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18316529 No.18316529 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of buying alcoholic beverages from bars when you can just buy them cheaper at liquor stores and gas stations?

>> No.18316538
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You are paying to hang out with friends/other people while you drink and watch the big game. That, or you don't mix drinks well, no one is going out expecting to get drunk on a budget.

>> No.18316539


>> No.18316558

Sex. A lot of people go out to socialize and ultimately have sex. Some people also hang out with people they don't want to have sex with, but also don't want to invite over to their own place. That's basically it. Don't think too hard about it.

>> No.18316570

You can do that at your home or apartment. It's more fun that way and is what my friends and I do
Bars are only worth it if there's something special about it. For example there's one by me that has like 50 imported German and Belgian beers on tap, stuff I can't find in the liquor store. Besides something like that, ordering drinks is only worth it if I'm eating out since I love having a beer with my dinner

>> No.18316584

How are you going to meet strangers by staying at home

>> No.18316589

You're on the internet, dumbass. Answer your own question.

>> No.18316601

It's 2022, no one meets strangers at bars anymore. You meet new people through mutual friends. t. 22 yo zoomer

>> No.18316637

>anime poster
>Unironically asking wHy dO pEoPlE gO tO bArS
What a surprise

>> No.18316642


>> No.18316651


I have a friend that is the leader of a garage band. The bar allows him to play there from time to time. With that perk he's allowed to go in there and order free drinks for himself. He invited his brother and me (his bro's friend) to go enjoy the atmosphere. I guess he probably paid for our drinks and he got his free.

anyways the point of my description is a bar is entirely sociable and that's it. it's there to meet friends, keep friends and acquaintances.

>> No.18316702

Anime website

>> No.18316826
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>> No.18316851

That can't be true in totality, otherwise people who don't already have friends would be in some socially horrific situation where they would be effective pariahs.
And if that were the case you'd hear about it on the news and I haven't

>> No.18316931

He's 22 bro, he doesn't know shit about how the world works.

>> No.18317057

>otherwise people who don't already have friends would be in some socially horrific situation where they would be effective pariahs
Fortunately you can use your coworkers to meet people, too, but it's harder. You were supposed to make lasting friendships in college or join a hobby group of some sort
>ladies we are looking good tonight!
>then just walk away

>> No.18318306

You meant to say:
>t. autistic zoomer
I’m 27 and have met plenty of people in my friend group who I’m now very close with at bars and at public events. Not everyone is as socially inept as you are kid and it’s kind of close minded to project your failures onto others

>> No.18318341

>ladies we are looking good tonight!
>then just walk away

>> No.18318450

bars and clubs are pathetic
nobody really wants to be there but just go there because "its the thing to do"
get a hobby
nigger btw

>> No.18318468

>my world view is based on american sitcoms
you're pathetic

>> No.18318480

Walking away is literally the art of the deal.

>> No.18318495

>tranime poster doesn’t understand the concept of socializing

LMFAO who woulda guessed, go back to your containment board

>> No.18318504

Stop projecting your ineptitude. I’m literally a brown manlet and I’ve fucked chicks I’ve picked up at bars. Sorry your ability to socialize has been warped by social media and porn addiction.

>> No.18318514

i don't see why would you want to do that

>> No.18318602

Women don’t go to bars without guys

>> No.18318767

This is a politics, vidya, frogs, and wojak website newfriend

>> No.18318822


Hi ArabMan, didn't know you came to /ck/

>> No.18318835

There is none.
>bar restaurant
Socializing with co-workers

>> No.18318857

It's almost entirely social for me. I have good/drunken conversations at my local. The owner's cool shit; the servers are cool; most of the regulars are pretty cool or at least interestingly tragic. Plus they've got my favourite beer on tap and it's regularly sold out at the brewery and liquor stores.

>> No.18318862

Objectively untrue, go outside for once.

>> No.18318875

I meet strangers at the pub all the time. It's where I get to larp as someone who would make eye contact and offer someone a smoke or a joint, swap rounds, find common interests, that kind of thing.

