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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 1024x764, RDT_20220817_163746864353824291465477~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18247147 No.18247147 [Reply] [Original]

Why are fast food workers so entitled? Like just fry the burger and stop wasting time. I have shit to do

>> No.18247154

I worked in manufacturing and it was far easier than any food service job I ever had. Go cry about "muh traditional manly blue-color jobs" on your containment board.

>> No.18247157

Landlords are thieving scum, I'd advise anybody who knows one to burn any houses they own down

>> No.18247172

You can't be over 18 and actually be that stupid. I've worked in construction for eight years and I've injured myself way more times than you can even count. Get off the computer and get a fucking job.

>> No.18247177

this image and thread were made by someone who thinks they are "whitecollar" being paid by a 1%er that would rather wipe their ass with a million dollars then let there worker have a single cent more.
this is a shitty attempt to bait class division and delay class warfare. fuck you and all landlords/billionaires
this is a larp

>> No.18247182

I'd rather be on VRC/Neos but I have to take a break where I'm not wearing a headset for at least a few hours a day.

>> No.18247184
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>working class

>> No.18247185

>Why are fast food workers so entitled? Like just fry the burger and stop wasting time. I have shit to do

Think like a capitalist. If Mickey D's paid their burger cook $18 an hour full time with benefits it would be $1 more than Olive Garden/other nice corporate restaurants to work for.

Those higher quality workers would then migrate over to Mickey D's making your dining experience better. Better cooks means less food waste and more repeat customers. It's good business. I notice they put the most articulate person on the drive thru headset and computer.

>> No.18247187

You're right, I'm sorry. I forgot the only believable thing about this site is that everyone here is a fucking beta bitch, pussy loser who can't even get a woman to look at him so they resort to faggotry.

>> No.18247191
File: 799 KB, 1280x960, 2022-08-14 09.03.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey!! Some of us pretend to be gay dogs on the internet out of free will.

>> No.18247195

hahah wow wild you replied to the bait ahah madness

>> No.18247199

>got 'em!

>> No.18247206
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it's called counter-trolling

>> No.18247209

kek every time

>> No.18247219
File: 167 KB, 1008x996, RDT_20220817_1701442518013681460478308~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up commie

>> No.18247228

This is such obvious bait you fucking morons.

>> No.18247232

jesus thats the point. it's a low effort bait thread to gauge the amount of pol users awake at this hour looking at pressure cooker boards

>> No.18247235
File: 47 KB, 720x686, RDT_20220817_1706134256034144853530410~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything I don't like is bait waaa
Get out of your feefees, faggot. Get bent loser

>> No.18247245

Some of us fucks find the shitty cooking content quite entertaining too

>> No.18247256

the moment i knew this was bait even though the rest is correct

>> No.18247269

>rest is correct
t. never held a wagie job for more than 3 months in his life

>> No.18247274

Working is giving into the system, be a cheese poof stained NEET for as long as you can

>> No.18247276


>> No.18247278

>the rest is right
Hearing voices in your head anon?

>> No.18247283

i work trades. we increase property value, been doing it for 10 years. i could probably rape you with little struggle too

>> No.18247284
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>> No.18247286

this is an obvious troll thread

>> No.18247290

It shows you've been pampered into adulthood by your parents

>> No.18247293
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1440, 2022-08-11 07.52.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a retard
Trades workers are fucking morons who think they have jobs that are worth something. You suck corporate dick all the same

>> No.18247296

You're confusing fast food workers with office workers as a non producing "working class".

>> No.18247298

It is and funny because I have been landlord and fast food manager.
Both times it is 16yo girl who lets me inside of her so she can keep job/apartment. (Legal in the state I am resident in)
You can cry but that doesn’t make the situtution less funny lol

>> No.18247299

im just seeing projection after projection here. saddening. anyways, fresh fries, no salt please

>> No.18247300
File: 26 KB, 474x316, OIP (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not my problem

>> No.18247304

Go make them your fucking self retard

>> No.18247356

this one made it too obvious, yet still retards fall for it kek

>> No.18247373

getting your manager. you are gum under my boot

>> No.18247374

If you eat fast food, you don't have room to complain. Now go whine about how the drones don't make your goyslop Your Way (TM)

>> No.18247385
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1920, VRChat_1920x1080_2022-08-01_15-04-17.403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uwu, step on me harder then

>> No.18247394

uhhmmm *sends the food back and demands you remake it, which the drones do every time without complaint*

>> No.18247398

Cry harder commies. Here's a suggestion: impregnate a girl and then you'll talk like a man.
LOL, based. Similar experience with a 17 year old (I'm 28 but legal where I live)

>> No.18247409

All that smack talk and you still have nigger tier education. You talk like you couldn't hold a minimum wage job for a month, your parents should have disowned you

>> No.18247412

I'm 36. I worked for 2 years in a plant manufacturing auto parts. It's some of the most repetitive, braindead shit around. Dealing with the general public is far more stressful.

