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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18256260 No.18256260 [Reply] [Original]

>$2.67 per meatless patty
>meatcels on suicide watch

>> No.18256270

Vegan haters have never been so upset with veganism enjoyers than right now. What a moment.

>> No.18256277

>number of posters, 1

>> No.18256283

Hmm, I see you're very good at using a website, hmm

>> No.18256284

You could charge a nickle I still wouldn't eat that shit if I was starving to death.

>> No.18256286

Make them at home when you can make like 30 or 40 for that.
Just freeze the extra

>> No.18256287

If you're so cheap, you might as well just starve yourself to death this weekend

>> No.18256290

Where did you get a deal like that? Fake meat is usually way more expensive than beef.

>> No.18256291

That's still hilariously overpriced, not just for what it is but also compared to beef.

>> No.18256292

is that a really big skillet or really small patties?

>> No.18256294

Dude it's always cheaper

>> No.18256302

I think they're small

>> No.18256309
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Where can I get ALL the ingredients and make them taste the same

>> No.18256311

I just want to say that's a really nice saucepan

>> No.18256312

I actually like watching vegan cooking channels cause I'm interested in seeing what wacky stuff they make but all just seem to be trying to replicate normal food with bizarre clearly awful vegan alternatives
why don't they try and re-think how they eat and come up with original recipes and eating methods that would suit the things they eat?

>> No.18256313

8 patties at $2.67 per patty is $21.36
Each patty is about a quarter pound, or 2 lbs of 'meat'
You could buy two pounds of actual beef for about $5.49 per pound, or in other words half the price of the bullshit faggot patties you got. Dipshit

>> No.18256317

>stainless steel enjoyers on suicide watch
Thanks, $30 at Superstore.

>> No.18256326

I think you just might be getting a small sample size especially if you're watching people that are all one race

>> No.18256328

imagine trying to eat food from before the fall?
imagine trying tom cause mutations to yourself by not eating a human diet.

>> No.18256332

please fuck off

>> No.18256333

>potassium chloride
i really enjoy the 3rd shot in a lethal injection being added to my food.

>> No.18256338

>cause mutations to yourself
>breaths in

I bet you believe broccoli and cauliflower murder 100s of kids annually too

>> No.18256341

If I was personally trying to replicate that exact Burger I would probably take out a little bit of the oil but that's just me.

Other than that I think you could pick up all of those at Superstore and maybe Bulk Barn I'm just trying to use recognizable names.

Tweak it a little bit if you want.
you can buy one of every time you visit the store if they're not things you already own so you're not spending a ton of money.

You can make them out of other stuff too
You could really put any vegetable you wanted in one of them so you can really control the vitamins .

>> No.18256343

>he doesn't know about the lizards from the two islands

>> No.18256380
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Some freaky shit happening in the leftover oil

>> No.18256384
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Look at this

>> No.18256390

why is your lettuce white
you're not supposed to eat that part

>> No.18256393
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>> No.18256396

Bro... only a tomato? a single tomato slice?
Wheres the ONION at least???

>> No.18256398

1 turd wrap supreme, and an IPA to wash it down

>> No.18256429
File: 62 KB, 540x587, 1660218390418064 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why would I care? I enjoy eating real meat. I always did.

Let the leaf fuckers eat their cardboard or lab grown mutated vegeshit and let me eat real meat in peace. I actually bought 1kg of liver from the local butcher, along with 0.5kg of pork butt and I'm pretty happy with that.
There are no actual vitamins and minerals in vegetables. Not the ones that can be digested by a human. Let the livestock eat their natural vegetable food and humans eat the livestock.

>> No.18256436
File: 470 KB, 1076x908, Screenshot_20220819-180024_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, I....

>> No.18256441

OPs nuts shrinking in real time

>> No.18256442

Per pound fake meat is FAR more expensive than the real thing. You are one of those retards who looks at the price of the item and not per pound.

>> No.18256451

>splooges all over your waifu pillow
Heh nothing personal kid

>> No.18256452

looks like tuna that's gone off.

