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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18241861 No.18241861 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>ramen date with gf
>leave phones in glovebox
>waiter seats us then leaves
>no menus, just a QR code
>can't scan it
>we wait
>waiter comes back
>"alright anons are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

No, I don't need more time, I need A FUCKING MENU.

>> No.18241871

>leave phones in glovebox
Who the fuck does this? fake and gay

>> No.18241879

Just bring your phone in and look up the restaurant's website for the menu. The fuck are you leaving your phone in your glove box for?

>> No.18241880
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People who appreciate each other's company rather than scroolling.

>> No.18241883

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Why the fuck would I need to look up the restaurant's menu online when I'm literally inside the fucking restaurant?

>> No.18241885

why can't you just not look at your phone while eating dinner?

>> No.18241886

>If his phone is anywhere near him he won't be able to focus on anything except checking it
This is not a QR code issue, you have a mental disorder.

>> No.18241887

Why would I want to carry my phone on me if I'm not going to be using it?

>> No.18241892


>> No.18241894

Your post is even more retarded, because since the restaurant you're complaining about DOESNT have a paper menu, then you could LOOK UP the menu on your phone. Therefore you're able to look at the menu without a QR code. Do I need to break it down any more for you, ya fuckin mongoloid?
I get the feeling this post is correct

>> No.18241896

>I'm not going to be using it
My brother in christ you will be using it to check the menu

>> No.18241899

No I won't, I'll be getting their paper menu or making the waiter recite it from memory.

>> No.18241909
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>this fucking thread again

>> No.18241914

They had paper menus, they've just gotten so used to technology addicts bringing their phones in they stopped handing the menus out and just assume you're going to scan the code. I shouldn't have to ask, and they shouldn't assume I've even seen the menu when one wasn't provided for me in the first place.

>> No.18241917

go farther, anon.
why would you need it just to leave the house?

>> No.18241920


>> No.18241925

In case of an actual emergency like a car accident.

>> No.18241929


>> No.18241930

This guy makes these to show people the typical IQ of someone who complains about QR codes, a PSA if you will.

>> No.18241939

The problem was that he assumed I had already looked over the menu and asked us to order. It's a decline in quality of service and it degrades the human experience. Every QR code scanned takes away a bit of your humanity, piece by piece.

>> No.18241940

>needs to lock away his phone so he won't look at it
>posts wojaks
Either you don't have a gf or you've been whipped into the "phones in the glovebox" trend by your current one. But yes, I agree QR code menus are fucking retarded unless its a separate option you can use for accessibility purposes or to enhance the menu (like better photos or 360 rotating gifs of the food).

>> No.18241942

go farther, anon
what did people do before cellphones?

>> No.18241946

>It's a decline in quality of service and it degrades the human experience
to you.
i think you're just being a boomer and not wanting the world to march forward.

>> No.18241949
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Humans weren't meant to use computers.

>> No.18241953

then we wouldn't have computers.
tower of babel happened, anon.

>> No.18241956

>Still don't have a smartphone.
Nor will I ever get one. I don't need Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, restaurant recommendations, to take photos, scan QR codes, look up apple varieties online, recognize mushrooms or herbs in nature, or find wine info in the wine shop. None of that improves my life's quality. I still have people who do that far better than any app ever could.

There's one exception: smartphones are great if you need GPS in a traffic free city centre like Venice (the actual one, not the plastic "improvement").

>> No.18241961

me either, anon.
i'm not paying $100 a month to be tracked.

>> No.18241963

>tells fake and gay story
>posts a wojack
Fuck off. You’re either a larp or a retard.

>> No.18241964

Yeah this shit pisses me off. But how about you could've just said miso ramen with pork

>> No.18241966

>he said on 4chan

>> No.18241971

There’s no shame in being poor, but there isn’t nobility in it either.

>> No.18241974
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Ted was right

>> No.18241977

well, if you want to choose to be poor by paying for things you don't need then that's on you, anon.

>> No.18241978

Why is it so hard for you all to believe I don't carry a phone on me 24/7, especially not into a restaurant where the entire point is to avoid interruptions like phone calls and connect with the people you're eating with. It's humanity 101, sharing food is a sacred bond.

>> No.18242008

leaving it in the glovebox is just odd.
like you know you can't be trusted with it so you're firewalling yourself from it.
just don't take it out of your pocket.

>> No.18242013

The less shit in my pockets the better.

