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18361092 No.18361092 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18323604

>> No.18361226
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First for mate.
What are my fellow yerbachads sippin' today?

>> No.18361259

If anyone wants cheap old ass dry kunming storage. This is another site that has been around forever and hasn't been raising prices. I think i recognize a few teas on here as stuff that yunnan sourcing bought from them wholesale and is selling for much more.

>> No.18361266

i dont know if their house brand tea is any good, seems like mostly really cheap plantation stuff. But grab yourself a cake or two of old fuhai ripe if you are into that kind of thing

>> No.18361309

>It's always at least a little bitter, it's green tea after all
Japanese green tea is the most misbrewed tea in the world. It should not be bitter. You're brewing for too long or using water that's too hot.

>> No.18361315

>Sales Promotion! Just $7.5 Per Cake! 2019 Chancha Early Spring Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 1 Tong (357g x 7 cakes)
No way right? What the fuck is in it? This is under, way under, even lipton prices.

>> No.18361322
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>> No.18361331

the pot looks so stupid at this angle lol, like a giant black hole instead of a handle

>> No.18361335

>he doesn't enjoy a good goatse kyusu

>> No.18361341

It's probably not particularly good tea if that's what your asking, very cheap, plantation tea from somewhere not very desirable, that said ive sampled some tea from puwen which is another suspiciously cheap brand and it was bettern than i expected.
$7.50 a cake is closer to wholesale prices when buying from a tea factory than people would like to admit.
Anyways if you want to try their brand tea i would probably opt for a more premium offering.

>> No.18361349

Or even better ignore their tea entirely and buy some old fuhai or haiwan ripes for $18 each.

>> No.18361365

Yeah, I was actually scrolling through the ripes, it looks like they have some pretty good stuff. Those are some cheap 7576s.
I was just struck by the option of buying a tong of puer for 50 dollars. They have really cheap black and white tea too, that's gonna be shitty plantation tea pretty much everywhere. Pretty interesting store overall.

>> No.18361384

It's one of those stores that's been around for ages like http://www.tuochatea.com/ that just seems kind of frozen in time.

>> No.18361472

Is it not supposed to have caffeine and antioxidants in it?
You can always dilute it to your preferred strength, but it would be wasteful to under-extract leaves then throw them away for fear it might taste mildly yucky

>> No.18361481

Why do fancy chawans cost so much when compared to other Japanese tea tools?

>> No.18361498

>Is it not supposed to have caffeine and antioxidants in it?
So all tea is bitter?
>it would be wasteful to under-extract leaves then throw them away
Do you not distinguish between under-extraction and a proper extraction? Should I over-extract my coffee as well simply so I don't waste any anti-oxidants?

If guess if you view tea purely as a health supplement I can contend with your ideas but I don't see sencha like that. For me it's a pleasing beverage that has some additional health benefits and to brew it, it should be just that: a pleasing beverage.

>> No.18361514
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Uhhhhh white2tea bros?? I ordered this hongcha and there's a bug in it...

>> No.18361528

Just infuse it

>> No.18361557

Yeah, I do have a mindset that I paid for it so extraction is a priority. Not to the point of grinding it to dust then boiling it in 100 proof vodka. But a little bitterness doesn't bother me, it's still enjoyable. Tea is a little different than coffee since we're not extracting over 20% of its mass until fines start migrating into the cup. Diluting tea works really well to control the taste.

>> No.18361567
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guten appetit

>> No.18361603

Tea cake users be like "I get rusty nails, dead bugs, tiles, old lady hair, black mold and wood chips in my tea and I keep buying it"

>> No.18361609

>I do have a mindset that I paid for it so extraction is a priority
This is where we differ because I would think: if you paid for it shouldn't maximizing your experience/pleasure be a priority? Nice senchas and gyokuro shouldn't be diluted. I'm not going to push extraction just to dilute so I can squeeze every penny from my tea and I think it's fine if you do. We fundamentally disagree in that way. I just took issue with the fact you said green tea is always bitter when really you're just brewing it wrong. There may always be some astringency but bitter is a choice.

>> No.18361618

I forgot to mention cigarette butts
Any other tea treasures I might be forgetting?

>> No.18361625

Also to be useful: if you're not comfortable with leaving tea on the table so to speak, you could coldbrew the spent leaves after hitting proper extraction. And thinking like this, you could think yourself to be more efficient in this way because you're stretching the same leaves for multiple experiences that are arguably better than the one over-extracted session.

>> No.18361643

>not enjoying the hair of a hard working rural farm girl in your tea
Shut up. Her name is Xiu, she’s cute and wears glasses. She laughs pushes them up on her nose as a nervous action if something embarrassed her. Her hobby is cooking and she hopes to some day meet the western guy who buys her tea, as she lovingly places a strand of her hair in it so that may act as a red thread fate, bringing them together.

>> No.18361731

Some sort of floor or wall tiling shards. I had a cheapshit shou mei cake with a few flat chunks of that. Nothing you'd cut yourself on, but certainly not intended to be infused. Some of this stuff is just a natural result of human processing. You can get fucked up shit in loose leaf offerings just the same.

>> No.18361744

Diluting doesn't really get the same results. I like my sencha to taste like hank hill's lawn

>> No.18361764

I like that there shipping calculator is nice enough to tell you how much more you can add to your order without raising shipping costs. It's a great feature that I have wished more sites had.

People seem to forget that the average Chinsese are not buying $100 cakes and most the production volume goes into cheaper stuff. Not all of it is rubbish either, a lot of it is perfectly drinkable if unexciting. Also remember that the prices you see from western vendors are almost universally significantly marked up. I would bet you can get some decent daily drinker grade sheng cakes in china for $15.

>> No.18361794

I would just pull it out and maybe scrape off the tea next to it. It will be fine, Its not going to hurt you.

>> No.18361869

Pulled some decade old hair of out my nuggers a few days ago. Good times.
Complain and twodog will send you a free towel.

>> No.18362010

She is a he and he's a 55 year old peasant named Dwei who picks his ass boogers and flicks them into piles of maocha

>> No.18362017

Actual previous thread: >>18341034

>> No.18362020

Will the $10 yixing poison me?

>> No.18362044
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Honestly I really never liked the look traditional kyusu handles. They always looked a bit silly to me. Like the snoot of a alien on a children cartoon. Maybe that's not a coincidence...

