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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 810x476, SugarS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18331944 No.18331944 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm addicted to sugar
No, you're not. Sugar is not an addictive substance. It doesn't have withdrawal symptoms. No matter how much sugar you consistently consume per day, nothing happens if you stop except you might feel tired from lowering your calorie intake so dramatically. If you consume other calories, you won't even feel tired.

You aren't a "sugar addict", you're just fat and stupid and can't stop making bad choices It isn't any more addictive than fried chicken, pizza, or any other cheap high calorie desire. There's nothing addictive about sugar. Compare that to an actual addictive substance like caffeine, which will give you headaches, extreme lethargy, insomnia, and other issues if you stop consuming it.

>> No.18331977

Eating food gives you serotonin
Eating the same food over and over gives you less and less serotonin

However... eating very sugary food, every day, will always give you the same amount of serotonin, its a food that is always pleasure inducing no matter what, It also increases hunger, thus it's addictive, maybe not as addictive as genuine hardcore drugs, but i'd say its about as addictive as porn

>> No.18331984

It's worse than hard drugs and porn because it's fucking everywhere and available to children. Try avoiding sugar is a fucking pain in the arse, unless you are ready to make everything yourself you'll suffer.

>> No.18331991

>All addictions are the same.
Of course sugar isn't as addicitive as drugs or alcohol and isn't as harmful as those.
But it's still hard to cut of your diet because it's easily available everywhere and make thing taste good to the point that it's inedible to you if not loaded with sugar.

>> No.18331996

i did opium everyday for 10 years and was able to quit... sugar not so much. dopeheads actually eat a shit ton of sugar when going through withdraw

>> No.18331999

Okay but all your post made the argument for was that all food is desired due to the serotonin production effect. That is not addictive any more than any other food or pleasurable act is addictive.

Addiction is predicated by withdrawal symptoms. You cannot be addicted to things that do not cause withdrawal. Repeatedly seeking pleasure is not the same thing as addiction.

>> No.18332000

It's not worse than hard drugs or porn. Just don't buy it. Nothing is compelling you to buy and consume sugar except your own stupidity.

>> No.18332001

i make everything myself and its still hard to avoid

>> No.18332005

>Of course sugar isn't as addicitive as drugs
It's not addictive at all. It literally has no withdrawal symptoms if you stop ingesting it. Nothing happens.

>But it's still hard to cut of your diet because it's easily available everywhere and make thing taste good to the point that it's inedible to you if not loaded with sugar.
But that's not addiction. If I could get a blowjob everywhere, I would want them as much as possible. That doesn't mean I'm addicted to blowjobs. Seeking pleasure and addiction are two completely different things. Patterns of repeated pleasure seeking are not automatically addiction.

>> No.18332009

I drank sugar my entire life and quit in a day cold turkey. I didn't get sick. Nothing happened. All you're illustrating is that most people have incredibly poor impulse control, not that sugar is more addictive than opium because it demonstrably is not.

>> No.18332029

keto flu is sugar withdraw and if sugar has you serotonin levels elevated for extremely long periods then it suddenly ceases you will suffer depression and irritability

>> No.18332038

>keto flu is sugar withdraw
No, it isn't. That is a state of malnutrition. It is persistent and has side effects including bad breath. Keto flu isn't withdrawal in the same way being dehydrated isn't withdrawal from water.

>if sugar has you serotonin levels elevated for extremely long periods then it suddenly ceases you will suffer depression and irritability
There's no evidence of such a thing. Most foods boost your serotonin including eggs and chicken. You are not going to enter some chemically imbalanced state of depression if you stop eating chicken in the same way stopping sugar is not going to give you depression. This is pure quackery and has no basis in reality.

>> No.18332040

>how does dopamine work
You think you're smart but you have no clue about anything.

>> No.18332042

>Nothing is compelling you to buy and consume sugar
You're so addicted you don't notice it anymore. Seek help, anon, you can do it.

>> No.18332059

Says the person namedropping dopamine as if it makes him an intellectual on the subject. As if your dopamine levels rising or falling is indicative of addiction. By your moron logic, everything is addictive since it affects your dopamine levels.

I don't ingest anything with a great amount of sugar in it other than fruit, which I have 2 of daily. My daily carbohydrate intake is around 100g per day.

>> No.18332072

>ketoschizo is on another drunken tirade

>> No.18332076

Keto is a garbage diet for shithead losers and morons. Not sure why me clarifying that sugar is not an addictive substance made you think I was a keto advocate because nothing could be further from the truth. Keto cultists are retards.

>> No.18332080
File: 88 KB, 1080x902, 4dde65bd84c78578e600f46d475696f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are not going to enter some chemically imbalanced state of depression if you stop eating chicken
you're talking about natural levels of sugar the problem but people are eating levels of sugar that would be impossible to achieve in nature

let me put it this way you could coca leaves everyday like they do in south America and not suffer withdraw symptoms but when people extracted it into a powder it became a global pandemic...same deal with sugar

>> No.18332082

>Nothing is compelling you to buy and consume sugar
It's in fucking everything

>> No.18332085

>My daily carbohydrate intake is around 100g per day.
are you keto? its pretty hard to get under 100g because even veggies have carbs

>> No.18332094

>you're talking about natural levels of sugar the problem but people are eating levels of sugar that would be impossible to achieve in nature
No I'm talking about extreme sugar consumption. 4 liters of soda a day or more. 10 sodas. 10 ice creams, whatever. Doesn't matter. No matter how much you ingest, there are no withdrawal symptoms because it's not an addictive substance. Your body never becomes dependent on it.

To clarify, I am not talking about having 0g of sugar in your diet, which can in fact negatively impact your body if you ingest none of it. It will not cause withdrawal, but it can make you sick if you have none.

