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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18352711 No.18352711 [Reply] [Original]

eggs are disgusting and makes me gag every single time.
Rice is disgusting because bugs live in it
Any raw vegetable because bugs live in them.
Any seafood
Miso soup. It tasted like dogshit no matter where i ate it.

>> No.18352729

Squash, doesn't matter what kind I just hate the texture that it has and doesn't really mesh well with other dishes as a side

>> No.18352738

blue cheese, any amount instantly ruins a dish for me
honorable mentions are rhubarb and kale

>> No.18352745

pound cake. it's just sweet nothing that sticks to your mouth and throat

>> No.18352759

I am generally a very adventurous eater but for some reason I can’t stand most types of fish at all. Even the smell of cooking fish can make me nauseous. It’s pretty much the only food I won’t even touch, (though I also really dislike white rice I will still eat it if it is served to me)

>> No.18353070

I'm fairly sure almost all modern fish is frozen before they're served up because the logistics are that long. The fish you've been eating has been rotting in a cold hell for months before being cooked in cheap oil and served as 'food'.
The only fish I want to eat is freshly caught only a few hours before I am going to eat it and not frozen crap.

>> No.18353087

i dont like eggs, bananas, tuna
i dont like a lot of sticky, mushy fruit: mangos and other weird shit.
mayoniase is gross... but then i like aoili... which i thought was mayo, but apparently aoili doesnt have egg in it?
ill take a bit of mayo on a nice sandwich but god fucking damn, the globs of white shit they slather onto a fucking jack in the box burger, fuck that.
ill eat fish but im kinda turned off to it, fuck eating shrimp.
i dont like a lot of asian foods. i dont like 'seasame flavour', i dont like the smell of peanut oil, soy sauce always makes food worse.
the appearance and texture of food is also a big factor. like ill eat ground meat no problem, but like chewing all the wierd bits off the bone off a chicken leg is sooo grosss, chewing on chunks of fat on a steak, or off shitty cuts of taqueria meat... gross.

of course i was way pickier as a child, im sure that stunted my development

>> No.18353123

Bleu Cheese

>> No.18353136

>making sure everyone here knows that you have the palate of a literal small child
I fucking wouldn’t, even if I was that picky

>> No.18353147
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>> No.18353187

its an anonymous forum

>> No.18353227

slimy, slippery textures: cooked mushrooms. tomatoes. mangoes. peaches. oysters.

>> No.18353296

I’m anonymously embarrassed for you tastelets

>> No.18353374

I eat everything and for me candy is the most disgusting thing

>> No.18353481

Roasted vegetables made by other people. No one knows how to fucking season them
(I'll tell you a secret, quick brines or plum wine marinades. It'll make your 6/10 veggies into a 10/10)

>> No.18353581

Your moms pussy, because it's smelly and disgusting. You came from there so you should know, OP.

>> No.18353592

dude what

>> No.18353612

I prefer not to eat desiccated coconut.

>> No.18353614

Figs are fucking dogshit
Fish except for salmon, trout and tuna sucks
If you enjoy eating liver, heart or lungs genuinely kys

>> No.18353618

i fucking hate you and everyone like you

>> No.18353623

What do you actually eat? Tendies?

>> No.18353659

I get salmon all the time on the east coast that is labeled fresh never frozen.

>> No.18353696

>picky eater
>doesn't know what logistics means
>has no idea what happens to fish before they end up on the table

>> No.18353718

I don't know why, I know they're a big staple but that's the one food that will forever filter the fuck out of me.

>> No.18353755

Everyone in this thread never mentally matured past the age of 10

>> No.18353759

Seafood and Mushrooms are pretty gross to me, it sucks because I want to try restaurant ramen but they all have fish cakes and mushrooms in them.

>> No.18353770

ITT: Manchildren
Imagine calling yourself a man and being afraid of food

>> No.18353774

>I'm fairly sure almost all modern fish is frozen before they're served up because the logistics are that long.
Maybe if you live in Ohio.

>> No.18353790

Unlike Colorado we have had fresh seafood for a long time, in addition to local freshwater catches. Seafood gets frozen due to health code requirements for it to be served raw as sushi or ceviche. The parasites don't like being frozen.

>> No.18353812

Imagine calling yourself a man and being afraid of someone else's tastes.

>> No.18353837

I'll eat just about anything but squash and mushy green beans. I don't know if it's the texture or what but I gag violently when I try to eat them, and I used to vomit as a kid when my parents tried to make me eat them.

>> No.18353856

I used to love eggs and after COVID messed up my smell, I can really really smell the sulfur in them and they taste like eggs and farts now. It's a shame as eggs are really good for you and in a lot of things. I too am an egg hater now

>> No.18354163

oysters (mussels are good though)
beyond chicken nuggets

>> No.18354398

hey, guess what, i dont give a fuck. go ahead and cry when i dont eat yer shit. ive had grown men get angry when i say "no, ill pass"

>> No.18354401

>I can really really smell the sulfur in them and >>18353856
they taste like eggs and farts now.
>>they taste like eggs and farts now
>>>they taste like eggs
do eggs not normally taste like eggs, wtf?
-picky eater who doesnt like eggs.

>> No.18354418

I'm not a picky eater, but one thing I really can't stand is yogurt. It's okay if it's mixed in with things, but I absolutely hate handling it and don't like it plain. Something about the smell just fucks with me. I think it's because when I was a kid people in my family would bring it in lunches in like a thermos and then bring that back, with remnants which smelled awful after sitting all day

>> No.18354419

Vanilla Ice cream, the most bland taste off of the entire menu in any ice cream parlor, might as well lick the walls.
Why, Vanillanons, why?

