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18267924 No.18267924 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18267929

there's like a dozen youtube videos and tik toks that will spoon feed you exactly why mickie D ice cream machines constantly "break" if you still don't know why at this point you are actively living under a rock

>> No.18267930

Why are Americans hell bent to shit up the board with Macdonalds posts

>> No.18268013

they take it apart to clean and sanitize it every night around 8 pm.
that's literally it.
why are non-americans obsessed with americans?

>> No.18268960

you're so dumb dude.. that isnt what op is asking...
you actually agreed with the OP that they are broken all the time, and that being said they're aware of the problem
yet it hasnt been fixed?

>> No.18269006
File: 21 KB, 600x338, 1609081229035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOu ask too many questions OP

>> No.18269022

There are videos explaining this anon. The family is old friends with the the manufacturer of the machines, which has been in business of a long time. Old money. The ice cream machines are REQUIRED, and the manufacturer makes more money in repairs and shit than sales of their product. It's fucking nepotism at its finest. They even have it set up so you can't diagnose or repair your own shit, enforced not only by them, but McDonalds.

>> No.18269042

Worked at McDonald's in high school, I've cream machine never broke. Furthermore, I've never been to a McDonald's that's told me the ice cream machine is broken. This meme is stupid.

>> No.18269051

Your personal experience might not be very indicative of what the other 700 million customers experienced in a given year.

>> No.18269052

weakest bait ive seen on this site, kys you faggot zoomer

>> No.18269093

>you're so dumb dude
And you’re the biggest retard in the thread
>they're aware of the problem
yet it hasnt been fixed?
Why the fuck would McDonald’s corporation spring into action to fix a problem they contractually agreed to have?
They don’t have to pay to fix the things, the franchisees do.
Take your zoomer ass to TikTok and find some other retards who can explain it to you in zoomspeak.

>> No.18269129

The real truth is the workers just get fucking lazy to learn how to use the machine and just say it's out of order all the time cause of all the extra steps you need to make shakes and shit

>> No.18269188

>extra steps you need to make shakes
>extra steps
Maybe things have changed in the 12+ years since I worked at McDonald's but making a shake is literally the same as getting a drink from the sode fountain. Put the cup in, push the right button, shake pours into cup, done.

The only 'difficult' thing about the machine was learning to master the art of doing consistently identical soft serves.

>> No.18269243

It's not making the product that's the issue. It's cleaning the machine, which has to be done like once a week. The average intelligence of today's burger flipper is too low for them to be able to understand the process or have the patience to carry it out. So the machine doesn't get cleaned and becomes clogged with mold.

>> No.18269375

>simping for huge corporations
Taylor Freezer doesn't just supply Mc Donalds you dumbass. Most places don't have an issue, though they use different models. The ones we used should have never been allowed in the food service industry because they heat up and keep the dairy product at unsafe temperatures the enteirty of service. You can end up with mold before the end of the day. It's fucking hilarious. It's a corrupt company that needs to go.

>> No.18269395
File: 393 KB, 1434x1021, 1605812229116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human trafficking for mcrib meat (the reason why it's not available year-round)
>abandoned mcdonalds underground railway network running under the continental US
>police authorized by mcdonalds
>every mcdonalds play place is personalized; secret passages, child disappearances
>mass extinctions caused by filet-o-fish
>mcnuggets are living creatures grown as-is
>ice cream machine has never worked (money laundering scheme)
take the McPill

>> No.18269447
File: 170 KB, 396x423, 1468978981542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a broken garbage disposal, broken ice cube maker, broken mop, broken mug, broken bed frame, broken can opener, broken faucet, broken arale chan figurine, broken windshield wipers, broken lamp, broken knife roll, broken clogs, broken dish rack, broken spirit, broken lawnmower, broken shelf, broken blinds, broken glasses, broken flask, broken fan, and a god damn broken belt. I'm not 200 billion dollar corporation and I'm doing just fine. What's your excuse?

>> No.18269460
File: 156 KB, 1200x800, why-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machines-are-always-broken-_editorial_9086607n_huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's ice cream machine here, AMA

(Yes, it feels amazing when the ice cream cums out)

>> No.18269981

nice shill bro

>> No.18269993
File: 208 KB, 900x1200, DEutg8JVwAAfJy-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your ice cream bro

>> No.18271120


>> No.18271191

Tastes good.