I am talking about going from extreme levels of sugar to normal found in basic foods.

>let me put it this way you could coca leaves everyday like they do in south America and not suffer withdraw symptoms but when people extracted it into a powder it became a global pandemic...same deal with sugar
You're mistaken. Coca inside the leaves is a highly addictive substance. People in south American countries ingesting the leaves may not experience withdrawal symptoms if their consumption is light enough. The problem is the extracted concentrated coca is highly addictive and will cause withdrawal.

Coca is not the same as sugar. Coca is addictive. Sugar is not.

>> No.18332098

this is false. addiction is characterized by compulsive use or consumption, and sugar certainly fits that bill. withdrawals are a result of dependence, not addiction. those words are used interchangeably on the internet (by retards like (You)) but that doesn't mean addiction and dependence are the same.

>> No.18332109

It's not. My diet is low in sugar. Like I said, I eat two fruits daily and those are the most sugar laden things in my diet. Everything else, it's minimal. It's in a lot of processed junk, but it isn't in plain foods.

>are you keto?
No. I would never go keto. It is incidental. My goal isn't to enter ketosis, which would generally be under 50g of carbs. I hover around 75-125g a day, the biggest contributor of which is apples/oranges/bananas. Everything else I eat has 5g or under except I occasionally eat whole wheat or whole grain crackers with lunch.

I don't intentionally keep my carbs low, really. It just works out that way.

>> No.18332111

meant for>>18332080

>> No.18332116

>this is false. addiction is characterized by compulsive use or consumption
Wrong. Compulsive behaviors are not addictions. OCD is not an addiction. Neither is desire to ingest sugar. Addiction is characterized by the body's dependence on a substance where it is necessary to ingest it to remove discomfort or pain, or in other cases where it is necessary to feel pleasure.

>withdrawals are a result of dependence, not addiction.
Dependence is a necessary characteristic of addiction. If you are not dependent, you are not addicted. Withdrawal is an indicator of dependence, and thus an indicator of addiction. Compulsion is not.

>those words are used interchangeably on the internet (by retards like (You))
Actually, the reality is "addiction" is improperly used by retards like you who use it interchangeably with the word compulsion. Being compulsively drawn to pleasurable acts is not addiction. It is compulsion, and a lack of impulse control is what leads you to engage in it.

>> No.18332121

>dude its not even addictive i can stop any time i want

>> No.18332122

please shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about, you're making a fool of yourself

>> No.18332133

I already stopped ingesting excess sugar a long time ago. I literally did stop any time I wanted and I experienced no issues.

Hey look, I can link shit too. Amazing. Turns out that the internet contains a lot of stupid bullshit quackery where people mislabel various medical conditions.

>> No.18332175

It doesn't have withdrawal symptoms

diabetes you fucking idiot, get fucked and die in a fire

>> No.18332177

>addictive substances
There are two types of addiction. There is the chemical kind, where your body goes through withdrawal symptoms if cut off. Then there's the psychological type of addiction which does not require that a substance be chemically addictive.

>> No.18332183

>There are two types of addiction.
No, there isn't.

>There is the chemical kind, where your body goes through withdrawal symptoms if cut off. Then there's the psychological type of addiction which does not require that a substance be chemically addictive.
Wrong. Addiction requires that it involves some type of substance that causes withdrawal symptoms or is absolutely necessary in order to feel pleasure. The psychological compulsive component can merely worsen an addiction, not cause one. You cannot be addicted to non-addictive substances. You can only have impulse control disorders that compel you to engage in those behaviors or ingest non-addictive substances.

Compulsion is not addiction.

>> No.18332188 [DELETED] 

Addiction is something that can happen with anything if you're mentally ill like most modern wypipo are, anon.

>> No.18332194
File: 93 KB, 279x267, Derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diabetes is a withdrawal symptom of sugar

>> No.18332204

Having poor impulse control can happen with anything. Addiction, however, is only something that can happen with addictive substances.

The problem is people using the word "addiction" to describe impulsive and compulsive behaviors when those behaviors aren't rooted in any kind of actual addiction.

>> No.18332291

It goes...

>A substance that will cause withdrawal symptoms when regular use or ingestion ceases
Addictive substance

>Impulse/compulsion to do something or ingest a non-addictive substance
Impulse Control Disorder/Compulsive Behavior Disorder

>Dependence on an addictive substance
Dependence/Substance Dependency/Physical Addiction

>Dependence and compulsive ingestion of an addictive substance
Drug Addiction

Sugar falls under a compulsive behavior since it isn't an addictive substance.

>> No.18332296

Stop redefining shit to avoid taking responsibility for your actions.

>> No.18332303

You're mistaken. I'm correctly defining shit so people will take responsibility for their actions. People claim they are addicted to sugar because they want to feel like they are helpless to stop consuming it. If it's compulsive, it means it is their own fault and not the sugar itself that is causing their problem. If sugar were addictive, then they can blame the sugar for being irresistible.

How fucking dumb are you that you got it backwards?

>> No.18332310

Explain sugar craving then

>> No.18332315

You can crave things that aren't addictive. I'm craving a hot blonderight now and I'm also craving a salty slice of pepperoni pizza. Craving isn't addiction.

