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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18321014 No.18321014 [Reply] [Original]

>chicken breast has gone up over $1 a pound
>tilapia has more than doubled in price
>pork loin hasn't changed much
Shit sucks.
For other meat eaters on a budget, what's your go to meat you like to cook?

>> No.18321016 [DELETED] 

Nice animu.

>> No.18321022

Trash fish.

>> No.18321032


>> No.18321034

It is, but it used to be the cheapest.
Now I think it's whiting, which is even more trash.

>> No.18321035

just get whatever's is on clearance and eat it that day

you learn how to cook a lot of different meat dishes this way

>> No.18321040

Buy beef when it's on sale and freeze, otherwise my meat purchase is almost exclusively chicken thighs/drums, a whole one if I'm feeling fancy.

>> No.18321041

I look for good deals, but stuff like steak and lamb are always going to be several times more expensive than chicken even with the price change

>> No.18321158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18321165

>democrats push for diversifying energy sources for decades
>republicans screech about gommunism
>suddenly another geopolitical crisis where a foreign government manipulates fossil fuel markets
>why would democrats do this!?!??!?!?!?

>> No.18321180

Venison. Unbeatable price.

>> No.18321191

>stuff like steak and lamb
I basically stopped buying steak and lamb in 2020. In October 2019 I bought 8 large blade roasts for about $6/kgCAD. Since the plandemic started I haven't seen blade roast/steak for less than $14/kg.

I used to eat pork back ribs fairly regularly, maybe a couple times a month. I used to buy them whenever I saw them around $6-9/kg. I've bought them once in two years because they are now $16-20/kg.

I still eat a lot of meat, but in the last two years that has been mostly pork sausage and ground beef.

Biden has done everything in his power to destroy domestic oil and gas production. Do you even know what energy independence is?

>> No.18321256 [DELETED] 
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I just shoplift now. Never stole anything in my life but now I steal more steaks, salmon, and cheese than I buy. It's a petty and shitty thing to get satisfaction from, but I can't stop myself now.

>> No.18321264

You're raising prices for the rest of us

>> No.18321267
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Econ 101, if your energy supply is dependent on a resource that is globally traded, then price fluctuations on the other side of the world have the same effect as price fluctuations locally, regardless of whether you're getting some of that shit out of your own territory

But hey I know free market principles are a communist marxist conspiracy to take away your incandescent bulbs so screech on, cleetus

>> No.18321288
File: 405 KB, 220x220, owo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name three things that Biden has done to "kill" the O&G sector that doesn't involve the words "investing in Green-tech"..... US O&G stocks were the first things in my investment-portfolio to rebound post-COVID & a simple Google search will outline that the industry isn't tanking under Biden's tenure; quite the office.

you're a miserable retard & you need to stop parroting political talking-points you read on Twitter, for both your sake & other impressionable yankees. this isn't /pol/, kid

>> No.18321293

quite the opposite* ffs

>> No.18321319

>Girl has giant, life affirming titties
You're fucked in the head.

>> No.18321383

pork and chicken are both also garbage tier.

>> No.18321389
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Damn if only there was some kind of third party that wanted to abolish the FBI, IRS, and Federal Reserve.

>> No.18321394

Whatever happened to that game anyway?

>> No.18322847

High natural gas prices in the US have very little do with the war in Ukraine. They’re mostly due to a lack of investment in new production during covid. Gas exports have been maxed out for much longer than the war in Ukraine.

>> No.18322862

Natural gas 101:LNG plants take several years to setup and currently account for Les than 10% of total US production. You can just buy US gas in Europe. Shipping capacity is very limited. Regardless the war in Ukraine has not increased the volume of natural Gas exported by the US. In fact total exports have been lower than normal since the shut down of Freeport lng. Retard

>> No.18322867

pork loin is good you just have to have a thermometer and cook it to medium, little bit pink inside
also helps to marinade and glaze it. Char Siu is good. Honey is good. Pomegranite mollases is good.

I sometimes get pork shoulder cheaply too.

>> No.18322868

Bro just grow a cow or a chicken. Just add water and food scraps or grass and wait. Simple as.

>> No.18322874

I've been priced out of beef in the last few months, but the sacrifice is worth it

>> No.18322900

to defeat the evil putin, who is the cause of this inflation, and not irresponsible monetary policies

>> No.18322988 [DELETED] 

Idiot tranime poster.

Go back to your containment board.

You will NEVER be Japanese, a woman, or a quirky protagonist. You will always be a spastic autist.

