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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18308970 No.18308970 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been to a locak farmer's market, /ck/? I moved to a new town that hosts one every Friday and Saturday. Picrel is my haul from last weekend.

My mind is actually blown, the fresh produce and meat is incomparable to anything I've ever had. I feel like I'm actually tasting food for the first time! I'm never going back to generic grocery store food again, it's fresh local good or nothing. The peppers in particular are so insanely flavorful, eating them makes me feel like I'm having a spiritual awakening.

>> No.18309053

we have one or two, they're shit
just your basic produce

>> No.18309073

That's a real shame. I don't mean to obsess so much about the peppers, but the farmers had several dozen varieties on offer, and I only got a few to try. I' so looking forward to trying more when I get the chance.

Even with the most basic produce, though, I would happily base my diet around those offerings than shitty imported chain st84nnwkore produce any day.

>> No.18309074

Fake and gay

>> No.18309078
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Nah, pecrel is a ghetto-fajita filling I made for lunch today with some of that beef bacon and beggies fried in the leftover fat. Genuinely might have been the most flavorful meal I've ever eaten, farm fresh produce is truly unmatched.

>> No.18309083

I prefer trusted named brands.

>> No.18309144

I grow all that in my backyard along with corn, and watermelons. The potato is my favorite though they are so good and tender, Lots of peppers bell and hot peppers, beef steak and grape tomatoes

>> No.18309385

My girlfriend takes me to the market in her country and it is amazing yes, gonna try my local market when I get back to my hometown and report in a few weeks

>> No.18309407

You grow flour in your backyard?

>> No.18309751

How big is your backyard, anon? Growing a few veggies is one thing, but a warermelon patch, even?

>> No.18309752

I spend half of my time in the countryside so yes, there’s always one somewhere every day of the week.
Sometimes very overpriced to scam a clueless urbanoid so be careful with that.

>> No.18309755

The produce is mind blowing. It really highlights how far commercial produce has fallen in the United States. Would hardly call that shit in major grocery stores real food anymore.

>> No.18309760

Combination of commercial farmers selecting for size and storability over flavor and nutrition for decades, as well as declining minerals in commercial farms soils.
I remember the first time I had farmers market strawberries it was like a completely different fruit. The pale, bloated disgusting things in the grocery stores don't even compare.

If you ever travel to east asia you will notice a lot of their produce still tastes like real food. American produce is absolute dog kibble

>> No.18309761

Me too, i can't eat anything that isn't packaged. The risk of some foodborne illness or god forbid, poisoning is just too damn high,

>> No.18309765
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Hit the nail on the head. Just compare these homogenized grocery store "onions" to the real earthy ones in the OP pic. Doesn't even seem like the same plant.

>> No.18309915

I don't know where you are or shop, but all the stuff at the farmer's markets end up at the produce section at better quality grocery stores here. So it doesn't matter.

>> No.18309977
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Very based. I got some carrots, chard, and jalapenos at mine for maybe $8?

>> No.18311343

Go Michigan State

>> No.18311427


yea ive heard similar. that people run scams and just get normal produce and upsell them at markets. my family used to go to a program called bountiful baskets and they just give you a big pile of local produce for like $10. was pretty much id imagine what youd get at a farmers market but for cheaper than store prices. id try to look into something like that rather than go to a farmers market.

>> No.18311476

>farmer's market
>vaccum-sealed bacon

>> No.18311486
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yeh dude

>> No.18311829

just dont eat from grocery stores kiddo

>> No.18311837

I have my own garden and buy half a cow or more per year, why would I need to go to a farmers market?'

>> No.18311857

2 1/2 acres plenty of room, didn't even mention the pumpkin patch that I just grow for the fun of giving them away to neighbors during Halloween

>> No.18311908

I failed to mention that this an obsession of mine, I start all my plants from seedlings that I buy over the winter and start them under flourescent lights on trays on shelves in my basement early in the spring.
Then I plant my "babies" in well tilled soil with fertilizer.
I have grown pretty much everything.
I have a huge garden and give the majority away to neighbors, I place whatever I harvest that day on a cart in front of my house with a sign that say's FREE along with a stack of paper bags.
I enjoy it idk.

>> No.18312442

They charge too much where I live.

>> No.18312477

Its all retarded shit like homemade bbq sauce where i live lol.

>> No.18312815

Same, all overpriced shit in jars and veggies that look no better then what I could get at the store also way overpriced.

>> No.18313314

Utterly based.

>> No.18313371

Western people talking about asian food culture while their own food culture is morbid obesity. You have no grounds to talk when your food culture can't even keep you at a healthy weight. The primary function of a civilizations food culture should be to feed and nourish the people while keeping them healthy. You immediately fail.

>> No.18313402

Yes, every Friday. I usually pick up eggs, spinach and other misc veggies. Meat and yoghurt are good too but overpriced. There's a farm near me that has outside refrigerators, self service shop. That's where I get my yoghurt instead.

>> No.18313496

A buddy of mine bought a farm a while back, and I usually pick up some stuff from his neighbors when I'm out there. He also has hunting rights on his farm and gets a lot of venison from the hunters who hunt on his property, so I usually get some of that for free.
His closest neighbor has a chicken farm, and they leave it completely unattended. You just walk in, take whatever eggs you want, put the money in a box and write down your name and how many eggs you bought. They sell them at about half the price of store eggs.
God, I love the culture out there. It's like going 70 years back in time.

>> No.18313522

Enjoy pepper season while it lasts, pumpkins have arrived 2 weeks early. Hope you have a good fishmonger as well, seasonal fish is unbelievable.

>> No.18313535

Yeah. I get my eggs from a Hmong fella but usually buy all my peppers and a lot of my meat from the farmers market. The food stalls there are good as fuck too. Also lots of local honey, mushrooms, dairy. I love it

>> No.18314267


this sounds properly based. never would work in a big city.

>> No.18314327

It's like paradise.
I'd move out there myself, but I have friends and family here, and I like the convenience of living near a city.

>> No.18314330
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Forgot Pic.

>> No.18315599

Yeah, the fruit and veg that goes to big grocery chains is tasteless garbage.

>> No.18315670

I went to one last week. Bought what turned out to be $35 worth of fucking tomatoes (cause $7 a lb). Left the tomaters around too long so I'll probably just have to use them for seeds; they're too far gone by now. Oh well, the seeds are still useful to me.