.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Adam you little rat. The dough was near 100% hydration.

>> No.18384509

>hold me accountable for what I say
lol, he is some woke dummy.

>> No.18384663

Holy shit that looks amazing

>> No.18384789

what is wrong with him

>> No.18384801

>what is wrong with him
he's a terminal redditor (aka faggot)

>> No.18385009

>100% hydration
Wouldn't that just be a bowl of water?

>> No.18385030

kek you cooklet i made his pizza several times and thought it was fool proof, guess not

>> No.18385100

Did you use measure the flour by weight or by volume? Anyway millions of people have been doing it without problem so clearly you severely fucked something or other up.

>> No.18385437
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RATUSEA IS A HACK. Vito is king.