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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 800x533, dirty-dishes-plates-glass-table-cafe-180552032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18284610 No.18284610 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?

You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances

You know why profit margins are so thin for restaurants? Because they're all in a race to the bottom and they can't price their food to rip you off or they'll go out of business. They're already barely pricing food above cost. They use loopholes to pay staff under minimum wage (you're expected to subsidize this through tipping, skip the tip and save). They already have way more efficient systems in place to prep, cook and clean than you'll ever have doing the same for one meal at a time.

It's a no-brainer: If you're employed, you'll *save* money by getting takeout and you'll enjoy the convenience and pleasure of getting good food to boot. Don't fall for the home cooking meme that is literally wasting your life away by inefficiently mimicking restaurant quality at best, but most likely wasting your life away to eat bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway.

>> No.18284642

OP doesn't have a family.

>> No.18284673

Is that what poorfags do? "Cook" Kraft dinner for their family? Margarine, cheese product and empty carbs?

>> No.18284677

Retarded take. Nice try at a bait thread though.

>> No.18284682

Are you the servant then?

>> No.18284693 [DELETED] 

You got herpes from Xiang jacking off into your maki roll nigger

>> No.18284700

I don't order from asian joints specifically for this reason

>> No.18284710

i prefer home-cooked healthy meal, simple as.

>> No.18284716

and i love cooking new dishes!

>> No.18284717

your idea of a family is sad

>> No.18284732

Yeah, it would be a pretty sad situation. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.18284736

have you never had a family dinner, anon?

>> No.18284746

My chef cooks meals for us 5 days a week

>> No.18284819

so no cooking dinner together with your partner? man being that rich sounds kind of sad

>> No.18284872

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant

Stopped reading right there. I make better food than most of the restaurants I've been to. From chipotle to fancy ass french restaurants, I am always disappointed by the food and the price I pay for it, and then I make a better version of it at home anyway. Ironically, the only places I will frequent are the super cheap ones like taco bell and mcdonald because the amount of chemicals and shit they add to their food can't be replicated easily at home, making it actually unique.

This thread is bait and you're a cooklet.

>> No.18284917

No, we're busy doing fun and engaging things. Forcing your wife to cook and clean isn't "spending time with your family" lmao. Poors are so sad.

>Stopped reading right there. I make better food than most of the restaurants I've been to.
Makes sense, poors can't afford good food.

>> No.18284925

I hate this fake tate posting so much it's unreal.

>> No.18284974
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I for one am a poorfag and my time is literally worthless

>> No.18284987
File: 451 KB, 1600x1002, aamt (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be USAian to think like that. Whatcha gonna do with you time not working?

If you just gonna watch videos, you must as well learn to cook simple nutrious food.

*/10 to make me respond.

>> No.18285056
File: 1.73 MB, 854x480, tate cooking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't know andrew tate posted on /ck/, makes sense since he's banned everywhere else

>> No.18285117

there's not a single a restaurant on earth that puts as much pepper on a steak as I do at home

>> No.18285138

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
This is completely wrong
>You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances
I am very efficient.
I've already earned my money for the day, I have worked. No one is paying me so why not good a healthy, enjoyable meal?

>> No.18285172

I cook at home because I'm not paying $20 for fettucine alfredo, or $12 for quiche lorraine, or $25-40 for a steak and some sides. Do you not have a dishwasher at home or something?

> but most likely wasting your life away to eat bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway

Holy projection lmao. Learn to cook dumb nigger and quit pretending you're some hot shot "entrepeneur" whose time is so "valuable" when you're really scratching your ass and playing with your balls.

