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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 420x420, YOFE+Image+McDiabetes+2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18273816 No.18273816 [Reply] [Original]

I work at the greasiest place on earth and I'm willing to reveal whatever secrets you wish to know about it.

>> No.18273818

Whats the most disgusting act of food violation youve seen?

>> No.18273819 [DELETED] 

0.01 cents have been deposited in to your PayPal account, thank you for promoting the brand on [4channel]

>> No.18273822

As a Wendy's employee, why is it that you cover everything in grease?
Is it just because you're not able to find a clean surface, or is it spite? Every time I order Wendy's I am thrilled to see grease soaking through the bag and my burger suspiciously slathered in grease on its outside wrapper.

>> No.18273824

I constantly have to police the lazy teenagers so they don't handle raw meat with the same gloves they prepare food with. We are actually pretty good about food safety unlike when

>> No.18273826

When I worked at subway

>> No.18273828

Wich meat at subway is the least disgusting? I was thinking salami hot?

>> No.18273832

>promoting the brand
>I'm hatin' it
Seriously just learn to cook or eat somewhere better.
Because employees are too lazy to use the tongs to put the patty on the burger so their gloves get coated in grease.

>> No.18273837

When I worked at subway the Indian people running it had us change the date stickers on everything until it rotted, so I would suggest something that sells well enough for it to not be a rotting fossil.

>> No.18273859

Fun fact: none of the fries have salt.

>> No.18273868

"I work at the greasiest place on earth(McD)..."

You have to be at least 18 years old, legally adult with no severe mental disabilities to use this website.
please leave or I tell your mommy you poster here again next time when I pay my regular visit to fuck her savagely.. She will be very angry, little boy

>> No.18273876 [DELETED] 

What if he is larping, you retarded edgy wannabe?

>> No.18273882

>You have to be at least 18 years old
Of course. I'm the manager.

>> No.18273887

>no severe mental disabilities
That's not a rule...is it? Please no...

>> No.18273892

When I worked at Mcdonalds I always had to remove the nuggets and mchicken patties from the heater after some times because they became stale, but I used to just add a few more minutes or eat them. I also used to steal donuts and milkshakes all the time and once a whole bag of pickles.

>> No.18273900

No need to be racist dude.

>> No.18273919

The one time we had a white kid work there he was lazy as hell too

>> No.18273992

>I work at the greasiest place on earth
you work at the bis?

>> No.18273995

>no severe mental disabilities
this means only christians are allowed then.

>> No.18274011

excuse me Sir, my mistake

>> No.18274018

err....hold on... a...nem? anon?

>> No.18274025

I also hope it isn't

>> No.18274028

Why do you assholes not surve burgers 24/7
You're a fucking burger joint
I don't go to Denny's for a burger and I don't go to a burger restaurant for eggs. I want a fucking burger now fire up the grill wagie

>> No.18274039

>You're a fucking burger joint
they're a "mccafe", anon.

>> No.18274689

Getting both breakfast and lunch ready before we open would be impossible. Unlike Denny's we make everything ahead of time then pull ingredients out of a heating cabinet.

>> No.18274819

unironically tell the health department, anonymous tip, let the corporatists rot, not my sammi

>> No.18274824
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i know this is fast food, but what are some signs that a location is staffed by people who give a fuck and will prepare food with some sense of pride in their work?

i feel bad when i get fast food because i dont wanna make work for people who are miserable. id feel better if i knew how to identify places where the staff have fun and like each other.

>> No.18274837

It's a business, not a hobby.

>> No.18274847

we all have to work but that doesnt mean we cant have fun and make friends while doing it

>> No.18274851

Don't eat in chain restaurants

>> No.18274860

If you don't give them business, it could lead to an employee getting "cut" for the night and making less despite having shown up, or worse, someone getting laid-off because business is too slow.
Not giving them work is going to make them more miserable, since they're there to work.

>> No.18274864

If the sticker says its from yesterday the health department can't do much. I could snitch on them for the fact that none of the unmarried employees from india are legally allowed to work in the US though.

