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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18263095 No.18263095 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat ze bugs if they actually looked and tasted good?

>> No.18263126

but they don't and never will

>> No.18263175

Shrimp tastes good because they live in sea water and are large enough to strip the chitin off. Most land insects aren't that big, live in dirt and taste like dirt. Snails are the same. Disgusting if not raised right, a delicacy of they are.

>> No.18263223

Guess we need to start having a cricket farm

>> No.18263233

i already eat crickets

>> No.18263242

I'd rather slit the throats of some jews than eating bugs

>> No.18263245

>doesn't eat shrimps because they eat shit from the seafloor
>happily eats plants which eat literal shit

>> No.18263247

Problem is carapaces, they grind all that in flour or make with it, and humans can't digest it

>> No.18263257

Would you eat rats and pigeons if they actually looked and tasted good?

>> No.18263262

So why are they not pushing escargot for mass consumption, anyway?

>> No.18263264

Pigeons are good, they farm clean ones to eat

>> No.18263271


>> No.18263286

Most land insects that are farmed for consumption are fed a decent diet

I do agree about chitin though, also it's a lot harder to separate the meat from the guts

probably easier to eat grubs/larvae than it is full adults

>> No.18263291


People already eat rats (guinea pigs), so really the issue is the connotation of filth due to their environment

>> No.18263295

They probably cost too much to raise to be cheap enough to mass market.

>> No.18263309

Raising snails is actually pretty cheap, they mostly eat food scraps or typical animal feed like grains and vegetables

start up costs might be high, but I don't think you technically need anything special
-clean environment
-clean food/water
-supplement lighting

There's just not a lot of demand for snails in non-french/european places
Maybe in places in asia, but still not enough for anyone outside of those places to make a farm

>> No.18263313

No, I'm a vegfag

>> No.18263329

I don't eat shrimp either, so no. I will not eat bugs of land or sea or air and you can never make me.

>Snails are the same. Disgusting if not raised right, a delicacy of they are.
I've spoken with people who enjoy escargot and I'm 100% convinced it's a "stone soup" situation where the only thing they actually like is all the seasonings and spices they add to it. The snail is just the delivery mechanism, and even people who enjoy escargot will admit the snail has an offputting texture you have to get used to and the snail on its own tastes bad. I would bet that if you just put escargot seasoning on some other bland sticky food it would be just as good if not better.

>> No.18263335

the problem is they're just turning crickets into another ingredient in g*ysl*p. Until we address the inherent issues with processed food we will continue to have major health issues as a society.

>> No.18263345

Pigeon is good

>> No.18263355

I doubt crickets are a good long term bet in that sense, they're too small. Giant isopods maybe.

Probably this >>18263295 snails grow slow.

Yeah it's the meat to chitin ratio that's the problem.

A lot of food is like that though. I haven't had "real" escargot, but we used to eat periwinkles from the ocean when I lived out there and think they're delicious. I think the same of clams and muscles though.

>> No.18263372

>Yeah it's the meat to chitin ratio that's the problem.
You know how people eat dried shrimp?
There could be a bug that tastes really good and we just haven't found it yet

>> No.18263387

People also eat dried crickets. In general terms chitin isn't great though. There's a reason most people go for crab, lobster and others that are big enough to shell over eating brine shrimp.

Certain species of ants are supposedly extremely delicious, but I have not tried.

>> No.18263408

I vil eat ze bugs (crickets only)
I already eat ze sea bugs with shell on (small shrimp with beer batter)

>> No.18263417

I'm going to raise crickets in a 97% oxygen environment so they grow huge and feed them nothing but vegetables and bang energy drink

>> No.18263435


>> No.18263481


>> No.18263484


>> No.18263491

Guy slap

>> No.18263502

There's nothing wrong with eating bugs if they taste good.

>> No.18263503


I had cajun crickets at restaurant not long ago. Good together with beer but since they were very salty and spicy I'm not sure how big quantities I could eat them in one go, despite tasting good. I'm surprised at how ''hollow'' they tasted in the sense that the moment they enter your mouth and you bite into them they'll crumble, as if they had no intestines.

If I could buy crickets at bulk for cheap somewhere I'd eat them on my free time as well.

>> No.18263514

Why would I eat bugs if I could eat legumes instead?

>> No.18263524

On the other hand, why would you eat legumes if you could eat bugs instead?

>> No.18263554

Because beans and lentils were made by the universe so that humans can understand why existence is a gift.

>> No.18263560

Because I grow my own legumes, I can't really grow enough bugs to feed me. Nor do I actually want to grow them

>> No.18263562
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Pigeon is delicious you fucking nonce

>> No.18263594

Why would I only eat one if I can eat both?

>> No.18263611

Assuming they were bred to be eaten, yes

>> No.18263813

I get the elites trying to replace our meat and poultry with bugs, but why something like corn? Surely it costs more to make a chip out of bugs than corn, they love feeding us corn.

>> No.18263876

As long as I'm not gonna get bits of carapace or a leg stuck in my throat, I'm game.

>> No.18263915

It's not kosher, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.18263923

I hate seafood

>> No.18263929

What is life without shrimp and bacon like? What is it like to always have to keep your head covered lest G-d see through your brain into your rotten soul?

>> No.18263956

photosynthesis you retard

>> No.18264408


No and I don't get why the "sea bugs" shyte is still making the rounds either. You eat the flesh of crustaceans, not their shells. With insects their "flesh" is too soft, too gooey and the ratio of shell to flesh is just a non-starter

>> No.18264425

Yes, but that is the point isn't it crickets taste like shit.

>> No.18264439

>I don't get why the "sea bugs" shyte is still making the rounds either.
The answer is always shills.

>> No.18264447


My gripe isn't that they make the remark but that they haven't being ass-blasted so vigorously over it that they dare not post it again

>> No.18264517
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Shrimp is meat, and you never eat the shell, and usually not the GI tract. With ze bugs, you're eating all of it! Its pulverized shell, where it waddled thru it's own excrement the entire time it was alive. Then you're ingesting all of its innards, shit and all. Including whatever trash it was fed. You tell me this looks good, and then go eat some bugs

>> No.18264522

to be fair, we do eat smaller fish bones and all--sometimes dried fish still have the guts because it makes the taste stronger

I'm honestly interested in making a bug soup from dried bugs to see how it tastes

>> No.18264536

Bugs are more of a food than the ultraprocessed chemicals Americans eat.
Ironically, Americans were the first to use the red bug as food (Aztecs used it for coloring cloths) and now Americans are the main ones complaining LOL

>> No.18264548
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I've tried chapulines (toasted grasshopper) twice before and can confirm it just sort of sucks. Once you get past any seasoning added, all you're left with is a taste of grass and dirt.

Would I eat them if they actually looked and tasted good? Sure, I've eaten them in absence of those qualities. But when you're talking about an insect smaller than your pinky that feeds on leaves and dead insects, you're inevitably going to get something that tastes like... leaves and dead insects

>> No.18264551
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>> No.18264559
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I am allergic this is immune system privilege and is oppressive to disabled bodies

>> No.18265925

I mean sure. People dont eat bugs because of that. If there was a big bug full of tasty meat of course people would eat it. But most bugs are just shell and guts.

