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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18356392 No.18356392 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on seed oil. It feels like what is and is not healthy keeps changing. What is wrong with seed oil? Are there any good vegetable oils? What do you replace them with?

More importantly, is the problem really using a few tea spoons of vegetable oil while cooking, or eating tons of processed foods and way over consuming it?

>The Sydney Diet Heart Study from the 1960s also shows that participants who replaced saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats high in linoleic acid—another fatty acid also found in many seed oils—“had a higher risk of death f

>Yet studies also exist appearing to state the opposite. Namely, that polyunsaturated fats don’t cause inflammation. One review of studies, as registered dietitian Abby Langer points out, even found that higher levels of linoleic acid “were associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular events.”

>> No.18356394

sneed oil

>> No.18356412


>> No.18356469

It's highly processed and high in omega 6 but low in omega 3 which is supposed to cause inflammation. If you only use small amounts then it probably doesn't matter much but it's unlikely to be so healthy that you should use it to make up the majority of your fat intake, even if you're not consuming higher than normal amounts of fat.

>> No.18356479

those prices trigger me
why are the bigger bottles the worse value per oz
why does 48oz of sneed oil cost $6 in the first place

>> No.18356489

The good oils/fats:

Olive oil
Avocado oil
Coconut oil
Lard (from 100% healthily-raised/fed pigs)
Tallow (from 100% grass-fed cows)

>> No.18356500

dissolved hexane used in the processing of seed oils damages your gut and causes inflammation
you should be using butter/ghee/tallow/coconut oil for everything and should cease buying all products containing soy or seed oils

>> No.18356527

you fell for another right wing bullshit meme, just like soy.

>> No.18356536

It started becoming more popular around 20 years ago to use more olive oil instead of vegetable oils as it was thought olive oil was much healthier. Thinking vegetable oil isn't that great is not new nor is it a right-wing thing.

>> No.18356565

I get these but a lot of them have strong tastes and low smoke points. vegetable oils have a very neutral taste.
Beef tallow is great but pretty expensive.
I guess lard is ok but I feel like lard from grassfed/healthy raised pigs would also be very expensive or hard to find.

Makes sense. I don't eat out much and have been trying to cut out processed foods as much as possible so hopefully that helps. I would still like to use vegetable oil occasionally for home cooking

>> No.18356567

yeah but no one was talking about vegetable oil.

The new "seed oil bad" bullshit comes from the same right wing incels that claim that soy is bad for you. Cue their bozo studies

>> No.18356571

It's in all the goyslop you eat so it's bad. You replace them with grass fed butter, tallow or as a last option, lard. EVOO if you're desperate and live in some shitty hellscape like the Mediterranean.

>> No.18356575

>why are the bigger bottles the worse value per oz
Because for something like this, bigger = more convenient because you can delay buying more later = more demand.

>> No.18356617


I’ll let you read this for research purposes

>> No.18356620


I also give you the Vice article OP pic is from. I’m not entirely convinced but I am cutting down my use of oil and trying to limit my own diet to lose weight.

>> No.18356630

>bitcoin influencers
These rats are already making up a narrative about how it's the "bircoin dudebros" who are hating on seed oils. Pathetic, even more reason to avoid the liquid poison.

>> No.18356640

>Bitcoin influencers
You should check out their Twitter. Again I’m not disputing that seed oil isn’t bad but even “seed oil disrespecters” are still capable of retardation

>> No.18356642

Yeah, just use the same oil for food that used to be tank track oil in ww2, im sure its all okay, only racist nazi fascist incel right wing retards believe its bad, trust the science, they would never allow a product that harms you, ever.

>> No.18356647

>The new "seed oil bad" bullshit comes from the same right wing incels that claim that soy is bad for you.
only retarded brainwashed jewish golems believe that everything is right and left. Ray Peat is an unironic Marxist and he has been preaching about the dangers of seed oils for more than a decade
>inb4 ketolard
Ray Peat is literally the antithesis of keto crowds

>> No.18356650

Nice try Seedorf

>> No.18356660

>Yeah, just use the same oil for food that used to be tank track oil in ww2, im sure its all okay, only racist nazi fascist incel right wing retards believe its bad, trust the science, they would never allow a product that harms you, ever.
Literal Reddit

>> No.18356669

Its unstable crap that becomes inflammatory poison when heated enough

>> No.18356819

>Are there any good vegetable oils
As compaired to cooking with animal fats? No.
>What is wrong with seed oil?
Nothing really it all comes down to taste. I don't like olive oil, or rapitza, so mostly use sunflower oil when i'm too lazy to get lard.