>> No.18354433

I HATE mushrooms. I can eat literally everything else though.

>> No.18354437

>eggs are disgusting and makes me gag every single time.


>> No.18354465

I guess the only thing i truly hate is the "frozen dairy" imitation ice cream, taffy, cheap licorice, and many mixed drinks. I have no problem with any sort of meat vegetable,fruit, beer etc. Etc. Etc. that ive encountered and im not picky at all

>> No.18354476

brussel sprouts
anything that came out of the ocean/lake/sea etc.

>> No.18354648

lettuce is disgusting

>> No.18355051

My biggest picky eating tendency is onions. I cannot stand onions in any dish unless they are finely diced and thoroughly cooked. I don't mind the flavor and even acknowledge that they are necessary for many recipes, but I find the texture disgusting.

>> No.18355133

98% of cooked vegetables. Raw veggies are delicious.

>> No.18355162

I don't really get the appeal of coconut, but I'll eat literally anything.

>> No.18355238


>> No.18356114

it has basically no flavor, what the fuck is disgusting about it

>> No.18357038

Fish and all vegetables except potatoes. Rice tastes like mushy nothing to me.

>> No.18357040

Not him, but lettuce has a distinct bitter flavor that can ruin a burger.

>> No.18357046

I call myself a woman

>> No.18357050

>slimy, slippery textures: cooked mushrooms.
You can cook mushrooms longer until they start browning and almost get a bit crispy. If they're slimy then that means they were just cooked in their own liquid and basically boiled.

>> No.18358669

I think you're making shit up
even the buns on a burger overpower the lettuce

>> No.18358685

Why would I lie? I just don't like the flavor of lettuce.

>> No.18358760

I love lettuce yummy yummy lettuce

>> No.18358804

Most people are referring to iceburg lettuce when they don't specify the variety.

>> No.18358825

It's possible that local restaurants are using lettuce other than iceberg, but I have no way of knowing.

>> No.18359101

Corn. Probably a bad experience I've had.
Boiled seafood.

>> No.18359107

Bitter melon.

>> No.18359771
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Wow look at these picky eaters, they pick to eat the things that they want and are annoyed with everyone who wont eat what they picked! So picky! wow! wowowow PICKY PICKY so picky! wow. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. They are SO PICKY. They always want to make other people eat the picky food they picked for to pick on the other people for picking. It is annoying to eat the picky food they picked. But it is the rule of the picky picky people! The rule is that you have to eat the picky food they pick. Wow what a picky picky rule. so picky. wowwow. The picky people also make up rules for everyone and it is up to everyone else to follow the picky picky rule or they are picky. Oh no we didn't eat their choosy picky unfair food and they got all frumpty bumpty and SHID THEIR PANTZ OH FUCK. We are so fucking PICKY we will pick on people for EATING THEIR PICKY FUCKING FOOD. We are so PICKY. FUCK. fuck fuck FUCK. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. So picky. so picky, that if they say "Don't eat this" you have to not eat the thing they picked for eating. fuck. Oh no. They are picky and they want to make you EAT PICKY FOOD. we are such picky picky people, we don't want to eat PICKY FOOD so picky.

>> No.18359775


>> No.18359784

I dislike the term picky eater I'm actually a super taster. I'll give you a small list of the food I can't stomach.
Brussel sprouts
Boiled pasta or noodles of any kind
Caesar dressing
Blue cheese

>> No.18359800
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I fucking hate onions. When I used it as an ingredient as the dish calls for the flavour I make sure to chop it as finely as I possibly can. Eating an onion raw or anything centered around it, (french onion soup, grilled, fried, etc) I cannot tolerate the taste.

>> No.18359814

>Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Yeah, you are obviously a picky eater.

>> No.18359820

you'll grow up someday

>> No.18361208

t. caterpillar

>> No.18361242

cooked egg white & onion because of covid parosmia (I think it's finally starting to wear off now though)
non-white fish
green beans

i love blue stilton but every other blue cheese literally tastes like carpet (not the good kind)

>> No.18361261

Any organs or bones (I love meat but keep it to pure muscle and a little bit of fat because everything else is just awful)
Meat that's mostly fat - that stringy, tough kind of fat that is difficult to melt. Disgusting.
Anything that was never meant to be eaten - any insects or sea life that isn't just a fish.

I'm fine with everything else.

>> No.18361262

>I'll give you a small list of the food I can't stomach:
Stopped reading. Why are you even here?

>> No.18361269

>dude just eat garbage tasting food lmao
i bet you wouldn't eat food that i sprayed with shit or decaying corpse smell particles you retarded faggot

>> No.18361274

I’m a supertaster and I know by looking at your shit list that you’re not one.

>> No.18361276

Try crispy mushrooms - thinly sliced white mushroom lightly covered with oil (so 'shrooms absorb not fry), a lil salt and pepper then oven grilled at 180c for 15-30 mins.
If done right, tastes like bacon

>> No.18361746

Roasted red pepper for some reason

>> No.18361843

Liver if you cook it a milisecond longer than it should be cooked for

>> No.18362040

What the fuck do you do for food? Do you just go outside and open your mouth towards the sun?

>> No.18362064

>hates eggs, seafood and rice

You don't belong on an anime board