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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 700x1245, 5ef2fd41e3165-military-food-ration-13-5eeccf8c62741__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18281531 No.18281531 [Reply] [Original]

which country has the best military ration?

>> No.18281548

America cause we get skittles

>> No.18281606

After watching a bit of MRE Steve I think the USA consistently has the tastiest looking, high calorie MRE's. It makes sense since the US is constantly at war so they actually use these things all the time, probably get back lots of feedback on what is good and what isn't good etc..

Seen some decent ones from Asia and Europe, but they usually seem to be lacking calories. Especially the European ones. Often times they just shove random packaged crackers and biscuits in there.

>> No.18281621
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>be british soldier fighting putin's new army
>see 4 of my brothers die today
>kill 7 men today
>walk 3 kilometers back to base today
>sit down to eat
>open MRE
>only thing in there is a toast sandwich

>> No.18281629


>> No.18281701

Nah you're totally wrong
French and Italian MREs consistently mog the field, precisely because they pack commercial stuff rather than come up with their own stuff made by food industry rejects. US MREs instantly got better by outsourcing their snack items as well
>t. Long time mreinfo.com user

Bong rats are quite good as well
Lots of comfort food

>> No.18281723

Depends how you define "best". With MREs, going purely by taste is a totally different beast than a judgement that balances logistal concerns among other things. Some militaries have menus that are fairly high end civilian canned food + mass produces junk food and they taste excellent ofc.

>> No.18281976

Do Russians actually eat several kinds of pate regularly or is it just their military rations?

>> No.18282008

Depends. My wife regularly eat different pates, im eat it like few times per year.

>> No.18282027

Mine and not yours

>> No.18282032


The French have a great one. Those butter biscuits are delectable.

>> No.18282045

They get rancid very quickly though. MRE reviewers have noted that they almost invariably go bad after about 2 years.
I think the German canned pumpernickel is better for long-life, or those caraway hardtack roofing tiles from older rations.

>> No.18282049
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>> No.18282057

i think only one of those is pate. the other three look like some kind of custard/pudding

>> No.18282074

They're tushonka (or whatever it's spelled) which is a stew, and kasha, which is porridge (usually with various bits of veggie/meat).

>> No.18282078

The asian ones always seemed the most tasty as long as they werent rancid
T:steve watcher casual

>> No.18282121

I'd say he seems to rate the bong ones highest, apart from the Unicorn ones the US army has like the pizza or Mcrib one. He normally calls pretty much everything delicious but I've seen him actively search for new words to describe things in the brit ones, going on about how amazing it was.

>> No.18282122 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18282212
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i'm talking about these, they don't look like canned meat or porridge

>> No.18282217

Looks like apple butter, dulce de leche and old-fashioned salty cheese spread.

>> No.18282229

The Chinese one's he reviews are literal goyslop. They get a giant nutrient bar that tastes like chemicals

>> No.18282240

American MREs are delicious. The spicy oenne pasta one with the jalapeño cheese spread for the bread is some of the legitimately best tastkng food I've ever tasted. British MREs are ironically some of the most good tasting food the island has ever produce. The breakfast one is pretty kino.
t. Bong who had an American Air Force AC-130 loadmaster roommate in university who made the MRE boxes fall off the back of the plane mysteriously

>> No.18282242

>a giant nutrient bar that tastes like chemicals
Something even worse than nutraloaf, amazing.

>> No.18282255
File: 426 KB, 643x928, Down Kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the furry mugs standard issue?

>> No.18282276

>go to dfac
>gyno yogurt sweeter than ice cream
>cup of grapes
>pop tarts
>cup of frosted flakes
>chocolate milk

>go on exercise
>hfcs past raviolis
>Gatorade mix

>Go to store
>monster White and only one tornado (pt test due soon)

>> No.18282282

The rotten chow mein is fascinating

>> No.18282283
File: 102 KB, 1024x740, 1659236728918404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they so expensive I wanna try one

>> No.18282290

How's the grasshopper water

>> No.18282297

Is that a horsehair worm escaping out of the grasshopper's ass?

>> No.18282310

You have warts on your feet because you walk around barefoot on wet stone floor. It's really fucking cool that you can "clean" it easy, but the level of bacteria is absurd.

Everything in the image screams of illness. The plunger, the insect that appears to have a parasite, guild wars 2, the wooden table you couldn't give to a homeless person, the dildo.

