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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18271944 No.18271944 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck washes chicken?


>> No.18271948

not i

>> No.18271975

All black people and half of uneducated whites.

>> No.18272011

Not all black people you racist pos!

>> No.18272019

Basketball Americans

>> No.18272021

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.18272022

Minorities mostly.

>> No.18272023

>you shouldn't wash chicken because you'll have to wash other stuff
I don't do it but this reason is fucking retarded. I'd be embarrassed to be this stupid on /v/. That's how retarded this is.

>> No.18272030

I rinse the slime off so it seats better

>> No.18272031

you shouldnt wash chicken because it removes the flavor
you're not buying slimy chicken, are you?

>> No.18272034

I genuinely can't tell why you thought mine was the post to reply to. Did you read? Can you?

>> No.18272065

Washing the chicken after cutting it removes some blood and reduces scumminess when cooking.

>> No.18272073

I don't wash chicken, I wipe it with paper towels.

>> No.18272078

Why would you do either? No adult would let you within 5 feet of any cooking appliance.

>> No.18272089

Drying it with paper towels will improve browning in the pan because it removes excess moisture. Pretty common technique for "adults"

>> No.18272095

You failed to read again: Why would YOU do either? You're too retarded to prepare food.

>> No.18272106

Yes goy don't wash the chicken, it's bad, just eat the bleach chicken straight!

>> No.18272107

ur supposed to pat it dry before frying so it doesn't splatter.
Cooking kills any bacteria,

>> No.18272117

So if I cum on your chicken you still would eat it after frying? Are white people actually this retarded or they believe bacteria is the only gross or harmful thin on the chickens surface? I work at a chicken processing factory and the amount of snot and spit we throw on the chicken is out of this world. So enjoy it whitoid you are eating black snot straight from the source, no washing because Twitter man said so

>> No.18272120

>So if I cum on your chicken you still would eat it after frying?
Is your sperm bacteria?

>> No.18272128

God I really hope this is a LARP/troll and not someone seriously posting their opinion

>> No.18272133

Why do you hate blood and scum

>> No.18272141
File: 182 KB, 995x729, Jewish chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean.... Jews don't wash it in the sink, they just scald it quickly. Trust me I'm a Jew expert.

>> No.18272147

So you're ed-jew-cated?

>> No.18272172
File: 411 KB, 1593x831, Jewish washed chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here cuz I got banned from pol.
In other news I just checked another one my Jew cookbooks and it DOES SAY to wash your chicken. So now I don't know what to think.... Jews always keep you guessing, that's their game.

>> No.18272186

Dude. Really?

>> No.18272188

>I'm just here cuz I got banned from pol.
Who asked why you're here? God dammit are you >>18272031

>> No.18272223

>You shouldn't do food prep in the room meant for prepping food because otherwise you'll have to do a bit of cleaning

>> No.18272231

Find me one black person who doesn’t wash their chicken.

>> No.18272245

Just put it in the dushwasher

>> No.18272257

I looked around some black "sPaCeS" and it seems to be 50/50 on that.
Here's one post I found interesting:

Chicken prep steps (per the senpai):
Clear prep area and wash hands
Half fill bow with water. Add salt, lime/vinegar.
Add chicken from package to the bowl
Get knife and remove extra fat and feathers from chicken soaking in the bowl. Can rub chicken with the lime for extra oomph
Toss out water
Pour clean water over chicken again
Repeat steps 5-6 for however long your mother/grandmother yelled at you to do
season chicken

>> No.18272263

>T. New

>> No.18272398

It's mainly niggers.

>> No.18272427

blacks but it's funny. they're the only ones i see wearing masks anymore. that and the super old. white people make fun of blacks for washing chicken because the particles get everywhere. black people probably think everyone else is crazy since the air particles that carry the food are everywhere.

>> No.18272438

c00f not "coof"

>> No.18272584

>don't wash your chicken because the germs could spread
>instead just eat the germs and any toxins they produce
Also isn't it funny how you happily go along with whatever the CDC says so long as they confirm your biases?

>> No.18272598

my ex-gf was disturbed when I told her I don't wash meat when I cook it. it all made sense to me when I remembered she grew up in the ghetto surrounded by niggers and worshipped them. she learned that shit from them.

>> No.18272603

yt peepo don't wash they meats

>> No.18272670

You don't actually wash the germs off, you just spread half of them to where you keep your plates and prep raw foods, while the rest stays on/in the chicken. There's no benefit to washing

>> No.18272684

People think Salmonella is some fucking specter of death.

>> No.18272688

Why the fuck would you wash a chicken in the first place? What idiot puts soap all over something they're about to eat?

