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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 1200x1051, 1BE802C4-E83A-401A-9FF2-24607F219A9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18256167 No.18256167 [Reply] [Original]

Are there actually people who don’t eat fast food at all? Not even once a week?

>> No.18256176


>> No.18256178

>Not even once a week?
Me. We generally go to real restaurants.
Sometimes, though, fast food is the real option, like burger king is the cheapest in local airports.

>> No.18256181

the food I make isn't necessarily much better/healthier though, just as homecooking isn't inherently 'better' especially as most people don't know shit about portion control especially when it comes to refined carbs

>> No.18256191


>> No.18256205

Refuse to eat corporation food.

>> No.18256208

Does the spite keep you going?

>> No.18256450

Maybe once every 2 weeks to a real restaurant, Once every 2-3 months for fast food

>> No.18256460

I go like twice a year to remind myself why I don't eat trash. Instant regret every time.

>> No.18256501

Non-Americans mostly.

>> No.18256511

I haven’t had it in months but only because i want to save money

>> No.18256524

It doesn't sound like much of a life. Imagine waking up on a Monday morning with the knowledge that you'll have no fast food to look forward to in the upcoming week. You'd never want to get out of bed.

>> No.18256550

I save a lot of money and time by cooking at home. Fast food.doesn't even taste good.

>> No.18256560
File: 63 KB, 960x720, BurgerKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even once a year
I think I had Taco Bell ~5 years ago, because there were no other food options available

>> No.18256575

you are in an airport and looking for the cheapest fast food?

>> No.18256592

wendy's is the only fast food I really like. I'll order a dave's double once every 2 months maybe

>> No.18256744

this lol
>sharts the whole flight

>> No.18256758

Once or twice a year, tops. I still eat like shit though and drink sodas and eat candy so I'm not entirely sure why I draw the line at no fast food but I just feel dirty eating it. Like another poster said, maybe it's the knowledge that I'm supporting globalist corporations

>> No.18256807

Lol and you're not supporting them by eating candy and soda? You are braindead

>> No.18256907

>people who don’t eat fast food at all?
It's me.
Not even interested it's expensive and obviously shit, not sure why it's popular.

>> No.18256908

Once a week should be the maximum

>> No.18256928

I used to eat fast food 3-4 times a week when I was a fat fuck that drank soda all the time. Then I went on a low calorie diet and switched to only water. I eat fast food about 3 times a month now and only Subway so I'm not really sure you can count essentially convenient salads as the same as other fast food.

I wouldn't even eat at Subway but they have a buy one get one free footlong deal going on so I can get a footlong for 5 bucks each. So I just get those and save the bread and boom, instant 250-600 calorie meals. It's convenient to not have to buy and cut up all the vegetables and it's cheap enough that it's worth it so I get it occasionally. If they ever stop the deal, though, I won't eat any fast food at all.

>> No.18256948

When you learn to cook, you learn that they're serving you trash and then you look forward to food every day because you can make things that are restaurant quality every night and 50% or less of the calories.

What fast food items do you look forward to that you can't cook better?

>> No.18256963

About to be one. It just ain't worth it. 25 min, 14$, and it's shit. I'd lived with shit, and expensive as long as I could get a quick fix.

>> No.18256967
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i have celiac disease and haven't had any in 15 years. I haven't been to a regular restaurant either. Can't trust them not to poison me.

>> No.18256994
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I only go if I don't make my caloric intake goal for the day or I'm on a long drive

Even then its only burgers, expanding my palette really made fast-food taste too salty and fatty, same with chocolate and soda

>(American milk chocolate now tastes too sweet and the soda industry added more sugar during the recession thinking no one would notice)
>pic related

>> No.18257006
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>> No.18257014

I generally avoid it because i live in an area where the minority employees are likely to spit in your food
It amazed me when i went to college in ohio and i saw young white people making my micky dees

>> No.18257024

I was emotionally and mentally immature and ate fast food for most of my calories for about 7 years instead of cooking for myself. I got fat and depressed, of course. It took about 2 years of eating healthy and working out to get my life back on track, not to mention low productivity for the duration I was eating fast food was probably worth maybe 2 years of effort lost there as well. Since 2018 I've eaten fast food about 3 times if you don't include ordering pizza, and about 10 times if you do. Feels great man.