>> No.18242022

this is correct.
which also proves the point that you shouldn't have anything other than a landline at home in the first place.

>> No.18242027

>This is too much
What are you wearing, skinny jeans?

>> No.18242037

In a perfect world this would be viable.

>> No.18242038

I always ask for an actual menu if I get the QR code
Just a matter of convenience

>> No.18242043

Because it’s abnormal as fuck, and you’re making it mega-sperg level with your fedora-sounding bullshit about “sacred bonds avoiding distractions”.
You did something retarded, you won a retard’s prize, and now you want your retardation to be validated.

If you can’t have a phone in your possession without constantly paying attention to it, you have a mental problem.
And I don’t believe for a moment your “gf” would throw hers in a glove box as well.

Calling you a larp is going you very kind benefit of the doubt. Because no functional person acts as you claim to have done.

>> No.18242044

>everyone ITT freaking out because anon leaves his phone in the glovebox
So what? Why does he need his phone on his person?

>> No.18242047

in a perfect world we wouldn't need phones.
now stop defending your bad decision to lease a tracking device just because you want to text your girlfriend.

>> No.18242049

>t. zoomer

>> No.18242053


>> No.18242056

Why is he incapable of driving with a phone unless he locks it in the glovebox?

>> No.18242061

Terrible reasoning
This post >>18242043 did a better job because he explained that the sanctimoniousness behind leaving the phone in the glovebox is odd
I leave my phone in my car cup holder sometimes because I feel like it

>> No.18242064

and realize you're late to the party and also wasting your money on a device you don't need.

>> No.18242066

imagine being such a boring waste of oxygen that you can't even hold a conversation with your own girlfriend at dinner

>> No.18242067

Zoomers can't imagine life without having their phone physically on them. They think I leave it behind because I check it constantly but that is them projecting their own actions onto me. I barely check it in the first place and I know for a fact I'm definitely not going to check it when I'm at a restaurant so I just leave it in the car. My girlfriend has similar ideas about technology and how being constantly reachable is a negative thing, especially when it comes to work, so we've always done this. Also who would have ever thought someone may share lifestyle choices and opinions with the person they live with lol.

>> No.18242068

>don’t need
I have a job

>> No.18242072

I put the phone in the glovebox when I go into the restaurant so I don't get my window smashed you retard. I still use the phone when driving for GPS and shit.

>> No.18242074

your boss can call a landline and fuck off when you're not home.
people did it for over a hundred years after landlines were invented.

>> No.18242077
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get with the times grandpa!

>> No.18242080

Fuck off, literal elderly people carry phones.
I definitely think larp + autist.
It’s like you’re trying to emulate how you’d imagine a person of “superior thoughts” to act, but it’s based on your imagination and fiction you’ve consumed.
Absolutely nobody acts the way you’re claiming to.
And the fact you’re feigning such confusion about this means I hope to god you’re a larp, otherwise you’re legitimately at a frightening level of disconnection.

>> No.18242081

still doesn't negate the firewalling of yourself from it.
you could legit just leave it in your pocket.

>> No.18242083

wow people are really enraged by the idea of a person not holding a phone

>> No.18242084

I know, all these tech addled zoomers acting like leaving your phone behind is crazy make me sad. They can't imagine putting the phone down and talking to each other in person.

>> No.18242085

You’re being autistic

>> No.18242092

Explain to me why I would want to carry it in my pocket when I know I'm not going to use it. I don't carry other useless shit around with me.

>> No.18242095

>Not Weird
Leaving your phone in a secure place in your care
Being sanctimonious about not having your phone on your person
Being enraged that someone could leave their phone behind for 30 minutes
Being enraged that someone’s GF would also do the same thing (get a GF lol)

>> No.18242098


>> No.18242103

>get a GF lol
make me

>> No.18242109

scan the code it says "one order of tendies milady" lmao

>> No.18242112

you carry your mind with you.
pretty useless if you think firewalling your phone from yourself is a smart move instead of just leaving it in your pocket.
pretty useless if you don't understand that you don't need the phone in the first place so you're paying for an unneeded expense while still renting.

>> No.18242113

>being enraged
Calling someone an autist is not that, anon.

>> No.18242114

>never experiencing the power of making your GF racist
Your loss

>> No.18242115

I can't, I left my phone in my glovebox

>> No.18242120

ok, anon.
keep paying monthly for something you don't need.
keep claiming you're not the autistic one too.