>> No.18357746

I like olive oil but I'm not going to use it for fried rice.

>> No.18357766

I want the schizos to leave

>> No.18357782

No, it's not le bad, that's just the /pol/ swarm here on 4chan. I've never heard anyone in real life even talk about this, so I guess just avoid eating too much grease in general and go for high quality options like sunflower oil.

>> No.18357860

I love seed oil though, sunflower specifically.
Especially in salads, makes it taste like heaven.

>> No.18357876

It does not matter in the slightest what cooking oil you buy. Chances of it actually being what's claimed on the side of the bottle are miniscule at best.

>> No.18357879

>sunflower oil
People say rapeseed is better than sunflower

>> No.18357898
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Only this will do

>> No.18357907

based and peat pilled, all this + butter

regarding tallow, the lipid profiles of ruminant animal fat, and therefore of their tallow, aren't affected by mycotoxins or PUFA content of the feed, so like eggs while a nicely raised product preferable it won't be deleterious to consume battery egg or meat/tallow from factory cattle provided they're at least free of antibiotics

>> No.18357927

I love this time of year (harvest season) as I can walk out to my garden, picks some lettuce carrots and cucumber, chill it and toss with canola for a delicious salad.

>> No.18357985

all oil is bad for you, it's not really a hard concept to wrap your head around.

to what degree its bad is a good question though, I stopped using margarine because its an oil combination that tries to mimic butter but is marketed as healthy... then you look at the marketing campaigns for why these became popular... and its literally all just to create a market for a product regardless of if its better or not. and with smoking we see they can easily pay off a scientist to say whatever.

I will ask this, does oil give you ANY benefit to see it widely used? does it do ANYTHING FOR YOU? animal far will, butter will, meat will, does a fried carb do fucking anything worth the calories?

and that's how I make my decisions on what to eat, granted I will also meal prep large quantities of food so I piss a 3 hour chunk of time cooking and get a few weeks of food for it, I find this better than just buying processed everything.

>> No.18358009

Ideally, you would use olive oil. But that shit is expensive.

>> No.18358030

coconut oil is good for you and is prophylactic and therapeutic of oxidative damage; like (generally clear) alcohol in reasonable doses it is broadly anti-inflammatory.

>> No.18358036

what about Butter ?

>> No.18358175
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Nutrition is a meme just eat whatever you what, but not too much of one thing

>> No.18358205

Yep. A 1L of that costs $15 here while sneed oils cost like $3 for the same amount.

Also no one mentioned palm oil either

>> No.18358260

>palm oil
I think that’s commonly accepted as bad

>> No.18358279
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Is sunflower seed oil any good/better/worse than any other processed seed oil? I rarely see it here in the US, but I understand it's popular in eastern Europe.

>> No.18358288

it's way more expensive than soybean oil so I assume it is

>> No.18358320

cold pressed high oleic sunflower oil is an OK but not ideal product. if you need a neutral oil it's the least harmful.

>> No.18358336


palm oil, meaning refined palm oil, is a decent alternative to high oleic sunflower; red palm oil is unrefined and contains a much better vitamin e and k content than refined. palm kernel oil has a very good lipid profile with decent vitamin k content.

the vitamin e content of these oils is protective of, and tends to track closely with, their PUFA content, making unrefined (red) a very good source of whole vitamin e and not hamrful in an oxidative sense.

>> No.18358343

I use vegetable oil exclusively to fry things when you need a lot (like 1/4 inch in the pan) to get a good crisp because most of it gets dumped in the oil jar and thrown out, and it's cheap and pretty flavorless.

I do that like once every one or two months at most, other than that it's all olive oil/butter/lard/tallow in that order from most to least.

>> No.18358427

I’m willing to check this out, anon. Do you have a source

>> No.18358433

No. Peanut and grapeseed oils are best. Everything else is mass produced filth where supposed benefits are trumped by terrible malpractices in the production chain.

>> No.18358437

lrn2 internet
is all that is needed for you link
is spam
let me guess, you're a phoneposting zoomer?

>> No.18358451

>phoneposting zoomer
Yes, grandpa. I am. Isn’t it time for your meds

>> No.18358718

seed oils are industrial waste marketed as food for further profits. eat em if you like

>> No.18358738

you have to go back

>> No.18358769

>new "seed oil bad" bullshit
new is the key word here you dumb /pol/tard.