>> No.18257065

Work upon work upon work. Life shouldn't be chores all the time. Go get some fast food, and there's a delicious treat no effort extracted. Finally, reprieve from endless shittiness in life. I fill sorry forv people who don't have that.

>> No.18257070

If we're talking McD/Wendy/Tacobell/BurgerKing/etc, then yes. Maybe once or twice a year. And only because it is an easy highway stop on a road trip.
If we are including 5 guys, chipotle, and that type of fast food then maybe once a month.

>> No.18257072
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>maybe it's the knowledge that I'm supporting globalist corporations
>meanwhile, does so in every other aspect of consumption and indulgence
Way to stick it to the man, Jeffie

>> No.18257077

You're just a fat lazy retard
Enjoy you're corn syrup goy

>> No.18257081

My appetite is satisfied.

>> No.18257119

It's really not that hard to cook, dude. You don't need to be master chef to cook a delicious egg breakfast. Same with making a simple chicken sandwich for lunch. Same with a delicious hamburger for dinner.

What are these fast food places offering that is so difficult to cook yourself? Because seriously, eating fast food is part of what is giving you this lazy and indulgent attitude. You're hurting both your wallet and your body by doing it. It's sapping your energy to begin with. It's sad because you don't know how much better you'd feel if you just learned to cook.

>> No.18257184

I went to a mcdonalds to get fries from a trip that was 4 hours long, that was a few months ago. before that it's been about 8 years of no fast food. it's kinda gross

>> No.18257211

>Going to fast food more than 1-2 times a month.
This is why my fellow countrymen are fucking beluga whales.

>> No.18257244

Christ, what sappy self-help book did you pull that shitpost out of?

>> No.18257261

Your mom's

>> No.18257266

Too expensive for me

>> No.18257297

I don't eat garbage.

>> No.18257299

I've had fast food maybe 3-4 times in the last 3 years. Even before memeflu only had it like once or twice a month.
It's junkfood to begin with, that's now more expensive and shittier and made by increasingly disgruntled employees for increasingly [current thing] pandering companies. Wasn't hard to just cut that shit out of my life

>> No.18257306

Deal with it trumptard

>> No.18257625

yes. a lot of it hurts my stomach. even the fries at mcdonalds have fucking wheat powder on them

>> No.18257668
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My secret? I worked at a McD's for a year as my first w2 job.
Wendy's was the ONLY place I'd eat at, other than Steak'n'Wait, but when they sold out to Arbys, the product went to hell.
You're better off without it.

>> No.18257679

Yeah, Ray Kroc was a real bastard.
He actually turned one of the McDonald brothers into a CLOWN.

>> No.18257682

Not even her own son bought that crap.

>> No.18257688

No, looking for cheapest beer.

Wow the thread is still alive.

>> No.18257689

>Life shouldn't be chores all the time
Why are you treating living life as a chore, eat good food, keep a clean house and be active and you will be much happier

>> No.18257690


>> No.18257698
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>> No.18257701

>Why are you treating living life as a chore
>Just do lots of chores

>> No.18257727

i'm too poor and I hate going out in public

>> No.18258060

Yes i dont eat that shit any more if i am going to eat fast food i get something good like checkers or chik fil a or portillos. That'll be only once a month or every two.

>> No.18258786

a good way to quit fast food
Instead of buying fast food when you crave it. Tell yourself to spend your money on food that is worth eating. Go to a better resturaunt instead. Dont support ANY fast food company.

>> No.18259037

Maybe once in a half year. Why would you ever go the fast food if there are any other options?

>> No.18259049

>ITT: zoomies waving their corporate hateboners
Fucking lol while you’re posting from a device made by kids in a factory

>> No.18259055

I only eat Chick-fil-A maybe 6-7 times a year. I don't eat at other fast food restaurants at all unless I have to.

