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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18365486 No.18365486 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody can refute this

>> No.18365491

I don't take bald people seriously

>> No.18365495

Well for starters I already have a job so I don't need to engage in self employed bullshit this guy is promoting to losers and retards

>> No.18365498

this dude being removed from the internet was good for humanity
prove me wrong
also this >>18365491

>> No.18365500


>> No.18365505

>low return on investment
Literal business school pleb thought process. Imagine being so soulless that you can only think in monetary terms and not wanting to make a delicious, nutritious meal to sustain your body than the goyslop this windowlicker clearly slurps.
By his own logic, going to the gym is also a waste of time because it’s low ROI and gives you no actual financial benefit

>> No.18365508

Cooking is one of the best ways to save money. I can make good meals for $10 or less that would cost $25 at a restaurant if not more

>> No.18365511

He's a retard so

>> No.18365516

look at the way his mouth moves when he speaks

>> No.18365521

Technically, he's right.
You can just take a multivitamin and chug 3-4 shots of olive oil a day and you'll save both money and time compared to anything else.

>> No.18365522

Poorfags, me included, cook out of necessity, it's either this or surviving on goyslop, no thank you

>> No.18365524

I don't have to take the ideas of narcissists seriously.

>> No.18365528

>no protein
>no carbs
you will literally be a pile of bones with fat sagging off it until your organs start to shut down

>> No.18365529


but the time it takes to save you that 15 dollars could be better spent doing something that nets you 15+ dollars. Like if it takes you 30 minutes to make that meal, you only need to charge/make 30$ an hour for it to be just as economic to just do some work and then eat out.

>> No.18365533

He’s a soul void who tries to fill that hole with money. He’d shill a soylent diet if he could. What you’ve suggested just sounds joyless and something only a Jew court think of

>> No.18365534

Mmm yummy I love eating spit, shit, and cum from restaurant workers that I treat like shit because I'm an abusive asshole.

>> No.18365535
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Let's try to put this in terms that zoomers/newfags will understand:
Do remember in highschool (which wasn't that long ago for most of you) there were actual tough, alpha guys? Some of whom were also intelligent, motivated and successful.....Tate isn't one of those people.
Tate is the low class bully who would pick on the vulnerable and sexually assault the retarded girl. Often they were spoiled but unloved by their parents.
This type of guy ALWAYS had a harem of beta-boys following their every move and hanging on their every word like they're some kind of prophet. (I think they find the spectacle of dominance and submission in teen bullying titillating but that's for another thread). If you become infatuated with guys like tate, and especially if you give them your money, you are one of those beta-boys.
I mean he's quite open about targeting beta faggots. Buying into his bullshit is confirmation in his eyes and the eyes of wider society that you are a beta-boy.
Men don't pay grifters like tate to get access to a half-assed discord server.

>> No.18365536

>listening to a bald person
OP, I..

>> No.18365538

>hurr durr time is money

>> No.18365545

This. These scammers are based and trolling cucks, and he's even going the full mile by making people look like a downie for listening to a bald person

>> No.18365547

Just drink soylent you autistic shit

>> No.18365551

>No protein
I'm forgetting something then. But carbs are not necessary. I know of at least one person who has been subsisting on primarily olive oil for at least months and he still looks great.

>> No.18365552

Just run runescape gold farming bots while you cook

>> No.18365555
File: 118 KB, 1200x1200, Andrew-Tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he really sexually assault a retarded girl?

>> No.18365559

He looks like a gypsy so of course he did

>> No.18365564
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>primarily olive oil
Imagine believing this

>> No.18365570

I don't need to have faith. I've seen it.

>> No.18365572

I was more under the impression that his videos are for teenagers and children, and he's just saying shit that modern parents are afraid to say. Roughly 1/3 of what he says is total BS but I think there are some nice messages in there.

>> No.18365579
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>I don't need to have faith. I've seen it.
Still believing this

>> No.18365581

t. Tatecel

>> No.18365587

>dude go to gym and exercise lmao
>dude don't simp lmao
>dude don't do drugs lmao

This is literally all that teenagers take from him. They see 4 second tiktok clips of him every now and then (as do I, I don't fucking follow him or listen to his podcast or whatever). I don't really see how this is bad.