>> No.18362050

If you want to overextract that's your business (I re-steep probably more than I should, some teas are expensive, I'm with you on that) but I don't see the logic in deliberately brewing green teas in a way that makes them bitter and then reviewing them as bitter. That would be like if I put tabasco on my chicken nuggets and then complained to McDonalds that they were too spicy.

>> No.18362068
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big cup for cold winter in eu.

>> No.18362080
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>going to spill it

>> No.18362200
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Glad you're doing well fren.

>> No.18362213
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Have any of you ever tried ssanghwa?

>> No.18362238

The heat from the tea cooks the yolk.

>> No.18362247

Haha yes but ackshully you don't want it to cook, you want to mix it in as a liquid or eat it whole with the tea

>> No.18362248

>People seem to forget that the average Chinsese are not buying $100 cakes and most the production volume goes into cheaper stuff.
Oh absolutely and that is the factory's store, they are basically selling at wholesale prices if you buy at least a tong. I mean look at something like a cheap haiwan ripe, their you can get this years release on fullchea for like $18. They are buying from wholesalers and marking up 100% and the wholesalers are buying from the factory and then marking up 100% so Haiwan is probably selling ripe cakes for $4-$5 each to their wholesale distributers

>> No.18362309

shu puer and runescape!!

>> No.18362333

As long as its OSRS

>> No.18362349

Has anyone tried this one?
It sounds tasty to me, but is controversial

>> No.18362356


>> No.18362360

>Notes of fresh asphalt
I would almost certainly hate it but I would like to try it. I'll add 10g to my next order.

>> No.18362372

Its probably decent if you like roasted oolongs, its been againg for a bit over a year so the roast should have settled at least some. Extreme roasts on oolong are pretty tricky to get right. If it sounds good to you get some and if it's overbearing just stick it in a corner somewhere and forget about it for a few years.

>> No.18362374

>Notes of fresh asphalt
If we're going with my theory that "notes of [inedible thing]" is cope for contamination, what happened here? Warehouse was being paved and the fumes got in the tea?

>> No.18362376

it's cause chawans are the centrepiece of the autistic traditional matcha ceremony which has been turned into a sort of ritualised performance art
this is why they're considered the most important and prestigious tea utensil. they're also usually formed by hand and not on a wheel AFAIK which takes more work

>> No.18362378

I mean they literally called it "The Road" lol. Maybe it was set to rest on relatively fresh ashphalt and the heat transferred some flavor idk

>> No.18362390

when I brew stuff like expensive Japanese green tea I just try to do as many infusions as possible. and when I notice it's getting too weak I brew the leaves one last time in a sort of more concentrated grandpa style to get everything out of them

>> No.18362402

bought some taiwanese GABA Oolong and Hong Shui for the first time
what am I in for?

>> No.18362488

any quick KTM reccs before i finish my order?

>> No.18362593


>> No.18362626

my ktm order is coming next week :D im very excited, also i got a 7g sample that was really stupid idk why i didnt get 25g

>> No.18362649

>If we're going with my theory that "notes of [inedible thing]" is cope for contamination, what happened here? Warehouse was being paved and the fumes got in the tea?
The tea is literally roasted over charcoal and you first though is maybe the taste actually comes from contamination? Don't be a contrarian. Also the "taste" of generally inedible things are often used as descriptors due to the interrelationship between smell and taste and the fact we interpret tastes as relative to others. You have to say that it tastes like [thing], and sometimes the thing it most reminds you of is not actually something you eat but instead a distinctive smell. The brain tends to combine the senses of taste and smell into the actual flavor you perceive so it is no surprise that you can imagine the taste of an aroma.

>> No.18362661

close but no cigar, try again with some real tea. https://youtu.be/QNJpM1LXMH8

>> No.18362704

Charcoal is nothing like asphalt.
Anyway I'm not saying that's what happened, I just got suspicious after the whole "notes of camphor" thing before.

>> No.18362728

Am europoor who wants to buy a simple but practical teapot. 0.50-0.75L, nothing fancy, but I want an infuser. The guide only has fancy clay shit.

>> No.18362743

just buy some used fine porcelain or something

>> No.18362790

>If we're going with my theory that "notes of [inedible thing]" is cope for contamination, what happened here?
Its just straight up burned from a shitty roast job and some of the tea is now ash/charcoal

>> No.18362807

>what am I in for?
An oolong that tastes like roasted sweet potatoes and an oolong that tastes like Taiwanese oolong. You are in for an enjoyable time drinking them

>> No.18362813

>any quick KTM reccs before i finish my order?
Black tea
Some oolong

>> No.18362844

Haven't tried this one but its on my list, the owner seems to like it
I have had this, its kunming storage but it has been in guangzao for 5 or so years now. It was damn good tea when i tied it and he hanst raised the price at all.
Also enjoyed this when i had it, nicely softened but still with some juicyness

>> No.18362857
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Find a 2 cup size chatsford style teapot, should be able to get one for $20 or maybe less, grab one that comes with an infuser basket, they usually do. Pic related

>> No.18362862

>It was damn good tea when i tied it and he hanst raised the price at all.
But ya know with the usual dry storage disclaimer that it could have passed for something only 6 or 7 years old, but again that was a few years ago and the tea isn't in Kunming anymore.

>> No.18362892
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>my teapot's infuser doesn't have a pull tab

>> No.18362895

Also he just added this ugly bitch, this is also on my list of stuff to try, pretty damn good price for 2010 yiwu, low price because its some no name brand, light rolling and pressing so its looks like its aged pretty quickly. Who knows if its actually arbor tree or from Guafengzhai but it sounds like it tastes like decent yiwu

>> No.18362906

These seem excellent. Do you know if the insfuser in the 4-cup reaches near the bottom so you can brew smaller amounts as well?

>> No.18362923

>Do you know if the insfuser in the 4-cup reaches near the bottom so you can brew smaller amounts as well?
I don't know, it probably varies by different brands, i generally recommend buying a teapot for personal use instead of getting a larger pot for two people just because you might have guests occasionally. Filling a largwr pot halfway tends to suck up a lot of heat from your water and is kind of a hassle in my experience, But its your call.