>> No.18282355

Your wife's boyfriend paté?

>> No.18282360
File: 363 KB, 640x480, tr-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese MRE because everything is better if Japanese

>> No.18282759

DIdn't one of the chink MREs make him sick? Not the rotten chow mein, I think there was another one before it that gave him a case of gastro.

Why are chink MREs so consistently awful? Even the Russians are capable of making an 'okay' MRE.

>> No.18282919

Chinese people have basically no morals when it comes to money, and will sell you absolute dogshit with a smile on their face swearing it's premium number 1 freedom best ever product

It's more of a cultural thing than an individual thing, being rich and successful is vitally important there and if your MREs make a few soldiers sick from eating rotten noodles, who cares? Just bribe the quartermaster or whatever. You already made your millions

I don't have it but look up that long greentext from an anon forced to work with the chinese in steel manufacturing. It was soul destroying

>> No.18282935

Chinese are incapable of doing a good job. They're both incompetent and perfectly willing to cut corners to save money.

>> No.18282936

>British soldier
Retarded frog poster.

>> No.18282941
File: 78 KB, 480x640, 1AD8F9F1-88E5-4182-BE59-9CFA95662973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this one.

>> No.18282943

that's the price you pay for cheap goods

>> No.18282954

Italian ones, the ones with the alcohol

>> No.18282955

My father was in the military in the 80's, and when I was a kid he gave me a case of the old fashioned American MRE's that were still dehydrated. They made a dehydrated pork patty and dehydrated fruit cocktail. I ate both while they were dehydrated still and they were delicious as fuck. The cheese spread and the "crackers" were a horror show of some of the worst tasting things I have ever eaten.

>> No.18282957

They stopped doing that years ago.

>> No.18282959

the problem with the US ones is they have way too much money in MRE research so they're always trying to make shelf stable versions of things that wouldn't normally be in an MRE, which can end up being kind of weird. i would rather have a normal canned soup than a weird stale pizza or fucked up omelet.
the canadian and australian ones always look the best to me.

>> No.18282974

Seems like you can order ones made in 2018 that still have it on ebay from some Lithuanian seller, but yeah 2018 was years ago. Man time flies

>> No.18282986

Ah nevermind module B all sold out, probably a while ago too

>> No.18283502

Germany in early WW2.
Scho-Ka-Kola and a side of meth. Delectable.

>> No.18283581

One reason is the PLA itself is the least important part of the Chinese military, so they get less attention. The other is the Chinese mostly rely on field kitchens.

>> No.18283607

This is a reddit tier meme at this point. In the US military at least, service members in some positions are still offered prescription grade narcotic stimulants if they need them, like pilots for example.

>> No.18283618 [DELETED] 

What baffles me is when he ate a cracker from the civil war and said ''It could pair well with coffee I think'' but ate a Chinese MRE from 2020 and said ''This just isn't edible, I'll get sick eating this''

>> No.18283624

What baffles me is when he ate a cracker from the civil war and said ''It could pair well with coffee I think'' but ate a Chinese MRE from 2020 and said ''This just isn't edible, I'll get sick eating this''

>> No.18283644

I didn't say schokakola because of its stimulating effects (it's like a small coffee at best), but because it tastes great. It's just genuinely good, not too sweet chocolate.

>> No.18283681

Canned? French ones though it's just stuff from the supermarket and makes no sense carrying around all that extra weight.
Retort Pouch? New Zealand seemed to have the best menu but if you're talking about long term eating then it seems that American ones are the longest lasting.
Civilian? Freeze dried kept in mylar bags or #10 cans are your best bet.

>> No.18283687

Chinese culturally elevate heroes in their stories who use trickery or deceit to get ahead. Their experiences during communism also compounded this since a lot of those who survived only did so by being generally awful human beings.

>> No.18284258

corruption, lack of expertise, and lack of priority

it's not like Chinese invented predatory capitalism

>> No.18284267


>> No.18284336

No, but they really perfected it

Well, not perfected it, but they do it more than anyone else

>> No.18284384

I used to try international rations for fun because i worked in rural shitholes.
Dutch is the best hands down, American can be a second if its a good menu.
Canadians are alright.French rations are insanely overrated and honestly kinda bland. Russian rations bordered on dog food and most of it was stale. If you want long keeping good food just get mountain house.

>> No.18284420

I like Germany's rations personally.

>> No.18284438

That I agree.

Lolwut? How did the Dutch ration beat the French?