>> No.18265977
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You talking about honeypot ants? They taste good because they're full of sugar. It's like eating candy.

>> No.18265984

Of course, I dont see how one organism is intrinsically different from another if they both give me sustenance and pleasure

>> No.18265987

I have eaten bugs. I've had fried grasshoppers, and worm salt. I do them with mezcal. It's good.

>> No.18266000

What is the meatiest bug? Is there a way to cook them that solidifies the goo inside?

>> No.18266029

No. Vegetarian.

>> No.18266056


That scene in Shrek when they eat the rats always made me hungry

>> No.18266075

I am 100% for the use of rendered bug powder for cheap protein. Why not?

>> No.18266078

btw the "red bug" this poster is alluding to is cochineal, a beetle that feeds on cactus
it's a good thing to bring up whenever someone acts as if they're too good to eat a food containing bugs, since they probably already do

>> No.18266083

all of these piss baby arguments boil down to emotional knee-jerking; real mental midget shit
>you're ingesting all of its innards, shit and all
buddy there's something that I gotta tell you about that black line on the back of a shrimp

>> No.18266085
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They help ward off disease

>> No.18266092

anyone who doesn't devein their shrimp is a baboon, though. you cannot remove the digestive tract of a grasshopper. that's the point.

>> No.18266093

No, because it's not about food and never was. The jewish financial elite want to humiliate and degrade us by grinding our faces into the mud and making us eat worms, so it's the duty of everyone with even the slightest shred of self respect to tell them to fuck off.

>> No.18266110

Still needs nutrients from the soil, you massive nigger.

>> No.18266143

This, it would be more bioavailable than plant based protein powder surely?

>> No.18266151

Exactly this. Any outdoorsman knows that an animals' flesh taste is affected/influenced by their environment.
For example: fresh> trout that lived in open water is going to taste way better than a bottom-feeder carp. Similarly, a wild game bird raised on natural food is going to taste better than a city pigeon that grew up on leftovers and trash.

Bug are born are born and raised in dirt.. They taste like dirt.

>> No.18266158

Crustaceans are full of sweet, delicious meat.
Insects are full of bitter, disgusting goo.

I will not eat the bug.

>> No.18266166

>he doesn't devein his shrimp

I can smell the kraut off of you.

>> No.18266237

I-is that cricket jerky?

>> No.18266276 [DELETED] 
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This is why we can't have good things anymore.
Because you retarded lemmings just roll over to the current establishment.
>Wowzers! If Klaus Schwab tells me to eat the bugs, sure i will!
>It's for saving the planet and the environment after all!
Absolute state of you.

>> No.18266508

I don't really need my food to look good, if it tastes good I'm down. There's a lot of reasons why bugs are just a shitty source of food though. Most of the protein is indigestible or not bioavailable, so you're eating nothing really. The texture is like eating popcorn and the shells get stuck in your teeth. There's nothing inside them, they're not meaty, you can't remove the guts really, and because they eat insects/grass/shit all day that's kind of what they taste like.

The only reason they've been trending as a food source is because they're "sustainable" and "cheap", because they're insects so they have to be right? There's bugs everywhere! It's free food! Except what surprises a lot of people is that insects are often a lot more expensive than traditional meats because farming food grade insects isn't as economically viable. Even if we subsidized it (which would defeat the point) it'd still likely be more expensive than regular meats because insect farming is tricky as all hell, especially if you're trying to meet food-grade certifications for human consumption. I remember reading a long study about the fundamental problem of feeding insects so that they grow requiring a supply of food that renders the potential profit impossible. It's just not going to happen, there's no reason to make it happen either besides the weird fetish our elite have for making the lower classes as insectoid as possible.

>> No.18266510

Time for the tarantula farms

>> No.18266511

Sauce me nigga

>> No.18266516

>People already eat rats
>Names a different species

>> No.18266533

You must taste like cum then, considering you use words like "outdoorsman"

>> No.18266535

Sorry anon I read it a long ass time ago and after lazily trying to google it I can't find it. Feel free to take what I said with a grain of salt, I'm sure at least SOME insects have to be financially viable for farming, if I somehow find the study and this thread is still alive I'll post it here.

>> No.18266537

>would you eat shit and piss if it actually looked and tasted good
yeah but they don't tho

>> No.18266540
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they call them "Chirps". since crickets chirp. and they're chips. chirp chip, chipper flipper dipper.

>> No.18266543
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So this bug craze is a total fucking scam, right? The claims about nutritional value are all bullshit. I can only imagine they're doing this for environmental subsidies and profiting off retards.

>> No.18266547

I don't think so no they weren't noted to be sweet. My understanding is it's the formic acid that breaks them while cooking and makes a delicious peanuty flavor. Like I say I havn't tried it though.

>> No.18266584

I will not eat ze land bug

>> No.18266601

Fair, it's just what I've read from various places over the last 2 years says otherwise
>Quick to grow
>High protein
>Can eat the whole bug, not just 40% of it like a cow
>Will eat anything
What are the chances I've been duped?

>> No.18266636
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It's true there's a lot of fanfare over it, but thankfully I've got a twinge of the 'tism and I didn't want to leave it at "bro just trust me", so I did a bit more looking. I couldn't find the comprehensive study I found way back when, but I've got some food for thought here.


This is a scientific paper describing the presence and variation of enzymes necessary for degrading chitin in the human body. It's understood that the enzymes we have (referred to as AMCase in the paper) are in small quantities and so low in activity they're not even picked up in many similar studies, they're thought to be present as a method of combating chitinous parasites rather than digestion. That said, it IS present, but if you read the study you can see that the degree to which it is present varies wildly and in large portions of the population the activity is nonexistant.

Essentially, in western caucasian populations, the chances of being able to digest chitin at all are low, and as you examine populations more likely to have had insects as a regular part of their diet (Africans, south americans, and sicilian italians for some reason) the chances increase. This still only refers to a degrading of chitin though, so the percentage of it being made bioavailable by enzymes that might not even be present in many people is debatable.

Basically, for a lot of white people like myself, chitin is going to be treated like insoluble fiber by the body and provide no nutrition, so when they put "great source of protein" on the label it's not true at all, especially compared to easilly digestible proteins in normal livestock.

As for cost/sustainability, it's true lots of insects CAN eat almost anything, but preparing it for human consumption means they have to eat high quality food. (1/x)

>> No.18266647
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Eating high quality food means most insects raised for human consumption are being fed high quality farming byproducts like cornmeal and distiller's grain, which would normally be fed to livestock anyways (https://mailchi.mp/0d9c51072475/the-promise-and-perils-of-insect-farming, not a scientific source but because insect farming isn't standardized you'd have to check each individual supplier to check their feeds and most I've seen seem to corroborate this)

Insect farming is also in its infancy, so farming it cheaply is difficult, there's no automation. This is why a pound of crickets is, at its cheapest, 4 dollars a pound, while you can look online for seasoned high quality cricket snacks and pay upwards of 20 dollars an ounce, and certain insects can be as much as 60 dollars a pound. To be fair to the industry it is very new, there's no reason to suspect prices won't be driven down by demand, but that brings us to the final issue - there isn't much demand outside of certain foodies.

