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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 148 KB, 1042x1024, Jack-o'-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18264684 No.18264684 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite fall foods (and drinks)?
Let's all do a low, ominous humm while posting in this thread, and pretend like we are posting in a frightening old farmhouse outside of a cursed graveyard. I'll go first
>pumpkin pies.and stouts

>> No.18264694

cider donuts
very excited to get some this year

>> No.18264715

Mmm yes now that sounds good. Where's your favorite place to get some?

>> No.18265263

I get them from yo momma'd house in da hood nigga. repruhzent nigga

>> No.18265370
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I can't wait for the massive wave of surplus apples. There are orchards all around and apples become so abundant and cheap so quickly. Plus jugs of freshly crushed cider they can't even sell fast enough. You'll never taste apples anywhere else like a New England orchard in September

>> No.18265377

So cozy

>> No.18265609

What the best red apple recipe

>> No.18265683

Soups, pot pies, ginger snaps, apple butter, apple cider, roasted pumpkin/seeds, cider or pumpkin donuts with hot coffee, and cream of wheat.

>> No.18265686

I fuckin love fall bros...

>> No.18265711
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me too

>> No.18265791
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Bros... we're going home...

>> No.18265801

Oh wow those cookies take me back.

>> No.18265807

Gonna make a big pot of chili when the weather breaks and it gets cool out

>> No.18265808
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Roasted acorn squash

>> No.18265833

pumpkin pie

>> No.18265901

Bratwurst dog with mustard and onions from Wienerschnitzel. Maybe this year I'll make them myself now that I have a grill.

>> No.18266170

Mmm oh yes

>> No.18266189
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Little background music


>> No.18266206

Weird looking dog

>> No.18266282

that's a good JoL. is it a personal picture? either way it's my new wallpaper for the next few months.

>> No.18266286

Apple cider
apple pie
cranberry sauce

>> No.18266323
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Years ago, a girl took me over to her apartment. She wanted to screw, but I was apprehensive because she was crazier than a shithouse rat. Anyway, she pulled a gallon of cider out of her fridge and started chugging it right from the bottle. She said it was amazing. Then, for some reason, she says it was unfiltered and unpasteurized. I said, "Gee, I wonder how many birds shit on those apples?" She almost threw up at the thought of it. It still puts a smile on my face to this day.

>> No.18266337
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>> No.18266342

Everything a la chasseur or valle d'auge.

>> No.18267044


>> No.18267077

Looks like satan

>> No.18267101
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>start a nice hearty spiced beef stew with a fuck ton of wine in the crockpot in the morning
>come back to it at night
>toss a pumpkin pie in the oven before dinner
>smash a couple bowls of stew
>get drunk from mulled wine
>enjoy a slice of pie fresh from the oven
Top Cozy

>> No.18267106
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so comfy. this thread is really getting me in the mood for fall.

>> No.18267112
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>summer is over

>> No.18267150

No more watermelons or pina coladas for you

>> No.18267718
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Comfy season now friend

>> No.18267774

I hated fall when I was a kid because it meant going back to school. But now as a grown ass man I think fall is easily the best time of the year. I'm so tired of the heat of summer, winter is a fucking nightmare, and spring is alright but way too inconsistent and short.

I really pity people who live in places where the weather really never changes. Having four distinct seasons is kino as fuck and gives a real sense of structure to your years.

>> No.18268968

Fall is just too cozy bros

>> No.18268983

Apple fritters. Fresh from the frier. Stewart's sells fritter donuts but they're not as good.

>> No.18269005

Why is no one else humming? Shame on you all

>> No.18269007

That's because it's harvest season, anon!
Your ancestors have loved fall since the basics of agriculture were developed in Europe.

>> No.18269010

Is that why black people don't like fall?

>> No.18269011

No, black people don't like fall because it means the season that doesn't happen in Africa is coming.

>> No.18269018
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>> No.18269065

White people out in camo with rifles and shotguns. There's a reason leftist states crack down on hunting season.

>> No.18269067 [DELETED] 

Half of all black males are felons. Whity is just protecting himself.

>> No.18269086

I miss having apple trees in my yard but my family cut them down

>> No.18269097

Cut your family down.

