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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18238993 No.18238993 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make McDonalds great again?

>> No.18239005

bring back the beef tallow big gulp

>> No.18239008


>> No.18239015

You can start by putting ketchup on the burgers

>> No.18239016

someone get travis scott on the horn... I think I may have an idea

>> No.18239050

Get rid of the gourmet burgers and items and keep only the staple items like Bic Mag and Nuggets

>> No.18239053

Found the Jew Yorker.

>> No.18239058

make a 3 dollar menu

bicmac $3 mcflurry $3 large fries $3

every time i go there shit is way out of proportion unless you buy two of everything

>> No.18239059

Zonies deserve the beef tallow big gulp.

>> No.18239062

Bring back the Salad shaker. I use to get that with a qtr pounder, large fry, and large coke. Was the perfect dinner.

>> No.18239130



>> No.18239433

Literally just be proud of the heritage. Hamburgler. Grimace. The duck thing. The walking pom-poms. The walking hamburger police officer.

All of that shit.

AND, include toys in the happy meals you'd actually want. Are any of you old enough to remember the toys that were depictions of McDonalds food items, but they transformed into dinosaurs? I think there was also a similar line that transformed into robots, but that might have been Burger king.

It's not just nostalgia. McDonalds used to be cool. It used to have mystique. It used to have its own vibe, its own feel, its own world. Now it's just soulless.

>> No.18239455
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I miss these so fucking much

>> No.18239477

We still have them in Canada, if you're wiling to undergo an unpaid experimental drug trial to cross the border.

>> No.18239540

I mostly weep for Pizza Hut.

Once, a wondrous carpet-floored hut-shaped, red-roofed building of myriad buttery pizza aromas, dessert buffets, colourful stainglass lanterns above your booth giving off a warm colour temperature throughout the sacred Hut, a couple of PacMan arcade cabinets, a birthday party, your pies being served on trays...now? You might as well be walking into a DMV office to pick up and take home your now lukewarm whatever.

Hold me, anon..

>> No.18239542

Beef tallow supersize and styrofoam containers

>> No.18239564

Simple lose the cheap hamburger+ get chopped sirloin

>> No.18239706

Sit down to a Big Mac, fries and a chocolate shake.

>> No.18239891


>> No.18240077

Unironically, pull out of underprivileged areas.

>> No.18240318

Lower the price. You can get a better takeaway meal at a real restaurant for the same price these days. They can hardly even classify themselves as "fast" these days either. If it wasn't for the retards and fat retards that still go there they'd be out of business by now, and rightly so. The working conditions are probably still horrible too so even the workers have to suffer in the fact that this is still somehow a lucrative business model
Fuck mcdonalds, stop eating there

>> No.18240341

actually new menu items
take a lesson from every other fucking fast food place
bro what

>> No.18240342

Put the pedophiles back in charge.

>> No.18240483

itt: amerifats try to justify their nostalgia of being young and having a wide-eyed optimistic view of the world, having become wide-waisted and cynical

>> No.18240511
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go back to the classic googie architecture or original McDonald's

>> No.18240570

it's all about the quality bro same as it ever was
make em make the selects a permanent item but not from this new supplier that gives them the fatass meatglue strips. the supplier that gave them the strips when they first released them was the real one, those were delicious. the new strips were fucking gross

>> No.18241062


>> No.18241137

Everyone says they want to go back and it was better but how do we go back there’s enough of us who want to

>> No.18241150

I'm going to rip this bandaid off. You can't put the genie back in the bottle and return to Eden, it doesn't work that way. It's a bunch of people who as children psyched themselves into a fantasy that there is no way to recapture because they're hopefully not that fucking deluded anymore. Most know it and can't see the magic anymore because there never was any.

>> No.18241227

Rundown on meatglue strips?

>> No.18241274

Bring back polystyrene packaging.