>> No.18285200

>No, we're busy doing fun and engaging things. Forcing your wife to cook and clean isn't "spending time with your family" lmao. Poors are so sad.
who said im forcing her, we always cook together or cook new things for eachother, retard

>> No.18285202

its 15 dollars for a single sandwich and 15 dollars buy enough sandwich ingredients for a week

>> No.18285208

>Makes sense, poors can't afford good food.
rich people like to cook for themselves too but you wouldn't know that

>> No.18285241

nice bait thread dude. I cook better food than almost all of my local restaurants. Its not difficult lol. Why would you save money too? Must be because your a poorfag xdxd

Youre just seething that you suck at cooking and sucking up to restaurant chefs like they have something that you could never have

>> No.18285397

i enjoy cooking, it brings me satisfaction and learning recipes and getting good results is fun and enjoyable to me. everyone always compliments my cooking and no, restaurants do not do a better job lol. they are sub standard and use sub standard ingredients

imagine being ignorant about food, you're literal only guaranteed thing you will be enjoying every single day of your life until the day

quality of life, food is #1 on the list . eating out at shit places and paying 20 to 30 dollars for a meal and it being bad is just an abysmal experience

>> No.18286062

I had roasted butternut with my gay boyfriend does that count as family dinner?

>> No.18286419

Oh boy it's this thread and pasta again. Surely it's only been posted twenty or so times this year, keep posting it

>> No.18286424

cos its fun, retard

>> No.18286495

>it's fun to clean dishes
Now I know you're lying. Of all the cope in this thread, this one takes the cake

>> No.18286521
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You might actually be retarded if you think this is true. Goyslop is more expensive, tastes worse, is made with lower quality ingredients (literally everything is offloaded frozen from a Cisco truck), and is bad for you.

>> No.18286944

Restaurant food doesn't even come close to the level of quality and care that I put into my own food. I can make things taste exactly the way I want or have the exact texture and mouth feel I desire.

I've also worked in a few kitchens and every single one is disgusting, from chains to fine dining. Everyone behind the line is overworked and underpaid and only care about making things "look" clean.

>> No.18287581

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?
Better control over quality and quantity.

>>it's fun to clean dishes
If you can afford to eat out 5 days a week, you can afford to buy dishwasher

>> No.18288283

>I can only afford cheap shitty sysco food, all other people must be in the same situation!
Poorfag cope strikes again. Christ almighty. Get your bread up and you would agree with OP.

>> No.18288456

What a ridiculous post. Tell anyone IRL that you think being rich with a personal chef is sad and that you’d rather slave in the kitchen like the meth heads and blacks you work with instead.
You’re a fucking dumbass and I hope you stay poor and proud of it.
OP is 100% right and you don’t even fucking know it. Stop being poor and you’ll learn how sad your life really is.

>> No.18288468

Imagine genuinely thinking you make food better than a restaurant and not capitalizing on it. Your ego is way too big bro. Bet you call all your food “famous” and everyone just nods because you didn’t make them anything else that’s good to eat.

>> No.18288474

I can’t take you seriously because you genuinely say “mouth feel” like a dumb fucking retard. Use proper words like an adult and then come back to the thread, okay sweaty?

>> No.18288505

>restaurant food is bad for you
How do you people exist? Turn off the view for once you stupid cunt. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to be retarded.

>> No.18288512

t. absolute cooklet

>It's a no-brainer: If you're employed, you'll *save* money by getting takeout
No you won't

>> No.18288547

Restaurants are garbage, I’ve worked in them for 15 years. They use basic Mexico veggies and gmo products and charge you an arm and a leg. I’ll take the empowerment that comes with cooking my own food and constantly improve my skills

>> No.18288559

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?

t.wagie coping he has to eat goyslop

>> No.18288563

Post bank account/investments or you’re a larper

>> No.18288645

>t.doesn't have a wife to cook for him

>> No.18288670

holy shit the seething in this thread just because op told the truth no one wanted to hear

>> No.18288698

>I worked in a shitty sysco restaurant, all restaurant is shit trust me I made it
nice self own, I like it

>> No.18288991

You have it backwards. Unless you're rich, paying for food at a restaurant or fast food place is a complete waste of money.

The richer you are, the more your time is worth and the more worth it it is to have other people cook for you. But the threshold is high where unless you are in the multimillionaire category, you're completely wasting your money on stupid shit that will probably make you fat.

Mostly fat fucks and NEETS use this excuse of time and money and their time is virtually worth nothing so they're just making excuses for their lazy, stupid behavior. For the truly rich(IE nobody on 4chan), it's worth it.

