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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 600x599, image_bdac10ff-6c34-4817-b4e9-875cf0412ac5_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18239714 No.18239714 [Reply] [Original]

>cures your hangover

>> No.18239731

Damn OP you came at just the right time
I was going to voice my displeasure of having one of these for lunch.

Love the taste but my asshole clearly can't handle them, latest one felt like a mix of putting a lighter to your asshole and shitting out toothpicks. This is after putting my ass on the toilet 4 times already today

>> No.18239737

You have hemorroids? Or you gay?

>> No.18240144

my ass hasn't stopped itching/bleeding for a month after having a few of these, maybe I should go to the doctor soon

>> No.18240456

Sinus clearer.
Great colon cleanser too.
It's basically a superfood.

>> No.18240475

When I first ate the black one, my ass wept. Strangely enough though, I've felt completely fine after eating the 2X one.

>> No.18240476

wash better

>> No.18240962

>kickstarted my crohn's disease
I probably would have gotten sick regardless but eating these for breakfast a few times a week is something I would rather undo

>> No.18241976

I'm gonna try this. Usually I man up and go for a long run.

>> No.18241991

You could just drink more water and not get a hangover

>> No.18242001
File: 315 KB, 348x423, 22_NISSIN_Website_Products_CN_StirFry_HotGarlicChicken_350x423-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up hungover and chug bottled water in 3 gulps
>slam warm beer from the coffee table
>make one of these
>shit my guts out for the next 4 hours and it smells the same as it did going in

>> No.18242301

My ulcerative colitis came back with a vengeance after I got cocky and started eating spicy foods and drinking tons of milk. Now I can barely handle chicken noodle soup and bottled water and feel like I'm getting stabbed in the gut if I either don't eat or do eat or think about eating.

>> No.18242324

It may not be the capsicum itself, although that will clear you out in the same way. I think it’s a different allergy causing the autoimmune issues and covering trash with chemical spices of unknown contents and origin only confuses it.

>> No.18242330

yeah I know the feel, last 4 weeks I ate nothing but chicken noodle soup and rice

>> No.18242338

God damn I always feel so close to you fellow Crohn's disease sufferers.

Why the fuck haven't they figured out what causes it yet? It seems so bizarre that it's idiopathic. My gastroenterologist didn't have any diet recommendations for me and just said "eat whatever doesn't bother you".

No survey about diet history or nothing to get to the bottom of it.

I think it was the doxycycline I took for acne in highschool. My tummy was never the same after that. That or the olympic size snacks of gummies and of Halloween candy and pop my mom allowed me to est. FFS. WHY!!!!

>> No.18242357
File: 14 KB, 112x112, raven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen in general is really great if you eat drunk as hell to prevent at least the headache side

End of night, shin black, two soft boiled eggs, drink a bunch of water, drink the broth.

Might not save your stomach but it'll keep your head

>> No.18242365

Like others said, they taste great for what they are and you can sure keep it down after a hangover, but after that it just rips through my gut and unless I preempt it with a fiber supplement it's absolutely going to be a drawn out experience.
All they really do for the hangover is get you some much needed nutrients, which really broth (or Pedialyte) and vitamins will do better.
Not him, but when I make baked potatoes with butter, even adding just tabasco causes the same effect, and it's pretty simple ingredient-wise.
A real shame since stuff like chili crisp (even homemade) and hOT SAuCe does make a huge chunk of food much more palatable to me.

>> No.18242377

>Why the fuck haven't they figured out what causes it yet?
I think it's pretty much agreed on that UC and Crohn's are autoimmune diseases.
So the causes would all involve different factors setting off overreactions with the immune system and inflammation. Bacteria definitely seems like a factor too since you can treat these cases most of the time with cipro to some degree.

>> No.18242379

If you shill out for a local CO2 source, carbonated water between the booze + high fat and salt foods is the way to go, which ramen + eggs is great at.
Still get a lot of the general malaise from drinking - you really can't avoid the stress on your body unless you drink less - but I've never gotten a headache since doing that consistently.

>> No.18242435

I have relatively minor issues in comparison but I notice that it doesn’t have the hellfire effect unless something inside is already irritated and inflamed. You’re probably fucked with constant inflammation but I hold out hope that I can figure out the specific food allergy without having to drink myself to death to numb it.

>> No.18242503

I'm assuming this is a bad thing but these didn't taste all that bad to me just felt super unhealthy to eat.

>> No.18242528

>different factors setting off overreactions with the immune system and inflammation
I'd expect there to be some know correlation between diet and colons getting all hot and bothered. I haven't come across anything though. Sources just cite genetics, and "environmental factors" as if it makes a difference.

>> No.18242955

Those aren't even hot.

>> No.18245188
File: 121 KB, 1080x1002, aac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my own noodles from scratch

>> No.18245913

>I'd expect there to be some know correlation between diet and colons getting all hot and bothered.
Ah, so you don't mean nobody figured out the mechanism yet. You mean the cause mechanism agreed on doesn't involve diet. Which is true. Diet can worsen symptoms but isn't thought to have anything to do with the mechanism of how and why the disease starts.
I think a lot of people convince themselves diet is the explanation for UC or Crohn's because they want to believe they can control their health. The reality where it's autoimmune and not really something you can turn off with diet is probably less appealing.

>> No.18246055

>artificial chicken
Dude water cures your hangover, you're dehydrated.

>> No.18246074

How do you get them to stand up like that?

>> No.18247086

This burns my ass for at least 2 days after.
These taste sugar. It's kinda sickening.

I definitely have some sort of IBS or stomache issues and I had to take doxycycline when I deployed. Is that what fucked me up?

>> No.18247194

That's OK. Don't let OP stop you.
Duplicate threads are a staple of /ck/ culture.

>> No.18247857

>I definitely have some sort of IBS or stomache issues and I had to take doxycycline when I deployed. Is that what fucked me up?
My GI said no, but that was stated on wikipedia.

>> No.18248176

Will the stew type one cure my hangover?

>> No.18248182

proper training and discipline

>> No.18248200

Anyone else really like the flavor of these but considers the heat just a little too much? Trying to modulate heat by using less of the sauce packet always results in loss of the nice chicken flavor.

What should I be getting instead? I like the spicy chicken flavor but I'd enjoy them better with maybe 1/4 of the heat.

>> No.18248584
File: 256 KB, 970x970, bancho soymale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaghetti in water, japan

>> No.18249745

hangover is 100% dehydration, anything with liquid cures a hangover

>> No.18249782

lol. lmao. i just polished off the other half of the handle from yesterday. please tell me how i'm just dehydrated tomorrow afternoon.