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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, burger king normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18242845 No.18242845 [Reply] [Original]

Or are you one of those weird freaks who eats meat?

>> No.18242849


>> No.18242852

I guess after losing two wars a country will go insane eventually

>> No.18242862


the "meat" is synthetic

>> No.18242863

All it takes is for two cashiers to be harassed before this is dropped.
>inb4 "hurr, that wouldn't happen in germany!"

>> No.18242866


>> No.18242870

>t. weird freak

>> No.18242871

Why have shitty American factory slop when you can get a döner next door?

>> No.18242878

And then they fry both patties on a same fucking grill with pieces of each attaching to each other. It's pure marketing

>> No.18242883
File: 837 KB, 1200x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, it's AUSTRIA, not GERMANY. Of course being retards they own themselves with that MEAT BASED sticker. Because MEAT is indeed BASED.

>> No.18242885

>The chain will automatically serve non-meat options unless specified otherwise by customers

I smell a lawsuit

>> No.18242929

I'd like mine with flesh, please

>> No.18242935

Vegetarians aren't allergic to meat lmao

>> No.18242978

>I smell a lawsuit
That doesn't work outside USA

>> No.18242988
File: 1.70 MB, 1125x1644, 8FFDAD5B-257F-4BA7-BDD4-422E225189B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk more about cultured-meat instead.

The Germans “normal” burgers are made out of Israelis.

>> No.18242989

>alienate the only people eating your shitty burgers
I can't wait for them to go under. Burgerking fucking sucks

>> No.18242998

Why is it always extra dry and extra salty?

>> No.18243085

I haven't been to a Burger King in over 20 years who the fuck cares

>> No.18243916

>order fried chicken sandwich
>get a bowl of lentils soup and a fourth of bread
it’s Japan all over again

>> No.18243928

>I haven't been to a Burger King in over 20 years
>who the fuck cares
I don't see how that follows.
If there's a reason why you haven't that would follow better.

>> No.18243979

Payback for the great gentile uprising.

>> No.18244260

Who the fuck cares what burger king does, who the fuck still goes to burger king?

>> No.18244394

i live off this basic principle, had the animal been in my position, and had i been in he animal's position, it wouldn't hesitate to eat me.

>> No.18244398
File: 8 KB, 259x194, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should eat less meat, it'll save the environment
>oh, but we're not gonna pass the costs onto you. Infact, the price will be even higher
>enjoy your 50 dollar vegan friendly soy burger

>> No.18244533

And you think that's a good thing?

>> No.18244545
File: 14 KB, 512x384, G1NwzDRK0__eeXzS1fZNcmQmon0D_jPixVKXUWV3aag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18244552

those burgers came all the way from an american factory? wouldn't it make more sense to just make them in the store in germany?

>> No.18244600

This. The passing of responsibility from government to citizen is nothing more than government ignoring their responsibility to their citizens.

>The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.

>> No.18244610

You mean the venerable, German institution of Burger King?

>> No.18244639

it's a Canadian company owned by BR investors

>> No.18244721


>> No.18244795
File: 121 KB, 386x445, 1627851661428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18244857
File: 930 KB, 914x619, 3fa52d53f43698309a7cb2821b6987ce179855d6-914x619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I had a Cajun Veggie Kind and it's been quite great, one of the best burgers i had from a poor people's hamburger chain

>> No.18244862


>> No.18244893

What a shameful and naked way to force an idea. Straight up mandating employees to say something we all know isn't true, that the fake-meat is normal.

This top-down 'goodbye to meat' agenda is only getting more and more blatant and public every day

>> No.18244905

Seriously I just can't get over the audacity of it

'We want this to be viewed as normal. Therefore we will force everyone we have authority over (our employees) to say it is normal. We the big corpo executive cunts will decide what is and isn't normal, not the people naturally by their choices'

>> No.18244933


It's quite obvious that most people cannot think for themselves and need to be guided through life. In the past that role was taken by the church, nowadays it's corporations, politicians and social media like 4chan that have taken up the burden of manipulating people.

>> No.18244952

I thought "normal" was a bad word.

>> No.18244975

>big corpo executives
It’s the government ordering it, anon. They want to cut down on emissions by phasing out meat.

