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File: 1.22 MB, 2623x1755, Cutting_foie_gras-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18365364 No.18365364 [Reply] [Original]

Is foie gras unethical??

>> No.18365370

Maybe. But it's delicious so who cares?

>> No.18365371

It's delicious and nutritious who the fuck cares if it's made of aborted fetuses.

>> No.18365379

It’s unethical in the sense of how the birds are treated and that added torture adds to the quality but if we’re going to label it as unethical we may as well label most every mass produced meat production everywhere

>> No.18365380

Is killing another life form for your own benefit unethical? Well, who determines ethics in the first place? It's all arbitrary so who cares. We eat to survive, who cares if what we eat was force fed a bit. Wild animals don't care how much their prey suffers

>> No.18365391

yeah, obviously dumbass

>> No.18365430

Never had it although I like veal and I live in an area that raises them and see the small cages.
they are raised in, doesn't bother me the meat is so good.

>> No.18365438

Obviously, according to whom?

>> No.18365456

honestly, yes it is, but as long as I can buy it I will eat it

>> No.18365475

if humans are to eat animals, they should at least be given some humanane treatment.
foie gras is rather cruel.

>> No.18365476

i think i saw something once talking about how simple this thing was and how birds fill there stomach naturally before migration or something

>> No.18365477

Captain Obvious.

>> No.18365493

The way they jam that tube down the bird's throat and pump its stomach full of slop gets me hard. I want to do that a bourgeois French woman with my cock.

>> No.18365718

>is killing another living thing unethical??
no shit

>> No.18365729

Time to give all those mosquitos you murdered a proper burial nazi.

>> No.18365744
File: 214 KB, 1500x1500, Gardettos-Special_Request_Garlic_Rye_Chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foie gras
The only thing unethical right now to me is why I'm not using my Gardetto's rye crips to tear your ears off fry them up then add them to the batch.

>> No.18365776

Yes but it doesnt matter

>> No.18365782

unethical is word that poor people like to use a lot, so fuck them

>> No.18365943

I'm getting sick and tired of this kind of threads, and people does even respond, like op knows how to open a thread about ethic and they suppose he don't know shit and they feel the FUCKING COMPULSION OF TELL THEIR USELESS OPINIONS

>> No.18366016

>foie gras
only if you're force feeding the bird. Over feeding is fine probably. Just don't torture the thing and kill it painlessly and its probably fine.

>> No.18366066

If the chickens didn't like it they would throw the food back up

>> No.18366071

Depends on your ethics but also fuck birds.

>> No.18366114

>The way the animals spend the first couple months of their life is no question: The few foie gras farms in this country (three, at the time of this writing, I believe) raise animals that have more space, more comfort, more care, and can engage in more natural behavior than practically any commercially-raised animal on a large-scale poultry, pork, egg, or dairy farm, and are on par with the small-scale farms so championed by humane activists.
>Ducks and other fish-eating aquatic birds have extremely tough and stretchy esophogi that are designed for swallowing whole wriggling, spine-covered, live fish. They do it naturally and it causes no discomfort. A thin plastic tube does not either.
>Ducks breathe through their tongues, not their noses or throats. A duck can hold a solid object in its throat indefinitely and still breathe completely comfortable and normally.
>Ducks have large crops—pouches of tissue at the base of their throats that hold swallowed food. The amount of food force-fed to a duck during gavage fills up approximately 10% of a crop's total volume.
>Ducks naturally store excess fat in their skin and livers in anticipation of long fasts during long migrations.

>> No.18366237

No, it's delicious and geese are stupid

>> No.18366708

Eating any meat outside of a survival situation is unnecessary, which by definition makes it unethical. People get really mad about this, but they can't have it both ways.

>> No.18366891

Look at your teeth moron.

>> No.18366907

Eating it could never be unethical because that's not how ethics work
It could be immoral and it could be unethical to make it but who the fuck cares what society decides is ok or not and you are not responsible for how the manufacturer chooses to treat the animals

>> No.18366920

Animals can't feel pain.

>> No.18366941

Right on cue. There's always someone mad about this, even to the point of making a nonsensical argument like this one. This anon is suggesting that because we evolved to be able to eat meat, that therefore it is ethical - a complete non-sequitur. What he fails to grasp is that we, unlike felines, are not obligate carnivores, and that we also have the capability to reason and to make choices. You can continue eating meat, and I eat it sometimes too, but the point here is that you cannot escape the fact that it is unethical. You should accept responsibility for the lives you take, and not try to run from the truth of the world.

>> No.18366957

reddit hates it so i love it

>> No.18366961

Since when do they hate it?