>> No.18247422

was about to write a genuine response but realized it was bait cause i didnt see that it said landlords are working class
good bait thread

>> No.18247726

Wow. It took a total of 2 replies for someone to fall for such obvious bait.

>> No.18247745


>> No.18247878


>> No.18247886

why do people have a problem with landlords? are they just resentful they can't smoke an extra grand of weed every month?

>> No.18247899

Bootlicker, why don't you suck your manager's cock while you're at it but after you clean the toilet

>> No.18247901


>> No.18247905

this what you do in all your free time? whore yourself out as a virtual animal?

>> No.18247910

i just have more respect for coal and steel miners thats all

>> No.18247912

dude *flick slrururrrp cough* like what if *cough* fuckin everything was free

>> No.18247925

Unironically yes, do you get off on defending the higher-ups?

>> No.18247938

have a bullet for free

>> No.18247947

Stick my cock in your mouth for free

>> No.18247966

careful, ill turn you inside out

>> No.18247980

wow, a faggot namefag AND a rentoid

>> No.18247982

Make my cum go inside you and then out, now swallow whore

>> No.18248936

so the government should own all property?

>> No.18249008
File: 57 KB, 506x528, trump_mcgregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have spent millions over decades figuring out the best ratio, you don't know better than they do

>> No.18249015

No, but a residence should not be owned by somebody not living there.

>> No.18249034
File: 327 KB, 625x893, Shmuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if you don't want to invest in ownership of a property you know you won't be living at for long, you will be forced by the government to do so anyways?

>> No.18249067

There ya go.

>> No.18249092
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>> No.18249101
File: 104 KB, 728x546, v7rij955a4f61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so instead of being able to choose which higher ups you deal with you think the only higher ups should be the government that regulates your childish society

>> No.18249119



>> No.18249130


>> No.18249163

This anti-poor bait is brought to you by the various alphabet agencies that host 4chan. Remember to hate your peers and not the government! You're all just temporarily-embarassed millionaires!

>> No.18249171

Please don't discriminate against trinaries

>> No.18249426

If you don't have enough interest in your local community to stay long, fuck off immediately. We don't want you hanging around.

>> No.18249595

I should own all the property

>> No.18249643
File: 384 KB, 1077x1918, 1455363328196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18249689

> Being a landlord is not a job

You're right... it's 8 jobs.

1. Facility caretaker - Keeping the building in good order and saving it from destruction by careless rentoids.

2. Janitor - Cleaning rentoids messes

3. Plumber and electrician - Using hands-on skills (which rentoids lack) to fix, install and replace utilities.

4. Accountant - Keeping the books organized for dozens of units and their associated costs is itself a full-time task. Yet rentoids can't even budget between funkopops and paying for the roof over their head.

5. Therapist - We even have to put up with constant rentoid whining about their trivial problems. I have to listen to some rentoid cry about their "hard" life literally every time I come to remind them rent is due.

6. Teacher - Serving as a role model for the community and local youth is, by itself, far more responsibility than the average rentoid can handle.

7. Animal control - Managing the aggressive d\*gs that many rentoids own is a dangerous and challenging task that we have to put up with daily

8. Babysitter - When you leave your ch\*ld by themselves in my building, I am officially their babysitter. I literally take care of your kids and you still complain, Karen.

And keep in mind, this is 24/7, not a measly 40 hours a week (which rentoids already struggle with). So tell me again about how "being a landlord is not a job"? Or should we just stop doing all this and go pour coffee for 8 hours like the average rentoid who considers themselves part of the "working class"? If we did that, you'd scream about how we're abandoning you to the streets. You have a lot of growing up to do, young man.

>> No.18249776

I work at a chicken plant and it's a hell of a lot harder than food service. Slam 10lb birds that fight with you and shit on your face on shackles for 10 hours and tell me a restaurant is hard to work at.

>> No.18249786

Chickens don't grow on plants. They're animals, not vegetables, you fucking moron.

>> No.18249789

We plant them in the ground there. That's how you grow chickpeas, dumbass.

>> No.18249795

good, I hope you get salmonella when you thoughtlessly rub your face with gloves

>> No.18249799

They're still alive. I'm more susceptible to whatever is in their shit, especially since it gets in my eyes and mouth.

>> No.18249811

Salmonella. They catch it it from the trace salamander shit in their food, and transfer it in the highest concentration in their own shit.