See insect farming has been around forever, you can buy insects for your reptiles and fish and whatever, it just costs a lot. "One of the biggest milestones insect farmers hope to break is to feed insects to livestock, but the problem is that feeding corn to crickets to feed the crickets to chickens is inherently less efficient than feeding the corn direct to the chickens". (paraphrased from Lewis Bollard who has done most of the hard research on this since even large scale economic information on insect farming is lacking). (2/x)

>> No.18266671


So to wrap up a long autistic string of posts...

Insects aren't super nutritious (at least as far as protein is concerned) because the protein availability of chitin is on a spectrum of "okay" to "not at all" depending on your genes, and farming insects is expensive because the process isn't automated/efficient so a handful of insects costs more than a ribeye steak.

To be fair, it does take less land and water, so those claims are true at least. The other 90% of what you'll read on the subject is bogus though. It's not a miracle solution for world hunger and it's not going to replace traditional proteins.

"It’s true, edible insects are expensive right now. But, that will change due to the law of supply and demand. Supply is low and demand is growing quickly. Market forces will bring the price down as suppliers gear up for this higher demand." - https://www.edibleinsects.com/edible-insect-pricing/

It seems the industry hopes that increased demand for insects will solve the production issue, but the thing is there isn't any demand. Farmers don't want it for feed and the bugs typically eat the same feed the animals do, so it's not efficient at all. Consumers don't want it outside of hipster foodie groups, and the supposed nutritional value is dubious at best. So you've got the worst combination of factors: It costs a lot, its not nutritious, and nobody wants it.

They'll probably keep putting out article after article about how crickets are going to replace steaks but I highly fucking doubt it, the industry is flawed at its core. You don't even have to bring politics into the picture, bugs are just a shitty food source.

>> No.18266673

not that other anon but I appreciate the detailed reply
in any case most of these issues are being solved, it's just gonna take a bunch of generations to end up with bigger, meatier crickets with thinner chitin. it's not different from cattle; people have been eating cows for thousands of years but the kind of cow we eat nowadays has only existed for hundreds. plus insect generational cycles are much shorter, so it should be even faster.
hell, they don't even need to deal with chitin. just slap a "WITH MORE FIBER!" sticker on the package, it has worked for all "superfoods".

>> No.18266676

Oh and Im just some asshole so do whatever you want with the information posted, I just feel the need to expand on the topic since nutrition is such a cancerous area of study. Flax seeds contain omega 3's, but only if you grind them into a fine pulp since your body can't break it down otherwise - but then advertisers tell you to sprinkle flax seed on your oatmeal for the omega 3's, knowing you won't absorb any. I could throw a multivitamin into a pile of cowshit and say it contains every vitamin you need, but everyone would understand eating a pile of cowshit for 1 day's worth of vitamins would be a bad mix, but they pull this shit with every food. "Insects are PACKED with protein! (...that you won't be able to digest....)", it triggers my tism.

>> No.18266683

Yeah that's true, I'm not a food snob so if they ultimately find ways to breed super crickets packed with meat and protein I wouldn't be against eating them at all. We'll see if that happens though

>> No.18266690

I would eat bugs without a second thought if they weren't being pushed as meat replacements.

>> No.18266698

>Would you, could you, in a pod?
>Would you, could you, with a mod?

>> No.18266700

The "people" who don't understand the difference are the same "people" who don't have an internal monologue.

>> No.18266781

if they were bred for eating yes

>> No.18266787

>these faggots don't eat game meat

>> No.18266824

well we already eat eggs without much resistance. i wonder what a scoop of bug eggs tastes like

>> No.18266945
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I also found your research interesting. My two thoughts are this, the reason some populations have more enzymes to digest chitin is because they eat it more frequently whereas most westerners rarely if ever do. Over time if they started eating more of it the body would start producing more of what it needs to break it down. Though that is a long process.

My other more main thought though is how odd it is that grasshoppers and crickets seem to be the main focus for what bugs to farm. They have big legs, wings, fairly thick shells for their size and there is very little flesh. Given the vast array of invertebrates out there I can only imagine there are far better options. Wood lice are land dwelling crustaceans and if raised well could probably be eaten more like shrimp.

Or heck even though many find it gross, the larval forms of many insects offer the same protein benefits of full grown ones but with far less chitin to digest.

>> No.18266950

Guinea pigs are not rats dumbass, but in India certain groups actually do eat rats

>> No.18266968

Its easier for the go- common person to raise bugs

>> No.18267093


I tried cricket before for funsies.

It had the same texture as a puffy cheeto and didn't taste like anything. Changed my mind on using certain bugs as food. It's basically free protein for little to no effort. If it was made into a chip like pic related I'd try it. I doubt it would replace corn chips unless I was trying to up my protein.

>> No.18267095

It's even easier still to grow beans.

>> No.18267243

If they did something to predigest the shells then they might make decent jerky but my experience with dried crickets was the same. It's like eating a sunflower seed without the actual seed inside.

>> No.18268075

What are you implying? That shrimp are cockroach tier?

>> No.18269132

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.18269346
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Why the fuck is Stonetoss getting in on this?
>actually you already eat ze

>> No.18269360

thing with the bugs is that it's an ingredient in lesser cuisines. europeans may have eaten bugs long ago, i personally don't know, but it's clear that in recent history it wasn't the norm and as a result shouldn't be the norm now. all nations should only consume ingredients that europeans and americans have regularly consumed. this includes snails and bull testicles, but not bugs. go figure.

>> No.18269670

hey have an exoskeleton and multiple legs, seems like a bug to me

>> No.18269797
File: 444 KB, 1758x2198, faf3489f173d7e83b2a45b7de0dd538524d7fcd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to be fair, we do eat
>we do...
Who is this "we"? We dont shit, bud. YOU can go eat all the fish guts, bones, fecal matter, and microplastics YOU want. Also, go back and post your bugslop on r/boneappletea.

>buddy there's something that I gotta tell you about that black line on the back of a shrimp
You really dont cook, do you? First rule when cooking shrimp: devein them.

>> No.18269919

No. I don't eat shellfish either, FAGGOT. Only fish, beef, and pork. Maybe chicken if we have to tighten our belts.

>> No.18269930

Would environmentalists be pro-nuclear power if it meant that they could eat the giant cockroaches produced by the nuclear power plants?

>> No.18269963

>feeding corn to crickets to feed the crickets to chickens is inherently less efficient than feeding the corn direct to the chickens
If you put both in front of a chicken which would they choose? I'm curious if you could just start a massive insect population adjacent to a chicken coop and just let the things intermix as necessary without destroying the breeding population.

>> No.18269968

Their exoskeleton can be removed cleanly and leave flesh behind. They're powered by muscle fibre, not hydraulics.

>> No.18270013

>animal feed like grains and vegetables
no thanks

its like the phrase "vegetarian diet" on eggs, it just means they fed them goyslop seed cake byproducts

>> No.18270131

I would not could not eat ze bugs

>> No.18270152

>where the only thing they actually like is all the seasonings and spices they add to it
It's just garlic butter and wine

>> No.18270208
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>everywhere it’s normal to eat shrimp, crab, lobster etc
>only /ck/ spergs out at it
just keep to your favorite soda/fast food threads you posers

>> No.18270491


>> No.18270631

I would sooner go vegetarian than eat bug protein

>> No.18270732
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>to eat a steak, less than 1 cow needs to die
>to eat a bug burger, 1000 crickets need to die
that's why i'm very against eating ze bugs. it's the most anti vegan thing

>> No.18270789
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>Who is this "we"?
Everyone? It's super common, you can find tons of recipes. Also there's no "bones", it's cartilage and of course at that size it's not even noticeable, and neither are the guts. You must be a city dweller.

