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File: 3.40 MB, 1740x1207, ronald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18344905 No.18344905 [Reply] [Original]

They threw our clown away and no one cared.

They threw away what made mcdonalds great for children.

They redesigned the fun happy place we knew as mcdonalds and made it into a corporate building design.

Mcdonalds took away what belonged to us and no one is making a peep about it except for me.

>> No.18344931

That goes for all mascots not just Ron.

>> No.18344934

It's easier for corporations to have a soulless building when they are rebranding.

>> No.18344935

Shut the fuck up

>> No.18344939

why are you like this?

>> No.18344944

Why are you? It's a fucking burger, get over it and find a way to be happy that doesn't involve pretending you're still 11 years old

>> No.18344959

I'm just saying the mascots bring something to the franchise, imagine disney world just a bland lifeless attraction only selling bare bones merch. No magic just endless shilling of products.

>> No.18344965

Disneyland sells fun rides and toys
McDonald's sells poison
There's a reason one is not allowed to advertise to children anymore, Mascots are not only unnecessary but a negative thing to have, you just want them back because you miss your childhood, move on

>> No.18344967

Which fast food chain has the most 90s vibe these days? Is there anything that doesn't exist inside a soulless cube with interchangeable interior?

>> No.18344969

dairy queen

>> No.18344989

Fuck bro you may be right....

>> No.18344997

Good. Anyone who feeds their children this garbage deserves prison time.

>> No.18345002

It's not so bad every once in awhile, but the mexicans do over do it.

>> No.18345008

theyve been slowly modernizing all their locations but a lot of them still have the old look

>> No.18345024

Yeah, a lot of ghettos have the old look. Some mid income locations have some of the old look too.

>> No.18345041

get a life

>> No.18345043

no mcdonalds left with the old look, not even mcdonalds in mexico

>> No.18345054

They didn’t choose to ditch the clown, a court forced them to choose the clown being a mascott for the restaurant or the McDonald foundation (child medicine charity) and they chose the charity

>> No.18345055


>> No.18345067

>Disneyland sells fun rides and toys
how much did Mickey Mouse pay you to type this post?

>> No.18345081

I stopped going to mcdonalds when they changed their slogan from "we love to see you smile" to "i'm lovin it." I was only 12 at the time I think but even then I could tell that they were shifting their marketing to a different demographic, and I didn't want anything to do with it.

>> No.18345088

i dont see the significance

>> No.18345094
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time anyone saw Ron and the King in an advertisement, they were gay kissing.

>> No.18345096

>a different demographic
What changed is people stopped having kids.

>> No.18345368

That clown was creepy as fuck and the only good thing out of it were Donarudo OtoMADs

>> No.18346331
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There's an old McDonald's building down the street from my office that's been sitting vacant for two or three years since they opened one of their new soulless buildings nearby. I've been thinking about how cool it would be to convert it into a pub by installing beer taps, a patio, fixtures, carpeting, etc. since it's in a good location with little competition, but the economy is so bad right now. I've also never worked in a restaurant before, so I doubt the bank would loan me $250-500k to do what would need to be done.

>> No.18346349

Fuck off Emplemon

>> No.18346356
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>> No.18346358

They're ice cream is shittier than it used to be I think.

>> No.18346399

You don't necessarily need Restaurant experience but you should know how to probably lead a team. Make sure to get a good head chef that knows what he's doing and a head server to run the front of house.

>> No.18346412

European here
>Im lovin it
Is this in Bubonics?

>> No.18346438

Checked and sounds doable, but my only concerns are that people now don't have the disposable income to go out like they did before the memedemic, and this place is in a suburb. There's no competition out here, since all the dive bars are about 20-30 minutes away in the downtown and university districts. I'd have to cater to that clientele by making it more of a family-friendly pub with a full menu rather than a party bar open after midnight.

>> No.18346439
File: 80 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, the mascot for our goyslop was taken away, this is horrible

>> No.18346445

nobody wants to be reminded of the clown from IT when a commercial comes on

>> No.18346478

Just don't bloat the menu and keep it affordable. Focus on simple meals that everyone enjoys and consider more exotic meals for specials during certain holidays or events. Ice Cream and Milkshake for kids could also be a good idea.