>> No.18366963

The nature and thousands year of evolution deemed you omnivore based on teeth. One of the main reasons himan brain advanced was cooking and especially cooking of meat and proteins.
You are apex predator on the planet deemed to eat everything that doesnt poison you.
Everything else are your feelings. Just like I dont allow fag to feel me up, I wont allow vegetards to spout bullshit in my face.
Nobody is interested, go vape.

>> No.18366977

>blah blah blah philosophy logic games blah blah moralfagging blah fucking blah
Christ I fucking hate you people. I think that you dying would be ethical, so how about you quit making the unethical choice to continue living and blow your head off?
>derp derp nooo only i get to decide what is heckin ethical
Fuck yoy

>> No.18366982

For thousands of years people would eat anything just to survive. They didn't become omnivore because they wanted, they had no other choice if they wanted to survive. Now you have a choice.

>> No.18366990

>Now you have a choice.
Yeah, and I choose to eat meat. Thanks anyways though, bye.

>> No.18366997

Galvaging is banned here so we inject hormones so it intentionally consumes 3x its normal diet which personally i think is worse than galvaging but foie is delicious so i dont care

>> No.18367003

And that's fine, I do too. I just don't think the argument "people have eaten meat for thousands of years" is a valid one. It for sure is a very shallow one.

>> No.18367004

I just saw a video where asians stuff a live squid in hot sauce to make it choke and die on it so when they cook it it has hot sauce already in it

>> No.18367008

wtf post it now

>> No.18367064

The French do that with birds and wine.

>> No.18367070

some poor anon not really wrote that but greentexed it like a fucking spastic weirdo and it's not even halloween, the idiots are...

>> No.18367073

Perhaps you people should consider werewolves

>> No.18367098

I never said anything about the ethical choice being the RIGHT choice. Read again carefully. My entire point is that we are all unethical, and that's a fact. Don't be so butthurt about it :^)

>> No.18367100

I hadn't considered werewolves. Thank you, anon.

>> No.18367110

I didn't save it
It was on here though a thread about ethically killing lobster

>> No.18367114

Your reading comprehension must be very low. My entire point is not that we cannot eat meat, or that we did not evolve to do so, or even that we should not do so, but that it must be accepted that doing so is simply unethical. I eat meat, even though I know it is unethical to do so. It is the child's position to invent justifications for his own behavior. It is the adult's position to take responsibility.

>> No.18367117

Based and fact pilled

>> No.18367118

So, to bring the point around to the subject of this thread: foie gras is unethical, yes.

Does that mean you cannot eat it? No.

It means that you must do so with full knowledge of the creature's suffering, and without having to invent childish stories about how it's really ok and the goose likes it, or the goose isn't very conscious and cannot suffer very much, etc. etc.

Just accept responsibility that your happiness depends on another creature's suffering, and live with it. Live with the knowledge.

>> No.18367123

It's sort of like the Ortolans that were discussed here a while back. Everyone who partakes in eating that dish knows full well how unethical it is, to the point of performing a silly little ritual and covering their heads with a napkin while they eat it. The people who do that can admit to themselves that what they are doing is essentially evil, and they can still delight in doing so. Anyone who takes issue with this is ultimately experiencing cognitive dissonance, because they want to eat meat obtained from the suffering of creatures, while still thinking of themselves as a good and decent person. They want to have their cake and eat it. My advice is: grow up.

>> No.18367128

always i guess? they just spew word diarrhea about animal cruelty when it comes to it

>> No.18367132

Is this some kinda douche spam?

>> No.18367145
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Veal is very good

>> No.18367163
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>While foie gras was used s a food since ancient Egypt, it experienced a resurgence in popularity during the late middle ages due to Jewish communities living in Central Europe requiring a source of cooking fat as neither lard nor butter could be used under kosher food laws and olive oil being too expensive for impoverished Jews to import from Southern Europe.
Yes it is.

>> No.18367169

I used to eat a ton of veal back in the day but I feel a tad guilty when I eat it now. I have no qualms about eating grown cows or chickens or pigs though.

>> No.18367172

Werewolves are based

>> No.18367174

I always suspected a jew/French connection

>> No.18367204
File: 1.19 MB, 3865x2174, suckling pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about baby pig bbq?

>> No.18367246

How about that Chinese dog-meat festival?

>> No.18367261

Chicago deep dish pizza is unethical, foie gras is delicious.

>> No.18367269

>My entire point is that we are all unethical, and that's a fact.
No it isn't faggot unless you're some christard spewing some original sin nonsense.

>> No.18367304

Are... you implying I don't know the point I'm making?
lmao even

>> No.18367455

Yes, but I don't care.

