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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18255080 No.18255080 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18255340

I'll take a Paradise one and the ultra violet

>> No.18255445
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I tried peachy keen the other day
tasted a lot better than I expected, didn't have that pungent chemical-y aftertaste that a lot of their other newer flavors have

>> No.18255453

We need to up our game. We need an energy drink pastebin

>> No.18255455

ultra black is the best one

>> No.18255462

Ultra BBC for your tiny white butthole

>> No.18256030


>> No.18256049

If you need energy, why don't you just take a nap? It's free and good for you.

>> No.18256056

naps don't taste good

>> No.18256085

You pay for naps with time, and though my supply of money is constantly growing, my supply of time is not

>> No.18256580

Unironically based.

>> No.18256633

I've switched to Red Bull 8 oz cans a long ago. I've decided 16 oz of any liquid at once is too much. They sell smaller Monsters in the US it seems but not in my country.

>> No.18256683

Zero Ultra is smooth, good shit. Ain't no reason to stop

>> No.18256687

I miss Full Throttle and Rockstar. What happened?

>> No.18256704

I dunno man, you tell me

>> No.18257170


>> No.18257193

Such an anglo way of structuring a Japanese sentence

>> No.18257608


>> No.18257613

Naps dont energize me

>> No.18257631

Will I like White Pineapple if I like Pipeline Punch?

>> No.18257635
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theyre totally different but both very good so maybe

>> No.18257678

I can find every single one locally except black and paradise and it pisses me off

>> No.18257684
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Ultra black is kino. It’s the only one you need. Ultra Mango is very good though.

>> No.18257699

I just grab a sunrise or java 300 and seethe over being denied my black cherry energy drink

>> No.18257744
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o fuck i misread ur post as saying u can only find black and paradise. that sucks i hope u can find some soon fren.

>> No.18257806

The availability is really weird sometimes. Sometimes that one flavor you're after will only be carried by a tiny little family-run corner store and not the chains.

>> No.18259232

I do have to admit, they're my guilty pleasure when it comes to overpriced worthless goysloppa

>> No.18259286

yeagaggrh buddy. make some sick drink combos. TWU chanz

>> No.18259402
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What happened to energy drinks? Virtually all of them are 'zero sugar' now-- that chlorinated crap makes you fat and depressed, on top of tasting absolutely horrendous.

And how the fuck do they get away with putting the words 'JUICE' in huge letters on the front of a product that is literally (((3%))) juice?

When it first came out, Monster Khaos was 70% juice, five years later they cut it to 50%, then down to 30%. They recently launched their 'updated' version of it, which is only 10%. What the fuck?

>> No.18259520

Dumbest post I've read today, but I've only been up for an hour

>> No.18259555
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>no GFuel chads
You’ve never loved energy drinks

>> No.18260292
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Just had my first amp and it was awful, I already knew that monster is the only worthwhile one but it's good to get a reminder why

>> No.18260307

>monster ultra
>energy drinks

below 200mg not even energy drink.

>> No.18260310

>I already knew that monster is the only worthwhile one

lmao..get a selection better than target flyover

>> No.18260336
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>all this pleb drink posting in the thread


>> No.18260499

>Eceleb faggotry on every can
To be fair the pewdiepie gfuel does taste vert good.

>> No.18260603

So’s divine peach

>> No.18260775 [DELETED] 
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>If you need energy, why don't you just take a nap? It's free and good for you.

>> No.18261318

what's the strongest energy drink? around here it's 180 mg at most I haven't found anything stronger

>> No.18261322

This one reminds me of 4loko way more than I'm comfortable with

>> No.18261326
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So, I've been dipping my toes into the world of energy drinks, sampling the occasional can of /sip/-fuel if it piques my curiosity. I usually don't like energy drinks because of their chemical, mediciny aftertaste, but I've been getting more used to it.