>> No.18259063

>Dont support ANY fast food company.
>posted from my iPhone

>> No.18259074

To be fair, one of these two things are necessary if you're a first worlder with a non-wageslave job and the other is completely optional.

>> No.18259298
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I haven't eaten at McDonalds in years, but I like it a lot still. Even the simplest cheese burger is fucking delicious.

>> No.18259301

Why are you in some airport looking for the cheapest fast food and why do you think that your destination place wants you? You arrogant sack of shit.

>> No.18259307

Haven't eaten fast food like fewer than 10 times in last 8 years.

>> No.18259308

So you're being chased out of a place to some "sanctuary destination?"
Be honest, you're anon.

>> No.18259321
File: 9 KB, 274x184, fat_pigeons_on_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times for you, what do want now pigeon droppings on your statue?

>> No.18259325

I don't think that I own any statues.

>> No.18259352

Behold what looks to be a humble starling. Those fat bitch pigeons never had a chance.

>> No.18259413

i dont even own a cell phone you dumb fucking wage cuck nigger. Your manager at mcdonalds called you should really get back to work before you get fired and die living on the streets

>> No.18259438

I went to McDonald's for the last time in February 2021. It made me sick and I had an intestinal blockage that lasted several days. I haven't touched fast food since and never will

>> No.18259457

Even my favorite and only one I go to, Culver's, really took a nose dive in quality during Covid. I'd say I eat at these shit chains at most once a year and it's while roadtripping

>> No.18259494
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I cant even remember the last time I ate that shit. Maybe 2 chirstmas's ago when someone gave me a gift card. Still nasty as ever. zero nutritional value, its all sugar and starch and binders,meat is suspect, heavy salt and msg in products. all phool is fried in or has bean oil in it. also intaking more plastics and estrogens vs. home prepared meals

>> No.18259499

>Not even once a week?
Lol wtf how is this that impressive ? I eat fast food like once every two month.

>> No.18259509

>Non-Americans mostly.
No. Most rich Americans don't eat that garbage, rich people don't even let them build them in their communities. No zoning for fast food drive-thrus. Two of my college girlfriends didn't eat fast food growing up and it made me realize how low class the places were. They were also raised rich and knew how to cook. Rich kids have much more sophisticated palates than low class kids, who just want to eat goy slop fast food, pizza and chicken nuggets

>> No.18259529

Last fast food I had was Jimmy Johns... like 3 months ago. Only went to try their new Thai chicken wrap. It was pretty good, actually, but it looks like it was only a temporary menu item. Only fast food I actually crave once in a while is Shake Shack. But the closest one is 30 minutes away, so I don't have it but maybe a couple times a year.

>> No.18259536

Culver's is hiring drug addicted kids. The teens all look like dipshit lazy stoners who are vaping on duty, cracking jokes and fucking up the food. All 3 of the locations in my county took a nosedive in quality the last 2 years.

>> No.18259607

In the kinda rich village I grew up they didn't allow McDonalds to come in order to avoid poor/brown people passing by.

>> No.18259653
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I got McDolan's today. This is my story.

>mobile order
>double quarter pounder, plain, with extra cheese
>medium fries
>medium fanta orange
>ten piece nuggies
>buffalo sauce
>sweet & sour sauce

>get up to window
>qt.3149526 hands me my fanta
>asks me to pull up
>i ask
"Can I just stay in line? I'm really bad at parking."
>she smiles warmly
>"Yeah you're fine."
>Hands me my bag
>I say "Have a good day"
>"Thank you you as well! ^_^"

I think she was amused by my autishtic charm.

>> No.18259923

Once a week is too frequent for me. I like to cook, but I’m not opposed to grabbing some fast food a few times a month.

>> No.18259956

>Not even once a week?
The absolute state of muricans.

>> No.18259977

>fucks up pi after 3 digits
gonna need your badge, anon

>> No.18259993

last time I ate fastfood for dinner (actually late lunch, was about 4pm) it was McDonalds, and it was in 2007. 15 years ago. I went there as my employer gave me about $50 worth McD vouchers as an unexpected gift. Spent all of it on quaterpounders, it was the first time in my life I spent money in a fastfood restaurant, obviously I would not have done it on my own money. I was about 24 back then. I still remember how I grabbed the car door while I was vomiting like a fucking fountain. Could not eat solid food till end of that week and I have never eaten fast food since that. Yes, believe it or not Murrican Boy, people can leave without these shit food chains. We cook, you know...

