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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220822_182722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18267230 No.18267230 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking Pho, my friends.

Oxtail in. (24 hrs recipe)

>> No.18267235
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Bone marrow in

>> No.18267240
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Szalonna in (with skin and all - more collagen, more smokey flavor).

>> No.18267249
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Water in

>> No.18267253
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Pressure cooker on.

BRB buying some spices and onions.

>> No.18267258

And yes
>inb4 your kitchen is clean
It is, you pigs

>> No.18267262

How long is it going to cook in the pressure cooker? Are you gonna save the water from that after you're done?

>> No.18267265
File: 187 KB, 976x1200, 695871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP did you seriously leave on a pressure cooker and leave the house to buy spices

>> No.18267274


I'm waiting for it to boil, then I'll reduce the flame to minimum. Don't fucking tell me that's unsafe. It has a safety valve and everything. I'll be gone for like 25 minutes. In fact, I'll sleep comfortably after 4-6 hours of the process.

>> No.18267279
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>Are you gonna save the water from that after you're done?

>> No.18267288
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If you say so OP, just be careful is all I'm saying. Don't be like Gustavo Fring.

>> No.18267293
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The anti-explosion device(s) on top.

>> No.18267294

Like use it as a stock base. Are you pressure cooking to soften the meat? You're probably making stock I guess

>> No.18267298

the fuck is a pho, do you think?

>> No.18267299

Some kind of gook soup right?

>> No.18267306

No star anise? You don’t pressure cook with the spices? You added a slice of smoked pork belly?

Please punch yourself in the face for me

>> No.18267308
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20160525_155635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on, i'm pho-llowing the thread

>> No.18267312

huh-lo, i just finished living in viet nam for 4 years. why the fuck did you put pork in it? where are the spices? why did you cook the meat by itself? i dont like whats going on here, op.

>> No.18267317

Scumming will commence @ 2 hours
Spices will be added @ 4-6 hours

Yes, I added szalonna. I did it similarly in the past and it turned out great.

I'm following a recipe (disregarding the pig cuts, ofc.)

>> No.18267336
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Steam came out, reduced to minimum flame. Time to buy spices.

>> No.18267339

Why are you so bald?

>> No.18267340

OP here, the pressure cooker fucking blew up. I'm at the hospital right now. I'll start a new pot when I'm discharged.

>> No.18267342

Holy fuck that is an ancient range. I wanna ballpark that being made in the 80s.

>> No.18267345

>bald gweilo

exiting thread

>> No.18267353
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OP I told you this would happen

>> No.18267363

Judging by what OP calls bacon I’m guessing he’s an eastern europoor

>> No.18267381

range owner here
i'm canadian, this oven is late 70s/early 80s>>18267342.
it purs like a kitten
if you watch the TV show trailer park boys you can see the same model in the background a couple of times

>> No.18267395
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I'm not the only one who saw this right?

>> No.18267423

>came home
>already smellz like soup in here
luv me sum pho

it comes with the territory

hey, at least no hair in food, rite?


You are correct.

Not mine, tho.

>> No.18267429
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>> No.18267431
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Spiced, herbed, onion'd, and limed up. Sadly no whole cinnamon in store. Oh, well, such a shame. Bought the powdered one instead.

>> No.18267441

Are those your HRT pills?

>> No.18267443

You are not alone

>> No.18267454

Vitamin D. Stopped using them this summer because mucho sun.

>> No.18267466 [DELETED] 

you fucking retard never go near a kitchen again

>> No.18267473
File: 3.23 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220822_195300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking recommendations here. This is my spice rack. I'm supposed to (almost) burn them in the oven to activate the almonds. (Yes, I've done this before.)

1) proportions good?
2) more or less from each?
3) how do magnets work?
4) add dried junniper berries, y/n?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.18267481

from up to down, then left to right:
>star anise
>more onio
>more ginger & garlic
>whole black peppers

The pressure cooker has 13 liters capacity, btw.

>> No.18267483

No cinnamon?

>> No.18267485

for Pho first you have to boil the meat/bones to clean them so you get a clear broth.