>> No.18284482

Don't forget the Imperial Japanese Navy gave crystal meth (a Japanese invention) to its night watchmen.

>> No.18284492

You know, it's such a small comfort but that herby beef drink packet was the best thing ever. More MREs ought to have something like that.

>> No.18284611
File: 339 KB, 650x487, Plum Drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Aimo Koivunen for some laughs. Finnish soldier escaped the Russians by taking an overdose of issued methanpethamine. He skied 250 miles over a period of about a week and had no recollection of what had happened. He was running triple the average human heartbeat and his stomach was filled with pine buds and a raw bird.

>> No.18284896

oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.18286053


>> No.18286094

Pine buds are healthy tho. A lot of various micronutrients plus vitamin C. Of course, you're not supposed to eat them all the time.

>> No.18286097

For that matter, I don't understand why Russian winter rations don't contain a couple packs of sbiten.
I mean, I understand that the cost of all the spices makes it uneconomical, but it would be an exceptional addition, either drunk on its own, or mixed with the black tea.

>> No.18286104

Based on Steve's videos and my own sampling I'd say American rations are the best in functionality while european rations will be tastier but with poorer shelf lives.

>> No.18286128

Ours (Finland) is just stuff you can buy from any supermarket and almost all of it is the shittier stuff. I have no idea how much variance there was in the packs as I only got them couple of times. We always got food made by field cooks.

>> No.18286181

Yeah I just don't think he was getting a week's worth of winter calories just scavenging pine buds and raw birds while traveling 250 miles high on meth. Shit is damned hilarious though, glad the man survived.

>> No.18286224

>giving meth to night watchmen
>giving a drug that is renowned for making its users paranoid to already paranoid soldiers at night
I'm sure that went well. All those rapes and massacres make a bit more sense now.

>> No.18286243

It was provided to boat crews after dark to improve eyesight, Huang. That's where all the propaganda about vitamin """A""" comes from.
Modern meth is a completely different drug.

>> No.18286264

>last Steve upload was 6 months ago
He's finally dead huh?

>> No.18286277

Maybe he has a kid now. The hype died down too, because the American/Canadian stuff is all so sameish.
He should do something like his pilot's bandolier kit review he did

>> No.18286323

They also make a big deal out of good government officials and merchants in stories because of how rare it is. t. grew up with a shelf of chinese fables.
It was pretty trippy when I noticed how western works don't make a big deal out of it because that's supposed to be a given.

>> No.18286330

Does he have a job outside of youtube? I always took him as a NEET desu

>> No.18286332

The central Western tale says that Jesus was killed by government officials at the behest of merchants.

>> No.18286348

He probably definitely has a job, despite how autistic his hobbies make him seem. Gots to support his chonky gf

>> No.18286357

>Modern meth is a completely different drug.
There's only one kind of meth, it's the same shit

>> No.18286365 [DELETED] 

you're the type of anon to respond seriously to a screenshot that has a bunch of ridiculous tabs open

>> No.18286463
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>> No.18286624

Over the millennia the Chinese had seen uncountable damage inflicted by officials in power abusing their positions right up to the emperor himself, so they wrote about that. It's ingrained into the philosophy of Confucius et al too. Ostensibly as guidelines for rulers and officials, but there was always something slyly subversive about Chinese literature. But all that went out the door with the Cultural Revolution anyway. All that's left is BLEEP BOOP obey the Party BLEEP BOOP
>t. chinese

>> No.18286685

What would you say was Steve's all-time favorite MRE?

>> No.18286727

The old ones that came with a smoke.

>> No.18286735

Very cute. Do you enjoy it?

>> No.18286997
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What's wrong with frog posting?

>> No.18287429

he's a landscaper or something similar
he also obviously work out

>> No.18287477

they are a British invention

>> No.18287483

America spent more money on MRE development than some countries' entire military budget.

>> No.18287493

Does that cat have downs?

>> No.18287507

Humans in china are literally just a commodity similar to steel and wood.
They can all be easily replaced, so they put in the bare, bare minimum to keep them going. If 100,000 Chinese die, you have 500,000 around the corner ready to replace them.

>> No.18287536

chinese are insects anon, didn’t you know this already

>> No.18287549

Fun fact, cats cannot get Down Syndrome as they do not have a 21st chromosome. They can however end up with facial deformities from other things like the mother had ineutero infection from a couple specific viruses, or extra chromosomes.