>> No.18362973
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Well I'm still puzzled by the lack of acknowledgement of the taste of caffeine, EGCG and ECG. Is green tea not inherently bitter? It's strictly caused by user error? Is decaf superior? It's like if I said broccoli is bitter and everyone went "you're eating it WRONG then. You're supposed to swallow the florets whole, not chew." Isn't it helpful to point out when a tea is more bitter than others, rather than treating taste as an obstacle then brewing all tea as if none of it in all of Japan has a trace of harshness? I'm not trying to flatter it.

Picrel quote is interesting.
80 Celsius is commonly suggested by stores (kettl, Ippodo, Sazen) or 70-80 range. If the taste bothered me the first thing I do is adjust the ratio AKA dilute. But it doesn't.

>> No.18362985

good but weird

>> No.18362988

I heeded your advice, and ordered a two-cupper. Thank you, anon.

>> No.18362993

That's a pretty small pot. Why not buy an infuser like this?

>> No.18363001

I already have several, but some times I want to brew more than one mug's worth at a time.

>> No.18363262

i swear it used to be cheap a few years ago and now half the shit i see is 30¢-40¢ per gram

>> No.18363279
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Anyone good with china runes? Can you give me the characters for this brand name? I want to see if gao jia shan has a store on taobao or tmall. Its time for me to start buying tea from facotry stores, im not paying out the ass for hei cha fron western vendors anymore.

>> No.18363299

What the fuck are you smoking?
These even look pretty good

The 80's fancy schmancy shit is expensive, sure, but it's still cheap ass tea you buy by the kilogram

>> No.18363327

Yo how did i miss that listing on ktm? I thought he only had expensive old three cranes productions.
I mean the one on puershop is a good example of what im talking about, those bricks are now going for $40 in any wetern facing shop located in asia when they used to be that cheap everywhere a few years ago. https://www.fullchea-tea.com/three-cranes-sanhe-2014-liu-pao-tea-3208-golden-flower-dark-tea-china-tea-hei-cha-400g-p0512.html

>> No.18363330

Give just to copypaste? Here you go: 湖南 高家山
I recommend you get an OCR.

>> No.18363341

Thanks, i just don't even know what tech im supposed to be using. I just need to grab some ocr program and then load screenshots into it? I can probably figure that out, thanks anon. I never thought of using ocr for foreign characters

>> No.18363386

>湖南 高家山
awesome thanks anon, i found their tmall store

>> No.18363388

Yes, and when that doesn't work, use a website like https://www.qhanzi.com/

>> No.18363431

I’ve been grandpaing a cheap white tea all day. I thought it was steeped out, but it developed a weird date flavor after refilling again.

>> No.18363444
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after spending a few minutes looking at the gao jia shan's factory store on Tmall Yunan sourcing actually beats their prices for many of the teas they stock, by 20% or so. Im kind of surprised but not that surprised since factory stores usually try and set flagship prices.
Dont expect this to generally be the case, but interesting none the less. I suppose i have to see what third party tea sellers on taobao have for prices.

>> No.18363472

>Is decaf superior?
>"you're eating it WRONG then. You're supposed to swallow the florets whole, not chew."
I hadn't realized it was you, my apologies to the rest of the thread.
Have you figured out why assamica isn't a tisane yet?

>> No.18363610
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I'm a different anon but agree with you a that having at least a bit of bitterness is both a normal and even enjoyable part of tea.

>> No.18363690
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it's part of what reminds me of eating collard greens, which are delicious

>> No.18363865
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I just want giant bricks of ugly fu cha and baskets of liubao, i wish i had HK climate and i could just age teas on a shelf in my living room. It would make it much easier to hoard all these giant tea bricks.

>> No.18363872
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3 kilogram bricks of fungus tea...

>> No.18363877
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Mmm, looks like moldy leafs off the forest floor

>> No.18363973

I hate the stupid husband wife set shit just fucking MAKE THEM THE SAME SIZE FUCK

>> No.18364002

W*men deserve less tea. Actually no tea at all but less is a start.

>> No.18364037
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How would the stuff on the back taste gong fu style?

>> No.18364122

Just made boiled tea with the last of my nan jian shou. Let's see how it is. I used 10 grams for a 16 oz mug.

>> No.18364128
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I think about this image a lot.

>> No.18364148

It's fine but the "person" who made it is such a smarmy faggot it's insane

>> No.18364174

It's alright, pretty fishy compared to drinking it normally for some reason. It's thick, like the consistency of soy sauce.

>> No.18364523

Its cute

>> No.18364527

It annoys me that the teapot in the image isint ming period or at peast ROC

>> No.18364533

Nice, that's a pretty strong concentration. Too bad it enhanced the wet pile notes. I thought i found the opposite last time i tried it. How long did you boil it?

>> No.18364630
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>megadeath hot sauce
>curry ketchup from hala
have you tried any real tea yet anon?

>> No.18364639

Once again I didn't take seriously the scaling in my kettle. I thought I liked my teas less and that my mood and taste were down last couple weeks. Once again I just had to change my filter. Fuck hard water.

>> No.18364664

Yeah, its awful, i also needed to change my filter months ago.
It almost makes me feel guilty about drinking tea brewed with hard water.

>> No.18364679

I never saw that much difference between filtered and unfiltered water desu. I guess the tap water over here just isn't super hard

>> No.18364689
File: 1.80 MB, 454x338, no-nooo[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fell for the lapsang meme

>> No.18364692

Yeah it doesn't make much difference if you don't have hard water but where i live using tap water is like turning down the volume on the teas flavor by 50%

>> No.18364695

How does it taste?

>> No.18364712

should have bought the expensive, traditionally smoked stuff. I hear it's much better than your average lapsang, which just tastes like smoke and not much else

>> No.18364721

>which just tastes like smoke and not much else
You say that like its a bad thing

>> No.18364766

About 15 minutes
There's also unsmoked lapsang (zhengshan xiaozhong) which is very good.