>> No.18244978

Government's not forcing the corporations to do shit. They're going along with it because all the big squillionaires giggle at the thought of chewing on steak while the masses have to eat bugs and vegetables patties.

>> No.18244982

Yeah. It's literally social engineering and conditioning through language control. It's disgusting and dystopian.

The globohomo elites would probably love just to remove the word "meat" from dictionaries 1984-style, I'd bet.

>> No.18244984

>buy Turkshit
Do Germans really?

>> No.18244988

Based. The anti-christ walks this earth.

>> No.18244989

Holland is in the middle of a nationwide protest because their government just unilaterally shuttered ⅓ of the country’s cattle farms to “cut down on pollution”
Open your fucking eyes

>> No.18244999

Yeah governments are trying to kill farming, but the corpos aren't being strong-armed, they're going along with the bullshit, they're all gleefully helping

If they were really only interested in making money, they wouldn't be jumping the gun like this, they'd just keep selling proper food as long as they could instead of this kind of stunt that they must know is only going to put people off.

>> No.18245013

>they’re not being forced, they’re just choosing to lose money and obey the government for fun
Retard. What happens is a government commissar goes to the business higher-ups and says something to the effect of “we are planning to do X within Y timeframe. Fall in line if you know what’s good for you.” And they do, because any that doesn’t gets obliterated when the government ‘finds’ proof they did their taxes wrong or something and arrests half the people in charge.
This is the exact same thing they did in Nazi Germany and the USSR.

>> No.18245026

I don't think it's like that, I think it's more corporations going to the government and asking 'how are we going to exert greater control over the populace today, government-bros?' instead of having to be told and threatened to go along with shit

It's government and corporations vs the common people, and the corps don't have to be forced to do shit

>> No.18245149

The only reason you think that way is because from childhood you were hammered with propaganda about how society is secretly ran by a cabal of old rich white guys who also run ‘Fascism Inc.’, whose prime business model is profiting off racism and misogyny.

Don’t believe me? Go look at any cartoon or movie or video game or hell school textbook made since the 1990s. 9/10 the villain is exactly as I described.

>> No.18245154

meat tastes good. i eat stuff that tastes good.

>> No.18245172

>guyz, just take on a huge credit to build huge farms so we can supply whole of europe with veggies
20 years later
>uuh, you can't being huge anymore, resize, but pls pay back all ur credits with way smaller income, lmao

Still better than sri lanka, where they just stopped importing fertilizer and gave the farmers no alternative.

>> No.18245227

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18245251

Higher profit margins on vegan protein mush than beef, that's literally it.
This is just a push to convert existing customers into a higher margin product.

>> No.18245254

I thought these "people" were mighty proud of not being "normal"

>> No.18245255

If Holland is like any other EU country, the farming sector will have a collective debt exceeding the countries GDP. In Denmark i know farmers that went "bankrupt" and bought a new Audi the next month.
EU farmers are the most coddled, supported and idiotic profession on the entire continent.

>> No.18245261

That’s how the EU operates.increase power by feeding of dependancy.
The whole EU project is going to fail and I can’t wait for it to happen.
Fuck the EU.

>> No.18245264

Government’s forcing it, mate. They want you to eat the bugs and own nothing, and they openly say as such. You can keep barking up the wrong tree if you want, but don’t be surprised when the dogcatcher slaps a collar on you.

>making food
The only reason farmers are in so much debt is because of the mountain of taxes and regulation they have to wade through before they can harvest a single pound of produce. Tell the EU to stop catching farmers in debt traps. Most of the problem comes from Holland being made to be the breadbasket of europe anyway, as this anon >>18245172 points out

>> No.18245288

The EU doesn't set individual countries farming laws lmao, what the fuck are you smoking.
"Oh no, im not allowed the literally irrigate my fields with Round-Up, the EU is oppressing meeeee. Btw give me my fucking EU checkque you commie fucks, can't you see I'm a hardworking business man."

Farmers are literal babies whining that the EU gravy train isn't going to support them anymore.

>> No.18245300

This is like how in mcdonalds the default drink is sugarfree, you have to sift through the menu to find full sugar cola or fanta. If I'm going to injure my body by eating fast food I sure as hell dont care about avoiding sugar.

