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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18294308 No.18294308 [Reply] [Original]

I don't give a fuck what people say. Mushrooms are fungus therefore they are disgusting and revolting.

>> No.18294316

Cool, you're a big baby, we get it. By the way, yeast is a type of fungus so remember to stop eating bread from now on as well, you pathetic stupid child.

>> No.18294336


>> No.18294523


>> No.18294528


>> No.18294543

Breakfast cereal. Loved it as a kid, can't be in the same room as it as an adult. If my boyfriend wants a bowl of the stuff I make him eat it elsewhere, the smell alone grosses me out.

>> No.18294551

It smells and tastes great, but may be one of the most toxic mainstream foods you can ingest

>> No.18294560


>> No.18294583

Ur mum is fungus. and ur dad is fun guy.

>> No.18294770

It's called having some taste, wtf is wrong with that? I bet it's not good for op to have some taste but it's quite good for you to be a bottombi fag?

>> No.18294822

Being such a cry baby that you avoid an entire form of foods because it weirds out your childlike brain isn't having taste, it's just being pathetic.

>> No.18294915

Taste is something you ate, not you just suppose. Normal people don't open up threads about caprices

>> No.18295546

Normal people are not on 4chan, though

>> No.18295942

It's your fault if you have no taste, your choice is to be a bottomboi or any kind of fag. That's your taste/choice isn't it?

>> No.18295982

It's not having taste to have a weird prescriptive disdain for certain foods based on what form of life they are
>I don't like mushrooms because they taste bad
>I don't like mushrooms because they are a fungus and that makes my small brain feel weird
not acceptable

>> No.18295988

My brain registers the smell of cantaloupe as being something rancid and rotting and I can't bear to be near it for too long

>> No.18295993

Banana is the only food I refuse to consume

>> No.18296014
File: 980 KB, 500x356, Weird Al reacting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I. hate. sauerkraut.

>> No.18296019

Why people willingly eat something so foul is alien to me

>> No.18296354

Cheese is rotten milk mold clumps.
Figs are graveyards of incel wasps.
Beer is rotten wheat water.
Wine is rotten grape juice.
Meat is the muscle tissue of living things.
Mushrooms are fungal (possibly alien) mycelium colonies.
Lobsters and crabs are literally water bugs.

>> No.18297303

its good on reubens

>> No.18297316

My cock is a registered weapon in 6 states

>> No.18297325

i used to think like this, but then i watched a joe rogan podcast where he had a mushroom scientist on and he implied the CIA had secret mushroom technology that they haven't released to the public and implied that mushrooms have crazy brain healing properties that the government doesn't want us to know about so now i eat lion's mane every other day

>> No.18297336

I eat fish and shrimp/lobster/crab, but I refuse to eat mussels, clams, octopuss, squid, etc....it just inherently feels wrong and gross

>> No.18297341

unironically though

>> No.18297342

most states have sex crime registry reciprocity you should really know about it

>> No.18297409

I do. I know about it through the 6 states in which I've lived.

>> No.18297418

so you have babyman taste, big deal. enjoy what you want

>> No.18297425

sauerkraut literally smells like decomposing feces and dumpster. no wonder Germans love it so much

>> No.18297432

personally i've never eaten sauerkraut on anything except a reuben. don't even know what the fuck else you'd use it for. probably sausage would be good. idk anything else

>> No.18297717

I too have an std

>> No.18297847

*breathes in*

>> No.18297897

top lel

>> No.18297899

yeah but if it fumigates an entire building with the odor of rotting skunk asshole, I'm not going near it

>> No.18297902

I didn't realize there were arthropod vs mollusk purists. Either way they're both disgusting

>> No.18297912

you vill eat the sea bugs and you VILL be happy!

>> No.18297964

Have you considered that this might just be like a cordyceps situation?

>> No.18297985

garlic,i CAN'T stand the smell,sorry :(

>> No.18297989

Gus and Guy, yikes. They sound like a gay couple.

>> No.18297990

don't really care if the parasitic fungi is only beneficial to my life

>> No.18297993

Without a condom. Kek

>> No.18298378

Not a fan of bananas. The texture is unpleasant.
Fish that have lots of bones. Seafood that requires surgical removal of inedible parts, like with small crabs, crayfish. More hassle than it's worth.
Besides that, nothing. And I will still eat aforementioned foods, just not enjoy them much.

>> No.18298500

Paul Stamets? I don't recall him mentioning secret government consultancies on that episode

>> No.18298513


>> No.18298539

mushrooms are delicious
I cannot eat bananas.

>> No.18298540

I dislike breakfast cereal because it forces me to eat it quickly, because I don't want it to get soggy. Eating food fast is a bad habit and bad for you.

>> No.18298552

Elephant poop

>> No.18298571

I don't like it crunchy, I always pour my cereal before taking a shower in the morning so it has a chance to soak and soften up. I think of it as basically reconstituting porridge.

>> No.18298575


>> No.18298583

All fast food

>> No.18298590

What about the slow food?

>> No.18299048

Olives are fucking disgusting.

>> No.18299056

It's only good with mashed potatos or roasted pork leg anyway

>> No.18299075

>your choice is to be a bottomboi or any kind of fag. That's your taste/choice isn't it?

This is a pathetically funny attempt at an insult from a loser who's afraid of mushrooms.