>> No.18270807

they do but I don't wanna eat them because rats and pigeons are frens

>> No.18270995

Note how the grasshopper is processed into chips because it doesn't actually have anything substantial that can be used for cooking, unlike the muscle of a shrimp.

>> No.18271206

They can eat that, but the great thing is they can eat all sorts of things.

>> No.18271236
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That's why it's so weird that all people are focusing on are grasshoppers and crickets which seem like an awful choice. Woodlice are edible, have a better meat to chitin ratio and apparently taste similar to shrimp.

>> No.18271263

this desu

>> No.18271281

It's all about reframing human consumptive tendencies into a submissive feed-bag protocol. Notice how they don't push these practices on truly impoverished nations where the 'benefits' of insect diets (supposed low cost/high protein ratio) would be most beneficial. They only use those impoverished and borderline starving nations as an example 'WOAOW look at how RESOURCEFUL they are!!!' but if those people had the money and the option they would choose beef and pork and chicken and lamb and good fish 10000000x over the bugs. Nobody WANTS to eat bugs. They're a literal coping mechanism for those who have nothing. It's a humiliation ritual like every other attempt to enforce irrational, backwards, dehumanizing food and social practices. Food is meant to nourish and provide for the growth and development of the person consuming it. 'The Bugs', 'The Our Plant Food', 'The Our Democratic Jab' etc it's all a way to make a dumber and more passive, dependent population. The one thing that oppressive governments of ALL kinds fear is a physically and mentally robust population that has the capacity to reason, question, and act based on what they perceive. This board always stimulates some really incredible conversations and I wish it didn't end up just being 'for me it's a mccricket' spam board, but God knows we need humor amidst the pain.

>> No.18271286

If they started breeding grasshoppers and crickets that have meat like shrimp then absolutely. I don't know why there's not a company focused on producing meatbugs like that, nobody wants to eat bugs that are 80% chitin.
Guinea pigs and rats are about as closely related at pigs and tapirs, you mong.

>> No.18271296

At the very least, you've been duped into thinking that you can only eat 40% of a cow. Literally every part besides maybe the hide and horns/hoofs are edible or can provide highly bioavailable nutrients and macros. Bone marrow, every muscle, tendon, almost every single organ, etc. It's honestly beautiful how nutritionally complete and usable a ruminant is. Milk, meat, bones, bits, bobs. Snout to tail eating. It's healthier than anything else on earth.

>> No.18271328

Honestly at this point I just wish somebody would genetically engineer a good source of protein that you can raise at home without having to deal with HOA and zoning bullshit. If I could raise steak bugs and have an easy source of protein that I own and raise myself, I would honestly choose that over all the goyslop they sell at Albertsons pumped full of god knows what.

>> No.18271378

>Notice how they don't push these practices on truly impoverished nations where the 'benefits' of insect diets (supposed low cost/high protein ratio) would be most beneficial.

Because they don't have to. Those nations already understand and eat bugs. I grew up in Africa (white by the way) and when locust swarms come around it was like christmas, people just pulling them out of the air and eating like popcorn.

The real mind bend is the rich people who sneer at the idea of something like that and then spend ridiculous amounts of money on maggot cheese, snails and fish eggs because it's deemed a delicacy.

>> No.18271387

>Notice how they don't push these practices on truly impoverished nations where the 'benefits' of insect diets (supposed low cost/high protein ratio) would be most beneficial.
It's for the same reason that stupid spoiled westerners think they're "above" eating certain things, because poor countries already do it there, you retard.

>> No.18271389

>Guinea pigs and rats are about as closely related at pigs and tapirs, you mong.

That's scientifically not true though.

>> No.18271398

>That's scientifically not true though.
This is /ck/ and not /sci/, it's true enough.

>> No.18271415

You can do that with snails right now. Or let this blow your mind... beans!

>> No.18271420

False information is still false information.

>> No.18271443

>pigs and tapirs split at the superorder
>guinea pigs and rats split at the order
That's still "about as closely related" you autismo.

>> No.18271447

Rats that eat out of dumpsters are going to taste like shit. Some field mice from a rainforest probably aren't bad.

>> No.18271465
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Should've said pigs and dolphins, both are in the order of even-toed ungulates. Just to further drive home the point how far apart guinea pigs and rats are.

>> No.18271469

No because you're wrong. Guinea pigs and rats are both rodents. Pigs and tapirs aren't even in the same order. Don't say stupid wrong shit if you don't want to be called stupid and wrong.

>> No.18271483

>Pigs and tapirs aren't even in the same order.
They're in the same superorder which is the next highest classification group, if they were in the same order then it would be "as closely related", not "about as". If you're gonna be a sperg at least be precise, retard.

>> No.18271493
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>tapirs are odd-toed ungulates
>pigs are even-toed ungulates

>> No.18271528

I'm not sneering at it, the reality for a lot of people globally is one of desperation. Ideally everyone could have access to ruminant livestock. Nobody should NEED to eat bugs. It's a reality that many do. I'm not above eating them if needed, I've done so plenty of times. I prefer mammal livestock, wild game and wild fish. I live in luxury. People in the west/developed world don't NEED to eat bugs for protein. It's not a good source of protein, it's not bioavailable (as noted by anon above) and it's ultimately a way to demean the human spirit, when better and more appropriate options exist. You guys don't have to get defensive because there are social strata that exist between haves and have-nots. In particular >>18271387 , you should really consider what I'm saying and why instead of taking it as some kind of dig against people who have to make ends-meet with what they have access to. We have the technology and ability to provide healthy, naturally raised and well-kept ruminants for every living person on earth who wants it - but power dynamics between those who control and those who serve mean that we don't get to share that with everyone. Please don't misunderstand me.

>> No.18271534

>Woodlice are edible, have a better meat to chitin ratio and apparently taste similar to shrimp.
It's the same family but that still looks like a lot of chitin.

>> No.18271539
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Okay you bunch of faggots here's the real answer. They're not AS closely related, and the one anon saying they're about as closely related is only half-right, since above Rodentia is the Glires clade which splits off rodents and lagomorphs (rabbits). However if looking at the Laurasiatheria, there is no clade, so if comparing tapirs and pigs, the superorder is the next-highest classification, but if looking at guinea pigs and rodents, the next-highest classification comparison would be in the clade Glires, not the superorder Euarchontoglires.
This anon has the right answer, comparing guinea pigs and rats is like comparing pigs and dolphins, since evolution splits pretty broadly at the Order level.
Now shut up and get back to talking about eating bugs.

>> No.18271548

>humans and rats are more closely related than humans and pigs
What the fuck how does that work, I thought pigs had the closest anatomy to humans?

>> No.18271560

Naw pigs just taste like human. Probably because both pigs and humans eat trash.