>> No.18260006

Rainman was a poor depiction of autism.

>> No.18260074

I probably eat fast food once or twice a year.

>> No.18260114

Yes. Haven't had any for about 5 years.

>> No.18260116

i have it like once a month. usually drunk

>> No.18260131

What about looking forward to meeting up with your girlfriend?

>> No.18260561

i used to be like this after watching super size me. but now i eat fast food once a week. a big mac is just the perfect sandwich

>> No.18260587

i have fast food maybe 7 or 8 times a year

>> No.18260589
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Fast food can't compare to a home made meal.

>> No.18260624

Too much effort..just give me a double whopper jr, a med frie and a coke and we’ll call it a day.

>> No.18260629

I can smell that ashtray through the screen.

>> No.18260636

I live out in the sticks so there's nowhere to go

>> No.18260639

If the place has a drive thru I won't eat at it.

>> No.18260650
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I go maybe twice a year and get a big king xxl, which I do like very much. Of course, I could make a fresher burger myself, but there's not a single recipe that comes even close to the sauce.

I had two once, as a challenge, and could hardly move afterwards. Sleeping was a bitch too, I woke up dehydrated as fuck.

>> No.18260660
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That's a crow. The pigeons are GIANTS

>> No.18260666

as if a chain smoker can taste anything

>> No.18260668
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>XTRA 2 Pickles
That's disgusting anon!

>> No.18260700

That's all they'd let me add on the mobile order

>> No.18260706
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When I take long trips I buy burgers. I take long trips maybe once a year.

>> No.18261011

I eat fast food maybe 12 times a year, if that

>> No.18261675
File: 595 KB, 769x683, burger9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once a year on my birthday i get a burger that looks like this. otherwise, i do not go to restaurants at all.

>> No.18261688

That looks like dog shits

>> No.18261698

That's only once a month. What a joyless life.
How the fuck do you not kill yourself? That's only once a year.

>> No.18261728

>Not even once a week?
yup, not even once a week, i dont live in USA.

>> No.18261739

I´m American (Colombian) and i dont eat that fucking crap.
yes, i replied just because i want to let it clear: America is a continent, not a country.

>> No.18261746

Used to, but they decided to make the coupons trash and raised prices when fast food is supposed to be cheap garbage.

>> No.18261766

yeah but you're on the non american american continent

>> No.18261873

Kek. Imagine being dependant on McTrash. Mercifully here in Asia the overwhelming majority of street foot vendors absolutely destroy western fast food both in that they actually serve food even faster and that the food is actually god damn good. And cheaper. And the endless variety. It always amuses me when I see Asians get cucked by McTrash et al when they’ve got much better local cuisine. I’m literally white and I’ve had Asians get triggered at me for calling McTrash McTrash when it’s precisely that: trash. I swear they must be putting some psycho shit into their food when they make people willingly give up their superior and cheaper local cuisine to eat this garbage daily.

>> No.18261896

I go like 5 times a year

>> No.18261898

When I was a kid we would get takeaway maybe once a month. Usually Thai food, sometimes pizza. Every so often we'd get mcdonalds or something but usually when on a road trip.
I'm 30 now and I genuinely can't remember the last time I had fast food except that it was pre-covid. I think it was when I tried five guys while in Hong Kong because I wanted to see what the hype was about, didn't like it.
We get takeaway Thai or poke bowls maybe once a month cause gf likes it.

>> No.18261947


>> No.18261970

Z-grade meat with soy-mayo on cake-bread with milk product?
If I need to grab food while on a long car trip, sure
it seems like everyone oversalts their fries now
it really lost the appeal when I gave up soda
there aren't even potato wedges at KFC anymore
it's kind of nice to watch them dwindle

>> No.18261980

Last time i ate mcdonalds was 3 months ago in a car ride with my father in law. I cook, its cheaper and tastes better.