>> No.18274871
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if they want my business then they should be nicer and have fun

true but i also care about my food being prepared properly. cold burger is a bad feeling.

>> No.18274880

Fun Mcfact: if you ask for fresh fries we put them back in the grease. If you complain that we just put them back in the grease we will put a few fresh fries on top of cold ones to make you go away.

>> No.18274894 [DELETED] 

Oops, meant to reply to this

>> No.18274898 [DELETED] 

Kek. Imagine being dependant on McTrash. Mercifully here in Asia the overwhelming majority of street foot vendors absolutely destroy western fast food both in that they actually serve food even faster and that the food is actually god damn good. And cheaper. And the endless variety. It always amuses me when I see Asians get cucked by McTrash et al when they’ve got much better local cuisine. I’m literally white and I’ve had Asians get triggered at me for calling McTrash McTrash when it’s precisely that: trash. I swear they must be putting some psycho shit into their food when they make people willingly give up their superior and cheaper local cuisine to eat this garbage daily.

>> No.18275508

>why is my burger wrapper greasy from wendys
it's the bacon
bacon is handled with gloves

>> No.18275556

Well you are a 1 in a million type of autist. Starbucks has been doing better and better each passing day, and blasted through covid with record sales and still treat their employees like utter garbage.

My store in particular has been cracking down on "customer connections" (fancy way of saying seem like you're having fun and engage with the customers) because when we are getting slammed with over 150 orders in 30 minutes, we don't have the fucking time or patience to get to each and every individual customer with a hello and a smile and some shitty small talk. We do so with our regulars who come in the dead of morning at like 4:30 and 5am and some of are late night regulars because the store is dead otherwise, but when we are peak it's game time not chat time. Our "customer connection score" has been the lowest it's ever been which is seen as terrible by corporate, as if it's a valid measurement of success, but it isn't because our store has been busier than ever and is making more money than ever. So it doesn't mean shit. For every 1 customer who wants some stupid fucking personal connection and parasocial relationship with their fast food employee there are 10,000 customers who just want their shit fast and don't want to fucking talk to anyone. Only 1 in every 20 people I say good morning to even look at me anymore. I feel like an animal in a zoo. I hate working here. They constantly understaff us and have us working in hellish conditions. The next time my manager tells me to make more customer connections I may attack him.

>> No.18275808
File: 43 KB, 540x378, image0-23-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i understand your frustration. im not the type of autist who is starved for social contact and wants to make friends with strangers just doing their job. however, what i do like to do is lessen that "animal in a cage" feeling you just described, because that's what i see every time i get fast food and it's largely the reason why i dont really eat it anymore. i dont try to be social or make conversation, i just try to subtly make people feel like they are seen and their efforts are recognized. yes, i always drop cash in the tip jar if there is one.

ive had to deal with a lot of corporate nonsense breathing down my neck as well, and what works best is if you just stop caring and run the place the way you want. this involves a bit of skill as you have to keep corporate in the dark of your real activities, but since everything is automated these days its quite easy to trick computers. they are stupid.

>> No.18275840

So hardcore

>> No.18276593


Do the workers get mad when a fatty like me comes through and orders 4 double cheese burgers, 4 mcchickens and 2 large frys?

>> No.18276672

>2 mcchickens
>6 piece nuggets
>large diet coke
What would you assume about the person who makes this order?

>> No.18276768

literally nothing

>> No.18276780

five guys is far greasier
mcdonalds is much too sterile to ever be greasy. greasy would imply that there was food being prepared somewhere.

>> No.18276781

what sauce?

>> No.18276787

i had a quarter pounder for the first time and I'd definitely describe it as greasy

>> No.18277659
File: 2.78 MB, 4608x2072, 20220824_230909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>five guys is far greasier
Oh really?