>> No.18365592
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He's the new Jordan Peterson, an internet dad for a generation of zoomer raised by parents who just stuck an ipad in their face, like JP he makes trannies (>>18365581) give knee jerk responses.

>> No.18365595

>Nobody can refute this
Well no, in the same way nobody can refute a downie eating his own ass boogers. There's nothing to refute but utter retardation.

>> No.18365604

Do they have chin transplants yet?

>> No.18365638

>t. seething Tatecel

>> No.18365644

I just think it’s pathetic that anyone would need help and advice from this grifting gypo

>> No.18365659
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a reminder that Tate isn't special and you're a fag if you shill him. He's literally just regurgitating all those incel talking points from /r9k/

>> No.18365673

Your teeth would fall out from under use. You're supposed to bite and chew.

>> No.18365675


>> No.18365678

Time to put the phone down, newfriend.

>> No.18365680

Hey he takes advice from Tate and seriously believes in his grift, of course he’s a retard. Maybe losing all of those teeth will make him suck his dick better

>> No.18365684
File: 2.97 MB, 650x364, Andrew 'Top G' Tate confused by Thai plum and gets slept by random bum in bum org.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a video of this guy getting knocked out

>> No.18365689

lmao no you don't.
You know of at least one liar.

>> No.18365691


>> No.18365693
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>be millionaire
>still have to hustle 24/7, can't spend time enjoying what you like doing, like cooking

>> No.18365699

>having control over what goes into your body is a waste of your precious time, goyim.

>> No.18365701

hard to think of another human as purposefully stupid as that leaking colostomy bag

>> No.18365702

Why would I listen to this faggot when I could be listening to Jocko instead?

>> No.18365707

I don't take advice from homosexuals who can't even cook.

>> No.18365746

fasting enters the thread

>> No.18365753


Tate is generally "okay" until you mention women then he goes into turbo incel mode

>> No.18365756

Cooking has been a good return on investment.
Did fastfood, then teriyaki, while working on my BS in math. Managed to pay for everything by holding 2 jobs and taking extra shifts.
Networking got me into better restaurants.
Got mistaken for a culinary college graduate and spent a year or 2 at 5 different major "upscale" restaurants, due to my skills.
The last one the asshole owner suddenly did a background check on everyone... fired half the staff for being felons, drug dealers, and rapists. Me? We had a long talk on "lying about" being from 'Le Cordon Bleu' which I never claimed, fired me anyway.
Now I program CNC for building structures machining and welding company.
So, cooking? Usually takes 5 minutes to prep a big meal, and I rely on cooking methods that do not require me to be standing at a stove stirring. Lots of stuff done sauteing are easier done on baking sheets in the oven. Lidded pots, foil sealed baking pans, etc. And cook a lot 2 days a week, reheat every other day.
But you can't do any of this without experience and practice.

>> No.18365764


>> No.18365771

>could be better spent doing something that nets you 15+ dollars
Like what? It's either the start or the end of the day, what am I going to do in 20 minutes,start to finish,that puts 15 dollars in my pocket?

>> No.18365871
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I really don't understand these e-faggots, how do they really make money off of being contrarian cucks? What he's talking about is obviously complete hypocritical bullshit, to the point at which I'm trolled by the lack of thought and effort put into the trolling.

>> No.18365906

>Unironically listening to some guy playing a character to make bucks off of young dudes without a real role model for advice.
This generation is fucked, huh?

>> No.18365919

this is the kind of person that drinks soylent

>> No.18365930

By the time you drive, wait to order, wait to be served, and then drive home you’ve spent at least as much time as many easily prepared scratch meals. Plus you’ve paid much more for your meal, had a shittier meal, and spent more money on fuel.

>> No.18365955
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>shades indoors

>> No.18366003

Learn to cook it builds skill, knowledge, and discipline that you can share with fellowship. Fellowship is far more important than the words of a man clearly compensating for losing his hair. True wealth surrounds you and this can be built through the hobby of cooking.

The true holy trinity is /ck/ /fit/ /biz/ and these three should be your core hobbies, then you expand.