>> No.18269108
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>> No.18269127
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>> No.18269222

That's just weird man

>> No.18269487
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can't wait to gorge myself on Halloween candy

>> No.18269510
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>the Dullahan's head stares blankly at the bowl of candy next to the pitcher of alcohol, unable to reach them, while its body goes off to violently claim the living

>> No.18269516

What do you think hes drinking in there? Also, where do you get a nice stainless mug like that?

>> No.18269528

pork roast, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes

>> No.18269530

Why does it have to be New England? PA orchards are far more abundant and just as comfy.

>> No.18269735

I'm looking forward to all the pies. Pumpkin, pecan, apple, blackberry

>> No.18269884

hot cider is great, pumpkin rolls with cream cheese

Chili is good (with beans, fuck off Texans)

Shepard's Pie

Squash soup


>> No.18269924

Go to etsy. There are sellers of mugs stainless steel or even antique pewter for 60-70 dollars and above around that size.

>> No.18269926

I only like granny smith. Preferably with peanut butter (chunky)

>> No.18269935

I live in SoCal so we don't really get real autumn, it's just the days getting shorter which sucks balls but less tourists at least. Something like New England looks really nice for visiting for comfy fall aesthetics, don't know if I'd care for a full season of that though

>> No.18270128
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Doesn't have to be New England, that's just my nostalgia is all

Granny smith is great. They have them all anon! And with peanut butter is godtier.

>> No.18270180
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>> No.18270185

>What do you think hes drinking in there?
Probably some beer with a nice foamy head.

>> No.18270196
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The whole "pumpkin spice" thing has gone ridiculously overboard. And combined with the absurd seasonal desync in retail, local beer stores are already selling pumpkin goybrew when it's not even September yet (which is the time for Oktoberfest marzen properly speaking). That said, picrel is now my go-to since it's much less sweet than all the sugary pumpkin ales and "pumpkin pie" milkshake stouts.

>> No.18270203
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...and that's How I Met Your Mother?

>> No.18270273
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that is actually quite sad if you acks me.

I have my own secret groves of feral apples in the woods that are nearly impossible to get to because of vines and prickers, but also nobody would be aware of their existence because this area is so sparsely populated and there's no real passable trail nearby.

the area was a farm dating back to the 1690s but it's gone feral an overgrown for about the last 140 years, save for about 60acres that the current property owners keep clear for hay. lots of native crabapples growing alongside larger cider apples that probably have some fucked up heritage going back to the 1750s. I try to brave the prickers every September and harvest a few bucket loads of them. the little yellow crabbies are the sweetest and almost taste like pears and make great pies, while the big red and green ones make a really powerful applesauce that, without sugar, would act as verjuice if you wanted to cook with it. haven't gotten into fermenting cider but it was always something i wanted to use them for.

no access to the apples nowadays as I have moved far away :[

>> No.18270290

Beer store employee here. We started getting Marzens and pumpkin shit even as early as the end of last month. Atomic Pumpkin, southern tiers Pumpkin, shipyards Pumpkinhead and Schlaflys pumpkin ale are our top pumpkin beers every year.

>> No.18270435

StLfag? what store?

>> No.18270443
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Butternut Bisque.
The secret is to fry onions and tomato paste, and add maple syrup and sage. Blend smooth. Put all the cream.

>> No.18270451

wait wait wait start at the beginning.

>olivölle in
then what? you roast those daddies first or boil them and blend? how does this come together

>> No.18270469

If you roast them, they're sweeter and richer. If you're making it for a main course, sure. But sometimes I prefer just to peel and cube up the squash straight into the water, it's lighter. I fry the onions until sweet in butter, and caramelize the paste. Deglaze with brandy or sherry if you're feeling cheeky. Add the squash and some stock, boil until totally soft, blend it all smooth. Finish with some thyme leaves and heavy cream, adjust salt, syrup, cayenne and white pepper to taste. If for an entree, toast sage in some butter, and drizzle the brown butter around and garnish the leaves with some seeds or chives or something.