>> No.18245303

>bullying the people who make your food
This always ends well

>> No.18245309

i'm from bulgaria and besides tomatoes in the winter i can't think of any other vegetables i see that come from the netherlands. other countries get most of their vegetables from there? how does that work? the netherlands is tiny and heavily urbanized, france, spain and germoney have much more land and you're telling me the netherlands is feeding them all? who the fuck came up with that arrangement? and what do france, spain and germoney grow?
i'm not saying we don't import vegetables or something like that btw, i'm just saying i've barely seen any from the netherlands.

>> No.18245310

I suppose if you're the kind of fatty who only eats meat at fucking burger king then this might be a problem.

>> No.18245315

It was the denazification process that broke them mentally

>> No.18245516

Retarded pandering that they're trying in Europe because urban youths would kill someone over this if they attempted this in the US

>> No.18245551

baset. meat eaters are not normal. some would say they aren't even human

>> No.18245558

True, the Germ is spiritually castrated. Oddly enough, the Soviets were a lot more lenient with the East Germans in that sense than the Americans were.

>> No.18245564
File: 292 KB, 720x960, Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really do

>> No.18245569

>Government's not forcing the corporations to do shit
>Yeah governments are trying to kill farming
You're retarded

>> No.18245597

Because stalinism and naziism in practise really weren’t that different. All the soviets did was take the old nazi propaganda, cross out the word ‘jew’ and replace it with ‘bourgeoise’, and then kept the system running for another 40 years. The Stasi were indistinguishable in tactics and image from the SS.

>> No.18245617 [DELETED] 

I feel like there's some kind of disconnect or missed step between what he said and that even if the concept is basically true..

It's true that corporations are being incentivized to work towards globohomo goals with ESG scores and such but most of the people who're in the corporate manager are on board ideologically anyway

>> No.18245622

I feel like there's some kind of disconnect or missed step between what he said and that even if the concept is basically true..

It's true that corporations are being incentivized to work towards globohomo goals with ESG scores and such but most of the people who're in the corporate manager class are on board ideologically anyway

>> No.18245633

Most dönershops buy factory made meatcones, which are akin to goyslop.

>> No.18245670

Bullßhit. I'm from Germany. Normal burgerking burger is a beef burger here.

Cause you can't eat döner all the time and dönerbuden are different. Burgerking is the same everywhere.

>> No.18245677

>long chicken

>> No.18245682

With modern farming methods, incredible amounts of food can be grown on very small amounts of land. Southern California supplies most of the food in the USA

>> No.18245705

You can actually see it quite obviously when landing at Schiphol in a dark time: seems like half of the landscape is covered by glasshouses, which look like long light bricks on the ground. (another half is covered by wind turbines hehe)

>> No.18245709

>Southern California supplies most of the food in the USA
>13% of value of ag products of USA, which doesn't differentiate between what's export vs domestic consumption

>> No.18245719

>southern california supplies most of the food for the USA
No it doesn’t. Nebraska alone provides more staple food for the country than California does. The majority of Cali’s crops are luxury goods like almonds and winegrapes. California has a larger agricultural GDP than any other single state, but that’s because things like cherries and olives are worth more per pound than is meat and corn. I shouldn’t have to tell you which is actually more useful for sustenance.

>> No.18245728

Centralizing something like food production is clearly a huge liability though, as it can only take very localized disasters or unforeseen conditions to leave EVERYONE fucked instead of just that area

>> No.18245730
File: 176 KB, 804x1277, Screenshot_20220817-094514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be more accurate to say that California produces a disproportionate amount of certain fruit, nuts and vegetables, but yeah most of the bulk food production (corn, wheat, potatoes, beans with word filter, pork, beef, chicken, etc) occurs in other states.

>> No.18245935

Jews would bring a lawsuit if they didn’t have another way to fleece Germany.

>> No.18245941

I guess it’s time to start learning German

>> No.18246065

The people running corporations and the people running government are almost indistinguishable at this point. They're both the products of the last few decades of the university indoctrination program.

>> No.18246371
File: 363 KB, 1091x1100, meat compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Hitler was a vegetarian so this is just a continuation of his Nazi ideals

>> No.18246409

>Hitler was a vegetarian
Yeah, all vegetarians eat liver dumplings and ham.
Fucking retard.

