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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.71 MB, 4000x2252, SECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18269079 No.18269079 [Reply] [Original]

How mad are you that you don't have a steak egg and cheese bagel right now?

>> No.18269085 [DELETED] 

I don't eat goyslop

>> No.18269225

>his meal isnt 90% plants

>> No.18269272

post man-tits

>> No.18269278


>> No.18269291

My anger has built to a point where I have decided to repeat the attacks of 9-11.
This is where the three letter agencies all fail... they could have prevented this, for the low low price of $1.99.
Instead, thousands will die. But, this was a conscious choice on their part, and everyone will have to accept that things happen for a reason. They would rather knee-jerk react to brutal terrorism than prevent it.
You voted for this.

>> No.18270595

i'm not because envy does not exist within me.

>> No.18270606
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First, prove that this is a current photo.

>> No.18270693

it's fucking amazing that mcdonalds owners can decide if they want to carry McDs best breakfast sandwich. they have them near me and I wish I had one right now.

>> No.18270701

what’s a steak egg?

>> No.18270773
File: 832 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20220823-094937_McDonald's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took it last month and made a thread about it then. Just had two this morning.

>> No.18270786

Well, all this proves is that the item is available near you. I'm afraid you'll need to include a timestamp next time you eat one of these.

>> No.18271228

>took it last month
I did too but mine only had one piece of cheese.
I made the mistake of asking for extra breakfast sauce and they sauced the top and bottom bagel. which made for a mess, every bite shit was sliding and coming out of the sandwich.
but god damn it was good

>> No.18272104

>Just had two this morning.
Fat fuck

>> No.18272118

Aw do you feel better about yourself yet?

>> No.18272296

Steak and bagels are probably the two most disgusting things on the entire McDonald's menu.

>> No.18272731

I take it you've never had one.

>> No.18272738

>6 dollars
Fastgoyfood was a mistake. Lose weight

>> No.18272750

Have you ever had a real bagel?

>> No.18272780

This is the only thing I like at McDonald's, I hope it's near me.

>> No.18272918

Many times. In the same way I can appreciate a shitty McDonald's burger while still loving an actual burger, the same is true for every other food. As it happens I can't even get a real bagel out here in the Midwest without driving an hour.

>> No.18272929

>the same is true for every other food
No, it isn't. A fast food burger and a real burger are two different things, just like Taco Bell and tacos from a taqueria are two different things. A McDonalds bagel is still trying to be a bagel; it's just a really, really shitty bagel. I don't see how you could argue otherwise. It looks like a bagel, it's the size of a bagel, it's made from typical bagel ingredients, and yet eating it is like chewing on cardboard. The real version/shitty guilty pleasure fast food version dichotomy absolutely does not apply in this case.

>> No.18273008

I'm leery about the "steak" I mean what the fuck is it really.
Bagel and eggs with cheese I could do, no mystery meat for me, not a vegan fag either.

>> No.18273019
File: 679 KB, 2448x2448, 8945151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get these all the time when I flew to Michigan for work. But now I no longer fly to Michigan, and New York City where I live does not have this item. At least not at any of the locations near me

>> No.18273601

used to eat the bacon version of this every fucking morning
really miss them since covid killed them off
i hear they're testing bringing them back in ohio for a "limited time"

>> No.18273905
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, B8EBD907-C01C-4425-9185-F44AD00FF14A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn’t have any meat rn but inspired me to make one at 2:45am. Cheers OP

>> No.18273909

>he doesnt keep some emergency spam or corned beef in the pantry

>> No.18273910
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>> No.18273916

Not mad at all. I can make a fake egg and grease bagel on my next shift.

>> No.18273929

i was mad for a year and a half
now i'm just tired because i couldn't afford it even if it does come back

>> No.18274410

I don't know where you are in Ohio, but I've been getting them in Mercer County since early July.

>> No.18274421

>steak egg n cheese bagel thread
>don't believe you
>non timestamped old pic
>they don't have them here
>well here in Ohio they do
>where at in Ohio?
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.18274467

ohio gets all the good fastfood shit since we're disgusting pigs

>> No.18274472

As a leaf, we never even had deez. A shame too cuz I liek dem

>> No.18274487

did you drop it in dirt?

>> No.18274507

The next time I get one I will make a thread with a timestamp special for you, pal.

>> No.18274965

That keyboard is straight from 1992. I feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

>> No.18275299

Likely influenced by the IBM Model M. That's my keyboard, it's 5 years older than me and I'm 29.
Could be am official variant but I've never seen one exactly like that.

>> No.18275559

Feels great to type on one. I see so many at yard sales.

>> No.18275575

Only slightly because I have a cheeseburger right now. Would be more so if I didn't have it either.
*takes last bite*
okay now im upset where's my bagel

>> No.18275711

Not at all as I don't like steak, egg and cheese bagels. I don't much care for bagel sandwiches to begin with never mind what's in them.

>> No.18275802

I'm in bed so not that jealous, good night anons!

>> No.18275804


>> No.18275870

Tell me something, can you people who eat this crap tell the difference between normal food and this chemical laden trash?
Or does it all just taste the same to you?

>> No.18275896
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>*takes last bite*

>> No.18276345

This is how you do it
>steak egg and cheese bagel
>don't open in my car but if yours is trashed go ahead
>peel off top protective wrapping
>set aside as a plate
>remove top bagel
>eat just the egg by itself with maybe some cheese or a little onion stuck to it
>add a stupid hot sauce that makes you cry to the steak
>add top bagel half back
>eat and hurt but you can't stop because it's so good and greasy
There's something about mcdonalds cheese where it doesn't have flavor, it's just a weird texture layer. The garlic sauce is good in small amounts, and I don't think they put it on anything else, but one time I asked for extra and i reeked for two days after showers.