Rarely, men who make money on gullible men may have a business tip or idea on a trend you should look at. There are real men out of great personal wealth, including familial or community wealth, that our out there. You should find and follow and few of them market online to a bunch of suckers.

>> No.18366011

What race is he supposed to be?

>> No.18366024

>The true holy trinity is /ck/ /fit/ /biz/
If you want to grow up and sort yourself out leave the chans.

>> No.18366026


>> No.18366027


>> No.18366029

midwit take but that is to be expected from a flaming newfag

>> No.18366130

Aren’t his scam school videos a lower ROI since it’s literally just a grift preying on rereads? At least a meal feeds you. Glad this sleazebag douche was cancelled. Such an obvious phony loser

>> No.18366169

>low return on investment activity
according to this retard, everything you do in your spare time for free is a waste
'why going to the gym when you could sweat your ass on a construction site and get paid for that!'

>> No.18366179

This post is simply oozing with envy.

>> No.18366180

like I'm going to listen to anything that week jawed faggot says

>> No.18366185

Really. The chans are infantile. They inhibit your development.

>> No.18366191

The gym is definitely a complete waste of both time and money. There are so many strenuous activities that are actually productive that paying to do exercise that isn't productive is moronic.

>> No.18366193

Sure, don't cook your food. Just remain a dependent on the slop that comes out of factories, filled to the brim with preservatives and artificial flavors.

>> No.18366194


>> No.18366199

Beta faggot

>> No.18366201

t. Rabbi Schkelgrubnberg

>> No.18366207

- pretty enjoyable and satisfying activity for many
- less expensive than eating outside
- no risks of filthy people preparing and handling your food
- healthier and higher quality than ready-made foods you find in supermarkets
- once you become good at it you can eat better than in 95% of restaurants, for cheap
- women usually appreciate guys who can cook

>> No.18366208


>> No.18366211
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>> No.18366213
File: 771 KB, 602x788, your future progeny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back and lurk moar newfag you are out of your league here among your betters
you too faggot
slithering cunt - go back.

OP is also a fag. Fuck you.

>> No.18366215

this. Malding is redonk, up there with incel levels of mad

>> No.18366217

Being able to look after yourself is part of being an adult. Being able to cook is part of being able to look after yourself.

>> No.18366224

Go back to lereddit

>> No.18366232

Why does a black American pretend to be a white, English Christian?

>> No.18366255

People brag about not cooking/being able to cook as adults. It's bizarre to me. It reminds me of how back in the early 2000s it was cool to say you don't read. If you read anything more difficult than a magazine, you were a nerd.

>> No.18366288

you were literally told to do just this and you need to

>> No.18366309

his supporters are basically mid 20 year olds that act like children so you're mostly right

>> No.18366316

>you're a cuck if you do X
>what you REALLY want to do is Y
>learn about Y by visiting my seminar or buying my book
they're all the same

>> No.18366341

So what color is it?

>> No.18366346

>proves you wrong
>gets removed from the internet
>"See? Nobody can refute me"

>> No.18366354

Oh I'm sure you do

>> No.18366356
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>> No.18366368


>> No.18366668

Basically this

>> No.18366786

Lol you dont call up your boss to check in for 15 minutes while waiting for the delivery guy??

>> No.18366813 [DELETED] 

I am happiest when I am making something that I get to enjoy and enjoy with others. Cooking takes my mind off bullshit like what this guy is obsessing over. His priorities are getting money because he has no understanding of what happiness really is.

I find joy in helping others and looking beyond my own desires. No doubt this guy doesn't even do anything positive with his money, if he even really has any.

Give me one drop of water, the rich man cried from hell. Just one drop of water, yet still no water fell.

>> No.18366820 [DELETED] 

what will this do to my poos

>> No.18366828
File: 2.12 MB, 3840x2160, EVE (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the minerals I mine ARE free

>> No.18366829

Slave morality cope.

>> No.18366847 [DELETED] 

dopamine fiend

joy comes not from short term pleasure but living a life of virtue.

>> No.18367166

I don't know who that is, and I don't care.

>> No.18367175

>Gamer gate
That was the Fappening.