>> No.18241330
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>bring back beef tallow fries and just put a fucking disclaimer on the package, I guarantee absolutely no one will stop eating them over it
>make single items cheaper so non-fatcunts start coming back
>offer more "family deal" combos and supersize options for the super fatcunts that don't suck ass
>improve the McDonald's recipes and promote original concepts instead of trying to compete with what other chains do far better (they'll never fucking learn this lesson, just look at McDonald's pizza/spaghetti)
>stop making people rely on the stupid fucking app just to make the food affordable
and most of all
>lower prices wherever possible
If I can get a Big Mac by itself for $3 or a McDouble for $1 again, I'd get maccas for lunch every day. McDonald's needs to stop jewing so hard and learn how to loss-lead if they want to git gud. Until they do, I'll keep going to other chains that offer better food at similar/better prices.
For example, a 'potle 'ito 'owl is cheaper than a maccas meal ($8 vs $10+), tastes better, and has way more nutrients, so I'm not hungry 4 hours later. Chick Fil A chicken and Wendy's burgers taste 10x better and offer bigger portions for the same price, etc. Maccas used to at least be cheaper, but now they don't even have that.

>> No.18241345

McDonald's is not food therefore it was never great!

>> No.18241366

>Travis Scott
No, man. Lizzy should be the celebrity that is promoting McDonald's. She is fat and clearly eats a lot of food to maintain her enormous figure. I would fap to every Lizzo ad, because it would mean that she gets fatter with each one.

>> No.18241380

>McDonald’s is too expensive
Lol fucking what?
>if they want to get gud
By any reasonable definition, their sales figures are well beyond “gud”
>muh app
>Make the food cheap! N-no not that way! Make it cheap a different way!
Anon plz. The app deals solve everything you’re crying about.
>inb4 boomer schizo rage about McDonald’s selling your bank account info to Chinese spies

>> No.18241546
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That's what it was like.

>> No.18241639

>I would fap to every Lizzo ad, because it would mean that she gets fatter with each one.
That uhhh that's not how ads work.

>> No.18241645

Expand the fucking menu to have interesting food on it

>> No.18241664

>McDonalds has all day breakfast
>People love it but it causes lines to be a 30 seconds longer so franchises hate it
>No plans on it returning
so basically there's no reason to go to McDonalds

>> No.18241669

You can start by firing all the blacks and POCs.

>> No.18241704

>McDonald’s needs to expand the jr menu and sell more not-McDonald’s
Yeah because it’s worked so well the countless times they’ve tried you retard zoomer

>> No.18241716

They brought it back in Canada, but we have a smaller breakfast menu and no biscuits. Still fucks up the lines if you order at the wrong time of day.

>> No.18241721

On the other hand, they dropped the last of their Angus burgers in Canada in 2020 while citing memeflu excuses but they've shown no hint of bringing it back.
Fuck, first I lose the Big Xtra, then the Angus... Every burger I enjoy is cursed.

>> No.18241746

It's not really a schizo thing. The data-collected from the apps is "valuable" to the company so they do what they can to encourage people to use it. It's written quite clearly in their terms of service that you're basically helping their marketing and analytic teams for free.

>> No.18241771

Beef tallow

>> No.18241812

I remember that McDonald's put their heart and soul into the designs of their restaurants and had play-places for the kids, but now it looks like another soulless corporation only alive for the sake of the dollar.

>> No.18241819

Not necessarily magic but you just can tell they had more soul about it by looking at the former designs and ideas of restaurants back then.

>> No.18241833

>europeans, think back on their poets, their great orators and writers, painters
>americans, think back on a lardo pizza chain with arcade cabinets
really speaks for itself

>> No.18241882

Liar, we don't have them, but yes. The experiment volentolds are unpaid

>> No.18241915

Get rid of Biden

>> No.18241937
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>Fire the only people that know how to season food
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18241944

Bro, there’s no need to worry about McDonald’s knowing which sauce you want with your nuggets.
>for free
A quick glance at the app and I see BOGO bigmacs, 6/10pc nugs, quarter pounder, and double cheese burger.
And you can do it every day.

Besides, the value isn’t in the “data”, which is what the real schizos don’t (or refuse to) realize.
It’s in time-saved. Nobody had to take your order. Nobody had to manually enter your order. You aren’t holding up a line while figuring out what you want. You aren’t confusing a wagie who’s trying to enter your list of customizations.
You’re bypassing an entire human-interaction bottleneck.
Sure you still have to do the other, where you’re given your food, but that typically faster. Removing one of two still turns into serious cost-savings, enough so that they’ll throw free burgers at you for it.

