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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 500x329, family cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18313612 No.18313612 [Reply] [Original]

Is cooking an art or a science? Which is the best way to approach cooking?

>> No.18313615

It's a digestive aid. That's it. If you think cooking has anything to do with taste then explain honey.

>> No.18313616
File: 2.22 MB, 1537x865, thechadmegumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unconventionally but with the hospitality of the recipient in mind.

>> No.18313618

Cooking for the past 10,000 years has been art and wivestales. Only recently have soy-faced, flabby "men" decided to start applying the scientific method to cooking to show us the "right" way to cook.
It's all pendants who get off on saying "well actually" when in actuality, the difference most of the suggestions make are inconsequential and 99.99% of people wouldn't notice the difference.

>> No.18313619

so it's a science

>> No.18313681

It's a craft.

>> No.18313688


>> No.18313864

Cooking is just chemistry and esoteric knowledge regarding nutrition and health. It can be turned into artistic expressions too but that's not the core of it.

>> No.18313867

It's literally the other way around.

>> No.18313868

That blouse and skirt is far too short

>> No.18313874


>> No.18313880

agreed, above the clavicle and below the knee or she's a whore

>> No.18313882


>> No.18313883
File: 1.27 MB, 2334x1350, MV5BYTBmZTk1ZGItMTU0Yy00NTdiLWI0YTgtYWE2ZjQ1NWZlM2Q4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see scenes like this I like to imagine that moments after the painting was completed, the rape gang from "Death Wish 2" burst onto the scene, wordlessly clubbed each of the kids to death with a hammer, had their way with the wife, and didn't touch the husband other than keeping him seated at gunpoint to ensure that he'd have survivor's guilt. For him, it would be the greatest day of his life. For them, though, it would just be Tuesday.

>> No.18313888

>then explain honey.
bees drink nectar from many flowers then puke it up and dehydrate it in tiny hexagonal wax cells for later consumption

>> No.18313895

Deranged retards like you are why normal people wish for better times.

>> No.18313905

why are there no asians or Latinxs in that gang? not very progressive

>> No.18313915

neither, it's a craft

>> No.18313918

>Is cooking an art or a science?

>> No.18313923

People who confuse shitty old adverpaintings with reality and then politicize their delusions are why normal people wish for boomer genocide

>> No.18313928

Lel, you're getting upset over a fucking portrayal of happy people.

>> No.18313935

t. the boomer who gets upset at portrayals of happy people

>> No.18313936
File: 94 KB, 256x256, Nikado Mikado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking is more art, with a knowledge of science; Baking is more science, with an understanding of art.
Captcha: HAG XDS

>> No.18313940

This guy walks into a museum and breaks out into screaming convulsions at the sight of Norman Rockwell paintings. Like a Jew at the sight of the cross.

>> No.18313943
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the MOAST concise explanation EVAH!!
You win the intarrweebs!!
Captcha=OP MAO

>> No.18313944

this guy sees a black person in an insurance advert and shoots up a grocery store

>> No.18313948


>> No.18313969
File: 197 KB, 495x1169, Cutter clipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to derail, but since YOU Brought it up;Vaccinations are TRULY moar of and "ART" then that ""SCIENCE"" you so cherish as true..
I prefer my Bouillabaisse to NOT have cover-ups surrounding it..
at least HALF of the ART of cooking, is to also KNOW your patrons' palates.
INB4 Tastelets need not apply---
That's a given--let 'em wash down their Goyslop with goyslurp...
Taco Hell: Make a run for the BATHROOM™

>> No.18313972

Go back to /pol/, faggot.
You, too.

>> No.18313991

It's a craft. Like bricklaying, farming or welding. You ignore the science your result will be shit.

It's not an art as it's too susceptible to fads and fashion. It has no staying power. Compare Roman cookbooks with the Renaissance (fistfuls of sugar and spices), the 19th century (Cauderlier, Artusi, to a much lesser extent Escoffier), the 1950s, 1980s, the '00s and today and you'll see that they're entirely different.

The best way to approach cooking is:
-read a lot, especially old books. The ones that are still in circulation today were written by the better chefs, with lots of footnotes with product info, and tips everybody stole from everyone else
-cook a lot, of course
-get to know your region: what edible plants grow where, whose cows are out in the pastures
-shop often and talk to vendors: learn what produce is in season. Wine, cheese, beer, butter, milk, veg, fruit, fish, you name it: they're all better in a particular time of year.

>> No.18314004

A little column A, and a little column B

>> No.18314009
File: 509 KB, 588x588, TBBY1-U-MORON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No FAGGOT, I'm not a Boomer, but my family has PLENTY of photographs of exactly THIS kind of shit--You sound like you WANT a low-trust society--

Well, you got it--You must love it out there...Also FUCK YOU for twisting this thread into a personal steamvalve--go to /pol/.

>> No.18314011

No U

>> No.18314042
File: 230 KB, 1080x733, tradwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spare me the faux outrage anonette, as if you didn't specifically choose that op image to create stealth polbait

>> No.18314057

It’s both. The technical aspects of how good behaves and what certain ingredients do chemically is not up for debate. However, what looks, smells, and tastes good is purely subjective and that’s where the artistic component lies.

>> No.18314114

>t. deranged /pol/tard out of his containment board
Bro, you get rape fantasies looking at pictures of happy people. That's as /pol/ as it gets.

>> No.18314129

I stopped seeing /pol/ everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18314271

>Which is the best way to approach cooking?
As a fun hobby to enjoy.

>> No.18314679

most mentally stable leftist

>> No.18314686

Was cooking invented or discovered?