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18272176 No.18272176 [Reply] [Original]

Is A5 Wagyu a meme? From kopi lewak to caviar most extremely expensive foods end up being disappointing at best or complete dogshit at worst but so many people talk up A5 wagyu like it's amazing.

>> No.18272182

Try it, nigga.

>> No.18272192

It's extremely fatty. If you like fatty beef you'll love it, if you don't, you won't.

>> No.18272194
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It's good, I certainly can't afford to eat it all the time, and I wouldn't pay restaurant pricing. But I would have no problem buying wholesale priced A5 Wagyu for personal consumption for a special occasion every couple of years or something.

>> No.18272203

Desu I feel bad for the cow being that fat.

>> No.18272206

Fat is exactly the thing a cow wants to be.

>> No.18272213

If I were you I'd start off by trying a prime grade ribeye first. Most meat sold in grocery stores is only choice grade or god forbid select(Walmart meat). Prime grade steaks are cheaper than wagyu will allow you to see if the increase in fat is something you like before you go and drop $$$ on some A5.

>> No.18272225

it's nice enough, but if I wanted a steak I wouldn't choose it over a prime ribeye or something. It's just a bit too fatty

>> No.18272234

Im so infinitely bored by steak. Its just as bad as junkslop threads. So boring

>> No.18272242

>most extremely expensive foods end up being disappointing at best
Foie gras is the most delicious single ingredient on the planet and there's nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise.

>> No.18272332

> Foie gras is the most delicious single ingredient
the finest sashimi grade otoro

>> No.18274213

Caviar is really tastey. The fuck are you on about? Did you not brush your teeth or something?

>> No.18274350

too much fat

>> No.18274377
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Caviar is great. Have you seen the video where the momofuku guy has the buzz feed poofters dunking fried chicken drums straight into a tin of caviar? Divine. https://youtu.be/M6XiFKB7j0w

>> No.18274584

i didt like it because when you chew it's mushy. it was too tender to the point of not even feeling like steak.

>> No.18274591

It's a well-marbled steak. You come from a land that vilifies marbled meat, so you'll hate it.

>> No.18274592


Donkey cheese is delicious but way overpriced for what it is...

>> No.18274600

Prime ribeye is my go to. Local grocery store has dry aged beef. I want to try it but Im not quite sure how to cook it

>> No.18274608

90+ Geshas are pretty good

>> No.18274652

Yes. I only eat Letter Wagyu.

>> No.18274734

Charge your battery faggot

>> No.18274738

hehehe it says KKK...Lol!!!!

>> No.18274756

It's really good but the price isn't justified given the production cost so you end up paying for a meme.

>> No.18274769

It's ok nothing truly special though.
Scottish Angus beef, now that shit is on another level.

>> No.18274791

That looks vile

>> No.18274814

Depending on how long it has been aged it may not be worth it. I tried 90 day dry aged and it had that sweet rot taste to it. 14 day was enjoyable though

>> No.18274820

Never had it but it seems completely overpriced but tasty.

>> No.18275356

No problem as long as the name of the reliable place of origin is indicated.
If it is only labeled "A5 Wagyu", it is suspicious.

>> No.18275447
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Yeah anything legit will have documentation or some sort of proof of origin

>> No.18275565

>Steak, Japan

>> No.18275768

thats what good pussy looks like

>> No.18275861

>Steak, Japan
Beef like this is rarely eaten, even by the Japanese.

>> No.18275880
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Steak, Japan (real)

>> No.18275881

>a land that vilifies marbled meat
Where the fuck would that be? I've never seen anyone saying anything that isn't more marbling = better

>> No.18275917

Imported beef from the U.S. or Australia(real)

>> No.18275923

Pretty much any of the shit tier beef available in nipland is imported, the only domestic stuff you'll find is going to be at higher tier restaurants, not shitty family diners like that.

>> No.18275934

My friend I offer this advice in complete sincerity. Delete this tweet immediately. Our history and tradition with that place is something that’s beyond your years. I’m asking you not to disrespect that over a jacket you didn’t receive.

>> No.18276673


Yes, it is a meme. Ribeye is the perfect cut and there's no reason to eat anything else.

>> No.18276692

The Japanese are trying to scam you with fatty meat from their shitty cow genetics

>> No.18277113

I bought some recently. very disappointed. I like a nice fatty tender steak and this stuff is both, but I was disappointed in the lack of flavor, it was like eating super fatty filet mignon.

snake river farms regular wagyu taste a whole lot better.

>> No.18277122

caviar is one of the most foul tasting things I have ever had.

>> No.18277130

in dry aged beef anything past 14 days is pointless, it doesn't get more tender it just gets drier.

>> No.18278332

You either got a bad bunch or just have very different taste buds. To me it tastes slightly briney and buttery..

>> No.18278987

Dry aging isn't for tenderness, it's for flavor.