>> No.18367474

never heard of it

>> No.18367496

Now you have!

>> No.18367604

How much does a goose actually experience? Is there any reason to believe they are capable of having the qualia of distress like say a dolphin or mammal does? Do they find the process of gavage unpleasant? On a scale of 1-10 how unpleasant do they find it, if at all? If producing a portion of foie gras produces a known amount of suffering for a goose, does it produce more pleasure for the human than that? How about if it produces 10 times the suffering for the goose as it does pleasure for the human? Is that still a morally good trade because human pleasure is more than 10 times as important?

You see how complicated this is? The answer is fuck birds, eat them and force feed them if it makes them any tastier.

>> No.18367622

No. The ducks love it. Also who cares. Most birds are retarded and don't understand what's going on.

>> No.18367628

sacrificing human health for lesser creatures is the real unethical position

>> No.18367646

The food itself no, the method in which it's created yes.

>> No.18367654

The suffering of lesser creatures is not essential for human health.

>> No.18367660

No but it is delicious and if you don't eat meat you become a weak pathetic husk of a man.

>> No.18367661

The former is true, but the latter is not.

>> No.18367673

It is. There are loads of videos on youtube from ex-vegans who were extremely against eating any animal products. They had to start eating eggs or fish because their health was so bad.

>> No.18367701

some meat or animal foods are essential for human health

>> No.18367703

Youtube testimonials aren't very convincing, and eggs do not require the suffering of the animal.

>> No.18367706

no meat requires suffering of animals its just the unfortunate reality

>> No.18367710

90% or more are ex vegans. its not sustainable

>> No.18367711


>> No.18367718

It's possible, but difficult, and beyond the abilities of the hippie-wannabe midwits who attempt it as a form of social signalling.

>> No.18367725

Sure a youtube testimonial is never convincing. When there are so many of them from people who have been almost militant vegans for years and have posted nothing but vegan videos and then they start eating animal products surely there is truth to it.

>> No.18367735

See >>18367718

>> No.18367750

Way to think for yourself :)

>> No.18367755
File: 155 KB, 1128x1128, Veal-Roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this jib jab is making me hungry

>> No.18368132

Yes, it's unethical. And since humans are not half brain beast, we can stop eating it right away.
Wild animal paws wrote this.

>> No.18368175

prob need to renew that ESL class

>> No.18368189

if you eat cheese, you support the veal industry; cows have to get pregnant to make milk; what does the dairy farm do with male calves that can’t produce milk?

>> No.18368192

remove males from the genetic strain then just clone the milk producing females

>> No.18368377

Damn right I support the veal industry, shit is good, you must have misjudged my file name

>> No.18368388

Yes. But I don't care. I'd eat Foie gras from any animal so long as it tasted good.

>> No.18368487

Animals don’t have thoughts, and any rudimentary “emotions” they may display are projections of our own onto them. If a dog whines next to its food dish with those characteristic manipulative eyes, it’s not upset that it’s not being fed; it’s exhibiting an evolutionary adaptation to extort humans for food. There is no higher functioning involved. Therefore, no, fattening a duck via force-feeding to the point that its liver becomes a delicacy is not inhumane.

>> No.18369409

Ethics are fake.
Might makes right.
Suck my dick you dumb faggot.

>> No.18369484

Yes and anyone with an IQ above 110 who has empathy knows this. I'll still eat it, but that's because I'm too lazy to live a moral life. Also too lazy to build elaborate justifications to lie to myself.

I hope the AI apocalypse is real and AI truly builds Eden as even ancient man knew it should exist. Without death, for all creatures. Humanity and nature in general are too fucked to deserve to exist as they are. Veganism is just a stop gap.

>> No.18369485

Bike cuck mentality.

>> No.18369488

> t. Descartes as he nails a cat's feet to the table

>> No.18369493

Make me.
Oh, you can't?
Guess I'm right then, heh.

>> No.18369558

Well, he didnt have firecrackers, so nail was it.

>> No.18369569

not my problem

>> No.18369664

>*Sticks tube up your throat*
>*Shoves corn In your stupid face*
who's problem is it now, pal?

>> No.18369676

How am I supposed to look at my own teeth when they're inside my head you fucking retarded chimp?

>> No.18369677

I hate the antiChrist!

>> No.18369686

Yes and it's totally unnecessary. There's plenty of delicious things to eat that don't require torturing animals, we can do without foie gras.

>> No.18369726


>> No.18369858

I can. I'm coming to your house. Expect me.

>> No.18370018

the whole process with the tube and the corn only takes a couple seconds and isn't painful for them, and they don't use that much corn at once

>> No.18370022

Not eating meat is a survival situation.

