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18344285 No.18344285 [Reply] [Original]

What is the secret?
Mexican Oregano?
Better quality lard?

>> No.18344291

All of those will help, but it's hard to say without knowing what you're doing. Refried beans aren't exactly difficult to make.

>> No.18344293

Overcook beans
Salt some more

>> No.18344295

I can make them. I just want them to taste better.

>> No.18344406

Usually a bit more oil/lard than what youre used to. A bit of cheese mixed in is in order sometimes.

If you wanna go full fattie (traditional), Id add fried pork drippings as the oil (dont use bacon fat it tastes weird). Of course, youre not gonna get this type of fat in most groceries so just
>Use a bit more oil
>Be patient
>Wait for the beans to release their starch. Usually 20mins on medium heat
May not be a dramatic improvement, but it sure as hellmis an improvement

>> No.18344420

>Of course, youre not gonna get this type of fat in most groceries
This is why I freeze the fat from any meats I cook

>> No.18344444

How close is this?

>> No.18344451

I meant to post this:
Oh well.

>> No.18344494

the secret ingredient is chorizo.

>> No.18344667


>> No.18344692

Overweight 5 foot 3 inch beaner cum

>> No.18344753

Pork fat is very commonly used in Mexico so try using that for refried beans, also overcook the beans before mashing, I personally like to use beans that already have a day or so from being made.

>> No.18344763

only real answer itt

>> No.18344809

Anyone use butter in their beans? If so how much? Salted or unsalted?

>> No.18344839
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1 cup dry beans
2½ cups water
1 tbsp lard
1 tsp chicken broth powder
2 small dried red chilies

4 hours on my electric pressure cooker then remove the chillies and mash it all up. It thickens as it cools.

>> No.18344848

Inb4 this thread gets deleted

>> No.18344873

Bacon fat
Queso crema (the one with the yellow sticker and green cow)
Top with cotija

>> No.18344888

Am I the only Mexican that doesn't even add fat? I just add a bit of water and cook on med and mash them every so often

>> No.18344903

i grew epazote this year in my garden and it literally smells like wd40. what the fuck, i think these spics are lying to us about using it as a spice.

>> No.18344910 [DELETED] 

Idk man but sick quints

>> No.18345278

intriguing I have a pressure cooker I wonder if I could just shove everything in and it set it to go for an hour or two and then mash with my immersion blender. I guess I should get a potato masher.

>Queso crema (the one with the yellow sticker and green cow)
I'm gonna look for this at the store

>> No.18345280

It makes really amazing enchiladas. I just sort of think of it as cilantro but even more pungent. Just don't add too much - it can be kinda a strong flavor. I've been trying to find it fresh at the markets here but no luck.

>> No.18345375
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Sorry I don't know why I said queso crema, I meant this. They also make good oaxaca

>> No.18345537 [DELETED] 

I looked at the ingredients in that shit - it's garbage - I'd sooner just add real cream and some yogurt. Well, maybe there's a better kind, but not what they sell at my grocery store.

>> No.18345606


>> No.18345660

Do you do low pressure?

>> No.18345697

I mean any pork lard will do

Some use veggie shortening but youre playing with fire there.

>> No.18345698

The bit of fat absolutely does make a difference. I used to do that as well but now I add heaping tablespoons of it

>> No.18345732

open can, take out of can, heat up

>> No.18345761

I use Armour and it sucks donkey dick.
What kind/brand of lard?

>> No.18345913
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If you don't cum in your refried beans then you're just wasting everyone's time.

>> No.18345932

I'm not too bothered by the carrageenan since I don't use a lot anyway and don't eat refired beans as much anymore. Heavy cream is my go to alternative since it's only for texture purposes

>> No.18345936


>> No.18345993

wasted in a thread about refried beans

>> No.18346030

There is no secret it all depends on how much you overcook them before mashing, oil/pork fat you use, if your beans start looking a bit too dry mid-mashing dont be afraid to add a small cup of water to rehydrate them(it wont affect too much the taste as you think). If you are looking for things to add for taste, fried chorizo, cut sausage/ham pieces, cooked minced beef and sliced serrano peppers (cut size to your preference) are what works best.
after mashing you can pour cheese over a serving while they are hot if thats something you like

also dont use fucking cilantro its dumb and tastes dumb

>> No.18346238

You know nothing of BEANS

>> No.18346468

How dare you.

>> No.18347400

>dont use fucking cilantro its dumb and tastes dumb
I love the way it tastes. Why hate?

>> No.18347566

Ok so I soaked and then boiled a pound of pinto beans.
I cooked some bacon in the microwave. I guess I'm going to mince some garlic maybe for aromatics - I'm all out of onions though I do have onion and garlic powder and dried minced onion.
Add some fat, simmer away, and then maybe hit it at the end a bit with the immersion blender to puree it a bit.
Also, I'm making buttermilk biscuits unrelatedly. I did some folds, tried to do a yeast dough so they are cut out just final proofing before baking.

>> No.18347667


>> No.18347747

Ok so here's what I did. I put some veggie oil in a pot, then realized I have tallow and bacon grease in the fridge (rendered from beef bones and cooking bacon), so I added that too, then I dumped in some minced garlic, let that go for a bit, then added my spices, dried minced onion, cumin, coriander, some chopped cooked bacon, 1 lb cooked pinto beans, some water, and I'm gonna let it go for an hour or two and see what happens before immersion blending it a bit.

