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File: 57 KB, 735x490, tilapia-landscape_annotated-2de64ecec7f74c9698884d0a19b090c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18265591 No.18265591 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate it again...?

>> No.18265611

not enough fat to be tasty. maybe good for frying. also something about muh bottomfeeders

>> No.18265668

doesn't look like an intelligent fish

>> No.18265673

Tilapia is unironically amazing, better than tuna even.

Literally can be farmed in mud, no mercury, goes with any seasoning, amazing proteins, cheap.

When I was broke in college I ate talapia every day.

>> No.18265679

I love tilapia. That's why I don't eat them.

>> No.18265688
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its GOAT tasting, but apparently terrible for you...

>> No.18265772

I've had unflavored boiled white rice that had more flavor than tilapia.

>> No.18265780

I’ve had multiple fish throughout life and all of them taste the fucking same

>> No.18265787

Fuck off, don’t group me in with your little faggot club who start threads like this because you need constant reassurance you’re adhering to groupthink and liking/hating the correct things.
Tilapia is fine.

>> No.18265792

I had white rice with frozen tilapia pan fried in its own juices once. Only thing I added was salt. It was pretty good. I don't buy it anymore because it's always front loaded with salt water to increase the weight. So by the time you cook out all the water it's just a rubbery mess.

>> No.18265805

eats trash, tastes like it eats trash too

>> No.18265817
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Preseasoned cornmeal is god-tier on pan-fried tilapia. Don't even need to dredge the fish in flour/egg/whatever, just straight into the cornmeal.

>> No.18265831

you eat turd slurpers lol

>> No.18265912

this is like saying you don't eat beef because some cows are fed grain

then don't eat the ones that eat poorly, dumbass

>> No.18265923

This. I tried tilapia for the first time recently, was excited to see fish in the store that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Fried it up, looking forward to it. I'd say that it tasted as bland as water but I'm pretty sure water has more flavor. I was sad.

If it has flavor for other people, good for them. I wish it tasted like something to me. Most bland food I've ever had in my life.

>> No.18266011

Disgusting Chinese farms

>> No.18266063

Are tilapia farms as bad as salmon farms are for the environment?

>> No.18266216

freshwater fish are all kinda crap
it is definitely better than carp, bream or the like
personally, I'd pick tilapia over a trout

>> No.18266221

Nutritionally speaking it's trash. Flavor-wise it's entirely inoffensive.

>> No.18266223
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People just hating on it being the poorfag fish

its fine desu all whitefish tastes the fuckin same.

>> No.18266224

It has poor texture, that's about it

>> No.18266235

too flaky

>> No.18266364
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Try this. I had some bass fried up in it and it's way better than anything you can get in a restaurant.

>> No.18266379

It tastes bland
The reason why I hate it is because this is the only fish that a lot of people can eat because they hate 'strong' flavours and I despise them for it

>> No.18266402

because "mild" is an overstatement about its flavor, why would you eat fish if it doesn't taste like anything?
I guess you could cover it with seasonings but the same could be said about anything else and its texture and consistency aren't anything special either

>> No.18266433

>no msg
I'll add my own msg, soccer moms can't stop me from enjoying my food no matter how many bullshit "headaches" they get from eating normal ass food

>> No.18266462

It tastes like a dirty aquarium smells. I have never had tilapia that doesn't taste awful.
Meanwhile, I've never had bad tasting catfish, despite all the complaints people make about it.

>> No.18266468

It's just full of yeast extract instead, same glutamate under a different name.

>> No.18266502

Imagine paying premium for a bag of flour

>> No.18266565

Uh, it's a fish. Fish bad.

>> No.18266684

we don't.
literally tasty.

>> No.18266688

are you confusing the two.
tilapia literally has barely any flavor.
fry it and it tastes like chicken.
catfish however tastes the way a swamp smells.

>> No.18266930

Never heard of it

t. non american

>> No.18266939

it's from southeast asia dumbass

>> No.18266946

Don’t forget to remove the worms, they are in all fish. I don’t know how Chinese can eat a whole fish without filleting it and removing head and tail, the worms like to hide in the gills.


>> No.18266948

No, I'm not confusing the two. Like I said, all the catfish I've ever had has tasted perfectly fine despite all the complaints I hear about it. Tilapia is the one that always tastes like shit.

>> No.18266953

I wonder if their meat can be improved like...they stop raising them in sewage during the last stages of their development

>> No.18266960

She can remove my worm if you know what I'm saying

>> No.18266962

I'm from Australasia you fucking cretin cunt

here next time you post be sure to think about how you're effectively shit on other peoples' windscreens, eagerly scraped

>> No.18266966

Australasia isn't a real place ya goober

>> No.18266969


>> No.18266975

shouldn't you be sucking some PLA cock right now?

>> No.18266977

you mean the USA's biggest creditor? you mean the cunts who own your future house?

>> No.18267009

>oh no people trust us to pay denbts!
how humiliating

also what future house? I own my home idiot

>> No.18267051

Invasive species

>> No.18267234

Yes. Better than bugs or starving like a faggot

>> No.18267282
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Its expensive yet has the lowest nutritional value of any fish (except maybe swai). Idk where everyone else is, but here in SoCal it's $7/lb at reg grocery stores (mfw). 5 years ago it was $3/lb and I ate it frequently because salmon was like $8-9/lb.