>> No.18270488

>fry onions
>cube and boil pumpkin in stock, maybe add a lonesome potato that needs getting rid off
>blend, add cream, season
Even this bargain bin version is still retard proof and plenty delicious.
t. retard

>> No.18270727

Honestly if I could move to a place that was fall year round, I would in a heartbeat. Obviously wouldn't make any earthly sense, but the atmosphere this time of year is great. Air is clear and rainy, its gloomy but in a comfy way, crunching leaves and the best holiday of the year - halloween. Can't beat it. Of course there's always the fucking dread of winter around the corner, but what can you do.

>> No.18270742

I wish you a brain aneurysm

>> No.18270835

That's not something you should say. Not only is it rude, but it will also lower other's opinions of you. Try being more civil in your discourse next time.

>> No.18271154

You should fucking kill yourself you retard

>> No.18271196
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>> No.18271211
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>> No.18271260

List of things to make by September:
Start fruitcakes
Stuffed pumpkins
Pumpkin soup
Butternut squash soup
Pumpkin bread/cornbread
Pumpkin rice
Any more pumpkin things?

>> No.18271600

Agreed. Autumn is god tier for so many things as an adult.

Warm days, cool nights, fruit and veggie harvests, beautiful scenery with changing colors, children are back at school so resorts/campgrounds/etc are all super quiet.

Get a pewter mug. I ordered a pair from Wentworth and they are rad as fuck.

Pumpkin beer has a very short seasonal window around here. A pint of that, a big bowl of beef or lamb stew with a really good sourdough bread on the side is all I need. Pies of all kinds of course are kino.

>> No.18271624


>> No.18271631
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>Nobody has mentioned the quintessential pizza skull

>> No.18271637

pumpkin butter

>> No.18271667
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Dog it's still August.
I am looking forward to fall though. Massachusetts is a magical place to be the next few months.
>fresh and mulled cider. so much cider
>baked yams and sweet potato sausage hash
>different kinds of soup, so many soups
>clam chowder

>> No.18271692

I like to have a summer sausage, some nice crackers, and a sharp cheddar cheese log. It was something I had when i was very young during fall and it reminds me of better times.

>> No.18271721

That looks gross in a good way

>> No.18271754


>> No.18271902

August is almost over. Its fall

>> No.18272093

Hot cider is basically ambrosia, that and my grandmothers vegatable beef and barley soup are my picks

>> No.18272101
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I made beef barley soup last night. I usually associate soup and chili with fall/winter but maybe that's just me.

I love the fall and the spring. Fall is especially beautiful in New England and it always brings around nostalgia for Halloween as a kid.

>> No.18272115

Tried this year finally, pretty good. Tempted to use it to make beer bread and add sharp cheddar to it
We the bulk of our shit in the past couple weeks. Looking forward to giving Warlock a try, even with not really liking everything I've tried from southern tier so far

>> No.18272125

Winesap apples

>> No.18272150

These are good

>> No.18272190
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Last year my roommate and I made some cinnamon chocolate chip cookies with little marshmallow ghosts on them. They were pretty good.

I also love me some hot cocoa and pumpkin pie.

>> No.18272265

Is your roommate a woman? Do you snuggle?

>> No.18272324

I haven’t touched a female sensually in 3 years. I miss her so much

>> No.18272355

Anon, I'm sorry. We're gonna do something about this, I promise. We all deserve happiness

>> No.18272356

top kek I appreciate your work anon

>> No.18272360

You make ghost cinnamon cookies with female roommates, no chick wants to deal with that

>> No.18272362

The ginger golds have already begun in VT and I'm excited af about it.

>> No.18272369

do you guys think marrying roommate would be weird? you already live together and get along well, what more could there need to be?

>> No.18272376

I don’t know what to do. The only girl I ever loved is now dead. I can’t look at other girls the same way. They make me smile and laugh but I can’t give them my heart. My heart is gone with her. How do I go on and love again? She told me to find someone better once she’s gone

>> No.18272393
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Brother, I do not know what to do for you, because really, I couldn't imagine what you're going through, but maybe someone that does would know what to say.