>> No.18287808
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The Japanese one looks like this.
There are meat and fish.

>> No.18287850

variety is the reason there's so much weird shit in MREs
a stale pizza thing would sound like heaven if you've been living on cans of chicken soup for a month

>> No.18287859

hardtack has been tested and tried for thousands of years, it's kind of hard to fuck it up

>> No.18287862

My cat has six toes per paw.

>> No.18287971

In the italian one they used to gave some "cordiale" that was a blister with inside a shot of alcoholic beverage with an alcohol content of 47%

>> No.18288098

>US Marine
>deployed to Israel, outside Gaza, for two months
>become an anti-semite within the first two weeks
>can't eat their fucking hummus, apples, and room-temp hot dogs anymore
>crack open a Chicken Pesto Pasta MRE!
>later that night
>wake up to soiled pants
>soiling them didn't wake me up, it was the eventual stench
>realize I have zero control over my bowels
>spend a week lying on a rock under a ponch-liner tent, with an IV nailed to the a nearby olive tree
>cannot even SMELL pesto sauce without becoming violently ill
you know it's bad when I shit my pants, wallowed in agony, and nobody in my unit EVER brought it up, or EVER made fun of me for it.

>> No.18288099

Nobody asked

>> No.18288118
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>> No.18288145

Maybe you should have tried getting a job in the trades instead you welfare queen faggot

>> No.18288208

>look up that long greentext from an anon forced to work with the chinese in steel manufacturing. It was soul destroying
Anyone got this? Genuinely curious.

>> No.18288230

It's a story about a guy having a bunch of phone conversations trying to buy Chinese steel. It's not soul crushing, it's just a story about a couple of guys being bad at their jobs. People on here get so fucking dramatic about China

>> No.18288323

Drama queen bitch. You just sat in some infantry base for a joint exercise or two. Probably drooled at conscript girls also.
Speaking of, Manot Krav are awful. A lot of the canned stuff is full of straight up soy oil

>> No.18288723
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>he was in a war within himself

>> No.18288771

>They stopped doing that years ago.
No, they didn't. Cordial is still on the menu.

>> No.18288777

French & Spanish are both pretty good. Surprisingly, so are Russian rations in their various forms but the self life on them is comparatively short. Modern Brit stuff is shit, they used to be by far the best but the more modern menus are just don't work. US MREs are amusing in terms of choice, and there are some really good items, but some terrible ones too.

If I had to live on one nation's issue for any length of time, I'd probably go France.

>> No.18288787
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Anon I hope you don't...
While you eat

>> No.18288795

the dildo des nothing to him anymore, he sits on the plunger

>> No.18288822

>the more modern menus are just don't work
such as?
I'm only familiar with the old ones

>> No.18288867

cool, however, your mother

>> No.18288907

Smal rations.

>> No.18289038

Prove it

>> No.18289047

Too much rice.

>> No.18289435

I know he works out, but that doesn't make you not a neet

>> No.18289455

If you want Steve to put out more content, you basically have to go out and find interesting MREs he hasn't tried and mail them to him. A lot of the foreign and historical stuff can be pretty hard to source in the US, so he relies on fan donations.

>> No.18289462

Working out is training

>> No.18289596

USA rations are designed to have long shelf life. Other contries give you normal tasty food that last normal time. Heck some asian country gives you good wrap in banana leaf.

>> No.18289600
File: 71 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-7dd8e4603bdb962e9fa480d602a562e2-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these lil' niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.18289622

You're confusing MREs with what soldiers actually eat, moron. All armies, including the US, eat fresh food when available and only rely on MREs when they can't source fresh food.

>> No.18289768
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I tried a couple 24 hour rations from Chile a few years ago, and those were pretty good.

>> No.18289969

>no Pain Hamburger

>> No.18289979

>balls of sugar
Bros why are br*ts like this?

>> No.18290024

While six-toed cats aren't the most common, they aren't some obscure thing that almost never occurs. They're called polydactyl cats, or Hemmingway cats. And yeah there's some association with Ernest Hemmingway from what I understand. He was quite fond of them, and his home and museum has free-roaming cats that express the gene most of the time, and they bury six-toed cats that die locally on his property.

>> No.18290041

If I wanted to try civilian MREs how much water should I be drinking? I hear these things clog you up good.

