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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18292093 No.18292093 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that marinades are a waste of time and ingrediants? Marinades are popular for the variety of flavors you can add to meat. But the problem is marinades can't penetrate the inside of meat. It will flavor the outside similar to a dry rub or a basting, but none of the flavor will penetrate inside the meat.
>but what about salt or acids?
Salt brines do work and I highly recommend brining your meats, it is different from marinades. As for acidity, the acid can affect the texture of the meat but not the flavor.
>but what about my heckin beef bulgogi or al pastor???
If you slice your meat so thin that the marinade makes up 75% of your dish, obviously the flavor from the marinade will outweigh the flavor of the meat. If you use a cut of meat thats not the size of your pinky, the marinade will not add much flavor.
>so what do i do?
Simply turn that marinade into a sauce, this will add much more flavor to your meat as opposed to wasting a bunch of ingrediants on a thick steak that you end up washing off before cooking. Wake up people. Also, there's this anon that keeps lying and saying I'm spamming this thread. That is false, he is lying to try and get me banned. There's an agenda within /ck/ and they do not like it when I say facts. /ck/ is the gayest board on this site, how do you make a food related thread that gets taken down for being 'off topic'? And why should I get banned from all board for 3 days? Even the oldfags agree this board is garbage. Get your shit together /ck/ and stop using marinades.

>> No.18292097

Based and brinepilled

>> No.18292125
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Then explain how I could marinate some steaks in teriyaki yesterday, and have them taste like teriyaki?
>Doesn't penetrate
And? So I get a tasty teriyaki outside and then a savoury steak inside. And you know what you can't do with a dry rub? What I did.
I poured some the marinade out of the ziplock pans with the steak into a wok, used it to fry onions, chilli and garlic, and made a stir fry. The rest of the marinade was cooked with the steak to thicken into the sauce.

It allowed me to cook a delicious meal in all of ten minutes, including plating up.
Do that with a dry rub, without having to add anything else to the pot, retard.

>> No.18292128
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Recommend me a brine for a quail.

>> No.18292183

major props for standing up to Big Marinade. fight the power!

>> No.18292214

Its the same thing everytime
>marinade bad thread
>bunch of death threats
>mass reports
>get banned
>bunch of marinade good threads

>> No.18292220

And you would have gotten the same result if you didn't waste time with marination and only used it as a sauce.

>> No.18292232

Could a vacuum sealer help marinade penetrate the meat

>> No.18292237

too long, didnt read, blow it out your ass LOL

>> No.18292257

Myth: Vacuum marinators suck in the marinade. There are several companies that make devices in which you place the food and then a motor sucks out the air and creates a vacuum. In theory the vacuum sucks the marinade in. Let’s think about this. There is no air in meat to suck out. So all they suck out is meat juice which is mostly myowater. When you release the vacuum, a small amount of liquid will get sucked in just a fraction of an inch, but most molecules are just too large to penetrate. Keep in mind, marinating is primarily a chemical process not a physical process. The acids and salts have a chemical reaction with the food. And that is primarily on the surface. That said, on very thin cuts like jerky, the tumbling and sucking might help a bit. I have tested this on chicken breasts marinated for a wide range of times and the effect is minimal. Cutting into the meat shows no deep penetration. No real advantage over regular marinating.

This holds true for sous vide marination. Let me quote Anova, a premium producer of sous vide equipment “cooked meat doesn’t absorb marinades, and the outside of meats cook in roughly 5 to 10 minutes in sous vide, so you always want to marinate first before sous vide cooking — even if you leave the marinade in the bag. Flavor-boosting marinades without a lot of salt and citrus are fine to cook in due to their mild nature. Those with tenderizing or brining capabilities (and also alcohol) will be detrimental to the food, as it will cause over-marination.”

There is a small advantage to marinating in a vacuum sealed bag. You need less marinade.

>> No.18292338
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you are wrong, I marinade all the time.

I don't argue with insane people.

>> No.18292349

>But the problem is marinades can't penetrate the inside of meat.
Guess what, I get some outside in every bite/slice, so I get the flavor in every bite. Get fucked.