>> No.18272445 [DELETED] 

It’s okay if nobody knows what to say. You people on 4chan have helped me whenever I needed you over the years. You guys have given me determination when nobody was in my corner. I’m going to talk to her sister this week and see what I can do about visiting her grave. I hope I move on but if I carry a torch for her for the rest of my life it might be ok. You should try pumpkin cornbread, it’s very absorbent and has a sweet but not overpowering taste with minimal sugar

>> No.18272463

This shit doesn't belong on this board, that's why nobody said anything. You turned a comfy food thread into tragedy and misery and all about you.

>> No.18272485
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Some people have nowhere else to go. He made two posts and then moved on. You're the one getting hung up on things

>> No.18272529

It depends on how good she is at making the cookies and if she will let me impregnate her

>> No.18272550
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man, that sounds like the dream. baking cookies and breeding your roommate. but what do we think about these? pumpkin brownies

>> No.18272571

Do pumpkin and chocolate really go together? I’d probably eat all of them regardless and then be bloated for 2 days.

>> No.18272582
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>got a new job last fall and one of my office coworkers was a really good cook
>would bring stuff in for us to eat like lamb stew, vegetable pizza with squash crust, mini shepherds pies, pumpkin pies and bundt cakes
>told me they were quitting during the summer

>> No.18272586
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>only 6.4 ABV

>> No.18272590

Take his place. He left you everything you needed. Inherit his will

>> No.18272653

Best pumpkin dessert? For me it’s this 2 tiered pumpkin thing my mom makes. The first layer is cool whip and cream cheese and the second is pumpkin purée mixed with spice cake mix

>> No.18272675
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>> No.18272704

nah bro that will used to be inside him, that would be hella gay

>> No.18272740

>Live in Florida for 30 years, where there's Summer, Super hot Spring, and like a week of winter

>Moved to Montana in 2022 and will get to experience an actual Fall for the first time

The hype is fucking real boys. I'm totally making one of those dishes where the bowls are carved out mini pumpkins.

>> No.18272825
File: 332 KB, 1600x1067, pumpkin-chili-recipe-1627569281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, there have been nearly a hundred replies in this thread and nobody mentioned the single best "cozy" food to enjoy on a cool fall evening: Pumpkin Chili

How to:
>Get the 32oz can of pumpkin puree
>Instead of ground beef, use ground turkey in order to be extra Autumny
>Cook the ground turkey to a light brown, add a can of red kidney beans & if you'd like another can of black beans
>Pour in a 32oz can of diced tomatoes
>Add in the can of pumpkin puree
>Mix in diced onion, and red or orange bell pepper
>Sprinkle in a bunch of black pepper
>Pour in a hefty amount of chili powder, maybe some paprika too
>Add a teaspoon of pumpkin spice seasoning. If you have separate cinnamon available, add a half-teaspoon of it additionally (regardless if the pumpkin spice has cinnamon in it)
>Stir until done

There you go - you now have Autumn in a pot. Pair with a marzen or pumpkin beer.

>> No.18272827

i never use the right dough, what do you use?

>> No.18272831
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Pumpkin beer
Apple cider
Pumpkin cupcakes
Beef stew
Rabbit stew
Apple fritters
Beef Bourguignon
Chicken noodle soup
>habanaero and chili peppers in beer
yeah, I tried this once and never again. My go to pumpkin beers are Dogfish Head pumpkin ale and Pumpking.

>> No.18272843

i don't like pumpkin, sorry

>> No.18272888

>the foil milk chocolate eyeballs filled with sour green caramel
who the fuck greenlit that shit

>> No.18272930


I live in Aus now and generally speaking apples are garbage. Most produce here is †bh, mostly because the climate is really challenging for quality fruits and veg but also agriculture tends not to be local. The NZ Jazz apples are really nice but gala and pink lady are pretty bland. I miss the taste of a freshly picked macintosh

>> No.18273348
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Maybe this is the right thread to post this is. I'm entering a pie baking contest next week with my pumpkin pie and I'm thinking of trying something new. What are some cool twists or additions that you've seen done with pumpkin pies in the past?

My current additions are homemade graham cracker crust and butterscotch pudding mix added to the filling.

>> No.18273363

do you start with canned punkin or do you spend half a day stewing it down to paste?