>> No.18271573

Compared to a cricket or grasshopper it's way less, it's just the one shell on top, the legs are so small they'd just disintegrate. Not that they look amazing or even close to shrimp but a better option than what's being focused on I think.

>> No.18271780

Just farm non-food-grade insects on kitchen scraps, expired/degraded produce and feed those to chickens/turkeys/guineafowl/quails/etc.

>> No.18271798

>Now shut up and get back to talking
shut your mouth when you talk to me anon

>> No.18271900

Mmm mmmmm mmm MMMMmmm mmmm!

>> No.18272166

I would pay more for chicken fed with bugs than chicken fed with corn

>> No.18272173
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>conscious animals slaughtered horribly
>terrible factory conditions for animals and workers
>contamination literally always
>has to be cooked perfect or you get sick
>you can get sick anyways because some third worlder handled it without gloves at any point
>processed like hell with no nutritional value beyond protein

ze bugs
>brainless insects
>it takes no effort to crush them
>can't make you sick at all
>cheaper and with more vitamins and proteins

so why are the bugs bad again? icky is not an answer

>> No.18272249

>these cockroaches are totally different from the roaches in your homes
>trust us goy/gwailo

>> No.18272271

>can't make you sick at all
>I'm just going to completely ignore the fact that they're riddles with parasites far more than even the average fish in the ocean
>also going to ignore the fact that they don't even have real meat inside of them and is instead some gelatinous goo

Kill yourself WEF shill

>> No.18272279

Yes. But I won't live in a pod or work more than 8 hrs per day

>> No.18272310
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>> No.18272341


>> No.18272363

This says it all.

>> No.18272380

>6 legs
>10 legs
You bring shame upon yourself and your family

>> No.18272387

I mean, sure? Gotta provide me with a compelling moral reason though Morpheus

>> No.18272468

>bugs replacing meat
>bugs supplementing grain foods
now we're talking.

>> No.18272476
File: 441 KB, 1536x1108, schwab_futuremarket-1536x1108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating bugs
>not eating the bugs
>throwing every faggot kike in the WEF into a pit of bugs to be devoured by the very insects they tried to force feed us
this is the way

>> No.18272660

>>has to be cooked perfect or you get sick
>>you can get sick anyways because some third worlder handled it without gloves at any point
>>processed like hell with no nutritional value beyond protein
In what motherfucking shithole do you live anon? The last time I heard about food poisoning here it was some industrial pizzas and it made the news for weeks. In the meantime several millions of chickens were destroyed all over the country because one (1) farm got a virus.

>> No.18272869
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no, I like crustaceans because they look like goofy fellas. I like goofy fellas

>> No.18272885

All insects are bugs, not all bugs are insects. English can be a wonky language.

The irony is that all this bug stuff is pushed by the non-vegetarian community that gets asshurt over bean products. There are other sources of protein you can easily grow yourself in the ground that are delicious instead of having to eat fucking crickets. It doesn't mean you never eat meat, it means meat is more of a treat which is how most societies have used it historically.

And yes, many others eat bugs and insects Europeans included >>18266945 but it's rarely a staple because there are easier staples. If a lot of you meat obsessed, anti-soy retards learned how to cook lentils you might get less triggered over being offered cricket chips.

>> No.18272966

Anybody got experience growing mealworms? I would do it if it saved me some money on proteins and I wouldn't have to pay for their food. Is it possible to raise them purely on organic food waste, or preferably even leafs that I can harvest in nature easily? What about easily foraged stuff like Acorns or chestnuts?

>> No.18272974

They should encourage trendy offal

>> No.18273002

Beef heart is secretly the best cut if you don't overcook it. It's hilarious that it's one of the cheapest parts.

>> No.18273189

>the only thing they actually like is all the seasonings and spices they add to it.
my father had a french chef as a teacher in his youth. Regarding escargot he remarked
>with enough garlic butter, I could make you eat your own shoe

>> No.18273532

some insects, like locusts, are kosher.

>> No.18273579

Fuck off, you’re not overpricing offal on me like you fuckers did with cheeks.
Eat the bugs you fussy cunts, stay the fuck away from hearts.

>> No.18273721

I suppose it's because grilled crickets are already a food in certain places so they think that it is easier to normalize that than pillbugs.

>> No.18273771

It's mostly that, sure, but the snail does have a unique flavour which isn't bad and goes well with the sauce.
t. eaten lots of raw snail

>> No.18273772

Sure I'd try it

>> No.18273781

I've tried bbq flavored roasted crickets. Other than the bbq flavor coating they just have a mild nutty flavor. The texture is like a cheeto but extra light and airy.
Not giving up burgers for bug sandwiches but I can see crickets as a healthier snack food. They also make a great protein source for chicken or quail and just eat stuff you would compost anyway.

>> No.18273783

Because I live in the real world and not whatever nightmare clownworld you made up in your head where people regularly get food poisoning from eating meat.

>> No.18273785

Its a /pol/ meme. Goy slop.
Fun fact: 8 species of locust are considered kosher. So even jews can eat ze bugs.

>> No.18273798

Most woodlice species are tiny, though. And breeding for size has hard limits with arthropods, due to the oxygen constraint.

>many others eat bugs and insects Europeans included
Maybug soup used to be a seasonal dish in parts of Europe, but overuse of pesticides has wiped out the beetle population across many regions.

>> No.18273829

When it comes to escargot, yeah you can't taste anything other than garlic butter. But there are snail recipes that don't do that and it tastes....unique, but I wouldn't call it bad.

>> No.18273954

>raw snail
You probably have brain parasites and I am not even joking. Retard.

>> No.18274509

It was at one of the most famous (not the most expensive, though, just famous) restaurants in the country, anon.

>> No.18274520

If they can process it in a protein powder and is as good as the premium brands when it comes to gainz and low calories, whilst being cheaper. Definately.

>> No.18274549
File: 117 KB, 1024x683, 077_giantweta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they farmed those huge crickets like Wetas or something for meat?
I can imagine you could get a decent sized shrimp tail off of one.
Id consider that. I'd rather not just be eating ground up carapace cakes.

>> No.18274563

>I can imagine you could get a decent sized shrimp tail off of one.
No because it's not muscles, it's organs.

>> No.18274572

Then ill pass.
Those things are too cool that id wanna kill em anyways

>> No.18274577

We need to start selectively breed them to become as big as lobsters

>> No.18274599

it's still just goop inside, not actual meat

>> No.18274614
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I think they can be delicious

>> No.18274641 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 640x427, 640px-Poor_Knights_giant_wētā_(Deinacrida_fallai)_on_ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Poor Knights giant wētā is a species of insect in the family Anostostomatidae... endemic to New Zealand. They are one of the largest insects in the world, with a body length measuring up to 73 mm.

>> No.18274644

Give those some hormones and big bitches and we got something going

>> No.18274666

please do not censor words to evade my filter thank you

>> No.18274680

Sorry; didn't see Kiwi-anons had already mentioned wētās. I was thinking of Parktown prawns and just learned about that island relative. Strictly speaking, neither is part of the cricket family, but that's beside the point.

>> No.18274709

I dont wanna eat crickets anyways, they're cute motherfuckers

>> No.18274723
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What can I say, my semens delicious.