>> No.18300939
File: 134 KB, 800x1200, tomato-soup-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love tomatoes, but hate tomato soup

>> No.18300956
File: 93 KB, 286x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour cream actively detracts from every food it is placed in and is made for defective whiteoids who cant take salsa

>> No.18300960

proofs? granted its just milk and processed wheat

>> No.18301029

Serves a completely different purpose as a condiment, Jamal. You can use both.
Also am a spicyfag who lives in an area with a lot of minorities and love giving 1m scoville to faggots talking shit about "cracker hot sauce" and watching them hold their mouth under the bathroom sink for the next 15 minutes. All talk and no walk, since the hottest shit you people eat are jalapenos and spicy chicken wings and you think that's where it caps out.

>> No.18301088

>Fish that have lots of bones
Smelt is like this, but if they're well cooked you can peel the spine and rib away from the flesh with a little finesse. The smaller they are the harder it gets to do right though.

>> No.18301400

How do you think you digest food?

>> No.18301403
File: 815 KB, 3000x3000, R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much tastes the same as this, so you're wrong.

>> No.18301438

If your Oaxaca tasted like sour cream, you were eating old Oaxaca that had started to turn lmao

>> No.18301445

yeah i copypasta'd the wrong link lmao oh well

>> No.18301476

Agreed. I usually dont have issues with preserves or fermented food but goddamn olvies taste like grassy puke to me, both filled and natural

>> No.18301501
File: 728 KB, 2560x1920, givetch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghivetch looks disgusting. My mom likes making it and it always looks and tastes like a bunch of vomit.

>> No.18301512

Knew a dipshit who liked pickles in his sandwiches/burgers but hated sauerkraut. Hey retard, its just vegetables in the same vinegar brine bullshit.

>> No.18301516

Mushrooms are high on my list of "I get why you don't like them, but you're missing out".
Onions, however, are on my list of "What's wrong with you, these are great, grow a fucking palate you child".

>> No.18301522
File: 54 KB, 604x516, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a memory whiplash from the time my mum and grandad convinced me that mushrooms weren't mushrooms.

>be me
>6 or 7?
>hate mushrooms
>mum and grandad really like mushrooms and want to have meals with them
>come up with plan to convince me that mushrooms aren't mushrooms
>grandad chops mushrooms into odd shapes
>"Anon, we're gonna try a new recipe today"
>have a bolognase and notice odd shapes and ask about them
>"those are tootles anon, let me know what you think of them."
>eat tootles and really like them and tell mum and grandad
>continue thinking that there's a mystical food thing called tootles for years
>grandad one day lets it slip out the bag
>ultimate betrayal.png
>I was lied to by mum and grandad
>make up with some ice cream and laugh at the funny tootles while watching pie in the sky with mum and grandad

it's probably the most autistic thing I've been a part of but it always makes me feel comfy thinking about it and a good laugh.

>> No.18301638

Might show how much of a beaner I am. But off the top of my head
>Enchiladas (I don't hate them but they need pork chili and beef otherwise its a smothered tort with cheese)
>Chile Rellenos (I have never had one that was a balance of bread and jalapeño)
>Nachos (my mom buys the same shitty nacho cheese, I had only 1 good plate of nachos when I was 8)
>Cabbage burgers

>> No.18301696

Vinegar and vinegar-containing food,

>> No.18301700

Why would you use jalapeños for chile relleno

>> No.18301987
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, bender camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therefore they are disgusting and revolting
Whoa they're just like me.

>> No.18302081

Now that's fucking wholesome. Very cool anon.

>> No.18302900

Any kind of organ meat.

>> No.18302902
File: 6 KB, 142x142, 3e7e52f8a3ed81b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate fish. I hate fish so much that if i was forced to subsist on fish alone i would die, for if fish enters my mouth, i will vomit immediately.
Strangely, i love shrimp and mussels. I also like fish roe. The weirdest thing is, i like gravlax.

>> No.18302918

Maybe you just have to find that right kind of fish that clicks for you?
Even same kind fish can taste better or worse depending on how/when it was farmed or caught.

>> No.18302994

Eggplant. I find the taste nauseating. Also it's not nutritious or healthy at all.

>> No.18303022

i know for a fact that i hate pollock, salmon and pike. It might be a texture thing, as i hate flaky foods. My hate of fish was trauma based however, as i was forced to finish an awful fish dish as a small child, don't remember what it was but it was foul. Apparently before that i ate fish sticks and liked them too,

>> No.18303066

What is a cabbage burger?

>> No.18303067
File: 64 KB, 500x750, 2452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also known as Polish ice cream, also baka if you wouldn't demolish a plate of pierogi with sour cream, sauteed onion and bacon

>> No.18303072

Nothing wrong with mushrooms.

>> No.18303081
File: 386 KB, 220x171, anchovies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck puts this shit on pizza

>> No.18303124

Hello wetback here, to me nachos live and die by how cheap they are in regards to the meat and how well they spread out the toppings so you dont have a bunch of shitty edge chips that you need to dip yourself

>> No.18303132

Its a nice salty change of pace from the normal meat based toppings, slap some chovies and spinach and youve got a good pizza

>> No.18303138

I've only had it with mexican food

>> No.18303688

What's so bad about it?

>> No.18303710

anything that comes from the ocean
shrimp is tasty, but it looks too weird

>> No.18303723

also bell peppers

>> No.18303727

it's alright on a roasted pork loin sometimes

>> No.18303742

that looks fucking delicious.
like ratatouille soup
ratatouille is one of my favorite dishes and my mom makes it so fucking well