>> No.18332321

bacteria in your gut biome that feeds off of sugar or carbs in general and raises a ruckus when it doesn't get a frequent dose. Also why if you ever go through a fast or switch to low carb you're going to be in pain for a few days (I think they call that keto flu) as carb eating bacteria die off and your body has to deal with the decaying mess

>> No.18332323
File: 52 KB, 338x600, alk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a substance that causes a compulsive habit that drives you to seek more of the substance, that is addiction PERIOD
you can stop drinking alcohol and experience no symptoms of withdraw but still be addicted and actively seek it out at every opportunity
you're conflating dependence with addiction

>> No.18332325

>No, you're not. Sugar is not an addictive substance. It doesn't have withdrawal symptoms.
Imagine being an actual retard. Sugar is addictive in the same way marijuana is addictive, you're still leading your neuron pathways to rejig because you like a thing. While it doesn't directly cause addiction itself you can slowly change your neuro-physiology to be addicted.
You can be addicted to anything, sugar is not a chemical that directly influences you besides carbs but you do release chemicals on consumption because it feels/tastes good.

>> No.18332327

>Imagine not knowing that Big Sugar has been more harmful for humanity than Big Tobacco.

>> No.18332331

What are cravings then?
You do know that while there isn't a lack of a physical withdrawl there is still a psychological one, right? Or are you one of those retards that thinks addiction is a singular definition without different use cases?

>> No.18332333

It's so cute when people come on here with super strong opinions based on incorrect information and ignorance of the very thing they feel so opinionated about.

>> No.18332335

Not getting your sugar hit to ease the craving creates discomfort. In other words, withdrawal symptoms. That happens with addictive stuff.
Yes, pussy is a addiction, sorry you had to be told here.

>> No.18332339

okay im addicted to food and water and breathing then lol oh and sleeping and shitting and pissing oh and fucking your mother

>> No.18332348

drug addicts are addicted for years before they become chemically dependent on it so its not the chemical causing them to keep coming back

>> No.18332350

Put someone who is "craving" sugar, someone who is craving opioids, and someone who is craving cigarettes in a room with you. Which of the three do you think is going to actually act like an addict of those 3 and be desperate to consume the thing they're craving?

Sugar craving is a luxury craving, not an addiction craving or a need. Nothing will happen to the person craving sugar if they don't ingest it. The opioid and tobacco users will get sick.

Completely made up horseshit. There are no withdrawal symptoms associated with lowering sugar intake. Keto flu is not withdrawal.

>its a substance that causes a compulsive habit that drives you to seek more of the substance, that is addiction PERIOD
Wrong. It's a compulsive habit that you have difficulty controlling. There is nothing addictive about sugar. You are ingesting it through compulsion, not addiction. The exact same way fat fucks feel compulsions to eat shitty fried food every day. None of these things are addictive, the individual just has poor impulse control.

>you can stop drinking alcohol and experience no symptoms of withdraw but still be addicted and actively seek it out at every opportunity
Wrong. Withdrawal from alcohol is a long process depending on how dependent you are on it. When you are still in the process of withdrawal, you are still addicted. Just because you are not currently actively consuming the thing you're addicted to does not mean you are no longer addicted. It takes a long time.

When someone breaks physical dependence and no longer experiences any withdrawal symptoms and then chooses to relapse, that is an issue of impulse control, not addiction. Though it won't take long for the addiction to take hold again.

>you're conflating dependence with addiction
Dependence is a necessity for drug addiction. You cannot be addicted to non-addictive substances.

>> No.18332359

>Imagine being an actual retard.
I have no idea what it's like to be you.

>Sugar is addictive in the same way marijuana is addictive
You're right. Neither are addictive at all.

>you're still leading your neuron pathways to rejig because you like a thing.
Liking things is not addiction.

>While it doesn't directly cause addiction itself you can slowly change your neuro-physiology to be addicted.
No, it can't. It is impossible for non-addictive substances to be addictive.

>You can be addicted to anything
No, you can't. You can have a compulsion to do anything. You can only be addicted to addictive substances.

>> No.18332360

Necrophilia is not very healthy, but have a go at it, big guy.
>but whatabout
Dude. Just because i could shoot you with a 232mm naval gun and stab with a needle, you'lll be deat either way.

>> No.18332367

>What are cravings then?
A desire for something? Do you not understand the difference between someone craving an addictive drug and someone craving non-addictive substances? One is an absolutely imperative psychological need. One is just a want or desire. Nobody craves sugar so badly they're going to give blowjobs to homeless men to get it. It's not the same thing. It should be obvious.

>You do know that while there isn't a lack of a physical withdrawl there is still a psychological one, right?
In other words, they wrestle with their compulsion to ingest sugar, not their addiction to it which would imply the sugar itself contains addictive substances and it does not.

>Or are you one of those retards that thinks addiction is a singular definition without different use cases?
I've been very clear on my definition of everything: >>18332291

It's everyone else in this thread that is extremely confused and misusing terminology.

>> No.18332373

I know, everyone in this thread is practically mentally retarded other than me. But I always appreciate low IQ guys like you stopping in to declare superiority while expressing absolutely nothing.

>> No.18332380

>Not getting your sugar hit to ease the craving creates discomfort.
It doesn't. I drank sugar for literally 15 years of my life. 3-5 cans of soda all the way until I was 20. I stopped cold turkey. Nothing happened. I wasn't uncomfortable. I remember FEARING discomfort in my head before hand and thinking I would never feel good without drinking soda, but when I actually did it, nothing happened.

Sugar has no withdrawal symptoms. That is a pure fantasy that it does.

>> No.18332382

>There are no withdrawal symptoms associated with lowering sugar intake.
My post also was against the notion that sugar is addictive but you're a dumb stupid nigger so w/e lol

>> No.18332383

>drug addicts are addicted for years before they become chemically dependent on it
I can't think of any addictive substance that takes years to cause withdrawal symptoms. Your body will become dependent on most addictive substances within 2 weeks to 3 months of regular use.

>> No.18332387

>because it's fucking everywhere and available to children.
so is porn

>> No.18332391

No, I am fucking addicted.

>> No.18332392

>Dude. Just because i could shoot you with a 232mm naval gun and stab with a needle, you'lll be deat either way.
This didn't address any argument in my post. Nor did I engage in whataboutism.