>> No.18273370

I'm a punk who starts with premade puree

>> No.18273374
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I think biscuits feel like fall foods even if they aren't specific. you can make pigs in a blanket wrapped like mummies too. I like all the garbage seasonal candy variations too.

I wish I got to go to a halloween party or themed event with someone, I love the fall and the atmosphere but I never really do anything since I don't have a lot of friends.

>> No.18273377

the advice I have always seen is start with the canned stuff. nobody wins a pie contest when they start with fresh pumpkin apparently

>> No.18273385

>nobody wins a pie contest when they start with fresh pumpkin apparently
Really??? That's pretty wild! I thought for sure I was making a mistake by not going from absolute scratch. I'm happy for the tip though. Thanks

>> No.18273398

I've just seen lots of TV cooks and others say "just buy the canned stuff, just do it and move on your pie won't be as good if you go from scratch" [paraphrase]

>> No.18273549
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>August is almost over. Its fall

>> No.18273560

>Halloween takes place in the spring where I live
it just doesn't fucking work. there are literally zero comfy autumn/winter holidays and shit like Halloween and Christmas happen during the summer. not that anyone celebrates Halloween

>> No.18273567


>> No.18273574

why are you australian

>> No.18273588

Why are you a gaping cunt despite never getting fucked?

>> No.18273589

I flew here

>> No.18273972
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there's nothing like carving a jack-o'-lantern and roasting up them seeds at home. shit is so good when they're freshly baked

>> No.18273982
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Man those cookies look good

>> No.18274015
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In the spirit of the thread here's my jack o lantern I brought on a campout and used as my night light. very spoopy rainy night in the woods

>> No.18274427
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he cute

>> No.18274484
File: 128 KB, 800x493, dctdesktopthingsfarmfreshfarmsmeadowbrook_8b3e8310-5056-a36a-093daab57aef3216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite place to get apple cider donuts is meadbrook farms in Wappingers falls, NY. One time I was carefully selecting the best ones they had a fat girl worker just shoved her hand on and grabbed like of them and scurried to the back. It was quite unpleasant.

>> No.18274640

Having a normal one I see

>> No.18274781

those are apples doofessure

>> No.18274804

Fuckin' love seeds, I've been adding chilli powder to mine the last couple years and I like it.
I also grow Jack Be Littles and turn them into desserts, they're fucking delicious when baked with some butter/brown sugar inside.

>> No.18274806

Too soon. I am still in beach mode.

>> No.18274818

i like drinking cider and rum, tailgating for football games, eating chili, and bonfires. thank you

>> No.18274827

incel detected, opinion discarded

>> No.18275144

I skipped this season and just made my fruitcakes today. Time to age them with rum for two months

>> No.18275150

all is grist for the mill

>> No.18275743

Based oktoberfest enjoyer

>> No.18275794

Making butternut squash soup tomorrow with the cream and immersion blender and everything. Tips for first timers?

>> No.18276429

God Christ...

>> No.18276542
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>> No.18276628


>> No.18276703

ay fucking men. I would be right there with you.

>> No.18276802

My sides

>> No.18276899
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Based charitable metaphysical fuck-pumpkin.

>> No.18276959

pastabakes, meatloaf, pork/apple/onion dishes, chili, apple sausage puffs, pumpkin cheesecake, carrot cake, bisque, fig stuffed tenderloin, burgundy beef stew, pot roast, homemade mac and cheese....mmm mmmmm

>> No.18276983

How do you make your pastabakes

>> No.18277047


>> No.18277060

What's the n word for bro

>> No.18277092
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>> No.18277128

Nothing too elaborate or labor intensive...375 degrees, mix per 1 lb. of ground meat, 3 cups of al dente rotini or penne, 26 oz of pasta sauce, 1/3 cup of grated romano (or parm) chez, into a 9x13 pan and top with 1.5 cups of shredded mozz/italian chez, bake 25 minutes. Serve with salad and garlic bread. I do another one that has a creamy tomato sauce with ricotta mixed in. Sometimes I'll do an alfredo sauce with sliced italian saus links and pasta.