>> No.18256468

Why? No one get's otta here alive, not even you, no matter how much you try to save the world
The point is moot.

>> No.18256471

>veggiefags feel the need to make their food look like real food
>they can't just eat a fucking tomato or something
>veggiefags cope, seethe, and dilate with plant based sausages

>> No.18256492

They are torturing themselves for some stupid animals, that would eat the fuck out of them with no moral problems or hesitation given a chance kek. Even their beloved piggies or cows would munch on them if they could.

It's a literal mentally ill death cult.

>> No.18256497

They're not doing that dummy it's big corporations

>> No.18256499

My burger tastes amazing. I don't care about animals, I shoot deers and bears just like everyone else I know

>> No.18256517

Had some really good venison steaks from a friend as well as some great venison jerky sticks

>> No.18256532


>> No.18256557
File: 56 KB, 640x361, sucklingpig6_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pig roast, so damn good!

>> No.18256571

>Eating seed oil bites
>but it's so cheap anon

Lmao cope harder goy

>> No.18256631

>$2.67 per meatless patty
>113g = 4oz = 1/4 lb
>$2.67 x 4 = $10.68 per lb
>Ground beef = $4 per lb

Your fag patties cost more than twice what real meat does while being twice as bad for you.

>> No.18256733

Are americans really paying $10 for 4 sausage patties lol

>> No.18256745

Whole hog is a special kind of magic, though I prefer to do it on its back. It lets the rendering belly fat work its way into the rest of the carcass instead of dripping into the smoker.

>> No.18256754

potassium chloride is literally just a table salt alternative
you'd get an equally lethal effect from mainlining sodium chloride into your bloodstream

>> No.18256759

KCl is only dangerous when introduced in high doses intravenously. Otherwise, it's just a sodium free salt.

>> No.18256763

Every time you shill your fake meat, I buy double the meat that I normally would.
Just saying.

>> No.18256767
File: 5 KB, 162x86, euro units.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You euros like to make fun of American units (like 1/4 lb or 1/3 lb hamburgers), but you're telling me you retards really have to ask the waiter for a "113 gram burger"?

>> No.18256792

>vegans kept shilling their diet as healthy
>now they're eating a heavily processed combination of wheat, soy and oil
Why are vegans like this?

>> No.18256816

Actually, they just call it a burger and don't worry about the pre-cooked weight. That's a very American thing.

>> No.18256819

>le processed bad

>> No.18257083


>> No.18257087


>> No.18257105

Vegans are too malnourished to do math.

>> No.18257112

enjoy you AIDS related death buttercup

>> No.18257234

I can buy a pound of chicken liver for $1.40. And it will have far more vitamins and minerals in more bioavailable forms then any boy patty.

>> No.18257238

This is the goyest goyslop that has ever goyslopped. What is wrong with vegans if they willingly ingest this garbage?

>> No.18257317
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>$2.67 per meatless patty
>$0.80 per vegless patty
>vegcels on suicide watch

>> No.18257350

Vegfags' brains don't work that well. Give them a slack.

>> No.18257463

Wow can't believe 5G does that. How much foil does one need to protect oneself?

>> No.18257514

Potassium Chloride literally just makes things taste saltier without increasing sodium content lmao. It was found in fucking 1807 and is naturally occurring. Babies first time looking at food ingredients?

>> No.18257540

>$2.67 a soypatty
>$8 for an 8 pack of 80/20 patties down at the IGA
interesting, yes, go on

>> No.18257577
File: 83 KB, 861x956, beeflol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's 2.67 per meatless patty, and the patties are >113g a piece, 113g= about 4 oz
>12 oz in a lb, so 3 patties per lb
this is a gigantic, titanic lmao. A good price for ground beef per pound is $3.99 in texas. For "premium" beef, 4.99 to 5.99. For ground bison, an animal difficult to pen, control, slaughter and care for, it's 8.99 per lb. Your pea flour/soy extract/whatever patty mix is more expensive that the most expensive animal protein I purchase. Less protein dense too, see attached.