>> No.18275102


bugs don't have meat so no

I bought a violet flavored candy on Amazon that colored the candy with cochineal. Theyve been sitting in the hidden compartment untouched under my computer desk for months now because of it

>> No.18275109

why would you not eat any food that tasted good, looked good, and didn't make you sick? I'd eat pig anus if it tasted nice.

>> No.18275328

If you've enjoyed a hot dog in your life you're already there.

Do you exclusively eat meat?

>> No.18275351

The larvae can taste good.
The grown up, we have to think of a way to deal with the high chitin content.

>> No.18275358
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the appetizer and the main course

>> No.18275425

If they can get land woodlice to grow even close to the size of aquatic giant isopods we'd be golden.

>> No.18275501

>Do you exclusively eat meat?
from animals? no. I like coconut meat too. Walnut meat is pretty good too. Generally speaking though, I dont eat meatless animals

>> No.18275560

>walnut meat

>> No.18275578


its called nutmeat man, i didnt make it up. To clarify, im not talking about vegan nut meat, just nuts

>> No.18275628
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>> No.18275641

> 10 legs
Decapods are leglets

>> No.18275654

Are you the guy from the windmill gummies thread

>> No.18275910

>quotes king james
Christians bitching about Jews is always comedy.

>> No.18275935

As a child someone convinced me that the Sweet and Sour chicken at Wegman's was mice and I kept on eating it.

>> No.18275960
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>Make a canned ravoilo
>Just like chef boyardee's but instead they use the original recipe not the nu-ravioli
>Replace the weird meat inside with ze bugs that are ground up, call it buggioli
This would be how I do it. There are tons of food with "mystery meat" already in them. Bug hotdogs would probably be okay too until they started cooking them, then, imagine the smell.
I would buy bug if it was cheap enough though, I'd still eat meat and beans. It would just be another based protein source so I could cut out more fruit and vegetable and eat more protein easily and cheaply.
I'm thinking of cracking open a can of baked beans now, maybe I'll put a couple chunks of swiss cheese in it. Beans, tofu, bean paste is cheap and easy. Just a simple paste of beans can be sweet and can be used in so many things to "replace" meat if you're retarded enough to try to do that, the bugs shit is pathetic when they could be shilling beans instead.
Fluffy and soft sweet bean buns would do great, they already sell bean tacos at any taco place and people buy them for the cheap price and good taste.

>> No.18276010

>fish guts, bones, fecal matter, and microplastics

You cant get away from these even if you are vegan.

>> No.18276011

>hurr durr the THEY are trying to take away my manly American steak for poorly articulated reasons!!!
Sounds like the plan to make a dumb populace has worked on you

>> No.18276042

>pumped full of god knows what
Go get a high school education in chemistry or learn how to use websites other than 4chan and it's pretty easy to figure out "God knows what" is in your food.

>> No.18276057

Sea bugs are not kosher. Are land bugs kosher?

>> No.18276070

>I can't grow enough bugs to feed me
Yup, most people can't even grow enough to feed a few chickens. It really would need to be mass-produced like wheat to become affordable. As it is right now bugs still aren't cheaper than beans or even some cheap cuts of meat. They are theoretically cheaper but not produced in large enough amounts or distributed largely enough for that to be the case.
Saw a video where some guy compared them to "raisins", yeah, the meaty texture isn't there. I think you could maybe grind them up into a powder and mix them with sugar then extrude them to make them bubbly and hard, call them "cricket crispy treats" and people woulda buy them for the protein content.

>> No.18276100

>A video showing the insides of the farm
>Doesn't actually show what they eat
Fucking kikes, they probably feed them table scraps and cardboard laced with heavy metals.

>> No.18276111
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>Wow using bugs as a food coloring is totally the same as eating them as a staple food!
Good point reddit I'm taking notes now frfr

>> No.18276118

Okay I actually agree with this but I don't get the meme that "they" are making us eat bugs as some weird psyop. Since this power divide is obviously not going to fix itself anytime soon, some startups decided that eating insects might be a solution for some people who want cheap/sustainable protein, and partnered with the media to make a sensationalized narrative. Pushing bugs doesn't make "them" any money since nobody actually has any stock in the non-existent bug industry. All the absolute biggest most powerful food/agricultural companies produce meat, not bugs. Suggesting that (((they're))) spending money to get people to eat bugs for no reason other than some symbolic prank is retarded. That's my main contention with your post. Yes, it's dystopian that eating bugs is seen as a preferable solution to revolt. But no, eating bugs isn't some schizo conspiracy prank on the human spirit.

>> No.18276185

Absolute /thread.

>> No.18276202

Aww I don't wanna eat that little guy, he's too cute

>> No.18276251
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Knock yourself out. Have fun with meningitis though

>> No.18276300
File: 26 KB, 611x609, IMG_20210319_162723_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they are going to need a LOT of market forces and help though. They are competing with the largely automated and large meat markets.
>Have to give them good quality food
>Can't let any of this food go to waste or rot
>Have to somehow remove their waste
>Have to have a reliable market to sell to
>This all has to be automated. If you're farming something like this you have to treat it like a plant, not a vegetable.
Essentially, people are only going to eat ze bugs in a large scale once they become cheap like beans or rice, maybe they could be a little bit more expensive but not too much. To do this you need fully automated systems. Their efficiency isn't even that crazy compared to something like chickens, if you look at mealworms or crickets it can take months for them to grow. For a broiler chicken it only takes like 7 weeks. The reality is that chickens are already cheap and easy and tasty enough that they can muscle out any bugs that aren't mass-produced with a very transparent process. If I am going to eat a bug product I'm going to make sure you're feeding it real food and not something with heavy metals.

>> No.18276306

I meant treat it like a plant, not a meat.
Think of how wheat is grow in a large field and is only profitable when you have acres of the stuff and specialized equipment, bugs are like that but haven't been a staple food for hundreds of years already.

>> No.18276456

>Look this up
>Check official website
>13 dollars a bag
>All sold out
What the fuck, who buys this shit for 13 dollars a bag? It was on shart tank but do people really care so much about a TV show?
I would buy some for a little more than a normal bag of tortilla chips, at face value tortilla chips that have proteins is a great product. I'm not spending 13 bucks on a bag of chips no matter what you put in it, could make steak chips for that much.

>> No.18276910

Cricket chips are bretty good
I'll eat bugs if theyre not gooey or squishy. Deep fry some grasshoppers and I'm on board
Snails get a pass for being a means of garlic butter conveyance eaten on crusty bread

>> No.18276915

>can grow up to 8 inches in length
big deal who cares brag about it

>> No.18277065

shrimp and crabs may be called bugs, but they have meat. when you take apart a land bug you see that inside they are just slime and mush inside. I don't see why retards always make the same false equivalence.

>> No.18277096

No because it's not about the actual food, it's about how the people who want me to eat the bugs hate me and want what's worst for me and everybody else

>> No.18277689

>Are land bugs kosher?
Yes, apparently. There are several species of locusts that are certified kosher.

>> No.18277908

Yet you eat animals that eat those shit plants and roll around in shit and eat sausage made from literal shit casing, how curious

>> No.18277976

That'll be $25

>> No.18278051

Such a smart and distinguished gentleman

>> No.18279233

To be honest the most off putting part for me is the brown color. Any other color would make tyem more palatable

>> No.18279259

>It's all about reframing human consumptive tendencies into a submissive feed-bag protocol.
Nah, we're doing for the lulz. Eat ze bugs anon, lol.