>> No.18267486

>Sadly no whole cinnamon in store. Oh, well, such a shame. Bought the powdered one instead.
i kno, it's not optimal, but that's life

>> No.18267492

why not char the onions on the cut side?

>> No.18267524

Now in video format.

>> No.18267535


>> No.18267539
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Stop being a Debbie Downer.

>> No.18267549

i did and came into the thread specifically to see if anyone else said this lol

>> No.18267565

You guys are weird. Appreciate the bumps tho.

>> No.18267568

Let's check for scum.

>> No.18267574

forgot name

>> No.18267576

np OP, hope you enjoy your pho, i'll check in to see the end result

>> No.18267592

Right. I know people who do it with chicken for soup too. I don't know what OP is doing, OP is weird.

>> No.18267594
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Scum so far

>> No.18267597

dude, I'm literally following a Vietnamese chick's recipe

>> No.18267601 [DELETED] 

I really don't give a fuck what a board of frozen dinner eating manchildren think!

>> No.18267605

might as well drop my name, since trolls.

(posts with ongoing pics are mine)

>> No.18267608

You're supposed to actually check if it works.

>> No.18267613

it does, it always did

I clean and maintain my shit, ffs.

>> No.18267628

Any pics of viet chick?

>> No.18267630
File: 388 KB, 1190x1600, Female_Viet_Cong_warrior_1972_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she afraid of nobody, especially not paper tigers like USAians

>> No.18267635


>> No.18267701
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>> No.18267712
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late to the party
char (burn) the garlic, the onio, the ginger
toast (heat up) the rest

it doesnt matter that much as this is a long timesimmering

>> No.18267714
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Total cost of this Pho was, btw:
18,000 HUF
44 USD
44 EUR
37,5 GBP

It's supposed to feed ~14 ppl.

>> No.18267724
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>tfw no viet cong waifu

>> No.18267731
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That you are not. I appreciate the input. Rearranged them. Gonna heat up spices in shit-tier pot.

Thx, friend!

>> No.18267740

lizard long

>> No.18267751
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>> No.18267772

long guaner is long

>> No.18267796

6 hours in the pressure cooker? Is that really necessary?

>> No.18267798

>6 hours
>(24 hrs recipe)

>> No.18267932
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Scumming round 2 done.

>> No.18267937
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Scorcing in progress

>> No.18267939
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Lol, sry about that

>> No.18267963
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Toasting spices

>> No.18267974
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Bitches be poppin n shiet

>> No.18267979
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>> No.18267981
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Activated almonds: in

>> No.18267996
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Turning aromatics. Not even gonna put them back into oven, just let them catch the heat from the bottom of the pan.

Smellz insanely good in here, not gonna lie...

>> No.18267998

No you're not. You're following Joshua Weissmans recipe that he posted yesterday

>> No.18268005


i already did this recipe 2 years ago

keep coping, baizuo

>> No.18268006
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bretty good hungari bro

>> No.18268015
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All them niggaz are in the pot.

Time to seal up this bitch again.

>> No.18268020
File: 2.33 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220822_225846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga status: sealed.

Time to get sum more vodka and ciggies.

See you in 6-12 hours. ;_;

>> No.18268024

thx, mane

>> No.18268097
File: 1.93 MB, 374x246, huge_balls_south_park.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See you in 6-12 hours. ;_;
alrighty then

>> No.18268110

i am monitoring this thread

>> No.18268118
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Condiment no. 1 will be sliced garlic and chilli (using mandolin) dipped in vinegar to adjust the HEAT.

>> No.18268125

you're a retard

>> No.18268129
File: 1.67 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220822_232418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Condiment no 2. will be halved lime to adjust acidity.

No. 3 will be jouliened spring onion greens

>> No.18268130
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i can't stop laughing

>> No.18268136
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Jesus, almost forgot cinnamon. Adding it now.

>> No.18268137

Where's the hairnet OP?

>> No.18268141

hairnet for what? Me head is fucking bald as a newborn's ass.