>> No.18242122

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.18242125


>> No.18242130

What do you retards not understand. I'm not firewalling it, I use the phone. I just don't use it when I'm out to eat or hanging out with friends. When I'm not planning on needing it I just leave it in my glovebox firstly so I don't have to carry it, secondly so my window doesn't get smashed while I'm away.

>> No.18242133

Check yourself before your wreck yourself :^)

>> No.18242136

Also my phone is paid off, over five years old, and my service costs $15 per month. Hardly an expense at all. A landline would cost more.

>> No.18242138


>> No.18242141

>this level of larping to enact the cope
>still not being able to stand against the fact of firewalling
just accept that your actions are based out of addiction.
i'll check these.

>> No.18242144

>Also my phone is paid off
wait do poor people take out a loan for a cell phone

>> No.18242151

How could it be an addiction if I don't even care enough about it to bring it with me?

>> No.18242159

The phone price is usually included in the service bill, at least in America, the service and phone payment are combined into one monthly sum.

>> No.18242161

firewalling proves the point.
you're not leaving it in the car for any reason other than you'll be tempted to check it.
you cannot convince me otherwise because it will not make sense.
if you weren't addicted it could stay in your pocket all day.

>> No.18242177

>you're not leaving it in the car for any reason other than you'll be tempted to check it

I simply don't want to carry around something I'm not going to be using. I know it's difficult for your zoomer mind to comprehend, but leaving your phone somewhere because you aren't using it is not "firewalling."

>> No.18242185

yeah literally that's how most cell phones are sold in the USA

>> No.18242188

>I simply don't want to carry around something I'm not going to be using
then why is it in your car?
this is the part where your logic falls apart.
you are addicted, your pay for it monthly.
just get a landline, it's legit $7 a month in most places.

>> No.18242189

yikes I guess they just feel better when they're in debt

>> No.18242196

look at this retard sperging because anon doesnt want to carry his phone on him for a short period of time

>> No.18242216

It's in my car because I use it for GPS and music. I don't get what you're not getting. I just don't take it into restaurants or social situations because I don't need it. If you can't comprehend this then you're simply misinterpreting me on purpose and I'm done giving you (You)'s.

>> No.18242225

But you literally will be using it in the restaurant, phones have more uses than just talking/texting/surfing the web these days, a big one is a QR scanner.
Use the phone, put it in your pocket.
Also LOL at the idea someone will break your fucking window because they see a phone, you need to move out of the ghetto.

>> No.18242228

>I use it for GPS and music
gps unit and radio.
you have still failed to explain why you have a cellphone.

>> No.18242238

>Go to new restaurant
>No paper menu just QR code
>Scan qr code, website is down
>proceed to Just get up and leave
>Restaurant is closed and out of business after less than a month

>> No.18242244

Carrying your phone 24/7 is the abnormal behavior

>> No.18242246

I literally will not be using it in the restaurant though, I will never scan a QR code for a menu, I will always ask for a paper menu. I made this entire post because the waiter just assumed we would scan the QR code which led to a decline in service. He just seated us then left, assuming we would scan the code, which is a retarded thing to assume. And yes anon, when you live in a major city you have to worry about shit like someone smashing your windows.

>> No.18242248

Because I use it when I'm not eating with people? What are you not understanding?

>> No.18242249

People are asking you to take something you left the house with into a building for a short time. You are seeing this and having a fit.

>> No.18242260

And you are throwing a fit simply because someone leaves their phone in the car for a short time. You don't have to carry a phone on you 24/7 anon.

>> No.18242263

No it's more in the US the cell phone companies do everything they can to make it nearly impossible to buy a phone upfront so they can force you into buying the newest top of the line phone & make you make payments on it so they can make 2-3 times the money, and fill 3/4s of the phones memory with shitty apps other companies paid the cell phone company to put onto the phone that you will never use

>> No.18242265

If I shouldn't need something in a building why would I take it with me? That's like taking an umbrella into a restaurant cause the sprinklers might go off

>> No.18242267

Perfect analogy.

>> No.18242270

>I use it when I'm not eating with people
so you admit your addiction for one that was not addicted would only ever turn it on while out of the country.
think about it.

>> No.18242271

Then you don’t get to access a ramen menu without autistically shitting your pants and going home to cry about it on 4chan.
You do you.