>> No.18268290

Not much flavour. Just protein. Like cheap canned tuna, one step above cat food.

Some may be, but tilapia is the fish of choice for aquaponics so it's actually pretty sustainable and is likely to be THE farm fish of choice if we run out of deenz in the sea

It's called "having trustworthy suppliers"

You have to be 18 to post here

It got trendy with wypipo, fuck knows why

>> No.18268294

They eat literal chicken shit.

>> No.18268297
File: 1.03 MB, 1203x948, smug basa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Great Value Basa Fillets Product From Vietnam

>> No.18268445

tldr mass reply

>> No.18268478

Whenever I cook tilapia it's fry and I dip in soy sauce with red chili peppers.

It is a bland fish though.

>> No.18268567

little nutrition, barely any flavor, its a meh fish for people that dont want something fishy ... just fucking eat chicken then

>> No.18269137

Plants slurp turd too

>> No.18270269
File: 529 KB, 1598x747, Screenshot_20220823-053026_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilapia is SO GOOD, th. Mine were always super yummy, but I suppose it does require extra seasoning and etc because it's a white meat fish.

>> No.18270381

It tastes like the smell of when I clean out the water filter on my sump pump.

>> No.18270771
File: 202 KB, 1024x771, Limanda_limanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all anons who claim that tilapia has no flavour: have you ever had limanda? how does it compare?
>t. never ate tilapia, but limanda had literally no flavour

>> No.18270849

no idea what that it is, but if its anything similar to turbot or flounder, those are some of the best tasting fish on earth

>> No.18271636

luv me deenz
simple as

>> No.18271756

tastes like shit

>> No.18272472

i agree with the weird taste. I've had tilapia a few times and it always had this weird, disgusting taste to it, not just fishy, but like swamp water.

>> No.18272474

Tilapia has never been trendy, dumbass.

>> No.18272591

Tastes like taste and no one likes it

>> No.18273129

>he eats ((white)) fish

>> No.18273712


I liken it to wet cardboard.

>> No.18273749

Only ones ever denouncing tilapia are jews

>> No.18273760

I use them to make fish patties, tastes great with some seasoning.

>> No.18273767

No. Tilapia is sustainable.
Haven't you seen the episode of dirty jobs where the fish farm uses tilapia to eat the poop of the other fish they raise?

>> No.18273939

Stay away from pork my man

>> No.18273943

>freshwater fish
>and farmed
I cannot even start to comprehend how one can find it tasty.

>> No.18274088

It's a bottomfeeding garbage fish that tastes like mud.

>> No.18274090

Bro, your tastebuds are fucked.

>> No.18274102

Bc of you I just got this, low sodium one though. Not sure if I'm going to use salmon or shrimp first. Thoughts?

>> No.18274188

According to wiki they used to be thrown away until lately so it's probably a shitty fish. It just happens to be related to flounder etc.

>> No.18274462

so were lobsters

>> No.18274533

And they are completely overpriced. Pretty much every other shellfish tastes better and is cheaper.

>> No.18276496


>> No.18276914
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It will not taste any worse than processed fish such as you find in a Filletofish patty or fish fingers, which makes it ideal for these applications

Tilapia aren't fed shit, that's some kind of ignorant meme. Some farms feed them plant matter, but pellets are best for growth

In the typical aquaponic setup, tilapia poop is used to fertilise vegetable beds; trimmings can be fed to the fish but most of the nutrition comes from standard commercial fish feed; the farm produces both vegetables and fish for sale, the bulk of the revenue from the latter.

>> No.18278080
File: 46 KB, 174x238, 1436135985744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet and sour tilapia with a side of white rice

>> No.18278084

no white fish has fat retard BITCH
by this logic cod and haddock would be bad
but theyre fuicking DELICISOU in fish sticks or a fish fry

>> No.18278109

This, I found that a lot of them were somewhat grainy in texture, fucking weird and off-putting.

>> No.18278113

You're mom is a turd slurper

>> No.18278527

Learn to puncuate ESL-kun so we can understand you better. It'll mean the difference between "let's eat grandma" and "let's eat, grandma"
Captcha: YSTKYS

>> No.18278539

Literally all fish will eat their own turds if given the chance
t. aquarium haver

>> No.18278540


>> No.18278550

I will when you learn to spell.
Fucking retard.

>> No.18278555


>> No.18278593

You can understand what I wrote though. I'm not saying everything has to be perfect spelling and grammar, it's 4chan ffs. What you posted could not differentiate between does the fish have fat or not because you posted with no punctuation. Retard ESL

>> No.18279072

plants literally feed on shit

>> No.18279079

Third worlders farm it in pits of sewage and then ship it here.

>> No.18279142

I dont think ive ever ate fish imported from US here

>> No.18280058

if they were so good you wouldnt have to fry them or fry them

>> No.18280068

with the awesome ways we do Aquaculture in the USA there is no excuse for not buying farm raised USA catfish if you want a nice delicate mild small flake fish.

USA farm raised Cat is fucking delicious and not muddy at ALL.

>> No.18280232

Farm raised catfish has a clean flavor, they’re fed with pellets and don’t bottomfeed