The latest one I've tried is this Rockstar Punched fruit punch flavor. This one has the exact opposite problem of typical energy drinks; rather than being mediciny, it instead tastes entirely too sweet, that i almost couldn't finish it because of how sweet it was. I think I'll try a regular Rockstar next, but if that's also way too sweet, then i guess Rockstar isn't my brand.

>> No.18261376
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rockstar xdurance or barqs

regular rockstar is probably their best flavor imo and the sugar free version is decent too.

>> No.18261407

for me it’s watermelon redbull

>> No.18261415

Counterpoint- when I nap I can dream dreams which last for what feels like days. I use this to run simulations, which I then act out in real time without needing to waste time on worthless things like 'due diligence' and 'safety tests'

>> No.18261701

white > green > pink > mango > gold
I drink so much zero ultra but I still love it. If there was a caffeine free version I probably wouldn't drink any other soft drinks.

>> No.18261744
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Hello brother

>> No.18261750

They brought the root beer version back? Fuck yeah nigger

>> No.18261779
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>Monster Khaos
picrel, from an all night study session in early 2011

>> No.18261786
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one more
roommate was about the javas back then

>> No.18262353

Try the watermelon flavor

>> No.18262989

drink the aspartame goysloppa goyim

>> No.18263321

monster doesn't use aspartame in their zero calorie drinks

>> No.18263539
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>born too late to experience Ultra Black

>> No.18263550

it's still available on amazon

>> No.18263575
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Side aside plebs.

>> No.18264056
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For me it's NOS.

Best stimulant profile and taste

>> No.18264127

>ultra blue
btw ultra peach and nos turbo best /sip/

>> No.18264162
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Maybe I'm just getting old, but I feel like most energy drinks are way too sweet for me these days. Like, cloyingly sweet.

This one has 32g of sugar (lowest amount of sugar they had outside of sugar free), but still tastes way too sweet.

The sugar free ones taste too "off" for me, but I rarely drink anything outside of water and coffee these days.

>> No.18264197

Nah, I've never been able to get into energy drinks specifically because they always end up being too sweet. I think it's a problem with the drink market in general where for whatever reason people decided everything needs to be sweet, naturally or artificially.

I feel like there ought to be more "half-sweet" or "lightly sweetened" drinks on the market where they cut the sugar and don't compensate by adding other sweeteners.

>> No.18264581
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That one has sucralose added to it on top of the 32g of sugar to make it 'lower calorie'.

People who consume tons of sugar build up a tolerance to it and sweet things taste less sweet to them. Energy drinks are marketed directly at these types of people, I've seen it go as high as 67g in some cases. So yeah, to normal people the sugar is too much.

But it's not just that, most of these just don't have much of a flavor profile beyond just being sweet, it's just carbonated sugar water.

>> No.18264655
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How do people get to that point? I feel like you'd have serious health issues before you got used to how sweet they are.

>> No.18264733

Ehh, a lot of health issues caused by poor diets are considered 'normal' in modern societies. Problems with allergies, for example, are greatly exacerbated by excess sugar consumption, but a third of the population taking antihistamines everyday isn't seen as an issue.

Sugar is physically addictive the same way drugs and alcohol are, the people who have a problem with it just want their fix, they're not concerned with the consequences.

>> No.18266299


>> No.18266308

Because I have to go to work

>> No.18266316

Drink soda daily as a kid

>> No.18266381

Some of the amino acids that get used are pretty sour on their own so the sweetness is needed to mask them.

>> No.18266469

>nap for slightly too long
>feel like shit for hours
no thanks

>> No.18266473

the Sonic GFuel is terrific

>> No.18266775

>Energy drinks are marketed directly at these types of people, I've seen it go as high as 67g in some cases
500ml can of Burn has 75g of sugar, plus artificial sweeteners. I shit you not.

>> No.18266816

hey anon if you really love energy drinks check out CaffeineMan on youtube. Ultra Based

>> No.18266858

amp is generally weak but that flavor is probably the worst.

>> No.18267203

>500ml can of Burn has 75g of sugar, plus artificial sweeteners. I shit you not.
that's fucking vile

>> No.18267680

read this in his voice lmao