>> No.18367190

He's right about women but not much else

>> No.18367213
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>> No.18367217

>juden peterstein
good one bucko, don't forget to clean your foreskin before you try to fix anything that's wrong with the world

>> No.18367244

dedgaem btw

>> No.18367266

Not everything is about (((money))), at least not for me.

>> No.18367309

in the real world it is. they would rather have you die than give you a weeks worth of food for free. its insane

>> No.18367321
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>> No.18367322
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>knocked out by 2 knuckles
>they're the weakest 2

>> No.18367327

No, it's not. Not everyone calculates return on investment for every single activity they do. I for instance cook because I enjoy it.

>> No.18367337
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>> No.18367338

good luck living without it

>> No.18367355

Without trying to maximise everything I do for monetary profit? I think I'm doing pretty well thanks.

>> No.18367381

Lol I love to see a double down like this when the person doesn’t know what they’re talking about and they also don’t know that their ignorance is blatantly obvious to the people they’re arguing with.

>> No.18367388
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>> No.18367402

>Andrew Tate exposes the TRUTH about books
>Brought to you by Hustler’s University

>> No.18367406

Yeah instead sit on your ass watching netflix while waiting for your food to be delivered and pay triple for a dish you could make better.

>> No.18367426

>I know of at least one person who has been subsisting on primarily olive oil for at least months and he still looks great.
If real then he's subsisting on his own body's fat, not the olive oil.

>> No.18367520

if your not rich you can't afford a chief, a maid, or a caterer, this guy is a retard.

>> No.18367524


>> No.18367541

The funny thing about this guy is some retards watched him and went "Ah yes. I knew I'm smart."

>> No.18367542
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1650068607516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're making so much money that cooking for yourself makes you lose more in opportunity cost than the price of eating out, then you can hire a personal chef to cook your meals for you.
Do you think he holds a high opinion of people that work in foodservice? Yet he trusts them to make his food. He probably sends it back if it hasn't been spat in, he's so used to the taste of it.
It's an artform, it's part of what makes us human, and I don't like seeing it mocked and belittled. I hope he's being obnoxious on purpose.

>> No.18367556

Nigga you are retarded and have no idea how to make 15 bucks in the time it takes you to save 15 bucks by cooking food, you’re simping for a guy who would piss in your face for a quick laugh then try to fuck your mom (and fail despite what he would say).

>> No.18367571

He is, he just baits the internet for clicks and retards who had their views “confirmed” by him give him money to confirm what they think has already been confirmed.

>> No.18367575

>Nigga you are retarded and have no idea how to make 15 bucks in the time it takes you to save 15 bucks by cooking food
Please enlighten us how to do that from home in the time that your food is prepared and delivered.

>> No.18367582

He probably is doing it just for clicks but there are people out there who are this obnoxious and think like this.

>> No.18367598

>make good food
>eat good food
>make good food
>eat good food
>don't eat garbage
that bald faggot eats rats with gutter oil

>> No.18367607

His brain is too advanced to concentrate on such an unstimulating fight, so he decided using the time to catch up on some sleep would generate a better ROI

>> No.18367612


>> No.18367615


>> No.18367648

Don't lose your humanity in the pursuit of material wealth, frens

>> No.18367666

Comparing him to JBP is dishonesty. The latter actually has an academic background to a lot of shit he talks about and isn't purely a reactionary retard. Tate is a MUH GRIND retard who lives in his own world away from reality and thinks his methods are law because it made him successful like they're replicable in results.

>> No.18368128

good frog poster

>> No.18368156

Working more than around 50 hours a week significantly increases one's chance of a heart attack. It is unhealthy to evaluate all of one's time in terms of its monetary value, because if one were to monetize that time, one would jeopardize their health.

Cooking for oneself is not work. You will not increase your stress levels by cooking a meal for yourself. You will, however, end up with a meal that is likely healthier than what you might get at a restaurant, and also likely cheaper.

>> No.18368158


>> No.18368169

Well he sounds like a fun person to be around. I bet he has lots of good friends an a functioning family life

>> No.18368195

fippy bippy

>> No.18368199

This retard makes me believe even more strongly in eugenics.