>> No.18268151

tripcodes were literally made for the purpose you were namefagging in this thread, retard
unironically use a trip next time

>> No.18268157
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Condiment no. 4 will be finely sliced red onions for fragnance & crunch.

Condiment no. 5 will be rice noodles (ofc).

Potential condiment no. 6 will be boiled eggs.

>> No.18268167

én nem szoktam ennyi időt rászánni de szép munka, op

t. diaspóra viet

>> No.18268172
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köszi, tesó

>> No.18268180

>t. diaspóra viet
Mármint: magyarországon élő vietnámi vagy vietnámban élő magyar?

>> No.18268207

Some recipes call for:
- adding sugar
>fuck that, all this collagen will take care of it
- adding MSG
>fuck that, all the bones, sinew, and szalonna skin take care of that

>> No.18268803
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Lookin right like this

>> No.18268896
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Hot as fuck condiment prepared. Goes into fridge.

>> No.18269407
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Well done, OP. You triggered my Culinary Spectrum Disorder.

>Didn't parboil and then wash the bones;
>Will you add any cuts of beef?;
>Pressure cooker?!;
>Thinks he can "skim" all of the scum after 2 h of pressure cooking;
>Garlic?! Nutmeg?! Black pepper?!;
>No black cardamom;
>Powdered (!) Ceylon cinnamon instead of whole Saigon cinnamon;
>Added the spices too early;
>Will you add fish sauce and sugar?

You can be forgiven for not being able to find all of the herbs, mung bean sprouts and dipping sauces in Magyarland.

>> No.18269459

>pretending to be Asian while posting one of the least legitimate pho recipes

Fuck you and fuck your ass dirty beef stock.

>> No.18269488

I give some kind of fuck, otherwise, you would just cook your food and eat it, like a normal human.

>> No.18269612

pretty much spot on
maybe he can use a beef paste to clarify it

>> No.18269643
File: 92 KB, 647x546, thisisthelastfaceyousee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last thing a bowl of pho sees

>> No.18269671

where did you live? i lived in saigon for several years and then pleiku, ha long, quang ngai, bien hoa, stints in hanoi and sapa. great country. can confirm OP is a fag.

OP if you want to ratchet it up a notch add a bit of booze (usually high proof rice wine but i guess vodka could do) to the bones and beef/fat in the beginning when you're steaming/searing them, oh wait you skipped that part and are using pork too because you're a bignosed flabby white fag-o-tron. whatever you're making will probably be tasty but it won't be pho

>> No.18269675

good post

>> No.18269822

Hnggggg that range is fucking kino

>> No.18269832

Fuck off. I'm literally following a Vietnamese recipe.
>>>>>>muh parboil

Yes, bitch. Welcome to Balkan.

>>Will you add any cuts of beef?;
already did, you fuck

>>Pressure cooker?!;

>>Thinks he can "skim" all of the scum after 2 h of pressure cooking;
literally happened, deal with it

>>Garlic?! Nutmeg?! Black pepper?!;
All according to plan.

>>No black cardamom;
Literally not available in my vicinity.

>>Powdered (!) Ceylon cinnamon instead of whole Saigon cinnamon;
As I said: was not available.

>>Added the spices too early;
[based on some arbitrary standard]

>>Will you add fish sauce and sugar?
Fuck sugar. I'm not a 4 yrs old little fag. This isn't Thai cooking, you fag. As for feeeesh sauce: tried to buy, but was nowhere to be found.

>You can be forgiven for not being able to find all of the herbs, mung bean sprouts and dipping sauces in Magyarland.
Thanks, I guess.

>> No.18269844


>> No.18270291

If you're unlucky enough to not live in a city with a sizable Viet community with good Pho shops, just don't even bother. Save your fucking money and fly to Vietnam. You're as bad as the mongs obsessed with making ramen from scratch.

>> No.18270446

i was in Pleiku in '65, it sucked

>> No.18270511

So that's that mysterious genuine Hungarian Paprika that you can't get anywhere else. hmph it's not that impressive..

>> No.18270524

KEK stop you guys

>> No.18270765

Zoomers were a mistake

>> No.18270772

Thanks for the based cooking thread OP

>> No.18270831

Wait what is it over? But where's the soup?