>> No.18277668

Just look at the kitchen.
Maybe you can't see it if you've never worked in a kitchen, but if you have, you can just tell it from a glance.
t. not OP, but a cook that takes pride in his work

>> No.18277725

>Getting both breakfast and lunch ready before we open would be impossible
Nobody asked you to make breakfast.
Said literally nobody ever.
I know why you faggots really do it, too.
Eggs are cheaper than beef.
WAAAAY cheaper.
THAT'S why you fuck over every single nightshift worker on the planet who just wants a god damn burger for dinner.

>> No.18277740

Are there really a lot of homeless people who always eat at McDonald's and why?

>> No.18277776

Ya cause McDonald’s accepts ebt

>> No.18277788

Usa thing?

>> No.18277994

we will laugh at you and will most likely find you abhorrent

>> No.18277996


>> No.18278004

What's the code word for when I want to order this from the secret menu?

>> No.18278028

not even closer, your average IHOP is is a grease skating rink, even the windows have a film of grease on them

>> No.18279032

How much did you get paid for shilling on 4chink?

>> No.18279054

>underage faggot thinks xe's special for having a job

>> No.18279057

>raw meat
It's all literally frozen until it's heated up

>> No.18279188

kek I used to work for Indians that owned a few Subway too
the one I worked at specifically wasn't bad at all because we had a (non-Indian) manager who actually gave a shit, but I heard a lot of horror stories about the one ran by the owner's father, the biggest one being that he'd supposedly shut off the water to the dishwashing sink after opening for the day to save on water bills, meaning everything at night gets washed in 12+ hours worth of dirty stagnant water.

>> No.18280894

Absolutely no McDonalds allowed.


>> No.18281029

I was just starting at Subway, but I end up quitting after 5 shifts.1st shift: 6 hours, 2nd shift 9 hours, 3rd shift, about 3 hours, 4th shift 8hrs and last shift, last night: 3 hours. What bothered me is if they write : 4:30 pm to 7 PM, I expect to finish at 7pm, but that's not it, if it was busy during supper time, I have to stay in overtime and I was already in over 30 minutes and I left, then I got a text from the area manager later which I only replied this morning that if there are still tasks left to do, I must stay. So it didn't sit right with me so I send another message this morning that I'm not cut for it. I'm not usually savage to leave like that, far from it, but on the other hand I'm not expecting to do an extra half an hour or maybe much than what was initially written on the schedule.

>> No.18281057

I was gonna give you shit, but I seent them two days ago dump a few batches of fries into the warming tray, and started immediately loading cartons. They did not salt them at all. I thought it was a mistake, but I could unironically see them switching to a salted frozen fry and tell customers to fuck off when they want them with no salt. This change could save 10's of dollars a year world-wide.

>> No.18281950

The other day a complainer asked if their mcnuggets and fries were cooked fresh, and if there was actually salt on the fries. Result? I threw the nuggets back in the grease, threw some fries back in the grease to put on top of their fries, and sprinkled a packet of salt on top of their fries.

>> No.18282021

If you order fries without salt and ask for salt packets we will just say we're out of salt packets

>> No.18282054

What a cope, when I worked in the food service industry in the late 90's through the early 2000's almost no one wore gloves. Not at mcdicks or sonic or just about anywhere else.
The only place I remember wearing gloves was subway.
And no one was getting anymore sick than they are today. For the entire history of humanity up until 20 years ago no one wore fucking gloves while cooking.
Food safety aside from the most major issues are basically completely fabricated to create a fake industry of compliance. It's just another trick by the government to skim money from the tax payers. Our bodies were designed to roll around in the dirt all day and eat food right off that dirt. Being so anal about food cleanliness is just making us sicker by weakening our immune systems.

>> No.18282064

one time i tried to order a mcchicken and they told me it was a breakfast item what was up with that

>> No.18282874

Very based.

>> No.18282896

middle-aged latinos in the kitchen

>> No.18282973

what is the fabled mcgangbang i've heard so much about?

>> No.18282976

The health code doesn't actually require us to wear gloves. Its just a policy because of complainers.