>> No.18288996

>mouth feel
It's called texture you braindead zoomer faggot

>> No.18289000

It's more like OP LARPed as if he's some kind of downtown rich Patrick Bateman when we all know he's some sloppy NEET that wants to justify his fast food addiction by pretending he's a rich guy in his head and labeling everyone who can cook as poor.

>> No.18289008

Oh the irony. Women are the ones that prefer to eat at restaurants you giant flapping vagina. Next time you go out to a restaurant at prime time, how about you check out how many MEN ONLY groups are out their dining versus some dude trying to impress some bitch or just a gaggle of bitches?

>> No.18289010

The full video is even worse

>> No.18289016

It's not even a monetary decision.
Let's assume your time is valuable enough that it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant than to prepare it yourself.
The question is, are you going to spend that hour working to make money instead? I work 8 hours or more a day and still have time to prepare my own meals. Are you working more than 8 hours a day? Can you even work on demand at any hour of the day and make money? Even the very wealthy can't just decide to make a thousand dollars an hour at 7pm.
Additionally, cooking can be a leisure activity. I enjoy preparing a nice meal. It is something I do for its own sake and its a constructive use of my time.

>> No.18289020
File: 226 KB, 500x500, FCM3G-pwO_7q40aALliNlgBsNc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i can, and i enjoy it. i can cook like a michelin star chef while still being rich and productive. why not? it's not like i have to settle for being good at just one thing, LIKE YOU!

>> No.18289022
File: 15 KB, 255x217, 1660494141207787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the poorfag mutt larps as a chad lmfao

>> No.18289027

Good point to add on.

>> No.18289028

God tier bait thread or op is shoot delusional

>> No.18289037

OP is literally baiting using this webm as text >>18285056

>> No.18289048

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
This is true. But it comes with monetary cost.
And the Sooners of today are a weird mix of superficial and broke.
So (as obviously displayed every fucking day on /ck/), they can’t say something like
>I make X at home to save money because I’m broke
It has to me
>omg I make X SOOOOO much better than any restaurant can, and I also do it cheaper!
Your shit might be cheaper in terms of end meal cost, with your time being worthless and whatnot, but it likely isn’t better. You only think it is because of course your own cooking is the best you’ve ever tasted.

>> No.18289069
File: 54 KB, 828x823, 1661633021102693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, making the meal doubles he fun, you can invent things and brag about it

>and your time is literally worthless
imagine having a fancy dinner with miss go getter and mister workaholic checking time each 5 minutes

also i know few people that eat exclusivelly in restaurants and i must say they are all uninteresting and obese

>> No.18289078

No offense but it's likely to be you that has shit taste if you think restaurant food is top quality and you've never had anyone in your life that is actually a good cook. Restaurants, especially chains, employ people that are less experienced cooks than your average poster here. That should tell you everything. The advantage they have is mass prep and equipment like deep fryers all set up to go for them.

If you have a good deep frying set up at home, you can cook anything as well as a restaurant. My family has been to plenty of restaurants and they quite literally prefer me to cook for them rather than get restaurant food. I'm not attending to 100's of customers a night, just my family, and I know how they like everything.

Surpassing restaurant quality food is something you should be able to do within 1 year of picking up cooking.

>> No.18289092

>Surpassing restaurant quality food is something you should be able to do within 1 year of picking up cooking.
I am an amateur BBQ'er and I can make a smoked brisket better than most BBQ restaurants that aren't rural hole-in-the-walls.

>> No.18289099

>Let's assume your time is valuable enough that it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant than to prepare it yourself.
My time is value enough not to go to restaurant, sit there,wait for food the coffee the waiter the bill and go back after i saw a bunch of disgusting NPCs, Covidiots Trump/Biden Fans and BigBang believers.

Cooking while working is way more easy faster, better hygienic and nutrient and healthy.
Needs 15 minutes net. with timed induction plates.

>> No.18289101
File: 70 KB, 1526x968, yn0pk3m4d5m21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the best bait thread we've had just today but this is still a good thread because that bald retard deserves to get shit on as much as possible

>> No.18289106

>Cooking while working is way more easy faster, better hygienic and nutrient and healthy.
None of this is actually backed by science, it's just a meme poorfag "home cooks" tell themselves to feel better about being unwashed cattle.