>> No.18242275

There's no problem with leaving it in the car, but glovebox is kind of weird, it's just that QR code menus were not invented yesterday and are pretty common.
Except that in every restaurant the sprinklers have been going off for a couple of years now.

>> No.18242278

>autistically shitting your pants

"Are you ready to order?"
Oh no actually, we don't have any menus yet lol"
"Oh I'm so sorry I'll grab you some"

That's it. I'm just upset that restaurants are treating QR codes as the default ordering experience when it should be the other way around.

>> No.18242284

Are you telling me you would leave your phone visibly inside your car, unattended? Have fun having broken glass in your car for years to come because your window is getting smashed if you live somewhere even remotely populated.

>> No.18242292

stop wanting the world to stagnate.
the future is now old man.

>> No.18242293
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>> No.18242295

this thread really triggers me

>> No.18242299

what about it?

>> No.18242300

nothing I just hate you all and wish I hadn't read this whole thing

>> No.18242302

No, because I wear pants with pockets, I also abide by the suggestions posted in most parking lots
>Roll up your windows.
>Lock your doors.
>If it's valuable: TAKE IT WITH YOU.

>> No.18242306

You started a crying thread over that?
Holy shit you need help.
“Sacred bonds of menu experience” rite?>>18242284
sorry you live in a shithole, anon.
Even crackheads know not to steal smartphones, because they can be remotely locked down and are useless to use/sell. If you weren’t larping, you’d know this.

>> No.18242309

>have phone
>use qr reader

>don't have phone
>tell waiter you'd like food, doesn't really matter what

>> No.18242316

Just tell the fag you don't have a phone, ask him to recite what's on the menu and when he is done say you're not really feeling any of that and walk out

>> No.18242319

The thread was started because the waiter assumed that the QR codes would be sufficient and based his service on that, expecting us to already know what we wanted after leaving us alone for 10 minutes without menus. It's the little cost cutting things like this that make day to day living miserable.

>> No.18242322

I went with my mom to a restaurant like that recently. Sat down and there was no actual paper menu, only a QR code one. We asked the waitress for a paper one, because neither of us have QR code scanners on our phones, and she refused to give one. Apparently it was some kind of COVID measure (Yeah right, more like obnoxious asshole measure.)

We got the hell out of there and then went to a proper, non-neolib-douchebag restaurant.

>> No.18242325

It’s a perfectly reasonable assumption.
Poor guy had an unreasonable customer.

>> No.18242331


>> No.18242333

>Leave phone in glovebox
>Open trunk so they don't break your window

>> No.18242335

>It's the little cost cutting things like this that make day to day living miserable
explain how it makes anything miserable.
why can't you just accept the technology has always pushed towards cost effectiveness?

>> No.18242336

You should write a calm headed emal to the owner

>> No.18242340

>neolib-douchebag restaurant
This is the actual problem with all of this QR code nonsense. Libs want to completely demolish civilized society and replace all human interaction with apps and technology, further isolating us into ourselves and making us easier to control.

>> No.18242343

Why does OP leaving his phone in his car cause so much seething? Is it zoomers that grew up with smartphones in their hands 24/7?

>> No.18242354

>Is it zoomers that grew up with smartphones in their hands 24/7?

>> No.18242359

>Why does OP leaving his phone in his car cause so much seething
because it's cringe to be so addicted to your phone that you can't just leave it in your pocket and not check it during a meal.
no other reason makes sense on paper for why he would leave it in the car.

>> No.18242363
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>> No.18242368

How is it cringe if you're not expecting a call or going to be texting anyone at dinner?

>> No.18242375

these posters are what happens when you were raised by tablets and smart phones instead of people. it's honestly incredible to see it in action.

>> No.18242384

i don't even have a phone.
i just understand addiction when i see it.
because it's the same as a 12 step program.
it's just a crutch instead of facing the problem.

>> No.18242392

It would only be a problem if you were unable to leave your phone behind

>> No.18242674

wow zoomers REALLY hate it when someone isn't glued to their phone huh

>> No.18242682

Cause people will break into your car and take it

>> No.18242684

Not if it's secured in my glovebox.

>> No.18242689

>OP is massively inconvenienced by saying five words: "Can I get a menu?"