>> No.18290155

While I like Steve, if I had the spare 200$ to buy something unique and send him, I would rather spend that money on myself.
Anyone who could get the stuff reasonably cheap and also likes Steve probably has send him stuff already

>> No.18290196
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>> No.18290223
File: 175 KB, 1200x900, Kenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain THIS

>> No.18290235

Kenny the tiger. Died of an aggressive form of skin cancer at the age of 10. Result of forced inbreeding in attempts to create and sell rare animals. "White tigers are not a species but simply an aberrant colour variation of Bengal tigers, and breeding them is done solely to draw paying crowds." Not 21st chromosome, but fucked up genetics.

>> No.18290265

Back in Afghanistan French MREs were considered the best of all coalition members and would trade for several MREs of other nations. I dunno about non-Western MREs though.

>> No.18290294
File: 196 KB, 500x500, 1635526064515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American (for more than 3 days I will take Polish)>Polish (for less than 3 days I will take American)>Norwegian>Lithuanian

Lithuanian soldiers always begged us to exchange the MREs.

>> No.18290296

Your mom gave me an exchange last night.

>> No.18290312

I had a French one once that was really good. It had a full lasagne in a tin in it and it was great.

>> No.18290339

What did you exchange with her?

>> No.18290395

I have no idea which one is best, but I think the Jews have the worst one. Every Israeli ration that I've ever seen simply consists of cans of tuna fish and nothing else (besides maybe a can of halva if they're lucky).

>> No.18290413

Unironically better than airline food

>> No.18290450
File: 847 KB, 1080x1077, 1587192335574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only rely on MREs when they can't source fresh food.
You can tell you never served in the Army. Any Army.

>> No.18290489
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 1646353165928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 2 weeks of eating american MREs in hohenfels I shitted blood, fuck you americans

>> No.18290492

Got a feeling it was either box 22 or 25 that came with an all day breakfast, and the best dessert aka mango slice.

>> No.18290502

You have to drink your own weight in water if you are subsisting on American MREs otherwise you are committing a warcrime against your anus.

>> No.18290654

oh yeah that's the bunny
that's why you never deal with a PRChinese unless it's well within your power to fuck him up, legally or otherwise
picrel was a list of how not to do biz with them, really
>t. overseas chinese

>> No.18291323

i liked the russian ones, i had them when i went camping there. iirc, there was forcemeat, vegetable caviar, and braised meat in the cans. each box had enough food for a day.

the quality wasn't good as some of the more expensive camping meals, but it was filling and tasted above avergae.

>> No.18291351

Slav MREs for some reason tend to be locally sold stuff like pate, coffee, biscuits, etc just packaged in rather than some special products. Why is this?

>> No.18291371

For me, it was the tiny bottles of tabasco sauce. I have one filled with sand from iraq, and one filled mountain soil from Afghanistan.

>> No.18291375

It's pretty much that way in most mid and lower tier armed forces. Not everyone can afford to have an army of food scientists make shelf stable hamburgers, retort pouch pot au feu or bespoke vials of wine.

>> No.18291379

Become an engineer, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

>> No.18291594

so were the first C rations, and modern NATO rations
the official army documentation (either US or bong) says it's cheaper to procure, quality is more assured, and troops are much more likely to eat stuff they're familiar with
>oh it's army chocolate in some weird chemical-coloured sugar shell, blech
>oh shit they got M&Ms I love these

>> No.18291884

Finland easily had some of the worst MRE's out there, just a bunch of low quality store bought items in a shitty ziplock pack. a good MRE should be in a neat and lightweight packaging so the food items will not take too much space from the other equipment.

>> No.18291900

Let people enjoy things

>> No.18291908

US MREs kinda suck. Even the best ones still taste like chemically chief boyardee.

>> No.18292110

kill yourself

>> No.18292127
File: 23 KB, 274x445, F61590F1-00B1-40B3-A97E-1068FA0E383F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did 4 years in the infantry, American Mres are pretty solid when you learn how to prep them correctly. Essentially just add cheese and crackers to every main and it’s a solid meal. Chicken with noodles was by far the best. The most popular one people fought over was tuna. Some things were just inedible tho like the wheat snack bread, cheese and veggie omelette, and the vegetable manicotti. Like I said they’re pretty good when you learn the all the little tricks. The ones the afghan soldiers got were phenomenal also

>> No.18292142

i tried the canned calimari in squid ink from the spanish MRE. smelled like venice on a hot smoggy july.