>> No.18364861

I found an interesting opportunity for a comparison if someone felt like exploring it.
farmer leaf is offering a 2021 spring Dong Guo village tea, he says its from a small factory and all hand processed.
Haiwan is offering a 2022 spring dong guo village cake which is about 1/3 the price. Probably all machine processed in one of the larger factories in the village.
too bad they are not both from the same year but it still might be pretty interesting to compare the two and see just how much difference there is (or isint)
I would try it myself but i dont need another kilo of young raw right now

>> No.18364864 [DELETED] 

I actually found another similar pair of teas as well.
2021 Yunnan Sourcing "Zhang Jia San Dui"
2022 Haiwan Zhang Jia San Dui

>> No.18364870

Even better there is a 2021 dong guo from haiwan as well, so you could compare teas from the same village from the same year

>> No.18364873

I actually found another similar pair of teas as well.
2021 Yunnan Sourcing "Zhang Jia San Dui"
2021 Haiwan Zhang Jia San Dui

>> No.18364883
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actually no, but can recommend good sample test pack

>> No.18365010
File: 44 KB, 949x600, 1663417974540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to sample teas, just buy this box of tea and some kind of brew basket to hold the leaves (don't use a little tea ball thing, find a big open basket something like pic related)

>> No.18365019


>> No.18365022

Or this if that ebay seller wont ship to where you live, its the same tea just from a different factory

>> No.18365090
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its based, like drinking a campfire

>> No.18365194
File: 896 KB, 4032x3024, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Map of Xishuangbanna i ordered from taobao finally arrived, gonna go look for a frame for it now : D

>> No.18365222

Ok you teaweebs have taken it too far

>> No.18365245

pliz no bully it was like 6 dollars
I feel like i could make a fuck ton of money buying more niche shit like this from china and selling it for double the price in the western market, I cant find anyone selling things like this lol

>> No.18365335

Some Yiwu and Wuyi maps would have a decent audience I think

>> No.18365474

This is pretty cute, I'd prefer one in English though.

>> No.18365643

Love it, nice find anon.
Did you buy it on taobao and yse their mail forwarding service or did you use a third party service? How much did shipping cost?

>> No.18365664

Yeah same but I dont think theres any maps in English with this level of detail, would be fun to try to fully translate it because it would easily be the best English map of the area then. Farmerleaf made a video about explaining a similar map but i dont think he mentioned every mountain thats in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL2C3MUWeRY
i used superbuy, the map was 5.3usd and shipping 5.7 with a coupon. I think the shipping price spikes every 500g on the order and it was only 150g so i couldve gotten a better deal also.

>> No.18366077

is this some sort of off site discord meme or something?

>> No.18366167
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Agreed, it was lapsang souchong that originally got me into tea. I really need to buy some more. Haven't had any in far too long. Perhaps I will get some Hu-Kwa this time.

>> No.18366287

Should i buy two kilos of hei cha or two kilos of puer?

>> No.18366371

>the longshoremen scrolled all over the chests "Commie Tea"

>> No.18366381

Does anyone have any recommendations for Houjicha?

Also what is the type of black tea that has the kind of flavor from one of those UCC cans of milk tea. i really hate the sugar

>> No.18366432

>Also what is the type of black tea that has the kind of flavor from one of those UCC cans of milk tea. i really hate the sugar
I think the sugar is a big part of the flavor but the answer is apparently Sri Lankan uva tea

>> No.18366479

neat thanks anon. Yea the sugar probably does change the flavor a bit but Im not sure its affecting the aftertaste that Im chasing after all that much. I will report back with results

>> No.18366728

>Does anyone have any recommendations for Houjicha?
I recommend you buy some Dong Ding instead.

>> No.18366731

Completely different vibes

>> No.18366734


>> No.18366871
File: 2.86 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20220916_194020628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my tea orders from the past month.
The vahdam tea order was partially forgotten then mailed after they got my email about it.

>> No.18366987

Vahdam does that, I'm still missing tea from them

>> No.18366993

I will never buy indian tea

>> No.18366996

Okay, nobody asked

>> No.18366998

No one asked you who asked

>> No.18367007

I will always buy Indian tea, offsetting the other guy

>> No.18367009

Mission accomplish sir pls buy from Vadham Global Inc.

>> No.18367106

I've had most of those YS teas, it's a good crop. The AAA TGY in particular is excellent.

>> No.18367358
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Has anyone used this?
From what I can tell, it's tea letterboxd with a tacked on tea subscription service. Mobile only and I think only zoomers use it.

>> No.18367529

Looks kinda like shit to be honest family.

>> No.18367546

Yeah. A couple of websites are shilling it, I guess they want a walled garden to keep people in.

>> No.18367596


>> No.18367601

if you really want a tea subscription, i've heard YS's subscription boxes are ok. but if you ask me subscriptions are for fucking retards.

>> No.18367663

I don't care about the subscription, I was interested if anyone had used their "letterboxd but for tea" gimmick.

>> No.18367731

No, I shun evil in all of its forms. Phone-posters must be purged. Also it's rather expensive for the amount of tea you get. For example white2tea, verdanttea, mountainstreamtea, and oldwaystea all send more for less.

>> No.18367821

I don't really understand what you're talking about? Where's the letterboxd part of the site?

>> No.18367828

You can post about your subscription tea but it doesn't look very popular with trannies so I'm not getting the letterboxd analogy


>> No.18367831

Their app apparently has a database and wiki of teas where you can post inane reviews of everything.

>> No.18367948

Are there any teas with a natural vanilla flavor? It's a relatively common additive.

>> No.18368005

Nice selection, please post you4 thoughts on those teas from thunderbolt when you get a chance to try them.
Also excellent choice to get a good range of the different types of oolong.

>> No.18368009

The boomer version of this is steepster.
Anyone can make listings for different teas the vandors sell and then post reviews, it can be useful to check when you are considering buying something.

>> No.18368055
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 1663479461285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im strongly considering buying a second zini teapot. I was going to get luni or dhuani for ripes and hk storage and stuff but im starting to get the impression that those clays are a but too muting and that they aren't particularly popular or used all that frequently. Im also really appreciating the slight muting from zini, and it seems silly to buy zhuni because i don't really drink green tea or green oolongs, or even black tea for that matter, plus i already have a litte porcelain pot.
I figure if i have two zini pots i can use one for clean teas and the other for the skanky stuff.

>> No.18368073

don't forget ratetea.com though it is even more dead than steepster.

>> No.18368121

Why is no tea rated higher than 89 on there?

>> No.18368138

No idea, the numbers don't matter anyway just read reviews

>> No.18368247

some white teas can go in that direction

>> No.18369289


>> No.18369296

ordered some cheap tea from this site, i'll report in about 2 weaks if i don't get scammed

>> No.18369315

I shall do that, but idk when I'll be opening them.

>> No.18369318

Recommend a good campfire smokey lapsang?

