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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18260567 No.18260567 [Reply] [Original]

Dreamworld my ass, it tastes fucking suck.

>> No.18260569


>> No.18260572
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>> No.18260573 [DELETED] 

I like how sweet it is

>> No.18260578


>> No.18260579

I need carbonation and club soda tastes like shit

>> No.18260600


>> No.18260618

Fuck you, cunt.
There’s only one Dreamland. And it was the name of the album that contains one of the greatest electronic songs of all time.

>> No.18260619

>i need carbonation
no you fucking dont. grow up homie.

>> No.18260625

Fuck your midget-Mario get my soda wagie.

>> No.18260633

very good post thanks

>> No.18260645

also good post

>> No.18260648

Fuck you bitch I pop Perrier all day erry day.

>> No.18260657

I'd find this based if I didn't think he charges you like $3 for a warm water bottle

>> No.18260674

the fuck is a warm water bottle

>> No.18260712

A bottle of water that's... warm? As in not from a fridge or left in the sunlight or something

>> No.18260721

oh. i usually ask for warm in very hot weather so i dont get a sore throat. im sure you could ask this fella to give you some from the crates as well

>> No.18260735

Cold water gives you a sore throat? Never heard that one before

>> No.18260800

Ice cold water is far superior to soda.

>> No.18260840

I love you too mutt boomer!

>> No.18260959

>dream flavored
>no orange
>no vanilla
Well fuck you, too.

>> No.18260972

My dreams explore the chasm beyond the edge of despair. They would taste of rust, tar, finely ground sand, and the dry residue left by ancient long-forgotten tears. Is this to be bottled and sold as a beverage? I think not.

>> No.18260991

Nah. I like water but it's not as good as a cold can of Coca-Cola. Not even close.

>> No.18261013
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>Amerifat doesn't have access to Quebecois maple Coke so he has to settle for shitworld flavor


>> No.18261188

>fucking suck
keep your sneed shit off my board

>> No.18261194

i listened to this shit in early 2000s
maybe not this exact version

>> No.18261196


>> No.18261216

I saw you in that other thread, faggot, and you're wrong.

>> No.18261231
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Did you gais hear the news? Apparently drinking 'hot' drinks assists in weight loss. Of course you realize what this means. Pic related.

>> No.18261235

Homey living in A.D. 2077 over there.

>> No.18261266
File: 67 KB, 800x450, Fallout Commonwealths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balkanization soon friend.

>> No.18261344

Surely you're not suggesting that the Cyberpunk 2077 universe is a multiversal variant of the Fallout universe. Where were all the nuka-powered vehicles?!?!?!

Seriously though, I never noticed the association between those 2 separate worlds/univerese. Why tf did they choose that year? Was it an intentional nod to Fallout? The CP2077 devs were probably Fallout fans...

>> No.18261345

based as a MOTHERFUCK
goys and kikes fucking SEETHING at honorable dispray

>> No.18261349

drink your goyjuice

>> No.18261358 [DELETED] 

Warm water is better than drinking cold water, your body has to use energy to warm cold water up after you drink it.

>> No.18261362

I saw that "tribal people try kfc" video and a guy said that the fried food paired with a cold drink will give you a cough. I don't know if there's any truth to it but I guess that sort of thing might be an old wives' tale in some areas.

>> No.18261369 [DELETED] 
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I know man. I just bought some today after seeing a pack of them at the store. Literally the shittiest tasting bubble gum flavoured soda, which already is a shitty flavour to begin with. Fucking Coke needs to just straight up label it as bubblegum instead of giving it a unique name like "Dream".
I'm just going to give it away.

>> No.18261371

jewish trick. cold water is godliness

>> No.18261425

Man this makes me think of nearly every time I ever ate Mickey D's and washed it down with an iced Coke I would get a hell hiccup with the first few gulps. Eating like Goku probably didn't help that to not happen, now that I think about it lol

>> No.18261430
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>made sure it was timestamped
>made sure your Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends porn was open

>> No.18261432

>bubble gum flavoured soda

>> No.18261433

>I will sell you bottled water, though

>> No.18261483

I tried that shit once, and it was awful.

>> No.18261518

Based and anti goy-slop pilled

>> No.18261528

Big Red is bubblegum flavored

>> No.18261555

>believing health advice from a tribal
Yeah man just put fire ants down your urethra

>> No.18261560

What's with all the tranny posts today?

>> No.18261589
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>> No.18261636

>anons talking about the drink
Where’s tranny at?

>> No.18261760

Hey hey hey, whaddaya know!? Creme Soda was made to mimic bubble gum. And yet it is red and not pink. Man. If I was a big fan of cinnamon gum such as Big Red, then saw a bottle of LIQUID Big Red, I would probably try a sip while chewing a piece of the gum. Then again maybe not; I'll check in somewhere nearby next time I'm in a place that offers both.

>> No.18261772
File: 63 KB, 851x600, 021DFA12-C5D1-4669-9325-E59CD719BD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of the wild Canadian, everybody. What say you bring a case or so of that a little South and we can do a trade or somethin'?

>> No.18261784

i am quebecwah
those are fucking gross

>> No.18261796

So cold water is better because it makes your body spend extra calories?

>> No.18261815
File: 88 KB, 640x669, 88D51855-2BED-467B-8044-F5BD4D062C23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But apparently, the inverse is true. WhAt dOeS tHe ScIeNcE sAy? ::rolls eyes:: I mean, what do Google results say

I thought the same thing about cold water until recently.

>> No.18261833

Eat shit faggot.

>> No.18261924

you don't need to be a faggot bitch, but here you are.

>> No.18262094


>> No.18262386

The fallout devs picked it because it's a year after what would be the Tricentennial of America, and nuclear war would have been at an all time risk due to patriotism riding high

No idea on Cyberpunk other than the original was 2020 and as that actually rolled around it felt a bit silly to have the game set two years ago with far more advanced tech than we have

>> No.18262390

Get some Irn Bru then, it's bubblegum flavour

>> No.18262742

why did they do it
why did they shift directions to be a shit band?