>> No.18348076

I finished the beans! I added a bit of queso blanco at the end. Maybe next time get some cotija or just use feta.
I added a lot of lime juice and a little honey and pureed them somewhat with the immersion blender but they are still chunky. Creamy, smoky, spicy.
I guess my ultimate goal is to serve them with huevos rancheros.

>> No.18348134

Fresh lime is so good.
I guess I should add it at the end, but I tend to put it in when I am mashing the beans.
Gives the beans a bit of a faint ting.
Don't know if I should wait.
What about mixing sour cream in when you are mashing them? Never tried it.

>> No.18348142

I don't think when you add the lime matters for beans. I eyed the sour cream in my fridge but decided to just stick with a bit of cheese this time.

>> No.18348342

It's the lard OP. Use lard or bacon grease. If you can't use either add water to get to your consistency and then drop in butter to taste.

>> No.18348378

Armour lard is disgusting.

>> No.18348384

Try getting lard at the farmers market.

>> No.18348864

One is coming up so I will try.

>> No.18348923
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you know the amount of lard you would feasibly be willing to use, ever, before feeling like an absolute slob? double it. This is for restaurant quality.

I just make charro or burracho beans myself.

>> No.18348934

My Mexican friend worked at a restaurant and he said the way they made the beans grossed him out so he only ordered vegetarian.

>> No.18348958

I made them today for dinner but I didn't even add mexican oregano. I bought it, but I forgot to add it to this batch. I feel like the bacon I added is a weird texture - but also I used "real bacon" from the farmers market that's sorta a different cut of pork than whatever the heck is in mass market consoomer bacon.

>> No.18348978

Did you cook it before you put it in? because you can just cut it into 1in squares and cook it with the beans from the start.

>> No.18349046
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really the """""secret"""""""""" to good refried beans is the same as asians with rice and fried rice, you need the right beans. Idk though asians freak out over boiled turnip seeds being done in the wrong dong fui shing wang water brand or whatever, but hispanics tend to be less ridiculous about it. Here's the steps I make mine with, but I'll warn you, I'm not Javier Velasquez-Ramirez from chihuahua, I'm a white guy from San Antonio Texas.

>soak beans overnight (never skip this step for any beans, they come out not done properly in the middle)
>slow cook with smoked ham shank, quartered charred onion, bay leaf in chicken broth
>for additional points, use a clay vessel (we call it a frijolera but if you look it up it might be called something else)
>once beans are done, eat some that night
>tomorrow, for breakfast, pull some of them beans out
>pull out your paint bucket of lard (buy the one that has a big handle and comes in a tub if you want to be cool, it really doesn't matter they're rendered at the same plant typically)
>take a big ass scoop out of it, heat it up in a cast iron until it looks a lil smoky
>put beans in
>wait till beans warm, mash
>add seasonings if you want here, definitely salt to taste. Your beans are already properly cooked so they aren't missing a ton of flavor
>once beans lose enough water to look like dried mud on top (cracks forming? don't know how else to call it) you're done
>for the san antonio classic, put in flour tortilla add cheese for a bean and cheese breakfast taco (60% of breakfast tacos by volume ordered are bean and cheese in SA)
put cilantro on top if you want but if people tell you people are putting culantro or epazote in refried beans at home they're probably lying to you or wealthy enough to have not eaten refried beans as a kid. If you want to do it that's fine and I bet they're great.

>> No.18349177

What "beans" are good beans? I like Goya myself. Walmart brand sucks donkey dick. So do some other brands they sell.
Beans in the Mexican section were hard (probably due to age)

>> No.18349604
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Did somebody say....beans?

>> No.18350409
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>> No.18350433

Why do retards insist on spending huge slabs of cash outright when financing is so cheap?
Well okay, maybe not in $CURRENT_YEAR, but financing big purchases just makes sense. Having money left over feels safer than blowing it all and having to save back up.

>> No.18350558

He doesn’t have the cilantro tasting good gene because he is a lesser lifeform.

>> No.18350567

jannys not that big of a faggot, is he

>> No.18350579
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lard, a little butter and chipotle chili powder

>> No.18350760

I meant well cooked beans, not picking some kind of specific bean brand.

>> No.18350766

fried beans are just as good and you guys are just wasting your time

>> No.18350769

Dieser Neger isst Bohnen

>> No.18350776

thanks mitch

>> No.18351533


>> No.18352439
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>> No.18352849

>What kind/brand of lard?
Farmer John
I use a potato masher. There is enough water that they are soupy but after mashing and cooling they thicken up a lot.

>> No.18354463

I'll try Farmer John if not baconfat.

>> No.18354490

The starch of the beans thickens the water.

>> No.18354707

I don't like my refried beans really smooth and creamy

>> No.18355824

I like them chunky as well.

>> No.18355834

taco bell

>> No.18357140


>> No.18358212
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>> No.18359690
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>> No.18361061
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>> No.18361581
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Fuck off with your beans, nigger.

>> No.18362215
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