>> No.18246464

hitler wasn't a vegetarian, he was advised by his doctor to stop eating meat because of some bullshit health issue

>> No.18246562

This would get you murdered in the US

>> No.18246590

why don't we just stop using food aid to prop up unsustainable exponential growth and emigration from africa and the middle east instead

>> No.18246606

Imitation meat is dogshit but so is burger king. Burger king is so bad imitation meat might actually improve it.

Pretty much. People'll be able to be moved to cultured meat, but they ain't eating the bugs Joseph. It'd be surreal for them to go
>Processed food is bad, eat natural food
and then
>Eat this super processed imitation meat.
But they've been doing cognitive dissonance for so long they don't have any conception of normal or the truth.

Food is along with fuel the last thing you ever want to be reliant on outsiders for. While you don't want graft that just lets farmers do jack shit, I'm entirely in favor of subsidies if they are restricted to selling that shit domestically. Fuel and food are the two areas you will have just about immediate unrest and revolution over if they become unavailable.

>> No.18246623

Like in many things California is the boutique option.

Burgers? No.
Fried chicken? You would have more shootings in proximity to KFC and popeyes than exist in chiraq. Al-Sanders Brigade would form as a black terrorist group with balacavas threatening to behead hippies if the US government doesn't open the strategic oil reserve as they assume it's peanut oil.

>> No.18246627


>> No.18246639

The policy only changed recently. This is how it is now.

>> No.18246643

wtf /pol/ lied to me

>> No.18246653

What do you mean? Kosher-certification of process foodstuffs is just another grift- and as a bonus, 100% of its proceeds go directly into the pockets of the cursed tribe.

>> No.18246674

/pol/ informed me that impossible and other fake meat products wouldn't be kosher so that jews would have an excuse to be unable to eat the goyslop

>> No.18246682

no it's the bugmeat that isn't kosher. israelis totally eat estrogen meat that's why they have a fertility crisis.

>> No.18246685

Yes. Amerilards sue, and win, when they spill hot coffee on themselves because they're retarded and decided to hold it between their knees, while driving, instead of using a cup holder. Amerilards sue, and win, when they break a porch railing because they're 500 pounds and can't hold their own weight. Any lolsuit based on user error should be dismissed and the suer fined.

>> No.18246708

Makes sense, there isn't enough grazing land in Israel to support its current population indulging in regular red meat consumption

>> No.18246710 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 674x900, C9DB6EA7-C761-47EE-AA22-FC907936838B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>be hahhhhd-ah-working america-joe
>me drive car arr way to macadonarousama's
>wait rong time in macadonarousama's rine
>get bored, me so tired!
>finarry get to yerr-box to order macadanarou's mear
>"Oh herro, missah ordah-man, is order time now yes?"
>*bzzzrrrt* *ffrrzzzt* "ah-yes, ah-prees continue with your ordah very much"
>"Okay I have ah-one macadanarousama coffee... Ver Hot!"
>grab coffee wif my yerrow hands
>prace coffee for temporary moment by peepee nono spot
>"ok, time for me to ah-return to raundrooomat for rest of work day"
>coffee spirr! it everywhere!
>"oh owie! ahhh, huht ah-rear bad, ahhh herp me macadanarousama"
>no herp
>not even reprace coffee
>I sue them fo everyting they have
Why america work rike this?

>> No.18246714

>spill hot coffee
You should actually read the details of this court case. The lawsuit was more than justified; the coffee was being held at an unreasonably high temperature. No food or drink should ever be served hot enough to instantly melt your skin off without very clear indication of this.

>> No.18246720

>anon pisses his pants in a restaurant
>”it’s the restaurants fault, there weren’t urinals in the dining area, they set me up for failure by refilling my water”
Same thing

>> No.18246725

>Same thing
No it isn't. You are clearly retarded. Have fun with that!

>> No.18246731

>noooooo you can’t use my own logic against me
Typical, anon can’t handle being wrong. Why don’t you grow up?