>> No.18289115

Why did you ignore these posts?
Why are you unable to respond to them? Do you think we all don't notice you can't address them?

>> No.18289116

Funny that you say that since "science" says that home cooks are healthier and wealthier, whereas those who can't cook or visit restaurants more frequently are poorer and fatter because they don't know how to cook for themselves.

Home cooking is for chads. Eating at restaurants is for special occasions or slobs with no personal skills.

>> No.18289140
File: 289 KB, 980x769, thumb_8klan5ye56n71-5741149959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i distrust adults that cant cook, i always imagine them as charlie sheens,
and the cherry on top their complete disgrace is thinking "i burn eggs" as the charming part of their newyorker characters

>> No.18289225
File: 895 KB, 1299x1479, 1658661424912232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Home cooking is for chads.

>> No.18289253

everything I cook tastes better than what I could get and cheaper to. Also I really dont like other people preparing or touching my food other than my mum and my gf. The only things I leave to the pros is Pho and Pad Thai

>> No.18289472

>everything I cook tastes better than what I could get
Doesn't really mean much when all you can get is fast food or sysco goyslop. Of course it's going to be cheaper for a poorfag lol

>> No.18289474

>and your time is literally worthless
it takes OP more time to cook at home than drive to a restaurant, sit down, order food, wait for food, eat food, wait for waitress to take your money, wait for change, drive home. lol

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
Or you could just learn to cook lol

>takes OP hours to clean his kitchen
lol, you're fat, aren't you?

thanks for the laughs, fatty.

>> No.18289489
File: 15 KB, 327x344, 1647739088298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea of anything. impressive.

>> No.18289491

>it takes OP more time to cook at home than drive to a restaurant, sit down, order food, wait for food, eat food, wait for waitress to take your money, wait for change, drive home
Why do all of that? Literally just get takeout or delivery. Faster than any home cooking.

>> No.18289497

>eat food
So that explains why home cooking chuds are so wrong about the quality of their cooking - they never eat it!

>> No.18289689

This thread is up at the same time as the thread with anon crying about doordash fucking up his order.
The duality of /ck/.

>> No.18289700

>no offense, but your taste is shit and you were raised by a family who knew fuckall about cooking
Wow, it’s a good thing you prefaced that with “no offense”
>you should be able to surpass professionals for whom this is a livelihood within a year of simply starting to muck about with it
Your *almost* assembled reactions posed a valid point until that retarded assertion.
Only a zoomer, raised by a single mom who constantly told him how smart and special he is, would think this.

>> No.18290251

>Wow, it’s a good thing you prefaced that with “no offense”
Thanks. It was definitely more polite.

>Your *almost* assembled reactions posed a valid point until that retarded assertion.
It was valid all the way through.

>Only a zoomer, raised by a single mom who constantly told him how smart and special he is, would think this.
You've never worked in a kitchen if you're labeling the people that run restaurants "professionals" at their craft, especially chain restaurants. They are only professionals in a literal sense that they're paid to "cook", not a figurative one where they're good at what they do. The one who comes off as a clueless zoomer who has never worked a day in his life is you since you seem to pointlessly put these restaurants on a pedestal and think they're run by actual chefs.

I hope you realize the extent of their expertise is about the same level as a fast food worker that dunks your fries in a vat of hot oil for a set period of time. Most restaurant food tastes good to fat fucks like you because it's just fried and slathered in oil, cheese, and salt, which anyone can do and can make anything tasty if you don't give a fuck about calories.

These people are closer to workers than they are cooks. Most workers in the restaurant industry are incapable of home cooking to any real degree, because they're reliant on the equipment and pre-prepared ingredients at work to do their job and the extent of their cooking knowledge is solely what they were trained to do at their workplace.

But since you've never done anything but sit at a restaurant and apparently think all of them have Gordon Ramsay in the back cooking your "incredible" 12 dollar omelette, your stupid opinion makes sense about why you think the food is unable to be replicated at home.