>> No.18370029

>you are not responsible for how the manufacturer chooses to treat the animals
>literally creating demand
*That's* not how ethics work.

>> No.18370071

>Wild animals don't care how much their prey suffers
Love how the justification is literally always, "I'm just an animal".

>> No.18370082

>a pussy is designed to take a dick, so is it really rape if I take a homeless woman of the street, force her to live in my luxurious basement, and force her to take my 3 inch dick when her pussy is designed to accommodate a literal child during birth? of course it isn't, grow up
You people are fucking weirdos and unironically make me agree with vegans more and more every day.

>> No.18370087

Sounds like bs since beef tallow was around back then

>> No.18370099

You're in the same boat as this guy >>18365380. Both of you fail to understand that when we say "ethically inhumane", the "inhumane" part isn't about imparting humanity to animals. It's called inhumane because it's humans acting like animals, without principles and completely controlled by carnal desires, justifying their actions with the literal argument, "I'm just an animal, you can't expect more from me."

>> No.18370108

what a strange straw man

>> No.18370122

Yeah but so is most meat eating.
Did you know farm raised salmon are fed corn? salmon are carnivores naturally, and we're feeding them corn and soy... I would say force feeding them because its their only food source but I guess without the tubes its all gravy. to me it seems just as egregious

>> No.18370232

Most beef tallow is considered chelev, and is not kosher.

>> No.18370245

I wonder if they would taste better if they ate ze bugs.

>> No.18370252

>salmon are carnivores naturally, and we're feeding them corn and soy... I would say force feeding them because its their only food source
Funny how vegans want to inflict this on humans

>> No.18370420

Nothing inherently wrong with foie grass.
>verification not required

>added torture adds to the quality
It doesn't, quite the opposite actually. The gentler and better the goose is treated the better the product turns out, mistreatment leads to bruising and damaging.

>> No.18370432

Reddit moment.

>> No.18370453
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 1637133864208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My entire point is not that we cannot eat meat, or that we did not evolve to do so, or even that we should not do so, but that it must be accepted that doing so is simply unethical
Are you brain damaged?
The fact that you yourself agree to the necessity of eating meat for survival, to exist, makes it impossible for it to be unethical.
If the act to survive would be unethical your very existence would be an unethical one at it's core. In turn the only ethical act would be immediate suicide.

>> No.18370699

Not him, but our evolution is entirely irrelevant to what we need for survival. Science trumps nature.

Humanity can grow human infants on whatever protein slop they want because the problem was approached scientifically, ie. experimentally. If anyone cared enough to find out why vegans become skelly, they could come up with vegan diets to avoid it ... but no one really cares enough.

>> No.18370700

It's as delicious as it is unethical, and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.18371265
File: 575 KB, 320x218, 1663553378609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously, I agree with this.
We need to be keenly aware of what we're doing and take responsibility for it. I won't stop eating meat, but I damn well respect the food I'm eating.

>> No.18371270

I tried it once, my dad bought some from the market. We sliced it about as thick as in that picture and fried it in a little butter and its own fat.
I was surprised by how light and airy the texture was. I liked it but I wouldn't pay for it.

>> No.18371284

Humans are specialized as omnivores, Even herbivores don't turn down mammalian meat just like carnivores don't turn vegetable matter.
All your blathering though only has one conclusion. Elimination of yourself is the best thing for the environment on a local and global scale.
>Do it.

>> No.18371320

cute dog

>> No.18371482

Has the foie gras itself offended some law of ethics? No, it's simply an object, it has no autonomy and therefore cannot be judged guilty of any ethical lapse or gaffe.

>> No.18371496

>Science trumps nature.
This has to be bait.

>> No.18371543

not really. using the physical limits of a ducks body really seems like a strange way of saying that hooking a duck up to a tube and pumping it full of food to make it extra fat isnt weird as fuck tho

>> No.18371852

same motherfuckers crying about how animal abuse is heckin based in big ol' tears when their entire country is stolen from them (because chuds have zero sympathy for anything that isn't themselves due to low IQ animal brain ironically. maybe chud foie gras would be superior but society is too afraid to find out)

>> No.18372935

I never heard of that, does it work?

>> No.18372944
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>> No.18372974
File: 19 KB, 448x299, veal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.18373080

Why are you talking about rape bro?