>> No.18246760

>when they spill hot coffee on themselves because they're retarded and decided to hold it between their knees, while driving, instead of using a cup holder.
She was 79, the car was parked, she was in the passenger seat, she was holding it like that to remove the lid to add cream, and it was a '89 Ford Probe from before cup holders were standard. You're vastly misinformed over what happened.
Hell, the case is considered part of why cup holders are now standard and kids like you think every car should have them. Ford was contacted about the lawsuit over that part.

>> No.18246766

Why america work rike this?

>> No.18246886

What law would be broken here?

>> No.18246900

Why does every single fast food place try these chemical false-meat abominations instead of just having falafels?

>> No.18246905

Because nobody wants your sand nigger food?

>> No.18246908

When the fuck is BK going under? It's fucking shit.

>> No.18246914

The constitution

>> No.18246956

It's deception. The patty is made to resemble real meat. Therefore I will assume they are serving me meat, which they don't. In the EU, it's illegal to call all those nut water garbage drinks "milk", as should vegshit be allowed to be labeled as anything traditionally associated with meat.

>> No.18246963

>going to burger king

>> No.18246980

I feel like German Burger King has gone to shit in the last years. This is a desperation move to try and rake in money from hipsters. Too bad it's going to fail

>> No.18247601

>from 1942, he self-identified as a vegetarian
was he eating liver and ham after 1942?
>Hitler wasn't a vegetarian he just didn't eat meat

>> No.18247636

Hitler's "vegetarianism" was partly out of fear of indigestion problems (as a lot of high stress businessmen and politicians face), as well as out of principle. Hitler was never known to turn down a meat dish out of politeness if it was served to him as a guest, but he did not go out of his way to consume meat. He was a far more reasonable man in this regard.

>> No.18247896

If any register jockey EVER asks me that question I'll jerk the mother fucker over the counter.

>> No.18249245

>beans with word filter
Do you mean soy beans, tourist?

>> No.18249267

And Russia never had much historical enmity against Germany.
Stalin quite liked his newly acquired Prussian fighting men

>> No.18249273

It's the same thing.
Here's your "le based fascism" in action.

>> No.18249343

Why is Europe so upside down with shit like this? It's like that time Italy was short on power because of the use of AC during the heat wave and tried to encourage people to stop using AC.

Germans especially seem to be particularly retarded.

>> No.18249395

>t. fat IT faggot

>> No.18249495

That's crazy bro, you should file a lawsuit.

>> No.18249853

Probably because the current patties are also a chemical abomination where reconstituted meat is mixed with various vegetable oils. They can just put something slightly different in the big vat to make the sludge that ends up resembling a meat patty.

>> No.18250188

I'm not surprised, Germany is th most cucked nation in Europe

>> No.18250209

German "steak" is just mincemeat pressed into a steak form.

We need Harris to do it again.

>> No.18250225

Well in the USA it's nothing new. Poultry isn't considered meat here so asking normal or with meat refers to chicken or beef burger.

>> No.18250260

it's a fucking marketing stunt you retards. they are tapping the big market of young people turned vegan, the fridays for future crowd.

>> No.18250267

>big market of young people turned vegan
citation needed. or at least go with the "big market of transbian vegan niggers" next time.

>> No.18250270

it's Austria, not the US. people haven't absorbed all your retardation, yet.

>> No.18250274

i was being sarcastic you dumb fuck. the vegan population is about as numerous as the rest i mentioned.

>> No.18250286

normies are going to learn to eat bugmeat and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

look at all the humiliations normies have already put themselves through. they watch marvel films. they eat pussy. they listen to the radio. you think these people are going stand up for real meat? no, they will accept one more humiliation, then John Oliver will tell them to give themselves a pat on the back and they will start to think you're weird for being so obsessed with meat.

>> No.18250290

it's not just full vegans, also people trying to reduce their meat consumption. seems BK thinks it's worthwhile to go after them and it's also an opportunity for them to set themselves apart from McDonald's.
oh wait, re-reading this thread it became clear to me they got orders from the NWO. how could I forget it's always da joos.

>> No.18250296

where did this population of people wanting to reduce meat intake come from? how did this meme become popular?

>> No.18250297

>Ii it looks like a kike, hustles like a kike, and kvetches like a kike, then it probably is an antisemitic conspiracy

>> No.18250311

look around you, even the dumbest science denying troglodyte can see the effects of global warming nowadays. droughts, lakes in danger of drying out, much shorter winters
or they're controlled by a mongoloid child from Sweden, what do I know.