>> No.18277167

I don't' have "fall foods" we eat whatever food we like all year long and don't eat things only at "that time" of year.

>> No.18277183
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You mean you drink jelly bean milk out of season? Anon, ewwwwwww!

>> No.18277212
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Heres the line up

>> No.18277214

she don't miss

>> No.18277235
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>> No.18277269

that's a shame

>> No.18277301

I ate too much sugar today

>> No.18277407
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it's a good season

>> No.18277433

Looks like pancake to me

>> No.18277437

Thinking about getting ube and yam to make some purple and orange gnocchi

>> No.18277494

Sounds like heaven

>> No.18277539
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normal 'za dough, it's basically a calzone anyway
though watching some videos on them most ppl use this shit

>> No.18277703

>cider generally
>cider bourbon cocktails specifically
>sweet potatoe pie
>leftover Halloween candy
>walnut brownies (idk my mom would always make these in the fall)

>> No.18277708

I’m really feeling the season this year.
Anybody recommend some dishes?
I’m craving anything pumpkin

>> No.18277872

brownies with nuts are never good. ruins the texture completely.

>> No.18277935

roasted pumpkin

>> No.18277949
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Personally I just get tanked on cider spiked with more alcohol while spending 4-6 hours carving a pumpkin, breaking cheap woodworking blades, and munching on whatever I feel like. With horror classics playing in the background of course.

>> No.18278456

my family isn't real big on making special Thanksgibbon or Christmas meals, and my mother literally never made stuffing when I was growing up; but come Sept/Oct I love roasting chickens in the oven with some nutmeg and then on the lower oven shelf baking a giant pan of bread stuffing. Everyone fucking loves it.

>roast chicken for 2 days
>stuffing and gravy for breakfast for a week

>> No.18278696

Cool 'kin

>> No.18278705

manifesting this for me and my gf this fall

>> No.18278732

ayyyy, another hudson valleyfag

>> No.18278740

god that is such a good idea... gonna steal this

>> No.18278746

I love brownies with walnuts. Cheesecake brownies are even better.

>> No.18278755

My gf loves my pumpkin pie and looks forward to it every year. I'm "that guy" and will spend a day in advance carving out and roasting sugar pie pumpkins. When you get it right and immersion-blend the pumpkin so it's not all fiber-y, it completely changes the pumpkin pie experience. If you have the time I HIGHLY recommend trying it.

>> No.18278772

Anon sensei, teach me your ways

>> No.18278871

do you have a preferred brand? do you make it from scratch? buy a kit? pre made?
last time i made it the dough wasn't stretchy enough

>> No.18278881

Alright, so:
You wanna get yourself some sugar pie pumpkins. You can't just get regular old jack-o-lantern pumpkins or it will taste like shit. Cut off the stem, scoop out all the gunk (save pumpkin seeds for roasting) and cut into manageable pieces. Coat with a light layer of oil and poke holes in the rind. Roast for 2-3 hours or until fork tender.

After roasting you can peel the rinds off and discard. Put your pumpkin in a big bowl, mash it by hand and wrap it in cheese cloth. Squeeze as much of the juice out as you can (it has a lot of water content). Now, using an immersion blender, blend heavily until it resembles canned pumpkin. Now you have fresh pumpkin puree for using in a variety of fall dishes. You can keep it in the fridge for a week or two or freeze for a few months.

For the pie, you'll need:
2 + 1/2 cups of pumpkin puree (can adjust to your liking)
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1.5 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp ginger
1 1/2 cup condensed milk

Combine and pour into pie crust. If you want a homemade pie crust recipe, I have that too.

Bake at 425F for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350F and bake until a knife poked into the center comes out clean and it no longer jiggles. 30-40 mins give or take.

Best served with a dollop of whipped cream.

>> No.18278898
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Very detailed, thank you Anon sensei.
>Combine and pour into pie crust. If you want a homemade pie crust recipe, I have that too.
And the crust, how do you make your homemade crust?