>> No.18241950

The chicken snack wrap is available pretty much everywhere here. If you're thinking of the mac snack wrap, I don't think that exists anywhere in this dimension anymore.

>> No.18241965

>dumps twelve pounds of sugar, paprika, and salt on everything
>"Heh, I knows how ta seasons food."
Buddy, people working at McDonalds don't even control the amount of seasoning they use. The inherent amount of seasoning was calculated by some Luxembourgian guy and the wagies are given special tools that limit the amount of salt, sauce, or grill seasoning they put on stuff. This is intentional so some inner city youth with his tastebuds melted by his pack-a-day menthol habit doesn't dump half a pound of salt on a small order of fries because "that's how he likes it".

>> No.18241972

>hurrr just because I have the trust fund to pay $10+ on a (((value meal))) that means there's no way it's expensive

>> No.18241980
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If you're complaining about that, why are you even going to McDonald's for food?
I mean, fuck, if you hate minorities so much, why not just learn how to cook your own food? Complaining about pointless shit like that isn't going to fix your "problem".

>> No.18241983

Niggers being able to cook, let alone season food properly, has to be the world's biggest meme.
>hey y'all, just dumped some seasonang salts on frozen chiggen strips. wypipo WISH they was eatin dis gud.

>> No.18241987

>Get rid of the cake. Nobody likes to eat cake with hamburger. Serve actual bread.
>Simmer your onions on low heat for half an hour
>Make a fresh sauce that doesn't stink of vinegar and bay leaf
>There's 10000 varieties of tomato on the planet. You're using 1.
Forget about beef. Everybody knows what quality beef tastes like nowadays. Stick with Brazilian soy burgers. Got to turn a profit somewhere, after all.

>> No.18241988

You seem upset.

>> No.18241996

Getting "compensated" with coupons is the opposite of getting paid. I'm not even reading the rest of your retard post.

>> No.18241997
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>> No.18242002

>actual racist tries to deflect by calling others racist
Every time

>> No.18242007
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Feel free to stop samefagging.

>> No.18242015
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Why are you so autistic about how your food is prepared?
Go learn how to cook something. We are on the food and cooking board after all, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.18242020
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Shut the fuck up and add to the conversation or leave. You go out of your way to post and ultimately say nothing. "hur-dur you're all amerifats". You're reading it nigger!

McDees needs to emphasize fresh and hot food. There is nothing better than mouth scorching fried and a finger burning bigmac.

>> No.18242023

>triggered nignog

>> No.18242029


>> No.18242032


>> No.18242057

Let a man dream, anon. There are enough people in this thread already with rose colored glasses looking backwards that we could fill at least two mid-size group therapy sessions

>> No.18242079

>causes lines to be a 30 seconds longer so franchises hate it
Anon, that’s not why the franchises hated it. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the back of house in a McDingles but back when that was going on my girlfriend worked at one briefly and having to have all that food out and ready to go at a moments notice was a nightmare, counter space was almost nonexistent and everything was a mess because there was no standard protocol sent out to make it all run efficiently, it was up to the shift managers who are pretty much just fat Mexican women who have only ever worked at Macdonald’s. Not exactly cream of the crop when it comes to running a well oiled machine and the breakfast all day workload just doubled down on the workload for the retard ESL wagies. That’s why it failed anon, not your little uninformed guess even though you stated it as fact.

>> No.18242082

>Literally just be proud of the heritage. Hamburgler. Grimace. The duck thing. The walking pom-poms. The walking hamburger police officer.
Fuck. No

Disney has been rehashing the same characters for 90 fucking years. Instead of adapting, or creating, they just recycle and recycle and recycle. Mickey mouse is just an ugly minstrel parody. I'm sick of American icons being rehashed ad nauseum because stockholders refuse to invest in anything new. The last thing I want is McDonald's taking a character from the 1970s and acting like it's the new hottness.

