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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.16 MB, 2816x2112, Classic_Hanukkah_sufganiyot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18305086 No.18305086 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Jewish foods and recipies?

>> No.18305192

Foreskin casserole?

I'm not wild about it, most recipes stop trying after adding poultry fat to make it taste like something. I do like potato pancakes and kasha, but I think that's more of an eastern European thing than a Jewish thing.

>> No.18305197

Copy paste from european recipes.

>> No.18305199

>they literally cut a hole in a Kaiser bun and sell it to you for the same price
What is the fucking deal with Jews

>> No.18305223

The only traditional jewish food I know of is the ones that were on Seinfeld like kreplach and hamentashen

>> No.18305237

They make a good replica of the Palestinian dishes, hummus and falafel

>> No.18305249
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>> No.18305252

I’ve been following a culinary podcast with some authentic recipes. The host is Judy Stroyer and she’s pretty hot.

>> No.18305297

BLTs are my favorite

>> No.18305320
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I like these, sorry not really familiar with Jewish food.

>> No.18305329
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This place had some good Jew food.

>> No.18305546


>> No.18305567
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>> No.18305587

Chocolate Babka

>> No.18305696

Halva is amazing. It's like a cross between icecream and a cookie. It's like kryptonite to my antisemitism

>> No.18305711


>> No.18305712

I got colon cancer just from looking at that picture.

>> No.18305716

Have you met my cousin Morty? He's a proctologist, he'll fix you right up

>> No.18305720

Isn’t this just semolina dumplings? I mean they’re nice, but my grandma made it and she was catholic Croatian

>> No.18305731

Matzo balls are like dumplings made out of giant crackers.
In the Bible matzo's called the bread of affliction and it's supposed to be intentionally bad to remind Jews of the Exodus from Egypt.
So making a good tasting soup out of matzo ground up to the point where the matzo balls form are basically the same as regular dumplings kind of defeats the purpose. Finding and exploiting loop holes in their own rules is basically a Jewish tradition in itself though so I guess it's alright.

>> No.18305783

damn these things are so good

>> No.18305796

This. They just took Central European dishes and put a Jiddish names on them.

>> No.18305814 [DELETED] 

fuck jews, nuke israel

>> No.18305826

How do I make pita bread without fucking it up? They sometimes don't puff up evenly, and sometimes they stick to the sheet pan and greasing it just made them not puff up.
I want to use yeast, but any tips for that? Lately my breads have just been so disappointing.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, I tried to make challah, and it was dry and disappointing. How do I make wetter doughs that I can still roll out?

>> No.18305842

the are plenty of recipes online for challa anon

>> No.18305844

it doesnt taste at all like dumpling you cockerberger

>> No.18305846

I've had matzo ball soup and dumpling soup and I can't tell the difference.

>> No.18305849

you propably had the one that are not made from og matzah

>> No.18305851
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Whatever you can get from this machine

>> No.18305857

Hamantash are pretty good. I like bagels a lot too. I think God's chosen people will do salmon on bread as well, but that's pretty common throughout the countries bordering the Baltic.

>> No.18305861

pickled herring

>> No.18305870

yeah but you get better advice here when people are turned on and know what they are doing
ck fixed my mayonnaise - apparently you have to add a TINY pinch of xanthan or guar gum and that makes it gloopy like hellmans

>> No.18305872

no idea anon
jamie geller is one the famous cook nowadays i think but there are more

>> No.18305880

>pickled herring
Don't you try to sell proud Nordic food as Ashkenazi.

>> No.18305881

i will work on improving my pita and challah recipes
but my falafel has gotten pretty good and hummus is ok just ur supposed to skin the chickpeas and its so much manual labor and I wonder if you really need to do it, I didn't and it was a bit grainy, sigh
real food is a lot of hours of work
I made pretzel challah once and it was AMAZING

>> No.18305886

i forgot to add

>> No.18305889

no idea just buy the frozen falafel lol
pretzel challa is indeed a very good invention lol

>> No.18305922

no falafel are actually not that hard its just a lot of steps
that one ive mostly mastered
soak the chickpeas overnight, no need to cook them before frying, chop up lots of parsley, cilantro, garlic, onion, little spicy something, food processor, chill, patties, chill, fry on medium-low heat

>> No.18305938

just get the powder of it if you wish lol

>> No.18305944 [DELETED] 

Whatevers on the menu at comet ping pong

>> No.18305957

Does anyone know how to make brisket or shortribs? Tips/tricks/recipes appreciated.

>> No.18306144

/ck/ike here.