>> No.18332393
File: 1.76 MB, 1136x860, Screenshot from 2022-09-05 12-29-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been drinking everyday for 20 years since i was 11yo and for the first 10 years i could go without alcohol and suffer no withdraws and i was putting down a 750ml of vodka everyday.
Was i not a addict?

>> No.18332402

I'm not reading all of that. Cite for me whatever you think is relevant, and I will address it. Not that single primary source studies are ever actually solid evidence of anything.

>> No.18332412

Your anecdotes don't mean much to me, as they run contrary to both common sense and evidence. Just because you claim you wouldn't or didn't experience withdrawal does not mean you aren't full of shit. It's possible you drank less than you thought you did, didn't develop a dependence on alcohol, or are just lying.

Either way, there are millions upon millions of alcoholics that counter your claims. Either way, you lose because your own argument is that you weren't dependent on it.

>> No.18332414

>substances within 2 weeks to 3 months of regular use.
you must not have any first hand experience with real addiction.
if a heroin addict can't get any dope he'll just start drinking alcohol or taking benzos to fill the void
gambling and porn addiction are officially recognized as addictions and they're not even a ingested substance

>> No.18332438

>you must not have any first hand experience with real addiction.
I do.

>if a heroin addict can't get any dope he'll just start drinking alcohol or taking benzos to fill the void
You're an idiot. Alcohol and benzos don't stop heroin withdrawal. That person will be bedridden, blasting diarrhea out of their ass, vomiting, etc.

>gambling and porn addiction are officially recognized as addictions
MtF are also officially recognized as women and the word literally, by definition, means figuratively. Medical science, terminology, and literature are malleable and change over time as better understanding is achieved(and sometimes for poor reasons like the ones listed above).

My definitions are consistent and logical. This is an issue of informal language usage(addiction) being used to describe things that aren't actually addictions. Gambling and porn are not addictions. They are compulsive behavioral disorders.

>> No.18332447
File: 1.85 MB, 1351x767, Screenshot from 2022-09-08 15-18-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's possible you drank less than you thought you did
my bank statements and psychical evidence point to the contrary
Right now i don't get any psychical symptoms if i don't drink more then a 12 pack of beer a day, i'm no longer psychically dependent and gan go weeks without but im still a addict and would be driving to the liquor store right now if i had any money to but alcohol.
send me some btc and i'll prove it to you

>> No.18332469

>Alcohol and benzos don't stop heroin withdrawal.
no but they get you fucked up which is what the person is actually addicted to not the chemical that gets them fucked up, the psychical dependency is not what drives them to keep doing it, addicts don't wait until they go into withdraw to get more drugs so the psychical dependency isn't even noticed or has any affect on their behavior

>> No.18332475

Ok sounds great. You should submit yourself to medical science then since you're an anamoly. In case it isn't obvious, I don't care about your dubious claims. People dependent on alcohol go through withdrawal.

>> No.18332503

>no but they get you fucked up which is what the person is actually addicted to not the chemical that gets them fucked up
You're wrong. It can be both, but they are definitely addicted to the drug itself. Heroin users are most definitely addicted to heroin itself. Just because they will do whatever they can to experience some other high does not mean they wouldn't jump at the chance to get heroin over anything else. If you offered the heroin addict a month's worth of booze and benzos or one week's worth of heroin, they will take heroin every time.

>the psychical dependency is not what drives them to keep doing it,
It absolutely is a massive reason they are driven to keep doing it. Some are drug addicts chasing a high. Some are merely dependent. Both of those groups fear withdrawal symptoms and it drives them to continue taking it. An out of control drug addict will get high if they can, but they also definitely want to avoid withdrawing.

>addicts don't wait until they go into withdraw to get more drugs
Uh? Yes? Because they don't want to BE in the state of withdrawal. They're trying to avoid it. If they were fine with entering a state of withdrawal before getting more drugs, that would be evidence that they weren't afraid of the withdrawals. They specifically keep getting drugs and doing them before withdrawals so they don't feel uncomfortable.

>so the psychical dependency isn't even noticed or has any affect on their behavior
Until the first time they go through withdrawal and then they will fear it for the rest of their use. The only drug addicts that don't fear withdrawal are those that haven't gone through it before or like the apparent alcoholic wizard in this thread that claims he doesn't experience them.

>> No.18332511
File: 1.12 MB, 1102x834, Screenshot from 2022-09-05 23-16-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People dependent on alcohol go through withdrawal.
but not everybody that's addicted to alcohol is dependent
hence sugar addiction has noting to do with psychical dependency

>> No.18332525

>but not everybody that's addicted to alcohol is dependent
Incorrect. It is impossible to be addicted to a substance you are not dependent on. If you're not dependent, you won't go through withdrawal from stopping it, and if what you're ingesting doesn't cause any withdrawal when ceased, you aren't dependent on it.

What is possible is to take an addictive substance and not be addicted to it. It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to become addicted to most addictive substances. If you only take it a few times, you won't be dependent or experience withdrawal or be addicted.

>hence sugar addiction has noting to do with psychical dependency
There is no such thing as sugar addiction because sugar is not an addictive substance.

>> No.18332536

>the apparent alcoholic wizard in this thread that claims he doesn't experience them.
i have gone through sever DTs and had multiple seizures. i have gone through them many times, i now no longer drink enough to put myself in that state.
there is a huge difference between 6 beers in the morning and 6 after dinner and putting down 1.75L of vodka in 2 days and not eating because it will kill your buzz

>> No.18332547

Okay so you do experience withdrawal. You're just discussing extreme withdrawal that you had previously and vs a more minor withdrawal or measured regularity now which is less severe. What you're describing isn't "not experiencing withdrawal". Your body is dependent, you're just taking specific actions to avoid or lessen symptoms.