>> No.18282991

White employees

>> No.18283234

Not everyone works night shifts you fucking sperg. Most people don't want a hamburger at 8 am so it would be stupid for restaurants to go out of their way making both on the off chance some rage tard night shift worker needs a hamburger.

>> No.18283272

Wearing gloves is one of the biggest mistakes that ever happened to food industry. Just wash your fucking hands instead of wearing the same gloves whole day.

>> No.18283336

It's a 3 hour shift you lazy fuck. You're a grown man.

>> No.18283408

This, fuckers think since they are wearing gloves they can just touch anything and it doesn't matter. That is what happens whenever you get the government involved in business, everything always gets worse.

>> No.18283457

these places are starting to understand they have to treat their people better. keep quitting bros. fuck em

>> No.18283473

Just go to Sonic faggot they serve a full menu from open to close and their burgers are better than mcdicks. If you live somewhere with Sonic lol you live in a shithole.

>> No.18283739

>take pre made patty out of freezer
>place on griddle next to breakfast sausage
>cooks just the same
OMG so much extra work!!!

>> No.18283759

But burger is not breakfast item. You can't just have not-breakfast item during breakfast time.

>> No.18283760

3 hour shifts are bullshit
when i was teen i got a job at McDs but they pulled that shit on me, it wasn't even worth driving to work when gas was $4.50/gal

>> No.18283773

>I have to stay in overtime and I was already in over 30 minutes and I left, then I got a text from the area manager later which I only replied this morning that if there are still tasks left to do
Can companies just do this in murrika? I'm not gonna work if I'm not getting paid for it.

>> No.18283780

>working overtime for no pay
Yeah lick that boot some more.

>> No.18283902

Fuck breakfast time. You are a burger assembly line. It's how you were born and it's how you will keep from dying.

>> No.18284040

>Fun fact: none of the fries have salt.
>be wendy's
>be working at the fryer
>dump whole bag of salt directly into the hot oil
a-a-are y-you sure?

>> No.18284148

>sporadic scheduling
that's competitive pay for you. the employee with the better upsell track record is given more hours. speaking of hours...
do you even know what that is? overtime is when you work [more] than 40 hours a week, not less, and certainly not 29.
the schedule is a guideline to balance the cost of labor so that the business profits through bare minimum operation as the worst case scenario.
>5 days
so you quit while in training?
>staying past the scheduled time
"i do not want to make money. i want to get less than full-time, 40hrs/wk pay."
this has to be bait written by an adolescent that's still in grade school.

>> No.18284155

haha wagie

>> No.18284174

>fuckers think since they are wearing gloves they can just touch anything and it doesn't matter.
it's deeply disturbing to see full grown adults think and act like this. absolutely mind numbing.
they could be using cleaning chemicals while wearing the same gloves they put on to handle the meat patties, and just get right back to it without even so much as a second thought.
how is it that the medical field has extensive classification for a variety of mental disabilities and disorders, yet these people are considered to be completely "normal"?

>> No.18284179

Did you ever have an unruly customer throw their drink in your face or a co-worker?

>> No.18284184

>That is what happens whenever you get the government involved in business, everything always gets worse
enjoy your enslavement by monopoly oligarchs

>> No.18284195

their mcdonalds daddy wont allow it

>> No.18284209

why would anyone willing eat borderline toxic food early in the morning while your stomach is the most sensitive? are you trying to give yourself stomach diseases?

>> No.18284221

They probably think you meant the chicken biscuit. I think they might be phasing out the normal mc chicken for the new chicken sandwiches.

>> No.18284224

You must not have been to a sonic in the last 5-10 years. They used to have awesome burgers but sometime in the last decade they switched their meat. It tastes worse than the great value frozen preformed bricks you get at walmart. dairy queen uses the exact same patty and it is horrible. Zero flavor a mushy almost fake texture, wouldn't surprise me if it was half wood pulp filler. I will never eat another sonic burger.

>> No.18284229

Mcdonalds never fucked me as hard as the irs. I'll take the lesser of two evils.