>t. 25 year old... zoomer I guess?

>> No.18318886

Either underage or never been to a bar. Especially in college towns. Most of my hook-ups and one of my longest girlfriends I met at bars.

>> No.18318901

Yep, definitely zoomer. 1995 is definitely the true cut-off. You would have no strong memories of the millennium if you were born after that. I like to classify the young and obnoxious millennials as zoomers too. In my opinion, the cutoff should be 1990, but I just hate these whiny young hipster fags that people associate with all millennials.

>> No.18318910

that's not what bars are meant for. they're meant for drugs and sex. i can pay for that shit over the internet all the same. i get my socialization from vidya, work, and here. fuck that bar noise shit.
>can i get a coors banquet
>"we only have regular :)"
>"Sure! :)"

>> No.18318914

Granted I don’t drink but I go to bars to play pool and I have never seen a girl at a bar alone, they’re always coming in with a guy or in a group of guys and girls

>> No.18318925

Ok, that’s what (You) do, but you realize there’s seven billion other people on this planet and not all of them socialize or enjoy things same way as you?

>> No.18318931

>coors banquet
>we only have regular
That is regular Coors you dullard. Coors light is "light"

>> No.18318935

I remember my dad flicking the mains on the house on NYE and the whole party freaking out... and I remember him picking me up from daycare or kindergarten and rushing out to grab Cradle of Filth's Midian and rent a sound system and lighting for Hallowe'en - and my mom giving him shit because we were an hour late for dinner on a weeknight... but yeah, not much, and nothing I'd call vivid or maybe even reliable.

>> No.18318937

There's a name for the bars that sell drugs and sex as a main product: "Front".

>> No.18318938

> I get my socialization from vidya, work and 4chan
Will walk into work one day with a gun...

>> No.18318942

>And if that were the case you'd hear about it on the news and I haven't
You mean like how you hear about suicides and mass shootings constantly? Did you not understand the connection, anon?

>> No.18318950

It's objectively true. The only women who go to bars alone are middle aged alkies. I live in a college town and go to all the bars, the only women you see come with guys or in huge groups, either way the outcome is the same.

>> No.18318977

right? fucking retard zoomers can't even interact with others, faces plastered to their phones 24/7, insecure faggots

>> No.18319066

Na nigga da hoez be goin 2 da bar 2 get fugged on da reg

>> No.18319078

So take home a middle aged slag with lowered expectations. You'll probably leave with a smile on your face and a juicebox in your pocket.

>> No.18319117

she has popcorn

>> No.18319150

well, stick some in the microwave. You'll finish in time to have a crunchy, buttery snack!

>> No.18319201

lol... you're the one who's warped. how many children do you ahve? all that work and for what?

>> No.18319420

>you'd hear about it on the news and I haven't
wanna know how we know you don't pay attention to the news?

>> No.18319445

>You can do that at your home or apartment. It's more fun that way and is what my friends and I do
Yeah, and that's their origins. Pub= public house. They've just become specialized to being the hangout spot for a small mass, and it eases the logical on any particular host. I personally prefer my own home like you but not all do or can accommodate.

>> No.18319488
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haha yeah could you imagine being in a situation like that? I mean, anyone who ended up like that would have deserved it for being retarded, but still that would really suck.

>> No.18319879

Yeah that would be so weird ha ha... :(

>> No.18320059

Anime website.

>> No.18320128

i do and have. i'm always ready for someone to come in and think they can get away with something they learned from watching a few videos online.

>> No.18320161

Buy a large flask, tell bar tender you are DD, ask for whatever soda you want, they won’t charge you, walk into corner or bathroom and mix drink. If you pay for drinks unless they are really fancy at a bar you are doing it wrong.

>> No.18320228

I didn't start hanging around bars until later in life. A 22 year old really doesn't know anything about drinking culture.

>> No.18320532

Imagine thinking you’re any kind of authority on who goes to bars where and with whom because you’re some autist living in a college town. Of course these dumb college sluts don’t go to bars alone, try going to a real city faggot