If you stopped those 12 beers a day altogether cold turkey, you would get sick.

>> No.18332571

no withdraw because withdraws get worse for the first 3 days after drinking, a hangover in the morning is not dependency because it's goes away with a aspirin and a glass of water and is caused by acetaldehyde toxicity and dehydration not a chemical imbalance in your brain

>> No.18332656

Except you're wrong, sugar absolutely has withdrawal symptoms including nasty migraines, shakes, and rage.

>> No.18332662

Addiction is defined by the how strongly the brain seeks out the stimulus, not how bad withdrawal is.
Sugar does have withdrawal symptoms that can be quite awful
Studies have repeatedly shown that sugar produces a stronger desire for more than cocaine
OP you know nothing

>> No.18334243

Cool, thanks. It must be safe for me to have a few drinks, then.

>> No.18334297

It's not necessarily just a "craving" to some though, addiction is the act of going back to a substance for the temporary reward factor, regardless of negative consequences.

>> No.18335564

>Except you're wrong, sugar absolutely has withdrawal symptoms
Except you're wrong and it doesn't.

>Addiction is defined by the how strongly the brain seeks out the stimulus, not how bad withdrawal is.
It's defined by your body being dependent on an addictive substance. You cannot be addicted to non-addictive substances. If your brain "strongly seeks out a stimulus" that isn't addictive, that's called a compulsion, not an addiction.

>Sugar does have withdrawal symptoms that can be quite awful
No, it doesn't. It has none.

>Studies have repeatedly shown that sugar produces a stronger desire for more than cocaine
Even if this were true, it doesn't matter. Because it's still a compulsion and not an addiction.

>OP you know nothing
I know more than you and everyone else in this thread.

>Cool, thanks. It must be safe for me to have a few drinks, then.
It's safe for you to have a few drinks without any risk of addiction, yes. Though just because you're not addicted to something doesn't mean you won't get drunk off of it or that it's safe to use, dumbass.

>It's not necessarily just a "craving" to some though
It is just a craving if it's a non-addictive substance. Not one person in the world craves sugar like a heroin addict craves heroin. Nothing will happen if they don't get isugar. Addictive substance craving is not the same thing and the two words shouldn't even describe the same thing. This entire thread's topic is really an issue of language misusage by the general population.

>addiction is the act of going back to a substance for the temporary reward factor, regardless of negative consequences.
Compulsion is the act of going back to a non-addictive substance or behavior for the reward factor. Addiction is the act of going back to an addictive substance for the reward factor.

>> No.18335568

>doesn't have withdrawal symptoms
>except you might feel tired
gambling addicts don't break out in hives if they stop gambling, either; that doesn't mean it's not addictive.

>> No.18335569


>> No.18335578

There's no such thing as a gambling addict, only compulsive gamblers. That's the entire point. Nothing happens when they don't gamble. They just have a compulsion to do it. Gambling is not addictive. It incentivizes repeated compulsive behavior, but the person is not addicted to it.

The only reason you feel tired when you lower your sugar intake is your body was previously getting a cheap, easy source of energy regularly and you're no longer ingesting the same energy production. If you eat enough other calories to make up for your loss of sugar consumption, that change will be minimal to non-existent.

>> No.18335580

I don't trust anything anyone is saying itt, but I love you

>> No.18335601

suck my dick and check these dubs

>> No.18335603
File: 217 KB, 924x925, A93E87C0-E9C4-4DF7-B520-4FCC04FB8BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar causes pleasure, dopamine hits
>not addictive
>gamblers aren’t addicted to gambling!
>they’re just addicted to the feeling they get from it!
Lol, lmao

>> No.18335661

Should I be surprised that everyone on this board is retarded and practically illiterate? By your stupid logic, everything is addictive because dopamine levels are altered even when ingesting healthy food. Carrots are addictive. And lettuce. And water.

There is a massive difference between having a compulsion to do pleasurable things and being addicted to an addictive substance, moron. Compulsions are not addictions. Neither are pleasurable acts.

>> No.18335693
File: 471 KB, 1319x879, Maci-Currin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not one person in the world craves sugar like a heroin addict craves heroin
that's misleading, the junkies that are out there sucking dic for H aren't craving heroin as much as they are craving escapism

Take meth which is considered highly addictive except its not, methheads will tweak for a month straight then just stop for a month, they are not addicted to the chemical they are addicted to escapism, same for coke

H is psychically addictive but it takes longer to get that far down the rabbit hole, whereas you instantly get addicted to the escape it give you

Alcohol and benzos are really the only two things that own your body and even when you overcome the mental addiction your body says sorry bro but we gotta keep going even though its not fun any more

>> No.18335713

>y your stupid logic, everything is addictive because dopamine levels are altered even when ingesting healthy food.
yes thats how your brain functions,naturally occurring morphine like chemicals in human breast milk cause the baby to want to eat.
sugar in nature was relatively rare so that's why we get such a powerful pleasure response compared to kale

>> No.18335716

>that's misleading, the junkies that are out there sucking dic for H aren't craving heroin as much as they are craving escapism
They're craving heroin. If I offer them a video game, I assure you they're going to prefer the heroin over 4 straight weeks of escapism through video games or being practically comatose on some other drug.

>Take meth which is considered highly addictive except its not, methheads will tweak for a month straight then just stop for a month, they are not addicted to the chemical they are addicted to escapism, same for coke
Coke and meth are both addictive substances with substantial withdrawal symptoms. They are addicted and will often do anything to avoid withdrawal, so you're wrong. Just because addicts frequently have to go through withdrawal due to a lack of funds or availability of the drug does not mean they're not addicted. Meth in particularly has a very long, drawn out withdrawal process in heavy users.