The last two that I bought were disappointing (one chinese that I could barely even tell was smoked, and one japanese that is a bit smokier but still not right). I had a really good one about 10 years ago but I have no idea where it came from.

>> No.18369340


>> No.18369380

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Would be nice to have a good brew available as autumn/winter hits.

>> No.18369470

Cheers, if you have asian markets nearby you might be able to find the stuff in cans, i can't find anywhere selling it online that isn't 2x the price it is at random asian grocers.
That shop seems to have good old regular lapsang and their taiwan version of it for decent prices as long as your aren't getting it in the fancy packaging.

>> No.18369480

What do I look for in a pre-82 F1 yixing? Does it matter if its dyed or reduction fired? Is all the clay they were using the same for the most part?

>> No.18369546

I really need to separate out the vintages from the moderns in the pastebin and put a big here be dragons warning about vintages.
My knowledge is limited and far from complete.
The most common clays used are zhuani and zinni. Zhuani is less reactive and performs closer to porcelain, zini can help round out hard off flavors like excessive smokey notes or bitterness and is popular for things like puer and roasted oolongs. There are also some pots that were made of zizni with a zhuani coating on the outside to give it a different appliance, i don't think their is anything wrong with them but expect them to performed the way you would expect from the clay on the inside and not what's on the surface.
There is a lot of disagreement in the asian collector community about when f1 teapots quality went downhill with the Taiwanese not interested in anything post 70s but broadly its agreed that the post 82 stuff isn't very good, they started using lots of barium additives to make the clay easier to process and they had exhausted some of the earlier mines of good quality famous clays.
There is some private order stuff from the 90s and early 2000s that shops like chawangshop have that is unrelated to factory 1 that might be pretty decent but generally the yixing from the mid to late 80s- mid 2000s is considered pretty shitty and adulterated, much better to get a modern pot than something from that period.
Things to look for, i think all the vendors in the pastebin that have vintage f1 stuff are selling legit pots so you can go through and get a feel for the details buy looking at lots of images of the pots, things like handle shape the inside of the lid etc that are characteristic of the good workmanship from the f1 pieces.

>> No.18369551

I don't want to just say don't collect vintages but it can be an expensive hobby so make sure you understand what you are getting into. A few of the old tea forums have yixing threads and you can find some good quality info and discussion in those if you are willing to spend the time.
If you have questions about any specific listings feel free ro post them.
Also standard disclaimer that the Chinese are masters ad faking antiques so be very careful with stuff that isn't being sold by trusted vendors. Assume ebay is regularly picked through by professionals who but anything old that isint marked up to modern prices.

>> No.18369615

First time drinking Taiwan black tea, sun moon lake #8 assamica from taiwan tea crafts. Very fruity and sweet compared to the cocoa tasting blacks I usually drink so quite enjoyable, smell of dry leaves was strong and somewhat like dried fruit, gonna have to buy more some day.

>> No.18369645

Nice, i love a good fruity black tea. Im guessing its kind of inevitable that Taiwanese black teas would have some aspects of oolong creep in like the high aroma you described

>> No.18369784

drinking some quite fruity Georgian black tea myself right now, reminds me of dried apple the most. also very different from the malty, chocolaty yunnans I usually drink

>> No.18369926

Sipping on some dry-stored mid-grade semi-aged basket Liu-an today. The taste is still very much like that of a black tea at this point. It's a great tea but can get bitter if over brew it or make too much dust when breaking the tea out of the basket.

>> No.18370043

Is red oolong supposed to come out red ? I'm getting a orange-y yellow.

>> No.18370057

Thank you, I'm buying from a private seller locally. He seems to have a good reputation and is offering to have tea with me so I feel okay with the legitimacy. The inside of the lid is printed with the letter 5? Does that mean its from Factory 5? How do I try to find it in the catalog? Individual tea fanatics seem to know a lot about F1 but there's almost no actual resources to learn about it.

>> No.18370076

Georgian tea is kino.
The answer for oolong is usually "it depends", but I've had some that got pretty dark.

>> No.18370084

you mean hong shui? they can be lighter or darker in color, not necessarily red despite the name

>> No.18370138

Taiwan Red
I left it in extra long trying to get it to turn red but it came out bitter so silly me.

>> No.18370187

I thought the stamps inside the lid was a size indicator. I also thought it appeared on more recent manufactured pots than 82
You can see one on this piece which is a late white label production
I guess this is a green label example with one
I gotta say, do you really need to buy old meme yixing clay? You rrally need to spend some serious time familiarizing yourself witht his stuff before buying something. Again a lot of the later f1 stuff is considered junk by Chinese collectors. Buying Chinese antiques is a really risky proposition on the best of days. Even meeting some guy in person nad having tea with them doesn't mean much if you are some dumb guellio and pay the guy $200 for something that's worth $50.
At least spend some time looking though the vendors in the pastebin and familiarizing yourself with the pices they have available, find the old factory catalogs. Understand why you want to buy and old teapot and what you are trying to get out of it. Do you want to collect old teapots? Do you think its going to improve the taste of your tea? Does it have some otber special value to you? Do you think you are getting something out of it that you can't get with a modern pot and what exactly do you think that is. Again i don't want to dissuade you completely from buying old teapots, they have a certain appeal to me but make sure you are an informed buyer and you know what you are getting into.
Here these guys have a shitload of old pots at somewhat higher then true market prices, take a look and get a feal for the details you are looking for.

>> No.18370193

Do you mean cultivar Ruby #18 red tea? I dont think it's supposed to be red in colour its just the name of it, black tea is also called red tea.

>> No.18370222

>find the old factory catalogs
It's a green label period pot yeah. Also how do I find the catalogs? Could you please link me some resources? Also I don't mean to say I think it's legit because he wants to have tea with me, when I said he has a good reputation I mean he's sold a lot of old yixing and has reputable feedback. Thank you for the words of caution though.

>> No.18370248

Oh my bad it's cultivar four seasons, origin: Zhu Shan

>> No.18370340

Yeah green is good
this thread has a decent amount of info, im pretty sure there are some links to factory catalogs in there somewhere, just ignore all the posts of people with random stuff asking for it to be authenticated which ends of being a lot of the content in parts.
this thread also has a ton of good info

>> No.18370345

there are a ton of old fatory catalog scans in here which is probably why i didnt save them last time i found them, not just factory one

>> No.18370352

Ah im unsure then, maybe try using more leaves, the black teas i usually drink never turn red but i mostly gongfu them. Where did you get it from btw? sounds really nice

>> No.18370378

google reverse image search finally added a translate image feature.

