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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 800x1000, dinner-me-babe-3-haha-hahah-babe-youre-so-funny-babe-im-going-to-die-malnourished-starving-wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18313050 No.18313050 [Reply] [Original]

Eating is a privilege today. Electricity is 6-7 times more expensive than before, flour used to be 60p now its 1$.
This is the era of starvation.
Boomers will complain about it,(so typical). Why don't you compromise with what the government does to you?

>> No.18313053

>Eating is a privilege today
What was it before? A right?

>> No.18313135

It was easier

>> No.18313162

I didn't notice putting food in my mouth and chewing got more difficult

>> No.18313184

>flour used to be 60p now its 1$
Do you live in a third world country that you're worrying about the price of flour?

>> No.18313211

Thanks Biden and the Democratic Party Congress

>> No.18313263

>price tag has one dollar or ten cents more

>> No.18313276

Just learn to fish

>> No.18313288

Buy whole foods, cook them yourself and it won't cost that much
Also get a real job, or a country with a real wage

>> No.18313350
File: 40 KB, 640x617, IMG_20220903_045632_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing @ your pathetic UKKKracker life
real countries aren't like this

>> No.18313454

I think you may have stumbled into the gum aisle again

>> No.18313473
File: 158 KB, 1200x984, 1661368275637713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

im 26 and westerners have it so good and are so stupid they don't even realize it

prices have always gone up and down but now everybody can read the wikipedia article on inflation and believe they're geniuses for finally noticing. they even think they figured it all out by themselves when the goybox has been shouting it at them for months. protip: they want you to know that prices are going up. you think you're onto them but you don't know shit you just take cues like lambs led to slaughter.

in any case westerners need this to curb their extravagant lifestyle. im not saying you need to eat the bugs but rather learn to cook and eat a normal healthy diet instead of complaining that your prepackaged frozen ubereats goyslop is going up in price and you're just barely scraping by being able to afford all the luxuries of the modern world.

>> No.18313495

>Era of starvation
The fuck are you talking about???
isn't 70% of America's adult population fucking obese

If a country population is full of fat people it's no era of starving happening.

>> No.18313526


>> No.18313531

Imagine living in the early stone age and the only way you had food to eat that day was to get up in the morning and go out and kill a wild animal with your bare hands
I think about that a lot when I hear /ck/ complain about food prices, availability, etc.
Most of the coddled man-children we have today would starve if better men didn't provide a complicated supply chain of food that they can have delivered to their mom's doorstep
But then the only reason they exist in the first place is generations of dysgenics so it's sort of a chicken/egg issue

>> No.18313649
File: 84 KB, 280x396, Fritz_Haber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if better men didn't provide a complicated supply chain of food
Can't argue with that. But they're very few and extraordinary people whom the everyman can't exactly be expected to live up to.
Farmers explicitly excluded, whiny entitled cunts who think society has to subsidize their outdated business practices and lifestyle.

>> No.18313660

>stone age
>bare hands

>> No.18313661

electricity? LOL u use an electric stove lmaooo? kys dummy

>> No.18313668


>> No.18313750

>prices have always gone up and down
Anon, prices have only gone up since world war fucking two: gaseous boogaloo.
Main thing is, last decade or so, pay isn't rising as fast as inflation, even in wealthier countries.

can you believe some EU™℠®© countries are trying to force people to cook electric/induction for "enviromental reasons", only to then raise the price of the electricity (even """"green electricity""") because "hurrr no gasss from hurrkraine/Roossia.

>> No.18313763

When you're the most obese and unhealthy country in the world maybe cutting out a few calories and bodyfat would do you some good,just saying.

>> No.18313771

>whiny entitled cunts who think society has to subsidize their outdated business practices and lifestyle
They literally produce the food you eat anon.

>> No.18313777

Brother giving you a sharp rock and a stick is not going to turn you into a master hunter capable of feeding yourself.

>> No.18313831

>This is the era of starvation.
I fucking hate you coddled first worlders so fucking much.

>> No.18313886

>they want you to know that prices are going up
How many layers of conspiracy are you on?

>> No.18313889
File: 912 KB, 4000x2250, a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating is a privilege today
hadn't noticed.

>> No.18313916

>Anon, prices have only gone up since world war fucking two

what you're seeing is the effects of forcing one stable currency onto the entire world

before the creation of the federal reserve, the us and the rest of the world had many different types of currencies. in the us, currency was issued mostly by states, and so not only did the prices of goods fluctuate up and down, so did the value of currencies. the reason why people are confused by bitcoin is because it's the first widespread alternative currency to the us dollar since world war 2, and we've completely forgotten that "value" (i.e. inflationary and deflationary effects) are totally and completely relative. that was the case when currency was tied to precious metals, now you should remember that the value of the us dollar is tied to precisely nothing, meaning that the value of the dollar is completely fake and gay and you're being strung along by the federal reserve to believe it is worth what they want you to think it is.

so no, prices have not "only gone up" aside from bitcoin, precious metals have also been used as an alternative sort of currency, as are us bonds, stocks, commodities, etc. those are all "currencies" the same as the us dollar, only we're been trained to see the dollar as the only form of currency. if you really want to know the state of the economy, you can look at the standard of living of most people. the truth is, we're lazy and we can afford to be. we have record levels of unemployment, but instead of seeing soup kitchens and riots in the street over food, we're ordering more take out than ever, buying more expensive luxury goods, donating to retards on twitch, etc. etc.

you have it so good you dont even realize how good it is. nobody is truly struggling, you've been conditioned to think you are.