>> No.18284237

mcdonald's sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits are great, but after you're done eating it, your gut sounds like a boiling swamp.
never eat breakfast before work, just save that shit for your days off.

>> No.18284330

what else do you put the garlic sauce on besides the steak egg and cheese bagel

>> No.18284347

I'm sorry that you're so upset that no one cares about night shift workers who are cry babies about needing hamburgers. But really, truly, no one gives a fuck about you or that you are angry. Have your burger for breakfast when you start your shift if you're that upset.

>> No.18284809


>> No.18284817

>they could be using cleaning chemicals while wearing the same gloves they put on to handle the meat
We aren't supposed to rinse things with water after sanitizing, so apparently trace amounts of sanitizer aren't killing people.
Not me but I've seen it.
That's breakfast sauce. It only comes on the bagels but you can add it to any breakfast item.

>> No.18284837
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no i just think breakfast menus suck, they're somehow even lower quality food then the regular menu, plus its a completely arbitrary decision to not sell everything on their menu
At least the 24h store along major highways sell the day menu 24h, really the only time i'd eat that shit is on a road trip

now the real issue for night shift is we get off at 7am but the liquor stores don't open til 9am

>> No.18284893

>automatically assumes i was just referring to sanitizing agents
i'm talking about things like demolder, oven cleaner, and restroom cleaner.
also, sanitized instruments need to air dry before they can be reused in the first place.
>inb4 nuh-uh
it's in the training instruction material.
and another thing, some people are allergic to the sanitation chems used for service hardware - skin dries up and cracks. imagine what happens when ingesting it.

>> No.18284937

I was going to ask what prevents you from doing what normal people do which is go home and cook their own supper after work. But if you're too stupid to plan ahead to even have booze at home then that answers my question. Wow you're pathetic lol.

>> No.18285046

>Getting both breakfast and lunch ready before we open would be impossible.
How is it impossible now when it wasn't impossible 2 years ago?

>> No.18285179

i home cook pretty much everything, but people get paid on Friday and wanna grab a bottle for the weekend before they go home

>> No.18285228

For someone who cooks "pretty much everything" you sure are mighty upset about fast food options lol. How bad do you have to be with your finances that you have to wait to get a paycheque to afford a bottle of alcohol? Or maybe take a break... could be why you're having a tantrum over not being able to get a big mac at 7 am.

>> No.18285344
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seems like you're the only one taking this seriously but nice try, maybe after a few years lurking you might...might be able to b8 some /b/tards , /ck/ is out of you league

>> No.18285369

How the fuck does his stomach know what the time is you retard. Its start of the day isn't going to be in the morning, it'll be when he wakes up, which as a night shift worker, will be in the fucking evening.

>> No.18285374

How long does it take to cook 4:1
How often do you clean the nozzles on the drink dispensers
How many times to you ignore UHC timers before actually disposing of the product, if at all

>> No.18285382

So you've been pissing yourself crying about breakfast sandwiches and acting like a huge baby on purpose? Do you think it was funny or are you just that desperate that you'll throw a manbaby fit over not being able to get your burgers and booze at 7am just to get replies? You seem even more pathetic every time you reply, it's quite amazing.

>> No.18285386

McDonalds, please reveal to me your secrets.
How much would it cost a white male in the central time zone area of America to open and effectively manage and staff a minimally acceptable McDonds franchise location?

>> No.18285400

i live in japan, every time there's a seasonal promotion burger my local mcdick's sells out of it by like 2 PM and they don't have any available until the next day, at which point they again sell out before i can get them

how the FUCK is such a level of incompetence possible

>> No.18285413

This has to be pasta I kekd

>> No.18285439
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double down when you're on the ropes is a bad look
only one using extreme terminology like " pissing yourself crying" is you, meaning you already lost
How fuckin new are you lad?

>> No.18285484

Are you trying to agrivate Ronald? He'll give us nothing but mcds threads for a week.

>> No.18285502

funny how there's a McDonalds in every corner of the world but only murricans seems to be the only ones getting fat for eating something that is nothing but a normal sandwich made of bread, meat and veggies. maybe you should eat ONE burger instead of TEN burgers at the same time.