Unless these people are not dependent on the drug because they haven't used it long enough, they have developed an addiction. Though there is a difference between physical dependence and out of control drug addiction that includes a psychological compulsive component.

>H is psychically addictive but it takes longer to get that far down the rabbit hole, whereas you instantly get addicted to the escape it give you
You mean you can instantly develop a compulsion to do it since it is pleasurable and that can quickly spiral into physical dependence and addiction. There are plenty of people who have done heroin a few times and didn't continue. Those are not addicts.

>Alcohol and benzos are really the only two things that own your body
They're two of many addictive substances in existence.

>> No.18335726

I didn't stutter.

>yes thats how your brain functions
Yes. As in dopamine levels rising or falling are normal processes and are not indicative of addictions. Your idiotic logic is that every human is addicted to everything if you're using dopamine as a basis, which is just moronic.

>naturally occurring morphine like chemicals in human breast milk cause the baby to want to eat.
So again, by your logic, the baby is addicted to eating. Do you even hear how much of a moron you sound like?

>sugar in nature was relatively rare so that's why we get such a powerful pleasure response compared to kale
And yet neither sugar nor kale are addictive substances. Pleasure is not addiction. Compulsion to do pleasurable things are not addictions. There is nothing addictive about the substances or activities themselves that is causing you to repeatedly do or eat them. It originates in you and your own compulsions, not the substance or object.

The funny thing is you don't even necessarily disagree with me, you're just using stupid terminology. The chemical reaction in yourself and dopamine changes are part of what cause these compulsions. The question is why you're labeling these behaviors "addictions" rather than what they really are, compulsions.

>> No.18335773

>If I offer them a video game
if the game fulfilled the craving for escapism, when i couldn't get opioids i started drinking heavy and taking sleeping pills because the addiction was "anything but sober", opoids were simply the best tool for that.

most people can't get access to their ideal fix so they go for the next best thing that will boost their Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins and sugar does that

>> No.18335783

>So again, by your logic, the baby is addicted to eating
yes it is, you're not making logical choice to eat as a infant, there would only be nutrients in breast milk if that was all that was need to get the infant to eat
>When exposed to a stimulus which is rewarding, the brain responds by releasing an increased amount of dopamine, the main neurotransmitter associated with rewards and pleasure. Dopamine is mostly produced in an area of the brain called the ventral tegmental area (VTA), located within the midbrain.

>> No.18335794

>when i couldn't get opioids i started drinking heavy and taking sleeping pills because the addiction was "anything but sober", opoids were simply the best tool for that.
You're just describing the psychological reasons behind your addiction to opioids. You began taking them because you wanted escapism and they were the best tool for you to achieve that. The compulsion for escapism led to you taking an addictive substance and developing a drug addiction. Escapism itself is a compulsion and can be an underlying desire behind a drug addiction, not an addiction itself.

>> No.18335804

yes because addiction is psychological, if you cure the psychological cause its really easy to quit and only a week of two of feeling like shit
the other way if you lock someone in a room until they are no longer psychically addicted the first thing they'll do is go get high again because they are psychologically addicted

>> No.18335808

>yes it is
I've already outlined why this is stupid but you seem unashamed of that. You can't be addicted to eating. You can only be addicted to addictive substances.

I know what dopamine is, but increased dopamine is not relevant to addiction. Dopamine levels are not addiction. Many things can raise your dopamine. While dopamine can increase how impulsively or compulsively a subject desires a particular activity or substance, it cannot cause an addiction. Addiction requires an addictive substance that causes physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.18335833

>yes because addiction is psychological,
Compulsions are psychological. You can have a compulsion without having an addiction. Compulsions can worsen an addiction depending on their severity, but addiction itself requires that an addictive substance is involved. You were not addicted to escapism. You had a compulsion for escapism and developed a drug addiction. I already outlined this earlier in the thread: >>18332291

>if you cure the psychological cause its really easy to quit and only a week of two of feeling like shit
If you fix the root reason for your compulsion for escapism, then it should be much easier to eliminate your drug addiction, yes. And yet it is still the addictive substance itself that you are addicted to and your body is withdrawing from. You cannot have withdrawal symptoms from escapism.

>the other way if you lock someone in a room until they are no longer psychically addicted the first thing they'll do is go get high again because they are psychologically addicted
If they've fixed their drug addiction by fully withdrawing but have not fixed their underlying compulsion or psychological reasons for developing a drug addiction in the first place, then yes, they will redevelop their drug addiction very quickly.

I don't know why you guys are so adamant in trying to label compulsions as addictions. Compulsions can still be very damaging and be the root cause behind drug addictions, but the compulsive psychological reasons are still not themselves addictions.

>> No.18335878

Oh just to clarify one thing: a drug addiction does require both a physical dependence and a compulsive usage. If you don't have a compulsive, psychological component behind an addictive substance, then you are merely physically dependent on the drug. If you aren't physically dependent, then you are not a drug addict(yet) and merely have a compulsion. Drug addiction itself requires both an addictive substance and a compulsion. Without both, it's not a drug addiction.

So what you're correct about is thinking that without the compulsive psychological component, you can't be a drug addict and will have an easier time withdrawing or eliminating a physical dependence. But what you're wrong about is thinking that escapism itself is an addiction when it is a compulsion.

>> No.18335879
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Addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance.
>habit-forming substance definition
adjective. Capable of leading to physiological or psychological dependence.

>> No.18335888

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18335894

Ok chud

>> No.18335904

>Addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance.
Almost correct. It is the compulsive need for and use of an addictive substance. Habit-forming is loose enough terminology as to be useless. Anyone can be in the habit of doing anything. I am not addicted to sex even though I like having it as much as possible and want to engage in it regularly. Same with any other "habit". Those are not addictions. They are compulsions.