>> No.18250314

so you think over a decade of frequent intense coordinated climate propaganda is a grassroots movement. you are incredibly stupid

>> No.18250338

I started in university because I was poor. Then over time I discovered how gross and filthy factory farming is. I'm not vegetarian, but I'll only eat meat that comes from a small local farmer which means I eat more veg and legumes year round.

>> No.18250346

Lakes are at the exact same level they've been for decades and winter still lasts forever.

>> No.18250400

No i'm not
i'm autistic and meat is a safe food for me

>> No.18250425

>they listen to the radio.
indie is way more cucked and it's not even close

>> No.18250539

Yeah imagine if Russia went full command and conquer on Europe and softened them up by wiping out the Dutch countryside?

Oops no more food for European militaries.

>> No.18251421

what does "global warming" (fake btw) have to do with hamburgers

>> No.18251496

The normal patty is just an imitation of the not normal patty. We truly do live in a clown world.

>> No.18251514

As a german, no they dont...

>> No.18251528

Within your lifetime it will be illegal to eat meat, and it will also be illegal to question why politicians and businessmen have so many "private petting zoos" that happen to consist solely of chickens, pigs, and cows.

>> No.18251823

>It's deception.
Not if the menu clearly says what it is
>The patty is made to resemble real meat. Therefore I will assume they are serving me meat
That's not how the legal matters work. If the restaurant gave you notice (which they do, through the menu and ad campaigns like OP's "news" article) then they are not deceiving you.
>In the EU, it's illegal to call all those nut water garbage drinks "milk"
Good thing they're not calling their meat-free patties "meat patties" then.
>as should vegshit be allowed to be labeled as anything traditionally associated with meat.
"Patty" isn't exclusive to meat. "Burger" isn't exclusive to meat. Unless they specifically say "This is a meat patty" while serving you a meat-free burger, your argument doesn't hold up.

>> No.18252058

Shut the fuck up, it's 100% the same as MILK. Nobody calls it ANIMAL MILK or DAIRY MILK or COW MILK or SHEEP MILK, just MILK, and because MILK is associated with ANIMALS it is ILLEGAL for them to call their nut water MILK. You don't get to sell window cleaner as GATORADE and then think you're safe because you say it's windows cleaner in small font on the back.

So unless they call their plantslop something UNMISTAKEABLY ELSE, they're cruisin' for a losin'

>> No.18252065

it won't be illegal it will just be prohibitively expensive delicacy because only a handful of oligarchs will be licensed to produce beef due to sustainability legislation

>> No.18252085

>Unless they specifically say "This is a meat patty" while serving you a meat-free burger, your argument doesn't hold up.
google adulteration

>> No.18252118

>it's 100% the same as MILK.
If they called them meat patties then it would be. But that's not what's going on here.
>Nobody calls it ANIMAL MILK or DAIRY MILK or COW MILK or SHEEP MILK, just MILK, and because MILK is associated with ANIMALS
Ok? Burgers and patties aren't associated with animals. Non-meat patties and burgers have existed for a long time.
>You don't get to sell window cleaner as GATORADE and then think you're safe because you say it's windows cleaner in small font on the back.
Good thing no one is doing that.
It would only be adulteration if you explicitly order meat but then get the non-meat burger.

>> No.18252129

>It would only be adulteration if you explicitly order meat but then get the non-meat burger.
can you give me a quick definition of what a hamburger is? if I order a hamburger what is it I am asking for?

>> No.18252132
File: 87 KB, 750x245, A77EE930-6A44-4AB3-9D8B-B2F2F20FDBCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burgers and patties aren't associated with animals.

>> No.18252135

A rounded sandwich with a patty.
Wikipedia is not a legal definition.

Do you guys think it's illegal to call veggie burgers "burgers"? Do you live under a rock?

>> No.18252146

nobody cares about being offered an impossible burger made of soy. the point is that if you go into some joint and ask for a hamburger and they give you soy instead, that's contrary to the natural law because it is dishonest. whether American courts have become so corrupt as to allow it is a secondary issue—lying is contrary to the law that stands above our laws.