>> No.18285610

Dude let's not forget where we started. >>18277725 you come across like a god damned mental patient over not getting your burgers. All you do is whine, and the more I make fun of you for acting like a retard the more upset you get. Sorry, but it's pretty dang funny how angry you are.

>> No.18286458

Black employees are a big sign that your food will, be undercooked, overcooked, mishandled or a long wait

>> No.18286459
File: 13 KB, 367x120, Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 07-48-47 _ck_ - Mcdonald's - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even me homie but i agree that it is a arbitrary business practice that is a holdover from a time that no longer is

>> No.18286995

Define severe

>> No.18287006
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the sign outside looks like pic related

>> No.18287017

just go on the website for franchising, they literally tell you what you need.
IIRC its a 1 million franchise fee.

>> No.18287563

>tfw worked at mcdonalds as first job
>was retarded and only was able to do Fries and buns

>> No.18287787

>go into mcdonalds
>peek at the kitchen
>see hispanic ladies making food prep

>> No.18288229

I wanted pic related so I had this grand plan to order all of the parts of it from the menu and combine them together, I eventually decided to just make my own and it turned out pretty well. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18288234
File: 349 KB, 551x421, superheroburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, I fucked up

>> No.18288236

mc bolas

>> No.18288281

How much bigger were the burgers back in the 70s?

>> No.18288300

Probably had his best friends‘ mother assassinated and works with corrupt cops.

>> No.18288336

>greasiest place on earth
It's NOT though, any rib place beats the hell out of Maccas for greasy.
>What is Diver GTS
If you don't recognize what that is, you DON'T work in a greasy ass place.
If there isn't a grease trap access panel in the dish area, it's NOT a greasy place.

>> No.18288345
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>with no severe mental disabilities to use this website.

>> No.18288381

¼ pound is a ¼ pound

>> No.18288418
File: 249 KB, 829x515, McCrispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the McCrispy™, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.18288423

at age 18, my summer job that year was in the kitchen at Burger King, the Home of the Whopper.
I haven't eaten at a bk or a mickey d's since then.

>> No.18288472

>*Pre-cooked weight
Yes, but since the burgers are frozen pucks that go right on the Clamshell griddle("Grill"), there could be all manner of water and other additives in the puck.
Some large grocery chains have been caught adding ice chips to their grinders when making their ground beef--(I'm looking at YOU Kroger)
but generally, they are about the same as in the 70s.
it's really the Goyslurp that has been getting BIGGER and BIGGER over the decades.

>> No.18288479

It's called a farce and it's necessary to bind the ingredients. They do that in the making of sausage as well. You're fucking retarded

>> No.18288490
File: 87 KB, 640x640, FLIPPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is a farce.
>Necessary to bind ground beef to itself
You should just KYS.

>> No.18288553

When I order a mcdouble and a McChicken® do you know that I'm just making a mcgangbang?

>> No.18288676

>I work at the greasiest place on earth
well that can't be mcdonalds, they have the driest burgers made.

>> No.18288705
File: 16 KB, 338x600, 38z2f65169836470968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a mcgangbang?
How do you make that?

>> No.18289539

oh the visuals of Ronald and the wendy's girl

>> No.18289860

those LED signs were peak SOVL, now it's all digital screens smdh

>> No.18289890

>It's just another trick by the government to skim money from the tax payers
Fucking dumbass. Food handling regulations actually tell you to NOT wear gloves as doling so leads to more contamination.

>> No.18289909

t. I have never worked in the food service industry.

>> No.18289914


I'm sure there are variations but I always just put the whole McChicken between the patties on a McDouble.... I am now inspired to try a premium chicken sandwich/double bacon quarter pounder combo.

>> No.18290177

>smart people acting like retards
wew lad

>> No.18290268

The oldfags are. The newfags are idiots who think they are in good company.

>> No.18290394

The irony of night shift burger rage tard posting that is too much.