Addictions can only involve addictive substances. Behaviors and non-addictive substances are compulsions.

>> No.18335913

Literally anything that you enjoy can be addictive retard, that's how brains work

>> No.18335918

>t. a retard that uses literally and figuratively interchangeably
If you use the word addiction that broadly, then it essentially has no meaning and might as well mean "to like something"

>> No.18335919

Addiction and chemical dependency are different things fucko

>> No.18335929

No shit. I already said so earlier in the thread. The problem is you seem to think someone can be "chemically dependent" on sugar when they can't.

The funniest thing is hearing all of these people in this thread who are probably right wingers defending language degradation and blatantly SJW positions of labeling compulsions as addictions so that people have less personal accountability for their actions. It's not my compulsion, it's that everything is addictive!

Anyways I'll check on this thread again in a few days and see what other low IQ shit people have spewed out.

>> No.18335930

>might as well mean "to like something"
yea, to a unhealthy level that becomes determental to your life and health

>> No.18335936

No that's literally a literal use of the literal definition of literal addiction you brain dead retard

> a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence : the state of being addicted

When you like a thing it's because your brain is making the feel good chemicals, do/use the thing enough and your brain gets used to the feel good chemicals and tried to get you to make more of them more often, thus addiction.

Chemical dependency is a different thing where a substance being used causes a physiological change making the user physically dependent on that substance, but that is only one type of addiction.

>> No.18335941

No retard, they are different things. Chemical dependency is a type of addiction, but addiction is not necessarily chemical dependency. This is extremely basic shit you autistic moron. Go back to /pol/ and fuck off

>> No.18335955

Dopamine spikes, seratonin remains rather level and constant. Know this before you consider the rewarding effects of substances. Of course, there exists an undeniable tie.

>> No.18335960

>When you like a thing it's because your brain is making the feel good chemicals, do/use the thing enough and your brain gets used to the feel good chemicals and tried to get you to make more of them more often, thus addiction.
That's called a compulsion. Nothing happens when you stop doing it. You don't go through withdrawal. You can replace this "feel good" chemical with any number of other activities that also produce it. You're not addicted to doing it. You have a compulsion to do it.

>Chemical dependency is a different thing where a substance being used causes a physiological change making the user physically dependent on that substance, but that is only one type of addiction.
That is the ONLY type of addiction. Every other person using the word "addiction" to describe compulsions and things they like are just being informal retards and not actually describing medical addictions. If your compulsions don't involve an addictive substance, then they aren't drug addictions or addictions. They're just compulsions to do something pleasurable.

>> No.18335961

>Compulsions are not addictions. Neither are pleasurable acts.
pleasurable acts are not addictive? what the fuck do you think people are getting addicted to, exactly?

>> No.18335967

>Chemical dependency is a type of addiction
A compulsion to ingest addictive substances is an addiction. Everything else is a compulsion.

>addiction is not necessarily chemical dependency
Yes, it is. Drug addiction requires an addictive substance. You cannot be addicted to non-addictive substances.

>> No.18335968

Funny how you glossed over the actual dictionary definition of addiction right there in the post that contradicts every single thing you're saying

>> No.18335969

>probably right wingers

>> No.18335976

>defending language degradation
oh shit the fuck up. like you know anything. post your fucking psych degree, faggot.

>> No.18335980

>pleasurable acts are not addictive?
No. You don't withdraw from stopping pleasurable acts. Nothing happens when you don't have sex or don't drink soda or don't eat fried foods. You merely feel a compulsion to do those things because they feel good.

>what the fuck do you think people are getting addicted to, exactly?
Addictive substances that cause physical dependence and cause withdrawal symptoms, like heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and tobacco.

>> No.18335984

That's a lot of claims about the definition of things without a single god damned source you dumb faggot

>> No.18335986

Sugar does cause withdrawl symptoms

>> No.18335992

>You don't withdraw from stopping pleasurable acts. Nothing happens when you don't have sex or don't drink soda or don't eat fried foods.
Yes please ignore the many documented cases of people addicted to those things exhibiting withdrawal symptoms, retarded anon on /ck/ is a much more reliable source than actual doctors with medical degrees.

>> No.18336002


>> No.18336006

The actual dictionary definition defines female as having a gender identity that is opposite of male and defines literally to mean figuratively. If you think dictionary definitions are some kind of set in stone logical argument ender, you're a moron. I glossed over it because it's unimportant and dictionary definitions will adhere to informal language usage.

So it doesn't surprise me that addiction has a rather sloppy and imprecise definition since there's all sorts of quackery surrounding addiction and compulsion identification and language.

My logic and labeling is logically consistent and sound and is superior to current definitions. There are actually plenty of doctors and top medical personnel who would all agree with my own logic and definitions on this subject, regardless of what an internet dictionary currently claims.

Just remember this conversation when, in 10 years or so, everyone else catches up and realizes I'm correct.

>> No.18336015

It does not. I can confirm both firsthand and from modern literature on the subject. "Irritability" is not a real withdrawal symptom. Most people who stop doing anything they have a compulsion to do will feel irritable. Nor is being tired a withdrawal symptom as it's more related to your energy production and calorie intake than a matter of physical dependence.

Sugar does not cause physical dependence and thus has no withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.18336021

>Every other person in the world is wrong and insane, but I, a retarded faggot, have the answers

What are your credentials autist-san? Where can we go to visit your medical practice? Or are you perhaps a professor of psychology at a prestigious university? Please sir, inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.18336022

>Yes please ignore the many documented cases of people addicted to those things exhibiting withdrawal symptoms
lol? What are the withdrawal symptoms of sex and soda and fried foods?