>> No.18346481

You will never know what the original big mac was like and Ronald will never hand it over to us in our lifetimes.


>> No.18346528

If I opened a pub, I'd want to serve typical British pub food like fish and chips, sausages, burgers, etc. The closest place to get fish and chips is about 20 minutes away, and they don't serve draft beer, so I definitely think there's a market. The milkshakes are a good idea too.

>> No.18346554 [DELETED] 

Sounds good bro, I'd say go for it. As for the

>> No.18346559


If you want to see a scary clown watch the first debut of ronald mcdonald on tv

>> No.18346582

Sounds good bro, I'd say go for it.

>> No.18346596

I stopped going to McDonalds when they brought out the abomination that is the McDouble
Its dead to me

>> No.18346597

Old fast food places are nasty and not worth the remodel. The buildings aren't designed to last very long either so it's already on borrowed time.

>> No.18346666

"Nasty" can be resolved through proper remodeling but as for the "The buildings aren't designed to vast very long" I call bullshit unless you can prove me wrong to which I'd have do say "Do Americans really?"

>> No.18346699

>"Nasty" can be resolved through proper remodeling
The plumbing and drains are usually clogged and needs complete replacement and you're looking at a total gut on top of that. Don't ask about flat roofs, just don't.
>"Do Americans really?"
20-30 years depending on local codes. Mostly due to the aforementioned problems that are unavoidable, making it less expensive to do a new construction every 25 years.

>> No.18346709
File: 223 KB, 1024x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs clowns in a clown world

>> No.18346752

Damn. I can wrap my head around the plumbing issue cause of fat retards going to fast food places but buildings with a 20 to 30 life expectancy? I live in a house build in the 1870s and this house is solid as fuck. Then again I'm german and I don't want to go into judging a young country as America but who came up with those local codes?

>> No.18346753

give me grimace for cuddles and a few cheeseburgers and we good

>> No.18346796

It's all the grease in the drains. Houses are built to last much longer but freestanding retail buildings and especially fast food chains build cheap for a reason. There are also tax and accounting things involved, amortization and depreciation is usually based on a 20 year loan.

>> No.18346825

So they're cheaping out on the construction to keep prices down. Lemme guess they also sell buildings they abandon for more value then they're worth considering the buildings construction quality?

>> No.18346858

It's more about the land value. Land is dirt cheap in most of the US but lots with good road frontage in the right area increase in value over time. The building itself isn't as relevant when the plot was bought for $20,000 back in the 90s and is now worth $300,000 because it's in a busy area with a lot of development.

>> No.18346871
File: 199 KB, 1200x800, dairy-queen-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no

>> No.18346880
File: 205 KB, 1022x453, npdq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the rural DQs still look like this.

>> No.18346885

Capitalism at it's finest. How much money would you think this Anon >>18346331 would need to to actually invest to start his pub?

>> No.18346889

yeah and there are still plenty of mcdonalds that look old whats your point they look bad NOW

>> No.18346891

post nose

>> No.18346908

show me a mcdonalds today in america that looks old

>> No.18346914

Half a million, minimum. Less if he's only leasing and it's a little hole in the wall but it's all very area dependent and you'd have to calculate a reasonable monthly income vs the rent/mortgage to see if it is even feasible in the first place. The only reason a lot of dive bars in cities are still around is because they own the land outright.

>> No.18346929


>> No.18347113

The location is pretty choice. It's on the main thoroughfare through the city out to the suburbs, and it's also just a couple of minutes off a highway exit. It has plenty of parking as well, but if the old McDonald's building had to be demolished, then yes it would cost upwards of $500k to do a new construction and outfit it like a cozy country pub. There was an online petition with about 500 signatories going around asking for the location to be turned into a Waffle House, so there is quite a bit of demand to do something with the spot. Right now it's just suburban blight with overgrown foliage. I'll take a photo after work and post it here if anyone cares.

