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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 570x366, jvh6qvpgqyf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18301544 No.18301544 [Reply] [Original]

You have been given the chance to eat one endangered or extinct animal to prep and cook.
What do you choose, and how do you prep it?

Picrel, seafood boil. I bet these things tasted amazing.

>> No.18301548

>File: jvh6qvpgqyf21.jpg

>> No.18301551
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this dude right here, deep fried

>> No.18301572
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I want a bowl of primordial soup

>> No.18301576
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Roasted with some potatos

>> No.18301595
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>travels through time and space just to eat the bugs

>> No.18301604
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Roasted, quartered, served over a bed of yellow rice with great peas, pearl onions, and gravy

>> No.18301605

Opabinia Regalis

>> No.18301611

First image on Google search, dog.

>> No.18301612
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one of the pre-aquatic ancestors of whales

>> No.18301620

They were apparently greasy and unappetizing. So do you have a plan on how to utilize that meat?

>> No.18301625

I bet the eggs taste great

>> No.18301631

weve got one that sees

>> No.18301639

Bugs are only gross because they got shells and organs and shit.
That mother would be easy to skin and gut.

>> No.18301646

hahaha i get it, it's a meme

>> No.18301648
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This lil nigga right here. Abandoning a life under the sea was a mistake that we're all paying for.

>> No.18301650

I’d kill and eat a t-Rex any other answer it’s a Reddit soysucker

>> No.18301656

Megalodon, but just the fins for soup and throw away the rest.

>> No.18301660

your mom lol

>> No.18301662

Fishapods are completely unrelated to terrestrial life and could only survive outside of water for brief seconds. They were forced into extinction when actual terrestrial life evolved and made temporary beaching more dangerous than staying in the water.

>> No.18301667
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>Fishapods are completely unrelated to terrestrial life and could only survive outside of water for brief seconds. They were forced into extinction when actual terrestrial life evolved and made temporary beaching more dangerous than staying in the water.

>> No.18301675

>are completely unrelated
Objectively wrong

>> No.18301694

There is absolutely no link between fishapods and terrestrial life. Memespewing redditors saw a picture out of context and immediately shouted "muh ancestor". Meanwhile fishapods were an evolutionary dead end with next to no modern relatives.

>> No.18301714

Being an evolutionary dead end doesn't mean it's unrelated.
You might die childless and alone while your cousins have 5 kids, but you're still related.

>> No.18301721

Don't play the "technically correct" card, gigafaggot.

>> No.18301727

Stop speaking in absolutes and taking hyperbole literally.
The real point is that the other anon just wants to eat his grandfather, whatever it is.

>> No.18301729
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NTA but I would just cook it like duck meat. Trim all the skin and most of the fat and roast it over a drip tray. Low and slow for a few hours to try and dry it iut a big and save the drippings for making gravy after

>> No.18301734

This is why she left you.

>> No.18301736

What extinct animals are there that would be the most unique compared to what we eat today?
ancient bug
ancient chickens
ancient rat
ancient shark

>> No.18301740


>> No.18301745

She left me because she thought I was cheating on her with hotter women.
What does that have to do with with cooking? Why bring it up?

>> No.18301759

>Ancient chickens
>Ancient rat
There's a reason people eat chickens instead of hawks.
They taste different.

>> No.18301767

ITT: Bugpeople

>> No.18302499

Has anyone had shark fin soup? How is it?

>> No.18302512
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I know they're not endangered, but if you were caught eating picrel, at least where I live, you'd most likely literally get lynched.

Also, I always wondered what a Tau Ethereal tasted like. I bet they're like the Kobe steaks of WH40k.

Based nerdbullier.

>> No.18302567

she was already cheating on you by that point.

>> No.18302571
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>> No.18302955
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I would want to eat what my ancestors ate tens of thousands of years ago. Prepared in the same way, on an open flame until cooked.

>> No.18302964

It's pretty wild to think that mammoths were still around when the Pyramids were built.

>> No.18302973

How the hell am i supposed to think of an extinct animal if they dont exists anymore?

>> No.18302979

1930s European jew

>> No.18303043


>> No.18303076

nope. history is a sham.
we just don't know.

>> No.18303082

i cry evrytim ;_;

>> No.18303097
File: 445 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Gigantic_Turtle_on_the_Island_of_Santa_Cruz_in_the_Galapagos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been described as being too delicious of a meat, better than pork or beef or veal, and with a fatty richness more amazing than butter

>> No.18303174

This would be the one. I wouldn't want to, but if I had to, Galapagos tortoise would be it.