>> No.18262021

>$300 ticket
>$40 for a meal and a drink
Yeah, nah.

>> No.18262030

me. i used to eat fast food like everyday and then got redpilled on goyslop years ago. i still eat it occasionally (once every few months when i just can’t be bothered to cook) but i pretty much cook something everyday.
now if i could only kick energy drinks every morning that would be great.

>> No.18262738
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I ate it yesterday; cheeseburger & big mac. Before that it was six months ago.

>> No.18262804

corporate fast food is disgusting but I go to local burger places and taquerias

>> No.18262818


>> No.18262865

Except for their coffee, I haven't eaten any macdonald's since I was about 7-8,

>> No.18262983

Bro if you ate $50 of quarterpounders no wonder you had to vomit.

>> No.18263307

usually only on road trips. besides that i might have some maybe once or twice/year. im honestly too lazy to drive somewhere to get food when i can just make it at home.

>> No.18263342

>Not even once a week?
I went two years without fast food because of the 'Rona.
Regular restaurants too.
Only God knows who's coughing, weezing, sneezing or spitting God-knows-what into your food.

>> No.18263413

>once a week
This is a lot, anon

>> No.18263974

Absolutely NO MORE mcdonalds of any kind!!!


>> No.18263988

You ate 15 QPs in one sitting and blame the vendor?

>> No.18264067

I'm calling bullshit.
He's obviously copying/imitating Sam Kinison.
Maybe his "ambitious" goal is to shout his way to an equally obscure career "high" before being killed by a drunk driver outside Las Vegas.
Fucking people, I swear.

>> No.18264111

I had Wendy's for the first time in 4 years because I was driving 12 hours. It was mediocre and gave me the shits.

Depending on your definition of fast food that's the first I've had in 4 years, but not if you include local take out that's bad for you like pizza and chinese.

>> No.18264147

big pickle

>> No.18264159

I cook once a week for lunches at work, and generaly just eat soup or veggies or some shit at home, with a Boost for breakfast.
I eat fast food maybe 4 times a year, if I'm driving long distances.

>> No.18264168
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>> No.18264319

In my experience people who say they don't are lying. Probe a little further and there's a regular snack they're not counting because it's "not a real meal," or they keep running into situations where fast food was their only option but that doesn't count in their minds because it wasn't a choice. The vast majority of people have it on average a minimum of once a week. It's too convenient and delicious to pass by.

>> No.18264545
File: 139 KB, 1280x1280, 6A47D3D3-DC6E-40BC-B518-AC10F62BDDFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being such a lardass you get fast food once a week

>> No.18264555

I don't ever eat fast food.

>> No.18264599

Pretending corporate origins are fattening, and not serving sizes.
I shiggy to the diggy.

>> No.18264766

jesus ive never seen a pigeom from this angle...ill never feel safe walking downtown ever again

>> No.18265015

>McDick's salt has sugar in it
>and aluminum
fast food eaters get what they deserve

>> No.18265107

>the highlight of my day was the MC Angus burger(tm)

its so over for you.

>> No.18265216

It's basically true though. The corporations have armies of people optimizing to make the food hyper-palatable but as cheap as possible. That's how they get those portion sizes. Normal food you cook won't be nearly as bad even if you load it with salt and fat.

>In my experience people who say they don't are lying
holy cope

>> No.18265316

Does coffee from McDonald’s count?

>> No.18265323

I do but its from local places not franchises, i dont trust Big Burger

>> No.18265324

yes, I don't. and the fact that some people just can't wrap their head around it makes me so, so sad.

>> No.18265376

I almost never buy fast food. Maybe once or twice a month.

>> No.18265385
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>only le amerisharts eat fast food
yurop is pathetic.

>> No.18265403

There is no McDonalds in my country Allah be praised

>> No.18265417

>Are there actually people who don’t eat fast food at all? Not even once a week?

of course. that's me! i literally never eat fast food. it's so processed and sloppy that i don't even consider it actual food anymore.