>> No.18242096

This meme always cracks me up because while I’ve had some heavily seasoned food specifically from nogs I don’t think I’ve ever had any that was seasoned well or properly kek. It’s just a clusterfuck of cumin and chili pepper and paprika and more fucking onion and garlic powder and garlic salt than anyone should eat in a week. I mean no wonder their pallets are all shot to shit

>> No.18242107

I don't know why you reacted so viscerally when you're basically agreeing. The extra clutter and cram of having the breakfast and regular menu items prepped at the same time caused kitchen hassles which caused delays which caused management and staff alike to dislike it.

>> No.18242129
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Even if you don't like it, it works. Disney makes fat monies off muh nostalgia. If McDonald's radically stripped the menu and focused on making nuggies, simple burgles, fries, and Big Macs then they would beat out the current competition.

This also must be said, I have to travel to Nip Land often for work, and I will tell you that Macadanalsdu there is fuckin poppin. Food is hot and there's always a line. Why is that? Its because they're not lazy fucks who don't care about their jobs? and you know why that is? It's because in Japan they're treated as a team and they get better wages.

>> No.18242207

>Why don't Americans desire a return to the great masters of old? Of poets? Of orators? Of philosophers?
>He sweatily typed into a Soviet Stock Trading website's cooking subfolder.

>> No.18242210

Why do you give a fuck about how much McDonald's makes in money??

What Disney has done is completely killed the culture of America. Doomed to stagnate.
If Disney was gone tomorrow I would cry tears of joy.
If McDonald's started doing what Disney has done that would make me pissed off. Their profit is my loss. The loss of culture and the loss of any sensibility.

We've reached critical mass of nostalgia baiting. We're rehashing characters from 70 fucking years ago. I want us to let go of Superman, batman, Spiderman, hamburger, Mickey mouse and everybody before 2000s. Im fucking sick of this shit

>> No.18242239

>Go up to the drive thru
>Order a quesaritto
>Sorry, that's only available on the app.
>So you want me to hold up the drive thru line, during lunch rush, so I can get my phone out, download the app, create an account, and order the quesaritto that you already have all the ingredients for and a button to order the kitchen to make it?
>Yes sir, that is correct.
>Pull up to the window
>"Hi Anon, that'll be $5.47"
>How did you know my name?
>You registered for the app, remember?

>> No.18242252
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bro, I don't disagree with your take. What I'm saying is that, objectively, Disney makes a tonn of monies because of nostalgia; objectively.

Also, the thread is about how to make Mcdee great again. So, focus on a smaller menu with a emphasis on quality product. simple as.

>> No.18242296
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Good Cultured-meat.

All food being free.

Russia is doing that since they banned all patents, are going all out making cultured-meat, and now McDonalds/Donmaks/UncleVanya is a purely state owned company.

Also replace the clown with anime

>> No.18242697

you can't, no matter how much you or others may want it.

>> No.18242712

Put down the thesaurus until you learn to read better buddy. Comprehension is everything

>> No.18242726

>t. speedreading fuckwit with zero self-awarness
Ooooh, did I use too big of a word for you?

>> No.18242763

That came after it had been established. It was a reboot of McDonald's lore.

>> No.18242766

Better limited deals. Having meals based off rappers and stuff are boring, just do another international menu thing instead.

>> No.18242919

Why make it great?

>> No.18242982

>On anything

>> No.18243053 [DELETED] 


A sniper on top of every restaurant picking off whitoids six hours a day

>> No.18243105

This. The toys you used to get anywhere were higher quality. The food was better or at least more consistent.
Overpopulaion. Hear me out. Climate change is changing our food, and there's less of it. So smaller everything, and it all tastes different, we're not imagining that. There's way more people to feed. I don't think people really understand how fast our population is growing, it is unsustainable.

>> No.18243122

Make the menu what it was circa 1990, with the original recipes, including beef tallow fries. If they must have a vegetarian option add salad shakers or some kind of wrap.

>> No.18243162

Hire more white people

>> No.18243697

This is really embarrassing.
You have nostalgia for being cajoled.
These corporations were never your friends, and only existed in order to exchange your (parents') money for junk food. Their current iterations' bleak aesthetics reflect the reality, and what you want is for the façade to be put back into place.

>> No.18243704

>There is nothing better than mouth scorching fried and a finger burning bigmac.
Okay yeah all right but please let it cool before eating it. Consuming food and beverage above 140 degrees increases one's risk of throat cancer.