>> No.18347243

>They threw away what made mcdonalds great for children
it was /never/ great for kids. the advertising just made it seem FUN to kids, and therefore good.
what kids ACTUALLY liked was the happy meal toy. especially in the 80s and 90s when it wasnt always just crappy 5 cent plastic junk from china

I remember as a kid we got a copy of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with our purchase at McDonalds. I dont think it was an actual happy meal prize, but as a kid into Indiana jones it might as well have been.

>> No.18347484

then hey, shut up!

>> No.18347501

>you didnt like mcdonalds you just liked the TOY. HUMPHFF!
i liked the food too, still do

>> No.18348298
File: 66 KB, 1200x630, image557042x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFC still has the Colonel, Jack Box is still kickin, Wendy will always be around, but I miss this lil nigga

>> No.18348373
File: 63 KB, 1200x675, progressive asf burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must return and right his lands.

>> No.18348397
File: 39 KB, 416x540, media_FcIv30NXwAUHgly.jpg_name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronald McDonald is an architect.

>> No.18348529
File: 667 KB, 2686x3787, 0ae8oo8j56m91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some high class shitposting, pretending to unironically have nostalgia for one of the culprits of the obesity crisis and being depressed that they're not marking to kids as hard. I miss this sort of irony poisoning.

>> No.18348541


>> No.18348549

Even in my bumfuck nowhere town they literally demolished the building just to build the new dentist office looking one

>> No.18348575

nta but I think it was in the trend of minimalism every chain started following. Slogans became brief and casual, designs had to look "sleek" and cosmopolitan like they were trying to mimic an ad from some 5th avenue fashion line. I think this is what people mean when they say 'soulless'

>> No.18348591

Sure let's see it

>> No.18348599

Disney a shit
McDonald's a shit

>> No.18348623
File: 431 KB, 1068x1171, SmartSelect_20220912-213351_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18348903

(You) a shit.

>> No.18348906

I bought cocaine in uniontown on my way to camp one time

>> No.18349520

The soul of the country is dying, there is no point in making children happy when they have nothing to look forward to anyways. Might as well set their expectations low from the beginning.

>> No.18349525

That's really scary. Some things in this world are horrible.

>> No.18349530

That's because you're the new target demographic. For those of us who weren't in diapers on 9/11 it was our first introduction to corporatized ghetto slogans. I remember a lot of people questioning it and not being happy about it. It opened the doors to slowly encroach on polite society and replace it with this souless miasma we have today.

>> No.18349532

Aren't you the faggots that cry about "groomers"? Now you're crying because a company can't advertise to children anymore?

>> No.18349537

shut the fuck up dude, you were 12

>> No.18349538

I'm sorry you were born too late to enjoy the last great decades of america. Don't worry I'm sure our grandchildren will live to see better times.

>> No.18349541

we're the same age, retard. you're just projecting your adult cynicism onto your childhood self. you did not care about company slogans, you cared about getting a fucking happy meal toy.

>> No.18349543

Haha whatever helps you cope my young friend. Don't worry I'm sure it wasn't really as great as I remember, you probably didn't miss out on anything.

>> No.18349899

I think of this pasta whenever I go to a door covered in oil

>> No.18350007

>They redesigned the fun happy place we knew as mcdonalds and made it into a corporate building design.
So now you’re mad a company is acting honest for once?

>> No.18350323
File: 29 KB, 575x376, mcdonaldsoldnew781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was too much traffic to get a photo yesterday, but it's basically this style of building with all the branding removed.
The building design in pic related started getting rolled out in the late 60's, because the original 50's design with the giant golden arches was deemed too gaudy by many local zoning boards.

>> No.18350351

>fast food is le poison

>> No.18351338

They're going slower than the rest, but many/most have completely closed their dining rooms since covid and are drivethru only. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.18351342

>golden arches was deemed too gaudy
There was a brief period in the early 2000s where the gaudy style made a comeback.

>> No.18351344

uh weve opened everything back up. sorry you like in the u.s i guess

>> No.18351366

Yeah they actually opened one of those retro-styled McDonald's in my city. Too bad the people working there are shitty and make disgusting coffee.

>> No.18351393

mcdonalds should be advertised for no one ever especially children
of course, I dont consume their soy filled patties and nuggets