>> No.18270927

Private pyle

>> No.18270946

recommend buying dried shrimp or saving shrimp heads/skin and toasting, make a pouch and add to broth.

>> No.18270953

go to indian market for cheap whole cinnamon, also if there's an asian outlet market they usually have whole pho spice packs
I would add green cardamom pods but otherwise good assortment
garlic is not usually used in pho, you only need to char the onion and ginger desu

>> No.18270973


I live in Houston. Good pho but shitty ramen. I make both at home, though. It's just simmering bones mate. But especially if oxtails go on sale. Just need to save the meat.

>> No.18270981

What sort if defeatist mentality is this?

>> No.18271029
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I dont know that feel

And yeah meat and bones need cooked b4 souping
Ginger shoulda bean peeled
Cinnamon is required not fucking optional
Njoi ur soop

>> No.18271067

Sir, you have a twelve-year-old boy in your bedroom, sir.

>> No.18271305
File: 890 KB, 720x842, ramen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mong here. Made this ramen from scratch. Hand rolled noodles (cut with pasta cutter). Chicken broth. Fish, mushroom, S 0 Y, tare. Garlic/ green onion chicken fat aroma oil. Toppings are seen in the pic.
It's just a pass time. I also like to share.

>> No.18271687

Thank ms Skeltal

>> No.18271870

hows it looking op?

>> No.18271886

Twelve year old boys have that waist-hip ratio?

>> No.18272136

Will bump this eternally to spite cooklets. Seethe

>> No.18272554

Did the pressure cooker explode and kill OP?

>> No.18272817

planning to get a electric instapot in the fall, would love to get in on pho action for the winter.

>> No.18272848

Did you measure the spices? I'd love to see the ratios of the spices. I have everything on hand to make this except the bones. It would be nice to have some pho this week.

>> No.18273068

OP, are you okay? Did you get out of the hospital?

>> No.18273405

inb4 the first op got blowm up and balkanguy just stepped in as a replacement

>> No.18273788

What does activating almonds do?

>> No.18273801

Vietnamese here, gl cooking phở bò.

>> No.18274040

What the fuck where is that bald faggot he owes me pictures of finished soup

>> No.18274091

>This kills the thread
You scared him off :(

>> No.18274092

I just blue myself

>> No.18274181


>> No.18274203

how do you suggest making pho that is different

>> No.18274205

OP literally ragequitted the thread after he posted his bald ass reflection looking like Andrew Taint

>> No.18274208

Judging by that wood paneling I’m guessing your range is from the 70’s? I’m surprised a stove that old even still works.

>> No.18274212

>I’m surprised a stove that old even still works.

the 70s?? older appliances are built like tanks compared to today. its common for GE, etc appliances built in the 20s and 30s to work fine.

>> No.18274227

The older it is the longer it lasts.
Call me a boomer all you want, but it's the damn truth.
All the shit you see today that's made of recycled cardboard and glue used to be made of steel and iron.

>> No.18274233

theres also the fact that sometimes people say hey my fridge from the 50s still works, which is whatever, because its literally 6 times less energy efficient

>> No.18274252

I don't think anyone was making the claim that machines from the 70s were more energy efficient.
I'm curious now, though, about how the old and the new stack up against one another when you factor in having to replace the newer ones more frequently.

>> No.18274407


>> No.18274418

You already started very unorthodox. There's no bacon in pho, and you're supposed to discard the first water after it starts to boil. Also ideally you would want to start by roasting the bones in the oven, followed by ginger and onion, up to the point of getting those almost burnt. The spices should also go in the broth right from the start.
But let's see, hoping it turns out good.

>> No.18274422

Just use an Instant Pot lol

>> No.18274443

How important do you feel vitamin d is for you?

>> No.18274503

Those don't look like any oxtails I've ever seen, cooked or eaten. Those look like shinbones. Is OP sure she isn't using shinbones and thinking they're oxtails?

>> No.18274508

Oh. There're the oxtails. You're weird, OP. Szalonna? Really?