>> No.18279286
File: 251 KB, 900x1291, 8 dwarf cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a human and I can and will eat whatever I want
land dwelling insects don't seem that tasty compared to salmon, beef, venison, or shrimp
but if they did seem tasty I would want to eat them
so I would eat them

>> No.18279299


>> No.18279333

Brazil is full of these little niggas.Legend says that some dumb portuguese brought them over expecting to get rich by selling giant scargot to the local aristocracy, as brazilian aristocracy was fascinated with french culture.
Turned out they're too tough to chew or whatever and become a invasive species, but allegedly you can eat them if you cook them properly.

>> No.18279373
File: 1.93 MB, 1530x2048, Dungeon Meshi Sopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it looks like they're going to fuck up the adaptation. So much fantasy food ruined.

>> No.18279376

It's about having more options as global demand for meat exceeds the capability to provide it. Nobody's forcing you to eat insects. People are considering the possibility of cheaper supplemental alternatives for meat when it inevitably becomes too expensive to be eaten as much as you're used to. All the luxuries you're used to are going to become more scarce. The occident no longer holds all the bidding power. Formerly impoverished populations are competing for resources that once defaulted to us. The farmers aren't going to sell you their product for half of what they could get on the export market out of a sense of patriotism. It's just capitalism, not a sinister conspiracy. Don't like it, do the impossible and find a way to make communism work.

>> No.18279378

Pigs wallow in their own shit

>> No.18279390

Which is probably why shrimp tastes far far better than pork.

>> No.18279400

>would you eat bugs if they weren't bugs?
gee anon I just don't know

>> No.18279405

Not sure about that chief

>> No.18279432


>> No.18279520

Shrimp is delicious, pork is one of the worst tasting meats there is. That's why it's mostly most popular as either bacon or ham where it's been cured and salted to fuck.

>> No.18279550

I have tried silkworm, locust and cricket and none of them taste good. First two were pan fried and seasoned and tasted like rotten potatoes and rotten grass respectively, and the crickets were ground up and made into a protein bar. Which was only edible because they added chocolate and sugar, the cricket part tasted like how the old dry leaves on the ground smell. So no, I wouldn't unless I have nothing else to eat, would much rather eat plants only if I have to

>> No.18279595

No because the Jews want me to do it so I won't

>> No.18279601

This is one of the best arguments there is. There's a reason chickens are so popular world over, they're easy to feed, grow fast and make good protein. If farming bugs was an easier way of getting reliable good protein than raising chickens or the like then it would already have taken off. Even cultures that eat them regularly they're not a staple.

Also this. There are so many beans, nuts and other protein sources that come from plants that bugs really are a last resort.

>> No.18279629

Bugs like crickets are not conscious. They do not have memory and they do not feel pain. They're more like simple biological machines that operate based on reflex. There's nothing unethical about killing them

>> No.18279670

>That's why it's mostly most popular as either bacon or ham where it's been cured and salted to fuck.
Because most people are lazy, but you can cook excellent recipes of fresh pork meat. Also pigs are very clean when not in industrial farms.

>> No.18279715

I'm not saying it's inedible in it's regular form, but it's most certainly bottom of the rung in terms of common meats. There's a reason that a pork chop is considered a quintessential poor food where as a steak luxury. Same reason there are steak houses and fried chicken joints all over the place where as a pork chop house is virtually unheard of. Common popular pork is always either cured or slow roasted bbq.

And back to shrimp, it's not just some meme or that it's harder to farm and catch than raising pigs which is why they cost so much more. People are willing to shell out fir shrimp because it's delicious all on it's own.

>> No.18279735

If it's nutritious and tasty (including texture), why the hell wouldn't I eat it?

>> No.18279899


>> No.18279902

Potatoes live in the dirt and we love to eat them

>> No.18279944

It reminds me of failures of fad / overly specialized diets
>Amount of enzymes is detectably less, is basically an insignificant amount, which indicates that it is NOT a major staple food for your group
>This means that basically you're not evolved to eat it
>Because you can't digest X item in in (in this case, chitin) there is probably a load of other stuff that you can't digest and micronutrients, metals, any other content might be off because you're not actually adapted to eat it
The human body is powerful and well-adapted to food sources we've been eating for hundreds, thousands of years. Without the adaptions you're Trusting The Science! and not what your body has evolved to do. We are obviously going to have a more specialized extraction of the nutrients we need from things that we've evolved to eat over centuries. The big macro numbers might match up but you just know that there's got to be something missing if you adopt this food suddenly as a major staple and try to replace a different staple with it.

>> No.18279956

I don't want to get aids

>> No.18280004

>it's a good thing to bring up when you're trying to be a sneaky jew rat and trick the goyim

>> No.18280075

What are you on about? What he's pointing out is that virtually everyone has eaten bugs in some capacity because that red dye is in so many things. The irony of you bitching about Jews is that the nasty things like beetles and crickets are allowed to be eaten where as the delicious things like shrimp and crab are strictly forbidden. Also the same would technically apply to Christians, but Christianity is all about cherry picking which bits of the supposedly divinely inspired book at take as literal hard fact everyone must adhere to and which bits to completely ignore and pretend their god didn't say. But what else could you expect from the Laurel and Hardy of world religions?

>> No.18280167
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>we use part of an animal to make a colored dye, now subsist of maggot paste forever

>> No.18280173

I'm not advocating them, just pointing out how fucking stupid you are. Also learn how to grow beans.

>> No.18280187

I knew it. You foreigners do eat pigeon.

>> No.18280188

Pigeons were domesticated for food, you dumbass.

>> No.18280193

Your ancestors ate pigeon too, dumbass.

>> No.18280365

>tasty (including texture)
It's not, frankly.
I didn't have the opportunity to try larvaes but I suppose it's' better, or at least can't be worse.

>> No.18280406

No, I'm going to keep eating meat, and if leftists make meet prohibitively difficult to obtain, I'm going to hunt and eat leftists instead.

>> No.18280650

>BBQ flavored
That US marketing.

>> No.18281078

Have fun with that lol.

>> No.18281088


>> No.18281133

>take apart a land bug you see that inside they are just slime and mush inside
Crabs are exactly the same. Slime when raw

>> No.18281293

Only my exiled kikes make this false comparison because its foribdden in their religion to eat shrimp.

>> No.18281314

Not him but if you think about eating crab you're mostly eating the legs and claws, that's where the muscle is. The center part is mostly mushy intestines and whatnot. Crickets and grasshoppers are the same, all the real meat is in their legs which are tiny with huge shells. The big abdomen is all just stomach stuff which is why it dries up to nothing when cooked.

With shrimp, the tail is what they use to propel themselves through the water so even though there's some digestive stuff it's mostly muscle.

>> No.18281522

I was down for eating bugs if the opportunity presented itself before globohomo started pushing it, but now I never will.

>> No.18281550

Thank you for announcing how easily controlled you are.

>> No.18281554

>if you don't do what the psychopaths ruling you want you're easily controlled
Okay retard.