14 day is the MINIMUM. I personally don't really see the point in anything under 30-45 days, and I prefer 60-90 day dry aged.

anything beyond 90 days can get a bit TOO funky for my tastes, but I can understand the appeal.

>> No.18279016

Is american wagyu still mixed with Angus? I've found that to be the perfect balance. You get the nice fat, but with actual flavor.

>> No.18279020

>Dry aging isn't for tenderness, it's for flavor.
WRONG it's for both. aging beef does 2 things it allows enzymes to begin breaking down the meat and makes it tender, it alters the flavor, fresh beef taste very irony.

dry aging (which was the norm up to the 1970's) does concentrate the flavors but past 21 days it's just really on the verge of rotting.

wet aging became the norm because it's easier, and there is no waste of meat and it doesn't lose water so it weighs more.

past 21 days it really starts to get gamey.

>> No.18279029

I'm pretty sure that being such an insular ethnostate has led to the Japanese breeding into themselves some kind of universal autism. Their food looks amazing, but they go to a crazy amount of work for relatively little benefit.

>> No.18279040

Even 30-45 day isn't really all that strong flavored, you only get the stronger flavors beyond 60 days.

I've even seen 180 day dry aged beef,

>> No.18279045

Also you kinda proved my point, Dry aging is basically never used to tenderize meat these days. Wet aging has by FAR taken over that role.

Pretty much the ONLY reason for modern dry aging is the flavor.

>> No.18279116

>but past 21 days it's just really on the verge of rotting
If your meat is rotting you're not dry aging properly.
Properly done dry aging has no problems going many times beyond 21 days with zero rot.

>> No.18279132

I've had wagyu a few times. It's good but not something I can really appreciate, I don't think, since I'm not a huge fan of beef to begin with. The two dumbest shits I've seen done with the stuff are one place in Philly that made wagyu cheesesteaks with housemade "wiz" and fucking gold leaf and another that had wagyu as an option at a hot pot joint in Denver. One guy I was with decided to get it for the table, which I said would be a dumb idea due to wagyu's high fat content (it would practically melt into the soup, I said at the time). Just call me Cassandra cuz I predicted the future and no one fucking paid any attention as the wagyu wasted away to basically nothing into the stock like I said it would.

As a straight steak, yes, it's good, but ultimately not worth the mark-up for me. If you're the sort of person who can appreciate the increase in quality more than I (as someone who doesn't much care for beef) can, you might find the price increase worth it for what your getting.
I say, if you're a fan of beef, give it a go and decide for yourself but if you, like me, dgaf about moo meat, then don't fucking bother.

>> No.18279161

>I'm not a huge fan of beef
Obviously you prefer meat up your ass.

>> No.18279185
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Get on my level kiddo

>> No.18279212

Sure, but who doesn't?

>> No.18279528

thats wax

>> No.18279705
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its worth it if you can get a good deal on it. around $90/lb if you're blessed by God, around $120/lb is a good deal
it gives you a umami headache though, its not for consuming solo, its best shared with friends as sort of a finishing treat

>> No.18279740

If the meat is melting into the pot then you're all retards that dont know how to do hotpot, its not the a5's fault, you're just retards who throw the meat in instead of doing 5 second dunk bursts on your chopsticks

>> No.18279769

it's premium a6 wagyu straight from the mountains of japan son

>> No.18279784

Were you there with Anon?

>> No.18279785
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Depends entirely on the cut, I got mine for around $40-45/lbs because it was the rib cap, instead of a larger steak cut.

Was advertised as $135 for ~3lbs, they ended up shipping closer to 3.5lbs.

>> No.18279794

I prefer meat on my steak. If I wanted fat I'd buy fat.

>> No.18279802
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"A5" covers a wide range of steaks, you should use the BMS value instead for a more accurate description.

Most more affordable A5 wagyu will be BMS 8 or 9. Sometimes you can score some cheap BMS 10.

BMS 11 and 12 are much more expensive and tend to not be available easily unless you really search around. They also tend to cost a lot more even though it's still just "A5" like the BMS 8-10 stuff.

>> No.18279826


>> No.18279827

I always think it looks gross and slimy when it's cooked. I get that's just rendered fat but I can't imagine that has a good texture and the taste would probably be way too rich and fatty

>> No.18279837
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You don't know what you're missing.

>> No.18279903
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>I dry-aged a5 wagyu steaks in HORSE JIZZ and this happened

>> No.18279939

Foie gras, high grade tuna, and good black truffles are luxury ingredients that deserve their prices imo. White truffles are great but the price is outrageous, high end caviar is massively overhyped imo and not worth the price at all. A5 wagyu is honestly a bit too fatty for me, but that's 100% a preference thing. It's definitely not interchangeable with anything else, but I'd personally rather have a really good 'normal' steak with a longer dry age on it.

>> No.18280088

based BMS chad