>> No.18276355

What in the fuck is with this board and fast food?

>> No.18276376

This isn't fast food. It's dignornio.

>> No.18276383

I like it better than the biscuit or especially the mcmuffin

>> No.18276398

i've yet in my life to taste something that's "like cardboard" except for literal cardboard. it's such a common comparison it's lost all meaning.
their bagels are fine, they're the lender's brand of bagels you find in the cold section at a store except better because they grill them in butter instead of plain in a toaster

>> No.18276403

I forgot about the steak bagel until you said something.
God damn.
Fuck yoooooooou.

>> No.18276427

Kinda mad desu
I only eat breakfast that can be served on a toasted bagel

>> No.18276436

>work in kitchens for 15 years
>still prefer fast food over my own cooking

>> No.18276437

ngl i'm pretty fucking mad

>> No.18277357

What does Mcdonalds consider "steak" lil leery.

>> No.18277368

the polish invented bagels not dumb jews

>> No.18277393

>calling anyone else dumb
This may come as a shock to you, but even IF the bagel were invented IN Poland, dollars to donuts, it was invented BY Jews who happened to be living there at the time.

>> No.18277417

I heard Steak'ums

>> No.18277663

what a faggoty woman thing to post.

>> No.18278227
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>> No.18278407

next time sub the folded egg for scrambled eggs.

>> No.18278509

A bagel is too much bread for a sammich, IMHO.
It's hard to bite through, and I don't want a sandwich that's mostly bread.

>> No.18278523
File: 1.53 MB, 368x344, OLE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taco Bell and tacos from a taqueria
The last time I ate Mexican, I had taqueria for a whole week. I practically lived in the shitter.

>> No.18278528

are you pre or post op?

>> No.18278533

>SIX fucking dollars for this
>probably USD too and not some meme currency like CAD or AUD
Jesus fuck

>> No.18278570
File: 60 KB, 409x600, amandalepore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That way I can still fuck your Mom in the ass.

>> No.18279170

Yeah, these got hit pretty bad. Used to get them around four bucks five years ago.

>> No.18279580

“Meme currency”? What you listed are two long established fiat currencies. Surely you mean something more like cryptocurrency.

>> No.18279747
File: 19 KB, 428x368, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know if you fucking losers spent as much time on literally anything else in your life as much as you spend obsessing about trannies you'd all probably be confident and successful men in your day to day.

>> No.18279789

1 USD is like 2 CAD and 3 AUD.
If it's $6 USD that same bagel sandwich would be like $15 CAD, and $20 AUD.

>> No.18279806

Fine, but what does that have to do with a currency being "meme"?

>> No.18279839

How do you fail to see the issue? AUD is going the way of the Reichsmark, you'll need an entire suitcase to buy a loaf of bread soon.

>> No.18279847

First, I don't believe that's true, and second, you haven't explained how that the connects to the "meme" concept.

>> No.18279873

Weak currencies are a joke
Memes are jokes
∴ weak currencies are a meme

>> No.18279888

A meme isn't just a joke, though. A meme is something that's made a joke through widespread imitation, especially on the internet.

>> No.18281165

>1 USD is like 2 CAD and 3 AUD.
1 USD is like 1.30 CAD or 1.44 AUD
It's like you never heard of Google.

>> No.18281693

I got yelled at my boss and binge ate cake

>> No.18283182


>> No.18283889

>boasting about goyslop

/ck/ has always been so shit. People posting their fast food goyslops all over the place. Learn to cook faggots or eat something good not that mushy disgusting shit.

>> No.18283976

same thing

>> No.18283994

Keep crying, fagfucker tranny.

>> No.18283995

>1280 cal

>> No.18285024


>> No.18286470

> I cannot into math.

>> No.18286472 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 422x750, 1457363932860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but...
Only women are supposed to be fat.

>> No.18286524

Children must consent.

>> No.18286564
File: 22 KB, 625x415, 1581131715946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18286614


>> No.18288132


>> No.18288808

Bro you’re fat because you eat food. Stop eating you obese fucking loser. Be like the starving Europeans.

>> No.18288833

Just want to tell you FUCK CELINA and also FUCK that intersection on 33. Hate driving by there on my way to 65 from Fort Wayne.

>> No.18288837

Ohio gets all the good stuff because you’re the 6th largest state in the union.

>> No.18288842

Your problem is that you’ll never see it as food and you don’t see who eats it as people so it doesn’t matter what the response is. You’re going to be an elitist faggot because you don’t eat food from McDonald’s. Congrats on making a decision as an adult, we’re all very proud of your self control.

>> No.18289015

>Fort Wayne
Based. Have some Powers for me.

>> No.18289029 [DELETED] 

Goyslop shill is at it again huh? Post wrist fatty

>> No.18290695

Name a better fast food breakfast sandwich.

>> No.18290741

fucking furious

>> No.18291496

I appreciate the humor to take a bagel and then add meat and cheese.

>> No.18292118

I don't get it.

>> No.18293401

People really do turn their noses up at fast food. As if anybody ever claimed it was haute cuisine.

>> No.18293403

you wouldn't

>> No.18293527

Holy shit I have that same keyboard. Keytronic right?

>> No.18293536

They never got rid of this or the breakfast burritos at my local store.

>> No.18294879

I assume they're no longer $1.

>> No.18294891

1 Kuwaiti dinar is like 3 American dollars Anon, is Kuwait the only non-meme country?

>> No.18296674

I wish I had one right now, bros.