>> No.18322996 [DELETED] 

1) Fought to shut down Keystone so we can import gas from nations worth even worse environmental regulations and ship it across the world in pollution causing cargo ships.

2) Voted for the Iraq War which wasted trillions of dollars and ruined the veracity of the petro dollar

3) The humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan which led to decreased confidence in the United States within the region

4) Sanctions on Russia

I’m so glad the smart people are in charge!

>> No.18323056

i would eat a liru

>> No.18323066

I like to cook this super rare type of meat called "whatever the fuck's on special."
For the past 9 days, for example, top round beef was $2/lb (today's the last day of the sale) so I bought some and made some goddamn stew.

>> No.18323071

It came out years ago, about the same time Hulk Hogan sued Gawker Media

>> No.18323093

I bought a boneless leg of lamb some months back for supercheap. I think it was a 5lb piece and paid, like $4 for it or something due to discount upon discount +digital coupon.

>> No.18323134

lamb is such an easy food since nobody wants to buy it out of some social taboo its super cheap
also it is hallal and kosher so the taboo actually makes even less sense
love me some lamb

>> No.18323200

Horizontal intramammary intercourse

>> No.18323208

>democrats destroy all nuclear initiatives for decades, and push for meme energy sources that don’t work
>democrats make oil and coal prohibitively expensive to produce via regulations and taxes
>energy prices soar
>”how could republicans do this???”

>> No.18323214

Chicken thighs are all crazy expensive now

>> No.18323216

Where do you live where lamb is cheaper than beef in the US? In my state, beef is about $4 a pound and mutton is over $7.

>> No.18323219

What is the taboo ??

>> No.18323228

religious representation of lamb
its about the same price, more expensive than mince meat, less than some cuts

>> No.18323238 [DELETED] 

>Dementia Joe voted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan as a senator
>Middle East is destabilized for decades and literal trillions are pissed away on pointless wars
>aw geeze aw man fucking Drumpf causing inflation and skyrocketing gas

>> No.18323290

We get it, you want to remove age of consent laws so you can fuck kids. Yes all of us are very well acquainted with Lolbertarians at this point.

>> No.18323352

Not Anon, but in PA, it's $9/lb but often goes on clearance because nobody here knows wtf to do with it. Beef is usually $6ish and never goes on clearance.
Also, mutton != lamb.

>> No.18323381

For me, it’s ground turkey. Versatile, reasonably priced, and takes a long time to spoil

>> No.18323569

I cannot make anything appealing out of ground chicken or turkey. What are you doing with it?

>> No.18323630

Not him, but I use either to make arem-arem/lemper.
Also good is to use either for bakmi ayam. Bakmi ayam is basically "Indonesian bolognese," or at least that's what people have called it to me. It's diced or ground chicken (ayam) cooked with garlic in sweet and salty soy sauces and served on top of cooked wheat noodles (bakmi) which have been coated in garlic flavoured chicken-grease or oil and with other vegetable toppings and condiments as well, like greens, fried shallots, salted cabbage, chilli paste/sauce etc.
You can use turkey for either because it's literally called "Dutch chicken" in Indonesian.

>> No.18323631

You’re the only one talking about fucking kids anon

>> No.18323992

Anime website.

>> No.18324474


Asian recipes are great for cheap meat.

>> No.18324478
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>> No.18324725
File: 321 KB, 1272x1312, gopedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but nobody is fooled by your denials, lolbertarians were the original conservative faction to be open about their pedo tendencies, it's only in the last 5 or 6 years that mainstream conservatism has gotten brave enough to admit what they want. Verification not required but here it is anyway just to preempt any more denials, we know, just kys you sick fucks

>> No.18324737
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Honestly I just stopped eating meat due to the prices. I stick to vegetables that are in season. At least I feel healthier for some reason.

>> No.18324739
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Made this yesterday - a $20 chicken!
>It was worth it, it came out really good.

>> No.18324740

Ignore him. Calling libertarians pedos is the new tactic to shut down discussion about the ideology. People who post that are not interested in having an actual discussion.

>> No.18324743

Pork is still cheap as fuck, especially for less popular parts such as ham hock, trotters and so on. A whole ham hock is like 2 euros.

>> No.18324754

I hate how meat has become a political thing in the west. Humans have eaten it for thousands of years and suddenly I’m supposed to just stop and save le heckin planet? Fuck that shit man.

