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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18315749 No.18315749 [Reply] [Original]

I's this ok for beef and broccoli stir fry? I'm Osternon if that maters.

>> No.18316396
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Worked very well.

>> No.18316402

>Unironically drinking out of a glass jar.
Kys hipster

>> No.18316416

Might be too old to be a hipster :(

>> No.18316423

you need to die because you asked a question that you did not want an answer,
you need to die for saying "unironically"

>> No.18316424

looks really nice, anon. the milk is a nice touch.

>> No.18316441

Did want an answer. I'm interested in anons opinion because I don't seem to be very good at picking the right cut for the meals I make.

>> No.18316442

Kill yourself

>> No.18316486

>anon makes thread
>no responses for 5 hrs
>post results
>gets shit on

>> No.18316498

Thought maybe anon would talk to me about good cuts of beef for what I wanted to make.

>> No.18316629

That looks very nice. Good work, anon.

>> No.18317229

try beef short ribs next time if you can find them

>> No.18317427

I find that very interesting. Although the beef tasted great, it was a bit chewy. For some reason the broccoli I've bought in the last month has been rather hard and flavorless. I live in Alaska and it must be shipped in from somewhere else. Maybe it's out of season? How would I serve the short ribs? cut the meat off before serving or leave whole?

>> No.18317521

slice it thin
if it's boneless you're all set, otherwise cut the bone off

>> No.18317564

What is this?

>> No.18317604
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I meant Osteranon.

>> No.18317991

are you cutting with or against the grain?

>> No.18318026

>Although the beef tasted great, it was a bit chewy.
Marinate it for 30 minutes+ in a bit of cornstarch and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda, plus whatever flavourings. The alkaline bicarb makes it soft like classic Chinese takeaway.

>> No.18318246

The grain was mostly up and down so I cut it at a 45 degree angle.

>> No.18318264

I found that very helpful. I bookmarked that site. Thanks.

>> No.18318275 [DELETED] 

Looks great

>> No.18318951

Thanks! ( really just a bump, lol ).

>> No.18319009

You're missing the whole point of this eating it without shortgrain white rice.

Most asian dishes are essentially condiments for rice. The balance is all wrong if you eat them by themselves.

The brocolli should also be sauted, or, at a very minimium, also tossed with the beef and sauce at the end.

btw also for tender beef you can wash it under the tap after slicing and before marinading, this seems wrong but it has a massive effect on tenderizing it. I just wouldn't do it for nicer cuts.

I assume also like most stirfreylets the head of your pan is also WAY too low, and you are using the wrong pan.
And the chinese aromat combination is not onions, it's garlic, ginger, chilli and spring onion.

>> No.18319042

Fuck me hard! you just added whole other things for me to consider.

>> No.18319046

I need to cram that badly

>> No.18319051

The coin is Philippine peso. Tried to pull it out to save for next New Years Eve. He just won't give it up.

>> No.18319279

You ever heard of the south faggot?

>> No.18319304

maybe hipster was the wrong word
white trash is more fitting

>> No.18319311

for southerners that is
not OP

>> No.18319746
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Using baking soda to marinate the beef this time.

>> No.18319818
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The beef is much better this time.

>> No.18319826


>> No.18319852

Good job alaskabro

>> No.18319869

>I buy stuff that I don't know how to cook or what with.

>> No.18319954

cool trick, I'll have to remember that.

>> No.18320026

Such is the /ck/ way friend.

>> No.18321005
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>> No.18321011

thank u for ur patronage bro

>> No.18321045

I didn't know this was a thing

>> No.18321050

I always found cornstarch alone to be sufficient. It's called velveting.
Just be sure to cut the beef thin and against the grain.

>> No.18321092

If you've ever noticed shrimp in Chinese food has an odd, bouncy texture, it's the same basic process.

>> No.18321097

Neat. Will give it a shot.

>> No.18322697
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>he still hasn't got any rice

>> No.18322713

>>I buy stuff that I don't know how to cook or what with.

Unironically, yes. What are you some kind of chicken tendie autist that can't diverge from their normal routine without having a mental breakdown?

>> No.18322817

Other anons seem to understand how food works. I try hard but when cooking things just don't work how I think they will.

>> No.18322883

Yeah? That's how you learn how to fucking cook lmao. Do you think an artist just draws fucking stick figures their entire life instead of trying to draw shit they don't know how to draw and mastering it?

>> No.18324082
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Anyone else having problems with broccoli?

>> No.18324091

It hasn't been cramming up my anus as easily

>> No.18324099

It tastes like wood pulp. I guess it would be better for cramming.

>> No.18324108

He's got taters, which are frankly the superior accompaniment to beef.

>> No.18324116

I only used potatoes because the broccoli has changed in the last few months. Its more like green cardboard without even so much as paper flavor. Oh shit maybe I had covid without knowing!

>> No.18324125

Pics on /b/ or it didn't happen.

>> No.18324475

I think a lot of produce is shit this year because of the heatwaves. Matured too fast and dry. The fruit in my garden is all small and tough.

>> No.18325792

That makes a lot of sense. I was worried maybe there was a new strain whit different genetics.

>> No.18325853

How are you cooking your broccoli?

>> No.18325860

lmfao why is everyone in this thread so mad

>> No.18325886
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>premium Angus
yeah, no

>> No.18325905

Cut into small florets, add to pan with one teaspoon of olive oil and one and a half cups of water. Cover with lid on medium heat until water evaporates. remove lid and let broccoli lightly brown on at least two sides.

>> No.18325909

We're paying twice the price of last year for half the quality while working just as hard. Hurry back to your maths teacher and ask him how much we lost.

It's also past bedtime and you shouldn't be on adult websites to begin with.

>> No.18327055

Just not happy with veggies right now.

>> No.18327070

>different cuts of meat photographed under wildly different lighting conditions and with incomparable cameras don't look the same
Color me surprised.

>> No.18328245

welcome to /ck/. go fuck yourself.

>> No.18328862

> welcome to /ck/. go fuck yourself
Reminds me of my childhood. Good times. Thank you.

>> No.18329214
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for beef stir fry i usually use milanesa. its already thin cut and easy to cut into strips.

>> No.18329568

It looks great. Its just that Ive never seen it at a store I shop at. Most of the cuts I see online don't seem to be at the store I shop at.

>> No.18329576

strip steak style cuts like you got are always good and versatile and you can do anything with them. If anything they are expensive but if you are cooking for 1 or 2 you just want the best meat cut.

>> No.18329686

I don't like the more expensive cuts for stir fry, they're usually too lean unless you're wasting a good ribeye on it

>> No.18329718

the problem I have is that the cuts I see are named different than what I see online.

>> No.18329838

What do you mean by "see online"? You mean online recipes?

>> No.18330136

No, yes, maybe? The cuts I see at the grocery store are named different than what I see on /ck/ and on different websites.

>> No.18330276

What a dumb thing to give a fuck about.

>> No.18330279

Based milk enjoyer

>> No.18330374

Half gallon per week. Love milk but think water is better for health.

>> No.18331869

You use the baking soda for 10 minutes to tenderize and break apart the proteins, then you rinse, dry, and marinate.

>> No.18331889
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Based Microwave bro making those kitchen gains

>> No.18331915

Love that little guy.