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18255821 No.18255821 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like sparkling water?

>> No.18255840

Yes but LaCroix is crazy expensive here so I buy Bubly. The pineapple and blackberry flavours are fucking great.

>> No.18255869

for me its polar seltzer

>> No.18255875

I really don't like it and I have a feeling the only reason it's popular is because they make for good mixers. What I can't believe is that the soda aisle now has a whole side dedicated to seltzers.

>> No.18255883

Sparkling water is for retards who love to needlessly spend their money. Drink regular water like a normal person.

>> No.18256088

Only if it's sparkling tonic water and it's mixed with a decent gin.

>> No.18256125

Polar Lime is great.
my brother and his wife only buy the Polar orange cream ones. They're awful

>> No.18256161
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I do, and I should really invest in a soda stream or whatever.
ItI's retarded overpriced anymore

>> No.18256209

Who pissed in your cheerios?

>> No.18257558

This stuff probably saved me from getting diabeetus
Without it I'd go back to chugging sodas all day
What exactly is "regular water" here? Bottled? From tap? Also, the average person is not particularly wise.

>> No.18257623
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I drink bottled and sparkling water because you can barely shower in the local tap water. I often buy larger quantities of water, the 5 gallons, to cook pasta and rice. America's infrastructure is ass and don't let my fellow countrymen lie to you about it.

>> No.18259227
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>he blames his gross wster on the city instead of his 100 year old apartment's lead pipes
Anon, buy a water filter or move, and stop defaming the republic

>> No.18259270

I have a sodastream with Bubly brand essence. It's pretty dang nice. I keep two bottles of filtered tap water in fridge, and either chug them straight or sparkle them up depending on my mood.

>> No.18259284

I do. I just like plain carbonated water. Maybe lacroix lemon if I feel like it. I've started drinking it to drink less beer. Its cheaper and doesn't get me drunk. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, just trying to be a little healthier.

>> No.18259324


>> No.18259373

are you foreign to the idea of tasting the things you put in your mouth?

>> No.18259487
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>> No.18259498


>> No.18259513

I've been considering getting a sodastream but i don't know if my sparkling water consumption justifies it. I've run the numbers and it actually takes quite a while to recoup the cost of buying the device when you occasionally buy off brand La Croix

>> No.18259518

Yeah. Coconut Lacroix is my favorite of the Lacroix, but I prefer Polar seltzer of almost any flavor

>> No.18259563

I buy lemon and lime at costco. Its $7.50 for a 30 pack and I mix it with theor $14 vodka

>> No.18260337

I'm sorry you're THAT poor.

>> No.18260351

>not being a retard with your money means you’re poor
dumb bitch

>> No.18260879

>needlessly spend money
poorfags are seething

>> No.18261057

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Who pissed in anons cheerios? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.18261113

>not perrier

>> No.18261114

No. It tastes like listening to fruit over a broken walkie talkie.

>> No.18261333
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Nice choice, you try the summer flavors at all? The Passionfruit Blueberry one is good but I always go for vanilla or Grapefruit as my go to flavor

>> No.18261478

>lead pipes cause hard water
your IQ has to be in the double digits

>> No.18261499
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>hard water is inherently low quality or unhealthy
>hard water is caused by bad infrastructure
Perrier and other waters people pay money for are classified as extremely hard

>> No.18261634

Both are good along with Topo Chico. Spindrift is the only good canned flavored sparkling water but overpriced. The rest all taste like chemical flavored dog shit.

>> No.18261759

Limoncello LaCroix is so f'n good. Is there such a thing as micro-aluminiums? Because if so I'm fucked.

>> No.18261808

Limoncello lacroix is so much better than any other lacroix. I got some cherry blossom lacroix and it tastes like cheap perfume and vodka

>> No.18261823

yes and no. yes in that i just like the mouth-feel of drinking carbonated stuff, and no in that the taste is so light and unsatisfactory you could've just gotten a fuller soda instead. i'm thinking next time i go out shopping, i'd get seltzer water and play around with extracts like vanillia or some shit

>> No.18261828


grates my ears everytime

>> No.18261845

I enjoy drinking sparkling water (gas water for europoos) though I don't get hydrated from it. I mostly drink Bubly since you can buy two 8 cans for a discount at a store I go to. What do you guys think of Waterloo?

>> No.18261847

Yes I am a fan of Buble

>> No.18263500

Get a used one, toss the paintball tank adaptor on there.
Congratulations you have defeated the soda stream Jew.

>> No.18263697

Turns out that la-croy is in fact the official pronunciation.

>> No.18263960

la crocs

>> No.18264038

But the carbonation makes the drink taste more crisp and refreshing

>> No.18264055
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>> No.18264088

Anyone got recommendations on Soda Streams or similar products? I was going to buy one on amazon a while back, but it had a lot of bad reviews saying the new ones in the past few years aren't so good.

>> No.18264105
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I don't drink it as much anymore (went back to sodas unfortunately), but I used to drink it all the time. Now I just buy generic brand watermelon seltzer as a mixer.
Aha was my favorite. This was my favorite but they stopped making it right after I bought my first pack of it. It sounds horrendous, but the coffee tasted more like chocolate and it blended really well with the cherry. Once that was gone, I kept buying strawberry/kiwi, watermelon/lime and lemon/green tea.
Bubbly is good but their raspberry turned me away from them. Way too sulfur-y. Orange was really good though, almost tasted like an orange soda.
I only ever tried Limonchello from LC and I liked it a lot.

>> No.18264120

buy a traditional soda siphon the cartridges are a little bit more expensive but it's way more fun

>> No.18265089

Waterloo and Zevia are my go to. That ginger root beer zevia is GOAT. I used to work at a grocery store and showed one of my coworkers the ginger root beer flavor and he bought like 10 cases of it to keep at work. He died liked a month later and I got like 8 cases that he didn’t use because he left them to me in his will.

>> No.18265103

>This was my favorite but they stopped making it right after I bought my first pack of it. It sounds horrendous, but the coffee tasted more like chocolate and it blended really well with the cherry.
I miss that flavor so much. When they canceled it I just stopped buying Aha entirely, they're dead to me.

>> No.18265105

When the water is nasty in every house, every building, every restaurant and you can even smell it by the public fountain, it's definitely a public water source issue. All the water here smells like farts and stinky garbage, and I'm in a medium sized city of 300k

>> No.18265110

I really wish they'd bring it back. My dad doesn't like seltzer but even he liked that flavor.

>> No.18265182
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For me it’s Costco, the perfect wholesale retailer.

>> No.18265192

Zevia is a diet soda, not sparkling water

>> No.18265254


>> No.18267248
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I don't get it. Wouldn't a more appropriate themed makeup style look more like picrel, but with a more paintbrush-y stroke?

>> No.18267256

Not specific to kirkland, but for this kind of shit I wonder if they actually ship the water, or if they just use some fat italian guy from brooklyn's bathwater? Or maybe they scrape up some sand from an italian spring and filter tap water through it.

>> No.18267284

Yeah, I nab the extras from work all the time.

>> No.18267358

when these are stacked together in a store it says AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.18267376
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