>> No.18243731

That applies to literally all national foods and buildings, anon. The Eiffel Tower was originally a giant billboard + restaurant. London Bridge used to be an apartment complex. The Empire State Building is an office complex. Sushi was created to be sold by street vendors. You’re just singling out McDonalds because it’s the posterchild of “le evil AmeriKKKa corpo-fascist cultural imperialism”

>> No.18243733

wow really companies want you to exchange your money for goods and services???? real galaxy brain take there bro

>> No.18243748
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New menu item: the McSloppy. $5, $8 with a medium drink and medium fry.

>> No.18244889
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>> No.18244946
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burn them all to the ground, or turn them into food donation centers for the homeless.

>> No.18245590

The meals aren't even anything special at all, just slap a name in it and have 1 altered topping or default drink..


>> No.18246022


>> No.18246509

I know this goes against the data theyve gotten from the US market, but I'm sick if the standard menu. The burgers taste good but the bigmac is a meme, nobody wants 3 buns. And all their chicken products get BTFO by every other chain. McCafe? Why would i want a donut from McDonald's?
I want to try the indian chicken curry burger. The japanese fried shrimp burger. McDonald's suffers the same lack of variety as taco bell, with the same few ingredients being reshuffled, with none of the innovation or creativity. And FUCK those celebrity meals

>> No.18246668

bring back pizza and unique building shapes

>> No.18246763

>great again
Unfuck the portion size and serve real ingredients. Look at the average order from when they first opened. A burger, some fries, and a soda. All at reasonable sizes. Everything in moderation. Nobody needs a 2 liter of corn syrup with their meal.

>> No.18248441

Actually having a Dollar Menu again.

>> No.18248517

depressing. pizzahut meant something to me. what the fuck happened

>> No.18248532

let's be honest, all the obese americans would throw nikocado style hissy fits if that happened and then go to the competitor

>> No.18251190


>> No.18252376

McDonalds will continue to do nothing because shrinkflation is working for them. The only way they’re going to change is if people stop buying their shit. What the fuck they now have a Mc chicken big Mac? How fucking lazy and cheap-ass is that.

>> No.18252394
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The roast

>> No.18252620

Start with a dollar menu that sells burgers for $1 instead of $2.

>> No.18252649

Stop hiring no speakie Guatemalans

>> No.18252672

A premium chain with the same menu but a guarantee for higher quality in exchange for a higher price. McDonald's+.

>> No.18252675

$150,000/year minimum wage

>> No.18252678

>toys and climate alarmism
Reddit is thataway.
>Climate change is changing our food, and there's less of it.
Especially when you hamstring farmers with regulations, kek.
Nobody believes your drivel, Klaus.

>> No.18252680

Every time I go my order ends up being $6.66

>> No.18252686

>McCafe? Why would i want a donut from McDonald's?
It's cheaper than Starbucks and I actually like it more.

>> No.18252695

Free handjobs from the qt cashier behind the dumpster

>> No.18252701


>> No.18252716

what white person would lower themselves to this kind of job? Im not white but if I had that kind of privilege to get any job I wanted why the FUCK would I be working at Mcdicks

>> No.18252738

Then stop making it "this kind of job". I don't know how you expect to raise the QoL for the customers without improving it for the employees.

>> No.18252758
File: 156 KB, 1200x898, EBEdWZUXYAIGSow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back the McDLT with it's two-part box keeping the lower bun and meat separate from the lettuce, tomato, and upper bun so the lettuce doesn't get wilted on the drive home.

>> No.18254658

>privilege to get any job I wanted
Last I checked whites weren't the ones with all the diversity hiring incentives working in their favor.

>> No.18254685

>taking fast food home
goddamn what a white trash move

>> No.18254689

>"dining" at a fast food place
goddamn what a white trash move

>> No.18254796

Use proper fried chicken fillets for chicken burgers instead of those flat rounded chicken fillets they use for McChicken and mayo chicken burgers

>> No.18254970

Travis Scott meal on every menu permanently

>> No.18254972

This was the only named meal that was even a deal

>> No.18254974

Bitch is a vegan tho

>> No.18254975

>how do we fix goyslop