>> No.18265898

>Are there actually people who don’t eat poison at all?
holy fuck i hate /ck/

>> No.18265899

I wouldn't even eat fast food if it wasn't for my girlfriend bringing it to me a few times a month when she's too lazy to cook.

>> No.18265980

fast food is like video games, telivision, movies these days. if you don't notice the quality has gone down you're coping

>> No.18265991
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only thing of nutritional value at these places is the cake in the urinal

>> No.18266015

>posts graph showing americans eat nearly as much fast food as the rest of the world combined

>> No.18266028

No. Aside from plain patties, 95% of fast food is not human food. It's not part of a proper human diet. Just combinations of food ingredients that we've come up with during starvation periods that we've still kept in our culture.

Cats and dogs are no more adapted to eating donuts and pizza than humans are. Would you feed them a cheat meal once a week that included these foods? Surely it can't do THAT much harm, right?

>> No.18266441

I get one dollar fries from Mcd once a week if I remember which probably evens out to once a month. Then I end up giving half of it to family. Maybe a couple of times a year I'll grab fast food out of convenience while working or eat a slice of pizza someone brings home.
Fast food is a meme, you don't need it.

>> No.18266464

Cope with what? Having fast food less often would be sad. It just happens that some people only know this subconsciously.

>> No.18266622


>> No.18266693

My older dog died from living off quarter pounders lol.

>> No.18266699

>I almost never buy fast food
>I buy fast food once every two weeks

>> No.18266712

Seems unlikely.
Except for high salt content, there's nothing life-threatening in a QP.
But I get it. You can feel smug abd superior by badmouthing cheap food, even though cheap food throughout history was far worse than anything modern fast food places produce, just like these assholes:
etc., etc, *sigh*
Get a job, you

>> No.18266717

Maybe twice a year.
I eat out once a week though

>> No.18266732
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>I eat out once a week though
Me too!

>> No.18266734

I’ll only eat fast food breakfast items but only once every couple of months if I’m traveling. However, I refuse to eat McDonald’s breakfast because it just sucks. Wendy’s and Taco Bell are great though.

>> No.18266754

>someone doesn't eat fast food
jesus christ, they went overboard brainwashing this one

>> No.18266766
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I'll get chick fil a once a month and on a rare occasion when I drink with the boys I'll get mickdicks in an inebriated state of gluttony. once a week seems excessive, though I know some people literally eat fast food once a day or even more, saw it all the time when I worked construction.

>> No.18266794

>when I drink with the boys I'll get dicks
I'm sure you do, I'm sure you do

>> No.18266799

Can you explain your train of thought?

>> No.18266897

Mass replying shill is mad people aren't shilling for his plebfeed

>> No.18266899

Eating fast food once a week is a lot.

>> No.18267046
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You're missing my point entirely.
Half the people in this thread are just saying "McD's is bad because muh capitalism and mass production, mmmk?"
...and that fuels their sense of smug satisfaction.
In reality salt and portion sizes are the only serious problems with fast food, but that doesn't make the hippies feel superior to the unwashed masses.

>> No.18267050


Thanks for proving my point!

>> No.18267053

I eat subway maybe every 1-4 months
That's it though.

>> No.18267060

americans need to eat mcdonalds every week or else their tastsebuds might acclimatise to another cuisine

>> No.18267062

I'm Canadian, so yeah, that makes sense. They're a bit crazy.

>> No.18267070

I'm living proof.

>> No.18267072

i used to go all the time when it was inexpensive. fast food is supposed to be cheap garbage smothered in salt and sugar. i refuse to pay the current prices.

>> No.18267116

>Anyone who refuses to eat goyslop is just spiteful

>> No.18267130

>Imagine putting that frankenfood garbage into yourself--INTENTIONALLY

>> No.18267141
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Based off my BMI, how often do ya'll think I eat fast food?

>> No.18267143

>Imagine putting that frankenfood garbage
Imagine pretending there's something intrinsicly wrong with food because it comes from a fortune 500 company.
(also, pls lrn2 greentext)

>> No.18267159

>Not even once a week?
Is that a small amount to you? how fat are you?