>> No.18252148


>> No.18252186

>Wikipedia is not a legal definition
Wikipedia is evidence of a longstanding English convention.

I promise you that the courts will look the other way as underaged girls are raped on Little Saint James island, and they will look the other way as our food supply is degraded and adulterated. That's because the courts are corrupt and do not respect the law.

There is a final court that overturns even the Supreme court, and someday we will plead our cases there. Keep that in mind when you abuse the word "law" to affirm our rotten conventions. Our laws are not the law—the law is a thing that is, and no man can make—our laws can wear its sublime authority only when they conform themselves to it and act as its faithful ministers.

>> No.18252322
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>Do you guys think it's illegal to call veggie burgers "burgers"?

>> No.18253013

Yes it is illegal to call them just burgers which is why it's called a "veggie burger" to specify that the patty is not made of meat you dumbass troll.

>> No.18253030

Literally 1984

>> No.18253085

Hint: They're not selling something called "hamburger" and giving you non-meat instead. You are buttmad for nothing (and wrong)

>> No.18253186

That's very strange that they would have you order using English instead of German. What an obvious attempt by the writer to generate outrage buzz at something that isn't true.

>> No.18253195

>burger king

>> No.18253961

First they ask you "Deutsche or normal?"

>> No.18253989

Fleisch, always fleisch.

>> No.18254080

I'm not even in Germany/Austria, but imagine being the sort of stooge to eat at Burger Cuck to begin with. Can't even imagine anything worth getting there these days.

>> No.18254269
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erm... moo

>> No.18254273


>> No.18254290

I hate the antichrist

>> No.18254318
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The Dutch grow a lot of veggies but they get mogged by Italy and Spain
France and Germany mostly produce potatoes, sugar beets (to further process) and grains, a lot of which are for feeding cattle

>> No.18254358

people need to start fearing being linched by angry mobs again. It seems to be what really holds societies together.

>> No.18254366
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>> No.18254378

>Forcing your minimum wage workers to make statements that WILL incite conflict and arguments with low lives
I'm sure it won't get old hearing "normal is meat, the fuck you on about?" and the variations of thereof while holding up the queue every time explaining some inane business bs.

>> No.18254382

the packaging is in english you ape.

>> No.18254414
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>mit fleisch, bitte

>> No.18254462

A lot of junk food uses english packaging, you ape. Look around it, all the actual information on the packaging is in like turkish or something

>> No.18254478

We're talking about Germany and Austria here, you can probably be sent to prison for hate speech for saying that soy meat isn't normal.

>> No.18254678

It's never been about providing an alternative, it's always been about gradually normalizing a lower standard of living. Processing the soy to resemble the real thing makes it easier for your brain to accept it.

>> No.18254691

>It's never been about providing an alternative, it's always been about gradually normalizing a lower standard of living
bingo. it's soy austerity, baby

>> No.18255248

KYS gyros are better

>> No.18255676

why is she suing when she's the guilty side?

>> No.18255679

they're delicious, shut your whore mouth

>> No.18255723

because they're not trying to come up with a tasty alternative, they're trying to come up with a viable substitute so they can phase out meat completely

>> No.18255900

Daily reminder that this is only a problem because you seethe so hard about it. Get the /pol/ conspiracies out of your head for a minute. No one is making any statements about meat being "normal" or not.

The non-meat option has become THE standard burger they serve, so it is the new "normal" by definition. If you want meat, just ask. Do you have the language skills of a preschooler? Then it shouldn't be hard. Stop making problems where there aren't any.

>> No.18255918
File: 54 KB, 710x750, 088C8E13-68AC-40AA-91C7-0E2BA994C4C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The non-meat option has become THE standard burger
>Stop making problems where there aren't any

>> No.18255939

This is satire.

>> No.18256848

>No one is making any statements about meat being "normal" or not
>OP literally saying this while posting about burger king labeling fake meat as regular meat
>literally gaslighting people into thinking nothing changed
You vegan shills are really bad at this.
I hope you know that you idiots convinced me to eat double the meat that I normally would because you fags just can't stop talking about what I want to eat.
Eat shit vegan.

>> No.18256854

Germany is slotted first in line for humiliation and enslavement, look to them for the cruelty coming for you

>> No.18258722


Propaganda, but the girls are kinda cute.