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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18292969 No.18292969 [Reply] [Original]

How do I pick up a cute /ck/ gf while shopping at Aldi?

>> No.18292973

don't hit on girls at the supermarket
instead tail her and see if she goes to a bar or a club or church or the library and hit on her there

>> No.18292986

Show them your penor

>> No.18293155

totally normal. just make sure to let her know at the end of the night, just when you get your clothes off.
>'i saw you at Aldi'
>'followed you all week until you went to a bar'
>'i came in and struck up a conversation based on the food you've recently bought'
>'i was being courteous?'

>> No.18293259

how is she going to hear that?

>> No.18293302

honestly dude. i’ve taken glances at chicks and sometimes smiled. next thing i know they’re following me around the store. then just strike up something silly like what brings you here today? obviously she getting groceries but maybe she’ll have fun with it. and just don’t use a pick up like and talk natural, be yourself but fun. very easy to get numbers this way. set up a date for drinks/coffee and see if you click. it’s really not hard once you get the hang of it. IN PERSON dating is so much better than online although you have a lot of options online but so do they. it’s a catch 22

>> No.18293309

You save that for the wedding night. Super romantic.

>> No.18293310

From my experience, you’re more likely to pick up a cute /ck/ bf while shopping at Aldi.

>> No.18293340
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This is how I do it.

>> No.18293542 [DELETED] 
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Good questing. Where the cheap penny punching girls at?

>> No.18293598

Broadly speaking, human beings are:
>Greedy, albeit loss averse
>Empathetic (especially true as one gets older).
>Envious of their neighbours
>Afraid of missing out.
>Uncertain, doubtful, sceptical.
>Put off by desperation.

You yourself can use these as levers to pull in order to persuade others into doing what you want. This is called sales psychology.

Far and away the most important thing is confidence. I met this neurotic, anxious, avoidant, dude who worked in sales, he made 1 a week where everyone else made at least 3 a day, after about two weeks I was tired of him, tired of feeling so bad for the dude, but his own team leader the general manager both figured he'd get better with time. He didn't. He ended up quitting himself. That dude is, like, 1 in a thousand though. Most people can get better at sales/persuasion, and most people do; especially those who are intrinsically motivated.

Beyond what we would call "human impulses" (normally framed as "GIFTS - greed, indifference, fear of loss, the Jones theory, sense of urgency") there's also objection handling. This is related to the last point about confidence, there is ALWAYS something you can say that will change a "not interested" into a "gack-gack-gack-gack!", if you catch my drift, whether you have the cojones to say it is another question. Objection handling is more fluid than everything else, ideally, you want to brush away the objection while making them laugh, beyond that I usually teach new salespeople the following: LEEDA - Listen, Empathize, Explain, Doubt, Attention. Pretty simple:
>"I have a boyfriend."
>Oh, damn, my bad, I just thought you looked cool so I wanted to say hi. What does your boyfriend do?

What this does is it gets them on your side, reinforces your own point, and by following up with that specific question you not only get their attention, but you potentially gather information that can be used to create doubt.

>> No.18293607

Did you pay 10k for grand cardone seminar?

>> No.18293612

Mirroring and body language are very effective as well. That's the subliminal angle. Try not to mirror them directly, that can be off-putting, or otherwise become liminal and therefore less effective. Instead, a beat or two after they have, change your body language so that it's *similar but not exact*. Broadly speaking: If they've closed their body, you want to as well, and vice versa.

What else? Mirroring in language is just repeating things back to them "so just to be clear..." Or something like that. That's all that comes to mind for now. Obviously being attractive helps, but if you persist in sales it's really good, you can become quite influential.

>> No.18293619

2012 - 2013 - Telemarketing for Telstra, selling handsets on 24 month plans.
2013 - 2015 - Door to door sales, multiple contracts.
2016 - Present - Sales Consultant and Trainer
2007 - 2010 - Bachelor of Business & Marketing, Monash University
Bachelor of Science, Monash University.
2020 - Diploma of Biopsychology, SpotEd

>> No.18293647

you fuckers would be better off watching magnolia to pick up women

>> No.18293678

It's not that though. It's far more cynical. Sales psychology, or, rather, the way it's practiced, is what is destroying the world, I'm basically a Nazi. I do work according to scale, and among my current contracts is the Peter Mac foundation, but yeah - the boyfriend stuff (>>18293598) is just an example of a common objection that is bound to just be bullshit most of the time. I don't think anyone should be an asshole (but then, some relationships are just shitty anyway).

Solid reference by the way, but Tom Cruise's character is just a blowhard. It's not about "taming the pussy", it's about talking someone into giving you their number, or agreeing to meet up later, or if you catch them at a good time, you can maybe spend an hour or two building rapport and invite them back to yours. At the end of the day she's making a choice, you're just persuading her, doing your job of convincing her why it's a good choice to make.

Notice one of the impulses is greed. This is far easier for some men than others. We're still bound by reality.

>> No.18293693

But, it's worth mentioning, there's more than one dimension to greed in this case. Contextually it could be "greed/lust".

Again, though, some people are going to have an easier time with this. Go to /fa/ at least, if not just there visit /fit/ as well (but, and I cannot stress this enough, avoid /r9k/). Like everything in life this is just about maximising the best outcomes and minimising the worst.

>> No.18293703


>> No.18293711

dunno bout that but in burgerville the trader joes (our aldi) is usually rife with pussy, same with whole foods and higher end liquor stores like total wine.

>> No.18293714
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>> No.18293738

confidence is key

>> No.18293753

women becoming used up, demoralized, and "settling" is key

>> No.18293755

seduce and destroy pilled

>> No.18293764

>i’ve taken glances at chicks and sometimes smiled. next thing i know they’re following me around the store.
where do u live

>> No.18293790

Thats better

>> No.18294042

>next thing i know they’re following me around the store
nigga those stores are like the size of my apartment
she probably is just grabbing something that is in the same place as the last thing you got