>> No.18370441

I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to come out red after all but I'll try more leaves next time.
What-cha.com, though I'm sure you can get it somewhere else if they're not a good delivery option for you.

>> No.18370472

Finally, ive been waiting for them to do that for years

>> No.18370483

My phone has had that for ages.

>> No.18370506

yeah that sounds like it's hong shui oolong. and no, it doesn't have to be red at all, don't oversteep it next time

>> No.18370627

I love those sorts of teas, aside from the price

>> No.18370636

I recommend checking out Ippodo for Houjicha.

>> No.18370930

I figured we would get at least one phone-poster revealing themselves when I made that post. If you weren't aware already it was not previously possible to do on the Google website, for a long time you had to either be using their app or more recently I believe they added it to the desktop version of chrome. I have been using Yandex for this purpose for years and it is nice to have a second option since OCR and machine translation are both so unreliable. Now if only google could fix their reverse image search.

>> No.18370947

Phone posting is over a decade old, you definitely lost the battle fren.

>> No.18370959


I tried a tea called Russian Caravan, it had smoky and charcoal like flavors, wasn’t the best, do you guys recommend any good fruity black teas? What’s a good entry black, green, tea?

>> No.18370962

>Now if only google could fix their reverse image search.
Thry broke it intentionally, its never getting fixed

>> No.18370972

waiter theres ze bugs in my tea

>> No.18370974

>do you guys recommend any good fruity black teas?
Try some Chinese black teas, dian hong, that sort of thing, for green tea dragonswell / longjing is a pretty good choice.
If you are in the US
And this for green
If you are somewhere else check the pastebin for shops or yunnansourcing.com ships from china instead

>> No.18370988

Like >>18369784 said, Georgian tea is pretty good. A lot of Chinese teas are pretty sweet as long as you avoid lapsang souchong (which is what Russian Caravan gets its smokiness from).
For an entry level black tea, Assam teas are common and well loved but they aren't necessarily fruity.
Entry green tea... there are many but I would say start with sencha and don't look back. It will teach you how to control temperature and steep time by giving you a bitter nudge of flavor if you do it wrong. I guess longjing is also a good choice >>18370974
>They broke it intentionally
I don't know what's wrong with them.
That said, until they figure out how to break it further, you just need to hit "find image source" for it to act like the old one.

>> No.18371069

I know, I know all to well.

Phone-posting and its consequences have been a disaster for the internet. The influx of normies has greatly increased the number of users on social media, but they have destabilized those online communities, have made conversations unfulfilling, have wasted enthusiast members time and energy, have led to a widespread decline in post quality (and difficulty in finding information on the greater internet as well), and have inflicted severe damage on web design. The continued presence of normies will only worsen the situation. It will certainly subject enthusiasts to further frustration and inflict yet more damage to the structure of the web, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and decline in the internet's signal-to-noise ratio, and it may even lead to the loss of dedicated enthusiast communities such as this one.

>> No.18371072

>What does this have to do wtih tea?

>> No.18371077

Whatever dude, this sites been on the down hill ever since loli posting got you banned and all the retards screeching about /pol/ living rent free in their heads.

>> No.18371307

The other Indian white tea I got is not as good as the first one. The first was a Darjeeling that developed a molasses and dates flavor after hours of grandpa while this one has a strong floral aroma at the start but becomes flavorless quickly.

>> No.18371323

>first was a Darjeeling
Where was the second one from?

>> No.18371346


>> No.18371556

That wasn't what I was expecting, so IDK if it's the location. I got a weak tea recently too and was wondering if they were from the same area.
Maybe sometimes it just goes stale in transit. Lid gets loose and the workers figure it's easier to just put it back on and not say anything. That happens in my industry occasionally, kek (don't worry, it's nothing important).

>> No.18371777
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i had cbse mountain herbs and rosamonte special 2day

>> No.18372259
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Del Cebador, classic intensely green urugayan stuff
ngl though, I can't wait to crack open another smoky paraguayan... I think the Indega will be next

>> No.18372285

thinking about turk teafarm anon...

>> No.18372393

Nice. Rosamonte Traditional is a favorite of mine, how does the especial compare?

Sampling their mate and knowing how much they drink gives me the impression Uruguay is the most caffeinated country on the planet

>> No.18372441

>has a strong floral aroma at the start but becomes flavorless quickly
That's a difference in processing more than anything. Unfortunately the loud floral arom upfront, all spund and fury signifying nothing is becoming popular with many different types of teas these days. Some of the fancier Tieguyanyin and some tiawan oolongs these days are processed with a focus on that inital punchy aroma over everything else.

>> No.18372445

Amazing order. What's that gurana mate like?

>> No.18372496
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Praise kekecha

>> No.18372543
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>> No.18372629

the chinaman wrote my address so ridiculously wrong that it would be a miracle if it actually arrived. at least he got my name right and i should be able to forward it to a local post office if i get the timing right. wish me luck

>> No.18372635

Fuck that's annoying
Did he send you a pictue of the label or something? Is the address actually hand written or did he just enter the text wrong.

>> No.18372644

i get notified if something gets shipped to me thats why i know he got the name right but the street name got butchered beyond repair as i assume he handwrote it poorly. at least they know that it is meant for me but i am curious on where they will try to deliver it to

>> No.18372847

Godspeed anon keep us posted

>> No.18372860

Does reduction firing vs dying hei ni affect the way the clay brews tea? Is there anything to worry about with cobalt/manganese dying?

>> No.18372896

I was reading a bit about that yesterday. It seems like generally reduction fired clay will have similar properties to the same clay that hasn't been reduction fired.
RE: coloring
The general consensus seems to be that you should aviod clay with coloring additives. First because a lot of the stuff used for coloring isn't really stuff you want to consume and it can be hard to get things done properly where colored clay is safe. And secondly because much like flavored whisky nobody is adding these colorants to high quality batches of clay.
I would be toally fine with buying and using reduction fired clays, i think they look great. They do require some extra cleaning when you get them to remove any ash left over from the reduction firing but after that they should be good to go. With colored clays i personally would generally avoid them unless i was particularly familiar with the artist and their style of work and i was confident they knew what they were doing.