>> No.18324765

If you grind /boneless chicken thighs/ and not disgusting-ass chicken titty, they will have enough fat that they make very good sausages and meatballs.
I like to make sweet-and-sour chicken meatballs with pineapple chunks, onions and red-and-green peppers cooked in pineapple juice, ketchup and cane or coconut vinegar with ginger, sugar added to taste. It's really very nice tasting and great as a side to rice.
It's also good to make teriyaki chicken meatball sandwiches with the ground thighs.

>> No.18324771

You're not supposed to stop you're just supposed to do it less, or, be better, to the extent that you think is reasonable

btw, 'literally nothing' is not a reasonable change. Nobody actually expects you to change everything though or be perfect, it's impossible anyway. Just be better. Eat it somewhat less. If you care about food then you're in a good position to develop the skills to still eat well.

>> No.18324852
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are you really talking shit about simple fish and the humble chicken?

>> No.18325316

As others have said, look for deals and plan your meals around those. My local grocery regularly has buy one-get one free deals which is pretty much the only time I buy steak anymore. Pork shoulder is relatively affordable, turn it into pozole or carnitas for a cheap meal. Chicken thighs aren't as cheap as they used to be but still not too bad price-wise.

>> No.18325323

how bout you go fuck yourself
I'm sure I could eat well with reduced meat consumption, but meat is tasty

>> No.18325335

pork is not garbage tier

>> No.18325340 [DELETED] 

That as wey, but first kill the money jews

>> No.18325344

Now this is fucking next level autism right here. Take my (you).

>> No.18325361

... meat prices have exploded in europe....
2 pounds/1kg of chicken breast 13€ at a discounter no less.. fucking insanity i want to murder all the green politicans and voting bastards so bad

>> No.18325386

Anon is 100% right. Pig and chicken are disgusting now. Absolutely worthless. A complete waste of money.

The only pig species that is still delicious is the woolly Lincolnshire aka Mangalitsa; for chicken it's Bresse (France) and Mechelse Koekoek (Belgium). They're the only 3 species that can't be force-fed in industrial production facilities (they simply die). If you want to know what real pig and real chicken taste like get one of these.

>> No.18325442
File: 40 KB, 680x371, gold lel face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets called out for being obsessed with child sex
>starts derailing and projecting

lmfao don't you have a child drag show to attend groomer freak?

>> No.18325546

How about this shit: the other day, fucking LIDL had a special on chicken tits at 1.49chf/hg. That's about €15.30/kg.


>> No.18326000

I see roughly the same over here in the norf, but I've noticed duck is just perhaps 25% higher at 22€\kg but I remember the specials being chicken thighs for 4€ or cheaper.
Beef is roughly the same as duck, but used to be 12ish

>> No.18326017

What fucks me up is that Lidl thought 1.49chf/hg was some kind of deal that needed advertising rather than something utterly shameful that needs to be hidden. At least Aldi has the decency to understand that meat prices are shit right now and don't list them in their adverts for the time being.

>> No.18326037

That game is so hot and it’s sad that people died waiting for it.

>> No.18326507

Heute die Welt, morgen das Sonnensystem

>> No.18327414 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off guy pushing a fake meme.

>> No.18327454

I buy packages of assorted pork chops and they only cost about $1.50/lb.

>> No.18328051

We don't need diversity we need nuclear which liberals are against

>> No.18328155

I just use a little less meat, veg from farmers market by work, and whatever I can get from my garden. It's actually improved my cooking a lot. But where the fuck is chicken breast only $1 a pound? It's like $6/lb here.

>> No.18328214

I’m the guy that posted that, and I’ll just brown it in a pan with either like taco seasoning or cajun and just mix it in with some rice and beans for a healthy meal. But you can also get some eggs and form it to make like turkey meatballs or burger patties. I’ve been really enjoying making homemade ground turkey meatballs with some panko lately and doing like a spaghetti with it

>> No.18328368

>no matter what happens in life I will NEVER, EVER be a tranime faggot beating my dick raw to cartoon girls and bragging about it on the internet

feels good man

>> No.18328411
File: 97 KB, 1080x577, Screenshot_20220907-063019_Keep Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy getting 1 percent of the vote, cunt

>> No.18328758

>his hands are free of neoliberal bloodshed overseas

He may lose the election, but he still has the moral highground over you

>> No.18328850

>ended Keystone XL
>not greenlighting offshore drilling/domestic production
>sanctioning Russia, leading to increased fuel prices

>> No.18329216

I've never seen pork chops go for that cheap ever.
I also don't think I've seen chicken breast that expensive.
For me, they're actually pretty close in price right now, though the chicken used to be cheaper.