>> No.18358793

Isn't Ghee just clarified butter?

>> No.18358815

didnt use to be

>> No.18359734

it has been around since i can remember, at least a decade. People like Saladino are just making it more known in the last few years

>> No.18359937

peanut oil, duck fat

>> No.18360025

How do people not gag when cooking with vegetable oil? Smells like absolute death

>> No.18360046

This is a meme company's are regularly shilling.
Same as dairy shills and protien shills.

Check the catalog, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.18360060

ask a butcher shop for fat trimmings its very easy to turn into tallow
and avocado oil is known for being the neutral oil with the highest smoke point

>> No.18360086

Doesn't it taste kind of avocado-y?

>> No.18360101

I stopped eating sneed oils because some /fit/ meme said it would make you gyno. everyone treated it as info wars tier paranoia, but now lots of studies are saying they're bad. was /fit/ right all along?

it's bad because they cut down forests where monke lives to farm it

>> No.18360103

>Wesson Canola, 24 oz - $3.87
>Wesson Canola, 48 oz - $5.87
Because you need to check your math, you dink.

>> No.18360138

I'm sure palm oil, especially in processed foods, is not healthy, but I hate monkeys.

>> No.18360581

>cut down forests
Fuck those people. I love monke

>> No.18360582

Sure boomer, whatever you say

>> No.18360614

I was never anti-soy but I am anti-seed oil, including soybean oil. Soy is lindy in the orient, seed oil is an industrial era innovation that largely came around to cut costs and, possibly coincidentally, became shilled as much more healthy than saturated fats with cholesterol becoming a meme 'bad-for-you' chemical.

Most lindy arguments against eating certain foods are by left-wing speakers. Rayp well, eat well.

>> No.18360775

>anti-seed oil, including soybean oil
soybean oil has existed since 3000 BC you stupid /pol/cel

>> No.18360793

is peanut oil healthy?

>> No.18360794

Seed oil cures cancer.

>> No.18360850

Sunflower oil has a high smoke point which is useful.

>> No.18360956

This is why I appreciate store that say the price per oz, so I dont look like a damn fool doing the math in the store.

>> No.18360955

>Corn oil
>Vegetable oil
>Canola oil
are they telling us to put oil on salad?

>> No.18360980

Ask again in a couple years, it constantly changes. But I always was skeptical about rapeseed oil, even when it was shilled like over a decade ago. But since the use as Biodiesel became more lucrative it stopped and nowadays it's even more lucrative to sell it as Diesel so now its le bad.

>> No.18360992
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>> No.18361024

Kill yourself

>> No.18361591


>> No.18361692

And??? Fucking retarded /cuck/ actually thinks mud is good for you

>> No.18361705

This isn't a right or left wing thing, it's actually insane what we've done with seed/vegetable oils. In 1900 the average diet had less than 1% of calories from sources of omega 6 rich foods, now it's over 20% of calories in some countries. There isn't a natural way for humans to get this much linoleic acid, all major sources, particularly tree nuts, are highly seasonal so overindulging during the few weeks a year that they're available wasn't a big deal. Over the same time period the only thing that has steadily increased is vegetable oil
Saturated fat intake fell starting in the 70s/80s, chronic disease continued to increase
sugar intake has been falling since 1999, chronic disease continues to increase
Fructose toxicity is a thing and it's not good for you, but having done research on this in preparation for getting old, it's very obvious that either something inherently inflammatory or otherwise unhealthy about seed oils, or what they do to the n-6:n-3 ratio, is one of the biggest causes of metabolic diseases.

At the VERY least, seed oils are completely valueless empty calories, similar to sucrose/fructose and refined grains. Omega 6 is technically an essential nutrient but you need a very tiny amount of it.If you look at all of the diet schizos, left, right, vegan, carnivore, lo-carb, high carb, all of them are in basically full agreement that highly processed foods containing a mix of industrial fats (seed oils and transfats), refined sugar and refined flour are bad for you. They will quibble over whether red meat, or cheese, or milk, or legumes, or nightshades are bad, but you won't find any of them defending this shit. The only people I see defending it are industry advocates and doctors who are either paid off or who are just completely clueless and think their one class and a few continuing education credits from industry sponsored sources means they know shit.

>> No.18361709

your third world shit hole country hasn't discovered portable calculator technology yet?

>> No.18361969

>sugar intake has been falling since 1999
very marginally. its still hugely increased from what it was in 1900