>> No.18292352

Good job waiting 1-2 days just to flavor the surface of your meat while making it impossible to get a good sear

>> No.18292359

Definitely worth the days of waiting and all the ingrediants you used just to flavor the outside of the meat

>> No.18292382

This is fake and gay. My Aunt made a bunch of meat skewers and marinated them then froze them for nearly a year. We pulled them out, threw them on the grill. There was no sauce left over by the time we were done and it tasted just like the marinade. Pleas explain this.

>> No.18292390

>fails to sear meat
>blames the marinade
>nooo you can't just spend 5 minutes preparing a marinade 10 hours before you cook something

>> No.18292476

I'll marinade you in my juices (cum) and I'll make sure to penetrate the meat

>> No.18292508

>none of the flavor will penetrate inside the meat.
what kind of blankets have you been sleeping on?

>> No.18292511

Only industrial planner, and jewed-up wagies needs to worried about min-maxing seasoning for cost when for others it is just a part of recreational/social events.
Overnight is a long time, 1-2 day margination time is in the "Oh shit I forgot"/"how about tomorrow" category. Lastly, it is not plain waiting, it is anticipation: setting up a meeting time with others, prepare ahead of the time together and then on that day just throw it on and cook.

>> No.18292513

I brined some chicken thighs and threw them on the grill, potato salad, grilled corn on the cob ,some fruit salad. It was a good day.

>> No.18292563

Salt and coom

>> No.18292569

I made chicken Tikka today, shit was cash

>> No.18292735

>Salt brines do work and I highly recommend brining your meats, it is different from marinades.

Now that I've finally taught you about how brining makes them better you need to understand why and how you can flavour a brine, which is a proper marinade. Then maybe you can stop making this retarded ignorant thread of embarrassingly bad understanding of basic cooking every fucking day.

>> No.18292746

I genuinely think he tried to marinade something once, fucked up royally and is now obsessed with how bad a cook he is.

>> No.18292763
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>> No.18292768

my dad always brines dove in italian dressing, its great. I think we've used it for quail as well, but i dont remember. interestingly doesnt work on storebought chicken or game hens, maybe because they're already brined

>> No.18292783

I've tried this and it seems like all the liquid just flows out immediately, leaving only the slight amount held in by surface tension. what do?

>> No.18292793

It really only works with bigger meat like brisket or pork butt though.

>> No.18292804

Ive been saying brines are great since I started this gimmick retard, don't act like you accomplished anything. Like I said many times, marinades do not do shit but flavor the surface like any dry rub or seasonings, its a waste and unless you can find me a credible source that proves me wrong, jump off a cliff.

>> No.18292817

that makes sense. I think Ive only used it on chicken and maybe some medium thickness steaks, since I wanted to try it out before using it on something bigger thats more of an investment of time. then when it didnt work well I never bothered to try it on something bigger

how much liquid should you shoot in per injection?

>> No.18292820

you have to keep stabbing it long ways over and over as you slowly inject it.

>> No.18292847

I guess I should have thought to watch a video demonstration. the concept seems so simple I thought that I couldnt fuck it up

>> No.18292863

Try Emeril's six-pack chicken and then get back to me

>> No.18292869


>> No.18292881


>> No.18292933

Okay then you are just plain fucking retarded and don't understand how to cook. Continue your spam fest about wrong information lol.

>> No.18292943

>waste time
You mean leave it in the fridge while I do other stuff?

>> No.18293011

marinade cooked into the food's surface =/= sauce on top of the food

>> No.18293633

ok but honestly /ck/ is the best board on this website. yeah i know theres shitposts here and stupid posters but what board doesnt have that? can you name a single board thats higher quality on this website? i cant

>> No.18293641

Cut slits in the meat problem solved

>> No.18293680
File: 453 KB, 1266x806, Screenshot_2022-08-28 ck - Food Cooking » Searching for posts with the image hash ‘NHKqacM01bsjnWOzoyREpQ==’ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is just assmad that his forced meme keeps getting deleted. They're probably letting this thread stay up so he doesn't throw another tantrum and spam the board for hours.