>> No.18257582

mistyped, 16 oz in a lb

>> No.18257583

Beyond burgers are $10 for 30 patties at Costco near me.

>> No.18257618

You'll be eating bugs In a few years, just watch.

>> No.18257619

seppos bag out poms for their toast sandwich but they eat whatever the fuck this trash is

>> No.18257671
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Time for 'ger #2 lads

>> No.18257683
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Wa la

>> No.18257687

That's how much 80/20 is at my grocery, less if you buy the big packs.

>> No.18257705
File: 547 KB, 1047x1051, Screenshot_20220820-002810_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel my skin getting clearer and my prostate cancer receding from all that ground beef and steak I ate until my early 20s.

>> No.18257742

I came of age in the 2000's. after Y2K I didn't give a fuck and I took 50 Cent's advice to get rich or die trying. I take the same approach to food so I most try to eat fish or die trying. do you happen to know if they make Beyond Fish?

>> No.18257936

These things should not be eaten frequently
t. Vegan

>> No.18257953 [DELETED] 

>separated pea and rice bulk mixed with rapeseed oil and slimy wood pulp. throw in tons of vitamin supplements otherwise you'll slowly go insane.

>> No.18258026

>Actually, they just call it a burger and don't worry about the pre-cooked weight. That's a very American thing.
Last time I was in Europe, they put weights in grams on everything. "200g sauerbraten" and shit like that, always 100g increments of meat. And 30cl/4.5cl type alcohol measurements.

>> No.18258062

bro if you inject enough air into your blood you'll die, better stop breathing (for our sake though not yours)

>> No.18258717
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35g of estrogen in every bite. KyS faggot

>> No.18258771

you think you found a way out
you think you found a workaround
you think you overcame nature
you think your clever

i get it. you like floofy animrus.

But steak doesnt have 370mg of sodium per serving.
if you keep eating these fake meat burgers you will have heart failure in a few years.

Oh and youll never get colon cancer from steak for fuck sake

>> No.18259483
File: 616 KB, 1080x1053, Screenshot_20220820-125720_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning anon!

You're trying wayy too hard to be cool

>> No.18259502
File: 628 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20220820-130235_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa La!

1/4 lb of tempeh cost me $5.69 so I'm gonna savor it (like my beyond meat 'gurs)

>> No.18259533

I got 93/7 this week for 6 bucks a pound, or 1.50 per quarter pound patty. But I wouldn't make burgers with that lean of beef, made nachos instead.

>> No.18259560

>But why would I care?
You cared enough to answer that anon and call him a leaf fucker, kek.

>> No.18259567

Why does your tempeh look so similar to tofu except on the very outside? Mine looks a lot more beany normally. Hope it tasted good though.

>> No.18259575

All the vegan products I tried were completely tasteless and very salty, literally meme food for slaves.

>> No.18259586

That's literally a film of plastic

>> No.18259587
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>> No.18259599


How much estrogen by daily value?

>> No.18259611

There's lots of different types of tempe

>> No.18259626

kms right now OP

>> No.18259639

high quality bait

>> No.18259828

in San Francisco a pound of ground beef is $9.50 on sale
a pound of beyond is $3.00

>> No.18261128

As long as those products stay in their lane, no complaints from me. When they try to muscle in on meats turf? Legs get broken, friend.

>> No.18261138

imagine the smell

>> No.18261143

That's double was a pre-made beef patty would cost. And it tastes like garbage.

>> No.18261152

>california is retarded
You don't have to remind us. We know.

>> No.18261163


>> No.18261778

>he thinks you can’t buy a patty cheaper than $2.67 each
A stupid overpriced mcdonalds burger sells for $1.99 here.
Your shitty vegan burger is 30% more expensive than mcdonalds despite being meatless and you still have to buy bread.
Imagine actually defending getting scammed this hard.

>> No.18261915

200g of beef is $1.50 nigger

>> No.18261957

Like... what exactly does this entail?

>> No.18262047

Some carcinogenic chemicals.