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18248660 No.18248660 [Reply] [Original]

3 weeks sober, rural Wisconsin, its hard.

I dont miss the booze really, but its like the only sober people out here are religious nuts. I dont mind hanging out with the sobers out here but they seem hellbent on me joining their religion if I want to hang out with the local sobers.

Do I need to move if I want to meet normal people who I can be sober around?

I dont even care about hanging out with drunk ppl while Im sober, but out here it seems like out here the only people that congregate are either very drunk people and very religious people.

Any advice inb4 flyover

>> No.18248683

People in the cities are any better?
No matter where you go, staying sober is a challenge, because things suck everywhere.
Go to a state with legal weed at least, you're /ck/ enough to make some edibles from RSO extract. Try that for your buzz/boredom needs, alcohol will ruin you

>> No.18248696

I say take up cooking or pickling. I find if I stay sedentary on the weekend I end up drinking. Chores keep my occupied somewhat, but once that's done I've got nothing to do and no real desire to go out. So I cook. I think this Saturday I'll get the stuff to make a half years worth of pickles. Sweet Bread and Butter, Spicy, and Garlic Dill. Maybe spend some time with a whole top sirloin and work on my trimming and separating. May even get a jump on corning a beef brisket. Hell, I may even attempt lemon wine again.

In short. Find shit to keep you busy. Don't let boredom turn to drinking.

>> No.18248718

I keep myself busy - I keep a fairy large garden and run my own business. I jus feel lonely here because the only people do here to socialise is to worship and drink/smoke together. Is there anything else in the midwest or should I just move

>> No.18248721

>but they seem hellbent on me joining their religion if I want to hang out with the local sobers.
So convert. Why bother going to hell if you don't want to drink anyway?

>> No.18248729

Ah. A social person. I get more than my fill of that in a workweek. Hmm... I can't say then. Maybe find an online clique of friends with a similar interest? Nearer to the midwest the better.

>> No.18248736

it's sucks but you'll probably need to go to a meeting. I recommend early morning ones since the people in them take it more seriously. I went to a 7am daily for a couple years.

>> No.18248749

How can I join a group of believers if I dont believe. You think I should lie to a group of people so I can be part of their group when they genuinely think people like me will burn in hellfire?

>> No.18248759
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I feel you man. I am trying to cut down/stop. In a way, not drinking is the easy oart. I've not gotten shakes or anything, it's more dealing with the boredom. I used to live in Wisconsin and I don't envy you there, the drinking culture there is insane. Im actually visiting home next week and it going to be really hard not to drink or eat like shit.

Godspeed, buddy.

>> No.18248767

I'm able to quit just fine, but it seems theres no space for non religious sober people out here. The only non-religious sober people out here are the ones who had massive issues which caused them to quit, like they got a domestic while drunk or something,

I just want to stop with no massive issues behind it,

>> No.18248784

Something had to make you stop, though. Was there an inciting incident?

>> No.18248788

Just join a church anon you’ll be fine

>> No.18248831

Thats the whole issue, I havent had anything that really was a the boiling point of me wanting to quit. I just feel like I was able to be a functional alcie to the point where I am hungover more ofteh than not.

In AA its like everyone else had a "come to god moment" and I just have a "Im killing myself and Im well mannered enough where I could continue to be an alcie but Im just slowly killing myself"

So I stopped drinking but it seems like the only other sover people are the people who beat their wives or lost their jobs. Im just a normal dude who wants to get off the booze.

>> No.18248838
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>rural Wisconsin

>> No.18248849
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well first of all, good fucking job, Anon, and good luck. i sincerely wish you and your liver the best.

moving might not be the worst idea. lots of people in The City find it hard to stay sober because so much socialization happens around boozing, but if that doesn't bother you or tempt you too much, my experience is that nobody gives a shit if you're not drinking unless you make a big judgemental deal out of it. the thing is, i'm not sure that's reason enough to up and move. cities are expensive and, obviously, a big change from what you're used to. you might like it, though. do you have any friends living in the city you could talk to about what it's like and who you could visit? milwaukee's pretty inexpensive and i think it's a great city. i lived in mukwonago, down the road from waukesha, for a year a long time back, working at a school for environmental education. why not take a week and go check it out and see what you think, if you can afford it/take off work?

alternatively, there must be people in bumfuck midwest who are neither drinking nor carrying on about jimmy the bearded savior. you got any hobbies? play any sports? you could--and this is a serious suggestion--hang out with the old ladies who run master gardening programs around. try to maybe find social activity that's organized around an actual activity, not just hanging out eating/drinking.

anyhow, good luck. you can do it!