>> No.18281721

The premise of the question was would you eat them IF they looked and tasted good., would you eat them.
Whether they do or not in reality is irreelvant

>> No.18282176

But you are doing what they want.

>> No.18282191

you can eat pidgon rare??? time to go some hunting

>> No.18282195

imagine breaking in and letting all of the loose

>> No.18282199

deveining a shrimp takes like 10 secons

>> No.18282207

The larval forms of many bugs have a higher muscle to guts/chitin ratio (since they propel themselves by walking, instead of flying/jumping), which is why many natives gather those instead of the adults.
However, larval forms are often overlooked when discussing bug edibility.

>> No.18282235

if they would look good i would eat the 'meaty' part like i do with a shrimp.
i would NEVER eat the bug/ waterbug whole with the head and everything. we evolved past the point where we had to eat the organs, now we only have to eat the nice parts. so i consider eating the animal whole dehumanizing.

>> No.18282243

I've been doing it since I was a child. If I catch it with my hand I eat it. Cockroaches taste no good, though, so I just squash them. And I like spiders and pill bugs so I leave them alone.

>> No.18282253


>> No.18282257


>> No.18282273

The organs have the most flavour. In predator packs, the leader gets dibs on the liver.

>> No.18282744


>> No.18282793
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This is like saying we should eat salamanders because we eat cows since both are vertebrates.

>> No.18282961

Not doing it takes 0 second, and it doesn't change anything.

>> No.18283000

>I'm going to hunt and eat leftists instead.
but bro, they're all full of monkey aids and stuff

>> No.18283012

i wanna see that thing crawling over her bare naked chest

>> No.18283022

its not good to expose them to bare skin

>> No.18283025

how long does it take to devein a mussel?

>> No.18283058

>eating a rolly-polly
you're a monster

>> No.18283211

You just eat muscles whole.

>> No.18283642

Why would organizations like the WHO, UN Councils on Food Security, WEF, etc. ad nauseum all start issuing guidance and resource studies that promote insects as a source of 'renewable protein' if they DIDN'T have a vested interest in turning public opinion and profiting accordingly? It's not just a psyop to diminish human spirit (which it certainly does), it's a social control mechanism - it's like getting people to adapt to electric cars, stop using ICE/gas/coal power sources. It's not that it's genuinely any better for the environment, it's easier to control how people act and choose to express themselves. Norming the population to a monoculture of submission. It's not even a schizo conspiracy, it's a real effort by real governing bodies at this point. The fact that it diminishes humanity is just icing on their cake.
This is fallacious thinking. Meat is artificially expensive in the West now, and is being made more expensive by policies that are based on politics over actual agricultural data. There is no reason for hunger to exist in 2022. It is FAKE. They are not forcing me to eat the insects, YET. They are pushing for a cultural and social change that leads people to accept eating insects when they don't actually have to. Why are you so willfully blind to this? Global demand can almost entirely be met with local food sourcing, if certain regenerative farming practices are met. It's not 'just capitalism' you syncophant.

>> No.18283649

Mussels/oysters etc you just let sit in seawater for a couple hours so they shit out what's left in their digestive tract. Not that it's actually that gross. Those things are far healthier for you than any insect.

>> No.18283661

'Evolved past the point where we had to eat the organs' - you are quite literally repeating a piece of food propaganda. The organs are the best part of the animal. Like anon said. Liver, heart, lungs, tongue, etc. Meat is high in protein but the micronutrients and other building components (collagen, everything in tendon and stomach) are massive in the rest of the animal. You have been fed a sanitized version of human experience, wherein eating the whole animal is somehow dehumanizing? This kind of thinking is deeply disrespectful to the animal in question, and reduces both it and you to singular purpose creatures. A cow is only meant to be stripped of flesh and made into burgers. A man is only meant to eat the burger. You need to go to a farm and meet the animals you're eating man, you have no connection to the reality of the situation you're experiencing.

>> No.18283671

>Implying that Christians are honor bound to live by the rules of the previous (broken and renewed) covenant of Moses and company
The whole point of Christ is that the new Covenant was written and promised by His blood. You fedora tipplers are the absolute fucking worst man, go back to /r/atheism and read up on how to actually make a case against something you don't get.

>> No.18284022

>top looks like edible food
>bottom literally looks like shit

>> No.18284054

If it's good and it's not too unhealthy, I will eat anything.
The only exception is extremely unethical food like foie-gras or shark fin soup.

>> No.18284096

Feed the bugs to the people who actually need cheap protein. Give them to African until their economy’s industrialize and they can eat beef too.

>> No.18284222

Pork meat is mild, but it doesn't taste bad. That is why steak is popular.

Also, a lot of what you describe is cultural. Rib houses, BBQ wing specialists and sushi joints are all over the place as well - guess what? Ribs used to be outright thrown away. And chicken wings too, until about half a century ago. I'm a millennial, and I remember when you'd get a bag of wings from the butchers for $1. Fish roe was thrown away - I liked fish roe, so I used to get it free. Tuna was cat food until after WW2.

>> No.18284234

Meat like that wasn't thrown away until maybe the 30's when meat distribution and refrigeration meant that meat didn't have to be processed locally. People used as much of an animal as possible because (imagine this) they had to.

>> No.18284243

>they had to
The point is, it's not because it's *bad*-tasting. Perception of X as "poorfag food" is merely that - perception.

>> No.18284256

I misread who I was replying to. I'm with you - farm raised pork that's allowed to root around freely and supplemented with veg scraps is amazing. Heritage breeds with dark meat. I go to a local farm where the lady has a fridge store (honor system) for her raw dairy, frozen beef and pork, chickens, etc. Such amazing food. All it takes is not trying to ship it everywhere except your home town.

>> No.18284295

Everything that you think is fake is not fake. You only see what you want to see.

>> No.18284306

Retard. The hunger crisis is manufactured. You do not know anything about real life.

>> No.18284315

You have never ventured beyond the thousand square kilometres in which you were born.

>> No.18284386

Cool beans. So which of the conflicting stories of his birth in the Bible do you think is the true one and why would a divinely inspired book like that have the versions that aren't true?

>> No.18284398

I still contend that as meats go pork is low quality and doesn't taste anywhere near as good as shrimp.

>> No.18284401

>Make a retarded autistic cow breed
Problem solved.

>> No.18284433

Correction: It doesn't taste as strongly as shrimp. Which can be "fixed" if you eat freshly-slaughtered pig. But I suspect the taste will overwhelm you.

>I still contend that as meats go pork is low quality
define "quality"

Pork is more sustainable than shrimp, is a more efficient converter of energy, has less allergens, and is more nutritious.

>> No.18284476

>that little claw

*vomit emoji*

>> No.18284495

I think the flavour is at least as strong as shrimp, it's just nowhere as good. I grant that taste is subjective I also think that is a very widely agreed upon for various reasons I've laid out.

By quality I mean taste. Again very few people eat pork which has been prepared simply like just lightly grilled with no extra needed seasonings. Because pork doesn't taste great all on it's own. Lightly grilled shrimp needs nothing and is delicious just like that.

>> No.18284648
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>> No.18285995

Selective breeding does not really enter it too much. For insects to reach higher sizes, they need a more oxygen-rich environment than Earth currently provides.

>> No.18286051

I won the argument, btw.