>> No.18303184
File: 291 KB, 634x457, BrontosaurusRibs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without doubt, some Brontosaurus ribs and a Brontosaurus burger

>> No.18303200

>Chinese thread
Not falling for youf shitposting, Xi

>> No.18303245

History is a Jewish trick. NOTHING happened before you were born.

>> No.18303273

Just giant T-Rex steaks, a little salt, black pepper, and butter

>> No.18303300

i wanna eat a fuckin t-rex, my t levels are atleast double yours

>> No.18303314
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>> No.18303347

Every Brit knows the QI story about how they kept trying to bring them back to the UK but they just couldn't resist eating them on the voyage back haha

>> No.18303380

Imagine swimming in the ocean and this thing tries to bite your leg.

>> No.18303390

Every zoomer knows that story from QI, yes. Thanks for outing yourself.

>> No.18303505

This right here, I would prefer to eat a herbivore dino over a carnivore one

>> No.18304478

Hi, Chang!

>> No.18304510

Passenger pigeon pie

>> No.18305004
File: 118 KB, 833x625, SameerIndricotherium-56a2544f5f9b58b7d0c91bc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paraceratherium cut and dry. My village shall prosper for many moons.

>> No.18305039
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Mammoth ribs ofc

>> No.18305044

Wife is to lazy to cook, no bother, you're a boomer and have infinite money thanks to those smart bankers.

>> No.18305392


>> No.18305398


>> No.18306062

>Trim fat
If it wasn't for the law of this land I would've cut you down

>> No.18306090

I seriously want to take the risk and eat mermaid flesh

>> No.18306250

>travels through time and space
>still heeds contemporary cultural conventions of what is and is not acceptable food
try actually using that shriveled-up sack you call a brain for once, chump

>> No.18306252

I never understood this meme. Is it bad to be correct?

>> No.18306269

how about I push you back
into a fucking stock pot

>> No.18306487

It's bad to be a redditor. Time to go back.

>> No.18306569

Yeah that's how images on the internet are....

>> No.18306577

I will never forgive the Dutch

>> No.18306580

Panda, because every dead panda brings that wretched species closer to extinction. Probably grilled, I like grilled meat, medium rare, but I'm not really here for food.

>> No.18307031
File: 34 KB, 304x367, blin cat 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you choose, and how do you prep it?
Galapagos Tortoise.

>the land tortoise which in whatever way it was dressed, was considered by all of us as the most delicious food we had ever tasted
~ Captain James Colnett, Royal Navy

>after once tasting the Galapagos tortoises, every other animal food fell off greatly in our estimation
~ Captain David Porter, US Navy

Because of it's taste, most samples collected for verification (they can live 1 year+ without need to eat, so they were a source of fresh meat) in England were eaten by crew that couldn't control themselves.

>> No.18307158

why do they always depict north american cavemen like white guys when they would've been native american/asian looking?

>> No.18307413
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>> No.18307444

Can you legally start farming an endangered animal for meat?
How long does it take for a large tortoise to reach edible size?

>> No.18307630

It depend on what you feed them to get a better taste

>> No.18307646

I just want to eat an elephant
Bonus points If I get the entire elephant that shit will keep me fed for years

>> No.18307677

Some white South Africans tried to charm Rhinos for horns so the chinkcs wouldn't poach wild ones but the government shut it down because greeny retards got upset.

>> No.18308250

the golden god blasts faggot OP into oblivion yet again

>> No.18309475

I bet mammoths were fucking delicious

>> No.18309477
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>so delicious it was hunted to extinction less than 100 years after it;s discovery
oh, to taste a Steller's sea cow...

>> No.18309482
File: 86 KB, 677x659, FbKmH98UIAAu8mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta defat the hell out of bear meat and it stinks to hell, but I'd try a leaner cut off a panda. Probably good in a stew; bet there's some ancient forbidden chinese recipes that are pretty good.

>> No.18309511


>> No.18309656

shut up you gay virgin

>> No.18311588
File: 215 KB, 1050x700, turtle_soup_from_class_to_mass_to_aghast_1050x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They farm sea turtles in some Caribbean island.
They used to be able to sell them on the market but now they got bullied into being a nature reserve and "wildlife experience center" with the caveat that some are sold to the locals so they won't poach the wild turtles.
Some gay retards are trying to shut them down entirely because conservationists are consistently their own worst enemy

>> No.18311615

Moose from like 50,000 years ago when they were massive as fuck. I love moose meat so the more the better.

>> No.18312953