>> No.18373369

except they do the same in the wild

>> No.18373370

deranged vegans always have to make an extreme straw man

>> No.18374019
File: 685 KB, 2000x1343, vietnam-dog-meat-merchant[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Za whaito piggu kills cows with a pneumatic rod, therefore I should be allowed to torch, boil, vivisect, and serve any animal while it's still alive
>t. chang

>> No.18374548

Everything humans do causes suffering

What little suffering extra is worth it for what extra new sensation is attained

>> No.18374564

t. Emperors Children

>> No.18374565

>yeah, so like women are ducks right and their pussies are like ducks throats and ducks definitely have consent, so like dude, I get why you’d wanna eat a duck or a pussy but why’re you so mean to women?

>> No.18374577

The question isnt ‘is this an odd thing to do’ its about ethics. Is it ethical to allow humans to gorge themselves to 600# and force the rest of us to pay for their medical care as a morbidly obese person? See, this is what your false equivalency feels like, you schmuck

>> No.18374590
File: 170 KB, 1046x850, Veal farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what he said but give me some meat!

>> No.18374605

Kino. And delicious.

>> No.18374610

You are nothing but an animal, no matter how you twist things.

>> No.18374631
File: 47 KB, 500x332, B4BAF2BA-C799-4A6D-818E-90A910C0DB82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science trumps nature
You are a dunce of the worst order. You degrade the scientific method with your arrogance and pollute the realm of science with your retardation. Science is merely the act of prediction and consequent evidence to either prove or disprove a theory. Nature is extant without observation. You think, in your arrogance, that you can do better than millions of years of trial and error on the cellular level and you are beyond foolish for even entertaining the thought that a few observations suggest otherwise. You are an ungrateful cur for the long line of scientists that allow you to breath clean air or shit a clean shit. Leave and don’t return until you’ve thought long and hard about your shortcomings.

>> No.18374646
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>> No.18375100

>thinks people are literally evil for eating ortolan
>tells anybody but himself to grow up
Also they cover their face because it can be fucking messy biting into them, not because the are partaking in some satanic ritual lmao

>> No.18375173

There's no objective ethics. All ethical reasoning is based on a foundation of a certain number of initial axioms, which are taken for granted. One such axiom in my personal system of ethics is that eating foie gras is good.

>> No.18375175

>we may as well label most every mass produced meat production everywhere
yeah actually, since it is
and I'm not even vegan

>> No.18375179

>>The way the animals spend the first couple months of their life is no question: The few foie gras farms in this country (three, at the time of this writing, I believe) raise animals that have more space, more comfort, more care, and can engage in more natural behavior than practically any commercially-raised animal on a large-scale poultry, pork, egg, or dairy farm, and are on par with the small-scale farms so championed by humane activists.
why should I believe this

>> No.18375183

appeal to nature
maybe also is-ought

>> No.18375202

id eating animals is bad then what about carnivorous plants

>> No.18375224

>Australia, 2020

>> No.18376059

Low IQ take. You had not one notable thought in your entire life. Look:

Humans invented the term and concept "animal" to separate themselves from animals, because it's a pragmatically useful token/concept (normative concepts don't even enter the picture). How does this mesh with your interpretation?

I am a human. I can decide how I regard myself. For example, I might agree I am an animal in topics where this is relevant, like evolutionary biology.
But in this instance -- i.e. ethics -- I decide to regard myself as separate from animals. The same applies when it comes to topics like culture or any involving language: I separate myself from the animal kingdom. (Needless to say, humans regard themselves as separate in almost all possible fields)

I am a human and I consider ethics to be a vital goal to determine how I live my life, and to a lesser extend, how the shape and state of the wider world agrees to the standards set by my personal ideas.

Ergo, what you said is completely empty, vacuous and non-sequitur. Non-human animals and their conduct don't impact how I, a human, conducts himself -- it's a category error. It's like asking tomatos to be good vehicles. And this is the case in particular with moral considerations.

>> No.18376148

Yes, in addition to the other ghastly and macabre culinary horrors which could only be dreamed up by the Fr*nch, such as boiling an animal fetus in its mothers milk, stuffing an animal in another animal and roasting it, or drowning a bird in alcohol then swallowing it whole like some kind of demonic serpent

>> No.18376151

Absolutely Talmudic

>> No.18376172

> The fact that you yourself agree to the necessity of eating meat for survival, to exist, makes it impossible for it to be unethical.
The same logic can therefore be applied to any action which increases your chance of “survival”. Cold? Kill that man next to you and wear his skin as a coat. Short on money? Beat up that old woman and take her cash. A little hungry? There’s a perfectly good toddler playing unattended in the front yard.

>> No.18376182


>> No.18376542

Doesn't torture the bird enough, very unethical. In America, at least.

I trust the gypsies and the frogs to do it right.

>> No.18376743

Because he visited the only foie gras farms in my country. Have you ever been to a fpie gras farm?