>retarded anon on /ck/ is a much more reliable source than actual doctors with medical degrees.
Appeal to authority fallacy. Any doctor that is saying these things have "withdrawal symptoms" is a genuine quack moron.

>> No.18336024

Ah yes, we should instead be using the "appeal to absolutely nothing" methodology like you, very good.

>> No.18336032

>[citation needed]

We're still waiting faggot

>> No.18336033

>gee I can't actually poke any holes in your logic or provide a reasonable argument against you but I sure can adhom and appeal to authority like a champ

>> No.18336041

Your logic is

>The definition is this very specific thing I came up with because... Just because!

Humans invented language and definitions, they are but objective truths. If you have no source for your claim you are a retarded moron who is making shit up.

>> No.18336047

Obviously new to thinking. It doesn't matter what source information or logic comes from if it is sound or correct. Your posts do nothing to actually discredit any of my arguments, only appeal to authority for lack of a better argument.

>> No.18336049

>. You don't withdraw from stopping pleasurable acts.
not at normal levels but someone abusing those things to a extreme for a prolonged period could experience withdraws from the sudden change in brain chemistry

>> No.18336050

Uh, appeal to authority is actually a logical fallacy wherein the claimant says they are correct because they were sucking off a police officer once and he told them so.

Don't bother fact checking me on that, I'm right because I said so.

>> No.18336054

>lol? What are the withdrawal symptoms of sex and soda and fried foods?
Literally (figuratively (literally)) just Google it dumbass

>> No.18336061

My logic was actually the dictionary definitions are not some kind of objective universally correct thing for all of time. I demonstrated that their definitions adhere to informal usage and downright illogical current trends. Or in other words, your informal usage and improper identification of things as addictions that are actually compulsions is one of the reasons the dictionary definition lists it as such. You're engaging in circular logic, essentially.

>Humans invented language and definitions, they are but objective truths
lol, so you're arguing that literally has always meant figuratively, then? You really are stupid. Most people on this board are genuinely stupid.

>> No.18336067

>not at normal levels but someone abusing those things to a extreme for a prolonged period could experience withdraws from the sudden change in brain chemistry
They don't.

>> No.18336070

Tell them to me. I want to hear from you what you think the withdrawal symptoms are from sex, soda with no caffeine, and fried foods. I'm ready to laugh my ass off.

>> No.18336080

Well darn I don't know how to tell you this anon, but there's this thing that happens sometimes called a typo where you go to type one thing but accidentally type another thing.

*not objective truths

>> No.18336083

On no, that sounds awful, you would laugh until your ass actually fell off? I wouldn't want to cause something like that, I couldn't live with myself. I changed my mind please don't Google it, you need that ass to store your bull's cock in.

>> No.18336086

>"Irritability" is not a real withdrawal symptom. Most people who stop doing anything they have a compulsion to do will feel irritable
some of the symptoms of withdraw aren't actually from chemical dependency rather toxicity form a build up of the byproducts of those drugs (like acetaldehyde from alcohol, you not addicted to the acetaldehyde but you do get sick from it )

>> No.18336090

>I am right because I said so
>No I cannot provide sources because they are all wrong
>But I am right
>Because I am
>This logic is not at all circular

>> No.18336104

I think OP is addicted to being a retard guys

>> No.18336105

if you fap relentlessly all day everyday for months or even years your brain will acclimate to excess levels of dopamine and when you stop your levels are going to hit the floor and you will feel that

>> No.18336106

>he's too embarrassed to even post it because he knows how stupid it is
I accept your concession.

While correct, sugar doesn't cause any kind of physical dependency of any sort. Alcohol does.

I can provide sources that agree with me and also sources that disagree with me because there's a lot of medical quackery on the internet. We already covered this earlier in the thread. The "source" you posted was a dictionary definition which is, again, circular logic because the entire reason the dictionary has a shitty definition for addiction is because retards like you misuse it so often that they have to encompass even how morons misuse it.

I am right because my labeling is logically consistent and sensible and nobody has really provided any reason why I'm wrong so far other than to angrily try to point to a shoddy dictionary definition. What are you going to do when, down the line, the world catches up to this and properly defines it? Will I have been "wrong" because the dictionary didn't agree with me when I made the argument, but does agree down the line when it is refined?

You're just genuinely a stupid person and have trouble thinking about anything that isn't rigidly told to you by other people. Sad, really.

>> No.18336116

There's nothing to suggest that. You can increase dopamine or lower dopamine in many ways. Feeling things does not mean they are withdrawal symptoms. I can feel warmer when I wear a sweater and then colder when I take it off. That's not an indication that I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms from heat.

>> No.18336118

its not a addiction its a compulsion

>> No.18336119

The definition of retard is OP. I know this is not the dictionary definition and there aren't really any sources I can cite supporting my claim, but my logic for defining it as such is sound, because OP consistently posts retarded shit, so that's the definition. You cannot dispute this because my logic is sound.

>> No.18336122
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>[citation needed]

>> No.18336127

Word definitions are formed by consensus, and I have a feeling nobody has ever agreed with you on anything in your life

>> No.18336131

>lost the argument so hard they're just angrily shitposting now

I'll be back in a few days to see if anyone actually posted anything interesting. You guys gave up after being destroyed.

>> No.18336135

Right, my bad

>> No.18336139

>He can't refute my logic so he deflects

>> No.18336142

No please, I'm addicted to reading your retarded posts, please come back

>> No.18336144
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human brains adapt over long periods

>> No.18336146

>"I've never experienced it nor know anyone who experienced it ergo it doesn't exist!"
why is this midwit attitude so pervasive on this site? it's like the root of 90% of threads.

>> No.18336187
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