>> No.18278930

For the crust, you'll need:
2 + 1/2 cups of all purpose flour (quality flour = quality crust. I like King Arthur's unbleached.)
6 tbsp cold butter
1 cup vegetable shortening
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
a dash of rosemary (adds a fall warmth: my secret)
1/2~ cup ice cold water
optional splash of neutral flavored alcohol, like vodka, for chewiness

Whisk together the flour, salt, rosemary and brown sugar.

Cut the butter and shortening into the flour mixture. You can do this via food processor or by hand. I prefer to do it by hand, squeezing everything together until a coarse crumb forms.

Add your ice water and splash of liquor slowly and mix until it all glops together into a big doughball. Streaks of butter/shortening are okay, this will make it flaky. If it's too sticky, add a bit more flour.

Coat your hands and counter in flour, take the doughball out of the bowl and knead it. Not too long though, you don't want to overwork the gluten in the dough. Divide it in half. Wrap both balls in plastic and let it rest in the fridge for a couple hours for maximum moisture.

>> No.18278977
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looking forward to autumn, lads

>> No.18279664

Well dressed pepe. I need to buy nice clothes but I dont go anywhere or do anything that would warrant it.

>> No.18279693

In the fall, I like to make apple dumplings, spice cakes, cyser (cider with honey added at the start of fermentation), and the typical Thanksgiving meals like roast turkeys and hams served with mashed potatoes, potato rolls, corn, green beans, asparagus, and other vegetables.

>> No.18279695

PAfags represent. /comfy/ in York County, here.

>> No.18279778
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i like cider but brewing is such a hassle so i make apple wine instead (:

>> No.18280323

Those looks weird dude

>> No.18280336

>PAfags represent.
>York County, here.

>> No.18280370

I can't fucking believe summer has gone that quickly, I was supposed to catch a shit ton of sea bass this summer before they leave the shores for winter but I just haven't had the time because my girlfriend is a fucking faggot and gets prissy if I don't spent a moment of my free time with her, god I fucking hate her

>> No.18280385

It's a bad idea to be in a relationship with someone you don't like. It's a waste of both parties' time.

>> No.18280420

wow thanks reddit

>> No.18280424

And it's a bad idea to stick your nose in other people's business without their asking, retard.

>> No.18280444
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>> No.18280450
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>he said something I like dont like! he has to be reddit he just has to be!

>> No.18280453

Less than a month til fall in reality.

>> No.18280512

You take that insult personally don't you?

>> No.18280535
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do we have any bread stuffing experts here? I have only ever had the boxed stuff. what's the go with stuffing from scratch? worthwhile or is this the errand of a degenerate?

>> No.18280552

Pumpkin and chocolate are divine together.

>> No.18280573

get some friends then, seems like an easy fix. Go hang out at an arcade, the library, a bar if you must, wherever people are lounging and willing to chat.

>> No.18280609
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>> No.18280945


>> No.18281035
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Followed through with this and made it today.

>> No.18281065
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Hit the gym!

>> No.18281070

looks very nice anon

>> No.18281079

dill pickle soup, just a potato soup with some dill pickle brine in it. so fucking good.

>> No.18281084
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Thanks. My next plan for a fall dish is gonna be something like pic related. Mixing vanilla pudding with pumpkin puree and breaking in some graham crackers.

>> No.18281091

where's da kraut

>> No.18281097
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It was inspired by pic. I'll throw in some kraut next time.

>> No.18281130

Meanwhile, you've got yo big black ashy hands feeling up my white boy ass, oh lawdy!

>> No.18281140

Kino, with or without kraut. I am just a kraut stan and will have more kraut and onions than dog by ratio. Mustard of course.

>> No.18281280

It's been a long time since I've made any. Dry stuffing is the worst, I'd rather end up with soggy stuffy than dry stuffing. It's pretty much just savory bread pudding. I like tons of sage, parsley, and celery, and use organ meats from the bird and very concentrated broth to flavor it.

>> No.18281601

It's like a pair of iron scissors to ward against the fae. Saying "Nigger" wards off whiny perpetually offended types. Or draws them in like shit draws in flies, I forget.

>> No.18282430
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went to Woolies and walked around like a retarrd for 20mins and couldn't find the stuffing

>> No.18282952

i have a can of pumpkin shit and a can of sweetened condensed milk. what do?