I made matzo brei a couple years ago with a couple dollops of schmear

>> No.18306146
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>> No.18306152

central and eastern euro, some turkish too

>> No.18306157
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>almonds (or walnuts or both)
>red onions (optional)
>the correct amount of garlic

I didn’t have a food processor so I had to chop the apples and almonds with a 3.5 inch knife. Absolutely hellish.

>> No.18306161
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Which eventually became a Hillel Sandwich

>> No.18306193

As a Jew, I can confirm it’s more worth it to fly into Texas and get brisket there. Jewish brisket is garbage.

>> No.18306197

Rotten, dehydrated shitsnack.

>> No.18306205
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 6FA5B63E-1B59-4F1C-ACA6-97B8EDC557EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looks, anon, but you’re missing a couple thin slices of tomato. And I prefer the onions to be in ring form. 7/10 would consoom in synagogue.

Take notes on pic related. We enjoy sable as well. When prepared and served properly, it’s a very buttery fish.

>> No.18306209

These oftentimes go for 4 shekels in the Christian quarter of the Old City in J-lem

>> No.18306213

Today anon learns why Jews have cholesterol and other issues with their lipid panels

>> No.18306215

Good shmoros matzo is enjoyable in small doses, but I guess since I have a taste for it, I would have been left in Egypt with 80% of the Jews who decided to stay anyway

>> No.18306217

Kibbeh is more Arabic than Jewish. My friend’s syrian wife makes kibbeh and they look/are served like brownies when they come out of the oven. She also uses pine nuts

>> No.18306218

thats a german berlin / marmeladenkrapfen
Jews dont have their own "cuisine" its all copy/paste from actual europeans.

>> No.18306318
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Challah french toast. The you gotta have the whipped cream cheese nearly frozen before creampieing the slice of challah while it’s in the pan. Then you baste with the leftover cinnamon/vanilla egg mixture, flip, and fry bit more. Keep the perimeter of each slice generously buttered

>> No.18306340

Jews are euros.

>> No.18306351

We need to fight to end toxic ashkenormativity

>> No.18306355

bagels are polish, not jewish

>> No.18306386

This, North-African, Ethiopian or Indian jewish dishes are great too (though there’s not a lot of difference from the local non-jewish food).

>> No.18306395
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holy shit

>> No.18306407

I sense you’re also a fan of zhug (the Yemenite kind)

>> No.18306419

how about you zhug ma dick lol

>> No.18306422

look at the OP if you wanna know where the holes went
gotta admire their business acumen

>> No.18306477

No bris no kiss, goy

>> No.18306485 [DELETED] 

Israel did 9/11
It was green lit by the CIA and funded by the Saudis with the operatives being trained in Afghanistan

>> No.18306533

Aren't those berliner doughnuts, but smaller?

>> No.18306559

>It's like kryptonite to my antisemitism
I have VERY good news for you, mein Halvührer

>> No.18306638
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Coconut Macaroons

>> No.18306658
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>it's supposed to be intentionally bad
only if you forget the key ingredient

>> No.18306692

Halva is Iranian. "Jewish food" is just renamed dishes from the countries that (((they))) parasitized.

>> No.18306711

The racism in this thread baka

>> No.18306729

Problem, rabbi?

>> No.18306881

Challah bread

>> No.18306910

correct but also off topic

>> No.18307449
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>> No.18307535

Go to Israel senpai Askenormativity is not the thing there. The best Israeli food is fusion like a Sabitzel (Sabich + Schnitzel)

>> No.18307537
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They cant keep getting away with this!

>> No.18307546

pita isnt jewish

>> No.18307667

Challah is pretty much the only acceptable bread to use for french toast
try making it with buttermilk or kefir :3

>> No.18308063

I’ve been multiple times. Very familiar with their cuisine. I enjoy asking the Diaspora heebs in synagogue why they think there aren’t any Mizrahit or Sephardic women at those ass-tastic Women of the Wall protests. The thought never crossed their minds, dumb boomer fucks

>> No.18308069

Thanks fren. I’ve always wanted to try it with some ghee

>> No.18308286

>red onions
Is this a joke? I am a full blooded, card carrying, circumcised kike and I'm familiar with weird Sephardic charoset made with dates and coconut and shit, but I have never heard of onions or garlic being added. You are officially kicked out of the tribe.

>> No.18308313
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Sweet kugel when made right is god tier. Also they usually have great deli stuff.

>> No.18308319
File: 2.20 MB, 3392x2304, 0F0B33F1-4EC8-4036-A726-F1675A3050E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babka is fucking amazing

>> No.18308380

Listen here, you Palestinian worshiping globalist schmuck. If you add the right amount of garlic and red onions in moderation (that means be stingy and Jewish with your portions), and you let the fucking bowl sit in the fridge for 12-18 hours, you will in fact have enhanced flavor while marginally boosting the sweetness of the meal. Go play in the wrong part of Hevron.