>> No.18372903

Would you avoid colored clay if it was F1? Apparently their hei ni is all dyed

>> No.18372929

At first it tastes grassy and a little smoky, then citrusy, sweet and bitter, then wood/oak which is also the strong and lasting aftertaste. Very layered and requires a bit of thought, balanced, but also drinkable/chuggable as a citrus drink.
I haven't tried Traditional but I read that the main difference is the 12 vs 24 month aging and amount of smoke flavor.

I didn't get the cbse guarana, la merced and playadito yet, I ordered those 3 a few days ago. One review says it's just a berry flavored yerba mate.

>> No.18372932

Oh that might be differt. I can't say im super familiar with it but i was talking about modern yixing that's dyed weird unnatural colors like yellow or green or bright blue. The factory 1 stuff is a known quantity and im sure people have had chemical analysis of that particular clay done before so you should be able to find some more concrete information about what's in it and if its safe.
It might be worth joining one of those old teapot facebook groups (unfortunately that seems to be where the active discussion is) and asking them, as im not really familiar with what clay was colored during what period and i have no idea what collectors opinions of it are.

>> No.18372936

Does that website work for you? I keep getting secure connection failed

>> No.18372937

the Especial is really smoky for an argentinian mate from what I remember - do I remember correctly?

>> No.18372945

You have to change the BERG to book

>> No.18372954
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What are some of these facebook groups name's, I want to go where the autists are

>> No.18372964
File: 150 KB, 674x960, 389331_221020338001126_91454919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

老茶与老壶资料库(Old Tea & Teapots Database)

>> No.18372972

I'm probably really desensitized to the smoky note, I plan to buy Traditional to compare

>> No.18372977
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>> No.18372981
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>> No.18373000
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What I'm drinking today

A pretty solid earl grey

>> No.18373022

>Aged tea
That's something you don't see marketed to the west very often

>> No.18373030

It's as high quality as you can expect to get in a convenient way but to be honest I think the tetley earl grey has an overall better taste. Definitely not as fresh but i feel like this numi stuff doesnt have as much of a nice lip smacking bergamot flavour

>> No.18373348
File: 192 KB, 990x1317, Unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I should have waited until today to post this as it is apparently the 27th anniversary of the original publication of the Unabombers manifesto which the above post is a copypasta of.


>Whatever dude

Don't take it too seriously, while the sentiment is real to an extent the text itself is just a shitpost.

So the question remains what kind of tea would Ted Kaczynski drink? Realistically probably pine-needles or something but that's no fun.

>> No.18373418

Been drinking out out the gaiwan lately, about 4g in a 150ml gaiwan. Would recommend, not really any different then grampa style but a bit easier to keep the leaves out of my mouth when drinking down to the bottom

>> No.18373432
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AI interpretation.

>> No.18373474

Heicha for sure

>> No.18373510

Gunpowder green tea

>> No.18373539
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but only if it comes packed in bamboo tubes.

>> No.18373559


>> No.18373572

None unless he grew it himself.

>> No.18373791

Kek he's so grumpy.

>> No.18374023

Is that loose leaf? I've gotten teabags from that brand before and so assumed those are the bread & butter of their business.

>> No.18374051
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Waiting for china EMS to scan my tea order

>> No.18374109
File: 232 KB, 512x512, Unabomber likes tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is just angry with how slow shipping is these days. It's frustrating waiting for your package to arrive.

>> No.18374132
File: 65 KB, 385x457, 88b13cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I really need to fill my gaiwan up 50%!? With the cost these leaves from yunnansourcing took me I'd end up paying £1 for every drink!

Pic unrelated

>> No.18374201

>do I really need to fill my gaiwan up 50%!?
There are ratios in the pasebin for g of tea to water for different types of teas when gongfu brewing.
In case you misseed this you brew the same leave in the gaiwan up to 10 times, you don't just dump them after you add hot water to them once.
See this video for a demonstration

>> No.18374241

That illuminates things, so essentially I'm using a gaiwan that's meant for a lot of people and if I wanted to use it solo I'd need to find something like a 50ml gaiwan, thanks anon

>> No.18374255

>to find something like a 50ml gaiwan,
About 100ml is the sweet spot for one person. You can always just measure out the one you have and figure out how much you need to fill it to get around 100ml and just fill it that far each time.

>> No.18374290

just fill your big gaiwan with less water and less leaves.
personally i believe my gaiwan is somewhere around 250ml and i only fill it with about 5g of leaves usually, and that's good enough for me. you don't HAVE to brew tea gong fu style. you don't have to brew it western style, either. you can adjust the leaf and water quantities and brewing times as much as you want to find something that will work for you.

>> No.18374320

What are some Chinese tisanes that are good beyond TCM memes? Jiaogulan and Ginseng sound good. Ma Huang and Kuding look scary.

>> No.18374398

jujube leaf tea (Gan Zao Ye) is good.

>> No.18374429

Good question, im a bit hesitant to try drinking Chinese herbs that aren't known in the west incase they cause some problem and doctors have no idea what it is or what's in it. But I'm probably being a bit paranoid in that respect.
Ginseng is some potent stuff, not for me but its good

>> No.18374461

Schisandra chinensis berry tea is also good. While it is used in China the Koreans in particular seem to like it.

>> No.18374617

I can second Gan Zao Ye. It has nice depth comparable to greens.

>> No.18374624

imagine drinking chlorophyll

>> No.18374734
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 09bbfd0fb1f89ee16d658673cbad32a1--school-counseling-a-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the sun

>> No.18374737

It ain’t easy being green.

>> No.18374883

how can i tell if a particularly cheap tea is a good deal or complete shit before i buy it

>> No.18374908

Anyone else here have delayed ejaculation?
Just learned my dad has it too, I just want to cum inside pussy bros. Why is life so hard?
Sage for off topic

>> No.18374975

The only good tea that I've ever seen dirt cheap is black tea.

>> No.18374981

What is it that makes pu-erh good for so many re-steepings? Is it less forthcoming with the flavor/nutrients when boiled? Is the flavor so strong that it can be tasted even when depleted?

>> No.18375551
File: 1.13 MB, 1452x1089, 1663662772968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly fu brick, but damn it tastes good

>> No.18375620

agreed. idk what it is about black tea, but it's way easier to get good black tea for cheap than any other kind of tea

>> No.18375628

anyone have some examples?