>> No.18292162

>the wooden table you couldn't give to a homeless person
that's the seat of a chair

>> No.18293804

How do they know what was in his stomach, pine buds don't show up on an xray

>> No.18293811 [DELETED] 

I think I'm the only person who lijed the omelet. I traded candy and dairy shakes for those. I think I did a whole ftx eating nothing but omelets and coffee

>> No.18293823

I liked the vomelet. Maybe it's because my sense of smell is a little dull or maybe I'm just used to overcooked eggs. If I had a choice between that and runny powdered eggs, I would most likely chose the vomelet.

>> No.18293830

Probably gastric lavage/stomach pump. Soldiers on meth comedowns look like absolute hell and they'd want to make sure he didn't ingest anything to make things worse. Charcoal treatment would be far too late at that point.

>> No.18293833

Like 2/3's of the menu mains are pasta dishes that use the same sauce and overcooked noodle texture for all of them.
The only items I genuinely enjoyed were the crackers, jam/spread, and instant pudding.
The rest was forgettable.

>> No.18293839

>dog food for the dogs of the government

>> No.18293844


>> No.18293849

Ahh the famous vomelette

>> No.18293857

It's a cheaper option and probably better tasting, as you can change the items. Also probably easier to give contracts to preffered MRE oligarchs

>> No.18293985

What did the afghan soldiers get? Halal MREs?

>> No.18293991

I would send that boring faggot a punch in the face if it were possible

>> No.18294018

The chinks also never eat those, they have bloody kitchen brigades for a reason.

>> No.18294817

You should read Poorly Made in China. It's by a guy who worked there for a decade or something. It's fascinating how they operate. They give absolutely zero shits about anything. They will cheat at everything if you let them.

>> No.18294853

So does literally every other army, it's just that the PLA has been a stay-at-home boy's club of toy soldiers for nearly half a century now. Modern PLA soldiers have never fought a war that wasn't a ten minute walk from their border.

>> No.18295045

That's pretty hostile, why would you do that? He didn't hurt anyone

>> No.18295070

shit analysis perhaps

>> No.18295075

Nor should anybody.

>> No.18295471

Unironically, yes.

>> No.18295991
File: 122 KB, 1050x699, 05D05AC9-8AED-45A4-931E-DDF156DDE6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they got a few things, one was a chicken curry and rice that was in a self heating box that was fantastic, and they had another mre which were similarly packaged like ours that had a bunch of higher end snacks like bagel chips, big brand cereals, nature valley bars etc that also came with a curry and rice dish. We took their stuff when ever we got the chance, they mostly bough all their food from the locals. Our squads would rotate night shifts at the afghan police check points because we had night optics and they would always cool for us, was usually rice, chicken or goat, potatoes, onions, and naan bread, it was really good. They usually are better than we did

>> No.18296001
File: 96 KB, 700x525, rmre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18296037

Italian, French, then U.S. are my favorite as I've stated in my videos.

>> No.18296059

is that canned dog?

>> No.18296111
File: 65 KB, 1920x417, c00bf8e244b5ac7fbff227b35cb9bd9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can says herring

>> No.18296137

Custom production lines aren't worthwhile unless you use a lot of rations per year.
Using foreign sourced components leaves you vulnerable during war and disruptions in shipping.
If they use local foods they subsidize industries at home, are independent from others and those factories are proven to be capable of much higher production during war time.

>> No.18296148
File: 109 KB, 720x1118, A870EA01-B1A5-4C44-B565-E2D0F3C79E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Russia has all you can eat bussy so obviously them

>> No.18297855


>> No.18297861
File: 67 KB, 604x603, 1657247177336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute

>> No.18297941

>pine buds and a raw bird
Jesus tap dancing christ.

>> No.18298186
File: 257 KB, 1366x2048, D15EzbaWsAA6Ov9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korea

>> No.18298231

Stalin was right.

>> No.18298283
File: 63 KB, 797x1002, 1660346904710872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fellow saggy tits mutt enjoyer

>> No.18298349

God, imagine being a troon in Russian infantry
Maybe he's crossdressing to get out of conscription on mental illness

>> No.18298499
File: 44 KB, 300x300, pepe_playing_lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package full of loose rice
Hand-drawn labels on the packages
Writing on the packages of how the beloved leader thinks is safe to eat :)

>> No.18298507

Did they send him to a Chechen Batallion ?

>> No.18298570

>iwn plunge my dick in that tit window
Life is cruel.