>> No.18267163

Thats insane. I always wondered why they dont use real sugar at a fraction of what they use to save more money and charge just as much. I guess gotta keep em addicted.

>> No.18267187
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You can suck a gas pump hose, you pedantic midwit.
I said NOTHING about "Because it's from a fortune 500 company"---INTRINSICALLY, it's because it's a lab created FRANKENFOOD designed to make you addicted.
>newfag thinks he knows what greentext is all about from being a casual tourist/shill

>> No.18267190

Fast food prices are now approaching sit in restauraunt prices and sometimes surpassing them
like I was at kfc and cracker barrel in the past 2 months
>kfc: 2 piece of fried chicken, 1 soda, 1 biscuit, 1 side, 1 cookie - $9
>cracker barrel: 4 pieces of fried chicken, 1 water, 3 biscuits, 2 sides - $12
I know cracker barrel isn't the best food out there but it's certainly better than KFC and the chicken itself was much bigger
Taco bell is the only place left that's a good value and tastes good, other than that I'd only ever get fast food on a long drive

>> No.18267207

Me, I don't eat it at all. Home cooking or bust.

>> No.18267216

He's done you.

>> No.18267221

I think it was more like 6 or 8 and some fries and drink, but yeah.

>> No.18267241
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>> No.18267276
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>Actual garbage slop for fat lazy retards
No I think I'll pass this week and every week and enjoy not having cancer or diabetes.

>> No.18267404
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>lab created FRANKENFOOD designed to make you addicted.
And you believe that for reasons having nothing to do with gaining a smug sense of superiority by vilifying big burger?
OK, sure.

>> No.18267411

>cancer or diabetes.
[citation needed, mostly for the cancer part]

>> No.18267415


>> No.18267417

Literally don't have fast food where I am.

>> No.18267422

I don't really give a shit about capitalism or whatever, I just don't want to pay $10+ for a meal that isn't even good. Sometimes it's fine and other times you're just paying roulette with which employee who's done with the fuckign job is on shift. Like I'll just get pizza/burgers.cheesesteaks or whatever from somewhere I've tried and doesn't suck if I want to go fatass mode. There are places that aren't drive thru fast food chains that do similar style burgers and are at least consistent.

>> No.18267488


>> No.18268047

I cut that shit out a long time ago, alcohol as well. I feel fantastic. Suck it, burger homo.

>> No.18268109

It's designed to be "delicious" aka, salty and sugary. You are a rube. Would you eat poo if it tasted just as good? You're doing basically the same thing.

>> No.18268131

i probably eat fast food 2-3 times a month while being fat as fuck. i cant be assed to spend nearly $10 dollars for one burger or taco when i can get multiple if i made them at home for the same price because im a fatass

>> No.18268856

>people who refuse to eat goyslop must be spiteful
>instead of healthier and happier
Lol. Lmao. Keep eating your goyslop.

>> No.18268862

>looking forward to fast food
Jesus fuck man, get control over your life.

>> No.18268879

>In reality salt and portion sizes are the only serious problems with fast food
No, it's the fucking seed oils, preservatives, corn syrup, and refined flour you fatass. Sugar inhibits leptins, which increases your hunger. Sneed oils are inflammatory and can't be burned as a fuel source, so your body just stores them in fat. Refined flour fucks up your body just as much as sugar does.

This doesn't even get into the carcinogenic effects of used frying oil. Fast food is literally the WORST thing you can put into your body next to controlled substances.

>> No.18268900

NTA, but reusing fried oils breaks it down and creates carcinogenic free radicals. Cheap ass vegetable oil is actually the worst in this regard, with olive oil holding up the best under repeated reuse.

>> No.18268909
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i bet this fag >>18268879 eats salads and chicken breast for every meal. no thanks

>> No.18268942

enjoy your erectile dysfunction

>> No.18268954

Go back.

>> No.18269298

>enjoy your erectile dysfunction
Jokes on you. I didn't get ED until after I stopped eating fast food.