>> No.18376028

today, I am brewing sencha grandpa style and drinking it through a bombilla
I have no shame

>> No.18376060


>> No.18376070

with a bombilla you can grandpa brew pretty much anything you want. truly the ultimate lazy brewing redpill

>> No.18376098

"Gong-fu brewers could be here", he thought, "I haven't come to this tea shop before. There could be gong-fu brewers anywhere." The warm mug felt good against his tired hands. "I hate gong-fu brewers" he thought. Bem Que se Quis reverberated through the entire building making it pulsate even as the $9 kabusecha circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of puer lesbians. "With a bombilla, you can grandpa brew anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.18376108

lmao, 10/10 post

>> No.18376218

Seconding jujube, it's pretty nice, as is jiaogulan though it's more medicinal and not for everyone. Kudingcha's bitterness is no joke, I have a high tolerance for that stuff and it's still too much for me half the time; it's cheap though so if you want to try it it's not like the stakes are high.

>> No.18376298


>> No.18376302

Has anyone had good results using a pitcher filter (like Brita or PUR) to filter tap water for tea? A couple months ago I moved somewhere with safe but very hard tap water (reportedly around 17 grains/gal). It tastes more or less fine by itself, but tea is noticeably bland. I've tried diluting it with distilled water at a ton of different ratios but for some reason that doesn't seem to work; it's produced some of the worst tea I've ever drank. The grocery stores near me don't usually stock a lot of spring water and even when I can find it, it's a pain to transport and the results don't really blow me away either. This is slowly driving me insane, but I really don't want to invest in some huge RO system or something like that unless I'm positive it's going to make excellent tea.

>> No.18376320

I've found that brita filters filter too much for my taste. Something under-the-sink and non-RO would be a good solution methinks


>> No.18376356

brita works fine

>> No.18376425

just move next to a mountain stream bro

>> No.18376730

Sadly removing water hardness is more difficult than just filtering water. You should look into RO or water softener systems if that's your goal. Some filters to include media that will slightly soften water but most are not made to soften water on their own. You will need a second dedicated cartage for that.

>Something under-the-sink
It won't soften water but I personally use this:

They even say on the website that it is not intended for water softening (removal of TDS).

>> No.18376753

Gateway drug is recipe water imo. Buy cheap distilled water and add in some kind of mix, or blend ... 9:1 with Fiji or whatever. There should be links in the pastebin. I would absolutely recommend at least brewing a few pots of tea with chemically perfect water before spending any real money, to see if it's something you care about.

>> No.18376759

Brita works fine

>> No.18376820

Chinese people put meifan stones in a pitcher with their water overnight and use that to brew tea to give it MORE minerals.

>> No.18377040

Tetsubin is ultimate grandpa style kettle. It maintains the heat between infusions if you use a small cup. You don’t have to worry about scale or hard water either, since minerals bind to the inside and create the seasoning. Cleaning the rust out of the inside is brainless too, you throw cheap green teabags inside and boil them down. They’re considered high maintenance, but they’re secretly a powerful tool for the lazy man. I recommend getting the ~$130 Oigen one from Amazon to start out if you’re interested, it’s utilitarian and induction friendly.

>> No.18377056

made all my tea orders this year at the wrong time. I bought a bunch of ripe puer that showed up in the middle of the summer, i will have drank most of it by the time it gets cold. Then i ordered a bunch of young raw puer which will show up just in time for winter. Then in January im going to order a bunch of hei cha and ripe puer that will show up just in time for spring

>> No.18377063
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Choose your weapon

>> No.18377074

I didn't realize the pastebin had resource links for water recipes. Thanks a ton, this seems really promising.

>> No.18377076
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For me its komogai-nari
The flared lip makes it easier to hold from the top and the flared shape usually results in the edge being a bit cooler so you can pick it up while the tea is still extremely hot.
My camera refused to focus

>> No.18377078

I need to add one of those gameFAQs style indexes to the pastebin

>> No.18377269

tenmoku or komogai. thanks for the chart

>> No.18377297

Agree, tenmoku is great

>> No.18377326
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Anyone order something with EMS shipping from china recently? How long did it take?

>> No.18377615

It's still in Guangzhou one month later

>> No.18377693
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Nothing like drinking some liubao in a redwood grove

>> No.18377718
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Are you a male?

>> No.18377725
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>> No.18377770

standard issue pu-erh lesbian

>> No.18377784

I know Upton has a bunch of black teas that are less than 20 cents a cup. However I hit sort by price and China sencha and season's pick young hyson are among the cheapest. As you scroll down you realize that they are the exception that proves the rule though.
I believe what makes black tea the cheapest is its versatility. It is less dependent on freshness than green tea, less dependent on leaf quality than white tea, and easier to prepare than oolong or puer. Just oxidize literally any tea leaf and bam, black tea.

>> No.18377805

I'm drinking from a han tsutsu-gata but a komogai-nari would probably be comfier.

>> No.18377898

not anymore

>> No.18377905

where the fuck are the handles?

>> No.18378034

Too complicated for the Japanese. It would make their teacups cost thousands

>> No.18378092
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>It would make their teacups cost thousands

>> No.18378095

I don't get why there's all these weird shapes of cups with different names. But I especially don't understand how it makes sense to use cups without handles. Is burning your hands on the hot cup supposed to be part of the experience?

I like tea, but there's way too much woo and pretentious horseshit in chinese tea culture.

I put my tea in a tea ball, boil my kettle, put the tea ball in the kettle, steep it, take the ball out, and pour some tea in my mug. Simple as.

>> No.18378111

>Is burning your hands on the hot cup supposed to be part of the experience?
Their buildings have no insulation. Getting heat strokes in the summer, going insane hearing your neighbors fuck, and warming yourself using your food is tradition. How enticing Japan is, a lot of that is propaganda.

>> No.18378112
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>> No.18378121

You grip it at the top. You've posted this a few times and it's still so retarded

>> No.18378184

Why are most Japanese kyusus so huge? Do Japanese people only drink in large groups and only one or two steeps?

>> No.18378235


>> No.18378243

I guess they are mostly teapots for two, its not that hard to find smaller ones but i wish there were more.

>> No.18378252

If it's too hot to hold it's too hot to drink.