>> No.18242796

First bait, incels mad
>ramen date
now normalfags and simps seething too
>leave phones in glovebox
zoomer heads now resemble eggplant rather than broccoli
>no menus, just a QR code
NO WHAT ABOUT THE POLAR BEARS soy lattes ignored as pasty malnourished vegans furiously tap at their macbooks and iphones (liberally decorated with liberal decorations to ensure everyone knows they are a Decent Person™)
>waiter comes back
wagies working service reminded of their poor life choices self-insert and start seething too

yup, masterclass in master baiting

>> No.18242800

>yes 2x menu, please

>> No.18242813
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What's wrong with ramen?

>> No.18242815

ok boomer

>> No.18242848

It's Japanese, so it makes anti-weebs seethe

>> No.18242931

I can go days without looking at my phone. Also, I'm not gay, so I wear pants that fit with pockets that fit stuff. I'd gladly sit there and tell the faggot waiter that we never got menus. I'd even lie to his face and tell him I forgot my phone at home just to watch him seethe.

>> No.18242940

What do you need a menu for? You want one bowl of ramen each.

>> No.18242945

this is like walking into subway and ordering "a sandwich"

>> No.18242980

Why didn't your gf do it or why didn't you stop the waiter before he left?

>> No.18242990

>mass replier
first of all fuck off.
But also, I'm a teacher and you have no idea just how bad the smartphone/tablet addiction is. Especially after a year of COVID having kids at home where teachers couldn't tell them to put the phone away. Kids are really addicted to their phones and social media, and it's going to cause serious problems when they're adults.

>> No.18243000
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>create qr code to goatse
>print qr code stickers
>go to restaurant

>> No.18243007

goatse.cx is an email address company now

>> No.18243012

You can link yo any one of the seven trillion hosted images

>> No.18243017

Such as?

>> No.18243050

Such as goatse.

>> No.18243118

i dont see the correlation. love ramen and japanese food, hate anime and would probably laugh if i saw a dead weeb in a ditch

>> No.18243521

>Can easily find a nice woman
LMAO that's not easy at all

>> No.18243531


>> No.18243720

Bee yourself

>> No.18244191

Undeniably, unequixocally, indubidably based. Shame the sound doesn't autoplay

>> No.18244205

>>"alright anons are you ready to order or do you need more time?"
The waiter called you anons? Or you introduced yourselves and knew your names?

>> No.18244256

And you know they are incapable of having this conversation face to face.

>> No.18244267

>master baiting
well done

>> No.18244320

>other anons calling out faggot larp on sight
there's hope for this place yet!

>> No.18244347

technology has gone far but can we go farther? upon seating, a unique id is generated so that an order can also be placed through the app without the waiter as the middleman

>> No.18244369
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LITERALLY me, but im 30

>> No.18244436

Ever been to a chilis in the past like 8 years...

>> No.18244446

no but i assume you want to bring up those touch screens on each desk. yeah they do as suggested but it's an even more cost saving measure if it's done through your own phone instead

>> No.18244469

In Japan a lot of big izakaya simply have tablets you can order from

>> No.18244542

because it's an expensive piece of equipment that also contains a lot of personal information, and I would rather have it on my person so I know where it is.

>> No.18244736
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>Not if it's secured in my glovebox.

>> No.18244739


>> No.18244745

wait are you saying that if I don't have my goyphone on me constantly my mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.18244752


>> No.18244753

Well, how would you be able to reply to my post to save your mother from dying in her sleep tonight?

>> No.18244767

then who was phone

>> No.18244768
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>maybe i don't need electronics on an around me 24/7
>well why won't you just move to the forest then???!

>> No.18244804

I don't bring that shitty spy device anywhere.

>> No.18245252

If I was a rich man! I could leave my phone anywhere and the rabbis would buy me a new one!

>> No.18245268

you just couldn't wait for a chance to post that picture, could you
it doesn't even apply lmao

>> No.18245349
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>oh you don't want you or your gf to use your phone at a meal?
>you're mentally ill for doing that the wrong way
these always read like reddit posts

>> No.18245370

This is supreme autism

>> No.18245593

Who hurt you

>> No.18245609

>Taking a phone outside your home so the WEF can track you 24/7
No thank you, only for long-distance travel.

>> No.18245623

Yep zoomers are pathetic, but it's their lazy xoomer parents' fault for buying iPads as surrogate babysitters. It used to be considered rude to whip out your phone while you were on a date. One of the only reasons to go to a restaurant is for the ambiance. If I wanted to slurp instant noodles while staring at my phone, I would just stay home. Just give me a paper menu so I can relax after work without straining my eyes looking at another screen.

>> No.18245626

based, checked, and kekked