>> No.18272698

Americans wash chicken because they soak chickens in chlorine. The same shit you use in your swimming pool. Truly world's biggest retards.

>> No.18272713

Good question, I'm still confused by it.
A lot of people think the meat is somehow filthy or covered in chemicals, which is entirely bullshit. Worked as a butcher in a grocery store, all we do is hose the cuts down with water before packaging just to get blood and such off. No paranoid schizo bullshit like injecting it with chemicals or gluing fake meat or sawdust or whatever.

>> No.18272735

and probably took several miles worth of ghetto cock before meeting you

>> No.18272758

yeah like i'm going to start listening to the kike CDC soros bots now

>> No.18272781
File: 1.28 MB, 924x1580, ghetto seasoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a fried chicken joint once and everyone I was with thought it tasted like chemicals -- bleach and dish soap, specifically. it wasn't until years later when I learned about nogs treating their dish soap like a seasoning, since they wash their chicken, that I realized why.

>> No.18272791

>advised not to be retarded
>decide to double down on being retarded because I don't like the people that told me not to be

>> No.18272834

Never thought to or seen people wash chicken.
Must be a burger thing.
I will occasionally mopup some excess blood or drain it off.
Generally you just cook it fresh before it gets slimey and there's no problem.
Or if you freeze it, cook it when it's still a little frozen

>> No.18272865

kys soros wokeist puppet

>> No.18272877

Sounds like you'll beat me to it, retard.

>> No.18272881

He literally gave you a good reason on why he would do that. Are you illiterate?

>> No.18273045

Blacks and low class whites. Their close ancestors used to raise chickens and it makes sense to clean the carcass after slaughtering. But when you're buying prepared chickens from the store not so much.

>> No.18273082


>> No.18273087

Do blacks just wash chicken or do they wash other meats too? Never heard of them washing pork or beef or anything, always just chicken with dish soap.

>> No.18273176

>I learned about nogs treating their dish soap like a seasoning, since they wash their chicken, that I realized why.

cmon now

>> No.18273211

Dude you fell for the b8 in the cringiest way possible. This is cringe.

>> No.18273315

Darkies because they are fucking POOR and stupid.
And white women because they are fucking STUPID.

>> No.18273325

Same thing when you wash your hands or the rest of your body amirite

>> No.18273327

lurk more you faggot

>> No.18273331

You're using soap on your body, on chicken you're just using water, or are you black?

>> No.18273342

I usually see people say "I wash it to remove all the garbage left from the slaughterhouse" but my experiences with slaughterhouses(beef) is that the carcasses are sprayed shortly before going into the chillers. Is the same not true for chicken or is it just an American thing to not have clean production ?

>> No.18273394

No they literally do it's fuckin wild shit man

>> No.18273408

You dumb fucks. You have no idea what that piece of meat went through before it got into that packaging. Some pedro probably handled it with his unwashed hands after using the bathroom during the packaging process. How hard could it be to give it a quick rinse in a bucket while also making sure that the water doesnt splash all over your kitchen? Amerimutts who are arguing against washing the meat before cooking are also the same type of people who insist that just wiping with single ply toilet paper after taking a shit is good enough and then spend the whole day with a nasty swamp ass. They are animals. Dont listen to them

>> No.18273415
File: 60 KB, 640x854, 1580662723699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess I'm just not eating chicken any more

>> No.18273416

If Miguel wiped shit on it then a quick splash won't achieve anything, water is not magical

>> No.18273421

Even if you've never worked in the industry, all it takes is a 5 second google search to show you how retardedly incorrect and paranoid you are.

>> No.18273430

no they dont

>> No.18273535

ok so would you rather a) eat with a fork that got raw chicken juice on it or b) suck a penis that just got disinfected?

there was that guy working in a smithfield plant a while ago that was pissing on the meat

>> No.18273539

Who the fuck eats chicken?

>> No.18273569

>there was that guy working in a smithfield plant a while ago that was pissing on the meat
Ok well that’s not what we’re talking about pal, have fun with your false equivalency and bottom tier takes though my tourist newfriend

>> No.18273571
File: 2.80 MB, 960x540, 1637089601342.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white devil folks don't know 'bout washing dey chiken

>> No.18273587
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>> No.18273590
File: 2.56 MB, 260x195, 1641350154725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about beef?

>> No.18273654

yes. her worshipping of niggers is one of the main reasons I lost my attraction to her.

>> No.18273657
File: 40 KB, 310x427, 13C9CF37-7433-4051-93AA-8B21776B62DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts out with 11 pieces
>after pulling the half that fell down into the garbage disposal only has 10
Oh boy