Shanah Tovah to you and your family. Kaparah Elecha achi. See you in Jerusalem next year bro

>> No.18308396

In all seriousness though, some Ashkenazim put onions or potatoes on their seder plates instead of lettuce because that’s all they had in communist Russia. I get the apprehension toward doctoring your charoset with it, but give it a whirl.

>> No.18308430

Try more egg and a hotter pan?

>> No.18308447

I’d love to try it, but ffs pick one m8. Is that even possible? What is it a pretzel crust or something? I can’t visualize this

>> No.18308465

on a serious note
do they give you more bread to eat that with? is it considered normal to just scarf the middle pound of pickled beef raw? idgi

>> No.18308484

Yes, and they will absolutely charge you if they catch you sharing ANY of it. Common practice in (((nyc))) desu

>> No.18308526

Idk I think I left the recipe book in the oven, could you go grab it for me.

... also proper salt beef is amazing.

>> No.18308790

You can tell this one isn't actually owned by jews

>> No.18309819

compared to the rest of 4chan it's the ADL in here

>> No.18309833

Jews have no actual cuisine of their own. Everything they have comes from Poles and Germans that pretty much eat the same dishes.

If you want actual Jew cuisine, just do anything German or Polish but do it with shitty meat without blood, since Jews still fear their psychopatic god YHWH. Then again. You'll be better off eating literal shit than meat from a scared bleeding out to death animal.

>> No.18309838

Yes, that's the joke. The mods just won't bother taking down the shit bait thread.

>> No.18309840

>jew destroyer
Oy gevalt!

>> No.18309854

I'm addicted to Costco bagels I freeze the two packs then nuke them for a minute and rebake them.
Used to make them by hand but their temperamental

>> No.18309874
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>> No.18309885

Anon mevusas

>> No.18309886

Theres at least 2 types of it
Then you have "convertible kippes"

>> No.18309891

>puts garlic on charoset that suppossed to be sweet
>takes a picture on holiday
Absolutely haram

>> No.18310198

Now when I look at it. Bleeding animal to death must produce some stress hormones, that would affect the meat. I heard it becomes bitter. What the fuck is wrong with semites.

>> No.18310261
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>Jewish foods

No such thing, every "Jewish food" has been stolen from their unfortunate host nations.

>> No.18310280
File: 241 KB, 1280x848, Fish_and_chips_blackpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Jewish immigrant, Joseph Malin, opened the first recorded combined fish-and-chip shop in Bow, east London, circa 1860

>> No.18310327 [DELETED] 

If only people knew how bad it really is. Saint Simon of Trent pray for us.

>> No.18310382
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thought those were goldfish from the thumbnail

>> No.18310438

Coca cola chili sauce brisket with fried onions

>> No.18310963


same lol

>> No.18310965

Hell yeah I love poon-ch-key

>> No.18311032
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>> No.18311282

I eat a verylowlowcarbohydrate/ketogenic diet, with no plants, and plant oils save (coconut or palm), I'm not gonna expect pork, but what meat dishes could I expect, were I to attempt to dine in a Jewish restaurant? I don't go to restaurants often, and I've bought food that not prepared by me maybe 4 times in the past 5 years.

>> No.18311302

get help u twit

>> No.18311311

>look up jewish cuisine in wiki
>bigass yikes
>no blood
>no pork
>plant-products everywhere
I wouldn't even give my money to somebody committing ritual slaughter (albeit it's not as bad as some slims'), and wasting precious animal products. I'll cook myself.
I've been lean, and at a steady weight, with no deficiencies, no health issues really, for some 8 years now, the stricter the better I feel and am. Fuck off, go read a book or 50, before mouthing off.

>> No.18311319
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>What is the fucking deal with Jews

>> No.18311716

Todah achi. Gam l’cha

>> No.18311769

>Everything they have comes from Polish or Germans
You mean the countries they were forced out of?
That's weird they should have kept their culture and brought it to a new land

>> No.18312884
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>> No.18312897

That's Polish.

>> No.18312904
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>> No.18312909

There were once Polish Jews, Until you fed them to the Nazis

>> No.18312912

Never happened.

>> No.18312923
File: 84 KB, 768x1024, 63810922_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashkenazi Kike food is all pretty much plagiarized because they're a pariah people. It's all central/eastern European food filtered through kosher sensibilities.
All that antisemitism said, I do love a good lox bialy at the local deli and the owner's daughter has a FAT ass

>> No.18312927

I feel bad for you I really do, I hope that someday you will find peace and belonging in these troubled times.

>> No.18312929

I don't care about you or your low IQ wishes.

>> No.18312938

good luck