>> No.18274528

When you pressure cook it, you don't have to clean the bones. There's not enough agitation/motion in the pressure cooker for the cloudy shit to come out. Learned that the hard way when I pressure cooked pig's trotters for ramen. Wound up with a very flavourful but clear and pale-yellow stock rather than the milky white one typical of tonkotsu ramen.
Wound up making k'tieu with it instead.

>> No.18274588

how's it taste

>> No.18274733

Looks like that pressure cooker wasn't so safe after all. Rest in pieces OP

>> No.18275339
File: 111 KB, 1087x1080, 1591914838562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breddy gud anon

>> No.18275357

Where the fuck is he???

>> No.18275911

I thought pho normally doesn't roast the bones

>> No.18275926

when should you add in aromatics if you aren't pressure cooking, I'd assume as late as possible, but I'm not sure how long they need to properly infuse

>> No.18275947

also what's the best way to get rid of scum (after pouring the water from first boil), and should you leave any fat in the broth/how to best get rid of excess fat without refrigerating

>> No.18275994

Not the same person moron. Op is using a pressure cooker not a pot.

>> No.18276791
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200920-181807_Textra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of my ugly viet wife
Makes fire chicken wings tho bros
Cooked (fried, w/e) unsauced chicken
Fry minced garlic in butter
Add to 3 part water, 2 parts sugar, 1 part fish sauce mixture
Simmer for a minute til syrupy
Throw over hot chicken


>> No.18277008

i got some news for you anon

>> No.18277043

If she wasn't OK with you posting her like that on fucking /ck/ I'd say good job on acquiring wife. As it is, typical attention whore bullshit on both your parts, recipes included.

>> No.18277090

i've never had pho. is it actually good? just looks like watery soup

>> No.18277127

lol u mad

>> No.18277284

best beef soup imo, it is a thin broth but very flavorful. The aromatics and condiments are what make it. A variety of cuts of beef in the finished product is also a big plus to me

>> No.18277364

watery yeah
but image that water has been simmering bones, beef, then clarified with more beef for over 2 days with aromatics that complement beef extremely well
Then when served, pour 1 ladle full of piping hot broth on a spoonful of tallow (skimmed from the broth after refrigerated) nestled on top of slippery yet springy rice noodles

>> No.18277415

Look up "bliss point". That's pho.
The broth is umami (hurr durr he said the word) but balanced with a bit of sugar.
The spices are added within the last hour of cooking which makes it delightfully fragrant and not too bitter or earthy.
The diner first sips the broth out of respect for the cook/s but also to then adjust it to his liking with the accompaniments: mung bean sprouts, fresh chilli, a squeeze of lemon or lime and herbs (depending on the region or restaurant you can expect coriander, sawtooth coriander, Thai basil and mint).
The noodles and meat make it very filling. The pieces of meat are typically dipped in hoisin or a mixture of hoisin and sriracha.
Once you've finished the noodles and meat, you lift the bowl up to your face and down the remaining broth.
You need to go to a Vietnamese noodle house at least a million times in your life.

>> No.18277421

OP died for our sins

>> No.18277432

Tasting before adding extra seasoning I understand fine for cheap food. Adding ceremony or rules on top of that, who the fuck cares? Unless you're only saying that's simply how you or most people tend to do it, but again, who the fuck cares? This isn't a multi-course meal with a bunch of small talk etiquette involved.

>> No.18277439

I came here just to see if this was posted

>> No.18277497

Those aren't rules or rites for pho my man, no one cares how you eat your slantslop

>> No.18277557

this thead needs to go, its was a troll thread and now its just going on too long

get this crap thread out of here, it started ok but no one(male) is learning how to cook pho

>> No.18277559

Just checking. It was worded to make me think that was what was being said, though it's entirely possible that my buzzed ass simply took the extra lines of words as too many words. Broth and noodles is a simple pleasure, particularly when buzzed. It shouldn't be complicated with buzz words over buzz.

>> No.18277915

Come back OP :(

>> No.18278274

He's just writing down what he saw in the Joshua Weissman video lol lmao