>> No.18269491
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I stopped partaking of the goyslop years ago. Lost 60 pounds, improved my exercise regimen, I feel full of energy every day, my eyesight has improved, etc. I'm shocked this cattle feed didn't kill me earlier.

>> No.18269579

I have it maybe once a year.

>> No.18269923

honestly, I haven't eaten fast food in a few months now.
not because I think it's unhealthy, just haven't had the desire or apetite for it

>> No.18269932

American ability to interpret data folks.

>> No.18269969

Who's forcing you to do that?
Do you really think that someone is holding a gun to your head forcing you to eat some McShit meal?
Do you people come up with this stuff like flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18270272

Oh and your so better stealing it from us, fucking hypocrite bitch. At least we know that your stealing it and feed you bullshit.

>> No.18270334


>> No.18270357

Haven't eaten fast food or been in a drive thru since 2003 when I was contracting in Wichita falls. All homemade or carryout.

>> No.18270505

Sneed County Jail

>> No.18270847

Once you adopt a healthy diet on a consistent basis eating McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's etc. is fucking disgusting. You can taste how cheap and artificial the food-like substance is.

>> No.18270852


>> No.18271800

The fact that you use the term goyslop means you hold some form of resentment for our overlords and/or the people who consume it

>> No.18271812

Goyslopper cope.

>> No.18271822

>McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's etc. is fucking disgusting. You can taste how cheap and artificial the food-like substance is.
I hope a mysterious time-storm sends you back to any other time period (0AD thru 1970's) so you can deal with cheep food from any other time period in human history.
We live in a golden age, but you're an entitled asshole who wants to play princess and the pea, despite being being privileged beyond all reasonable expectation by being born when you were.
You make me sick.

>> No.18271823

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.18271892

why eat that trash when we live in this time of plenty? fast food isn't even that cheep.

>> No.18273017
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>> No.18273912

I have not eaten at a fastfood place in over a year. And that last time was when I was visiting family and they wanted to eat there.

>> No.18273940

I can't remember the last time I ate fast food. Since covid, I haven't eaten fast food more than 3 times a year, I believe. I just do not enjoy it.

>> No.18273969

Sure, it's awful if you don't know how to order it to be healthy, but if you're seething about fast food, you probably hate seed oils and count calories, anyway, so don't let logic and reason stop you from hating fast food restaurant supremacy and the many satisfied customers who partake (not you though, since your country doesn't even have cars for a drive thru to work)

>> No.18274139

Your point is shit. I assure you that during every period in history, people have bitched about shitty, lazily produced food, and will continue to do so 100 years from now when it's all automated and cheaper and more plentiful than ever. You're not proving any point. Home cooked food is infinitely better than fast food shit no matter how much you try to compare it to peasant food from two millennia ago.

It is not entitlement to recognize that fast food sucks when we have easy access to fresher and healthier foods in abundance. You speak of abundance and you are LITERALLY picking the least financially responsible, least delicious, and least healthy options, retard.

>> No.18274156

>You're not proving any point.
You're not GETTING any point.
There's a difference.

>> No.18274158

No, your point just fucking sucks and does nothing to defend how terrible fast food is. We don't live in 0BC or 100 years ago. We live now and fast food sucks and is for fat and stupid people.

>> No.18274649

>who dont eat fast food at all
>not even once a week
i eat it like 3-5 times a year, so not "not at all" but also not "once a week"
have always wondered how there were so many fast food places, but i guess they live off people like you who eat it several times a week?

>> No.18274731

I don't like it and don't trust other people to prepare my food, especially since it's all brown zoomers nowadays.

>> No.18274920

Some people eat fast food literally every day. Many fat fucks eat it regularly. Their entire business is run off of people being stupid, lazy, and ignorant.

>> No.18276577

Fast food is hella expensive in europe and its disgustingly unhealthy to boot

>> No.18276591

I haven’t had fast food in over five years. Why would anyone put that shit in their bodies?

>> No.18277204

I think the last time I had fast food was around the middle of june. and only because it was a six hour drive.

>> No.18277215

for chocolate milk I make it half normal milk. it is less the sweetness but more the thickness of it that bothers me. it is like drinking a syrup.