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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 1200x630, 9366186A-6189-4643-ABFF-327E6F2744FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18238508 No.18238508 [Reply] [Original]

Foods which were created by one country but made better by another

>> No.18238515
File: 195 KB, 1200x1200, EF4DBB94-E0AD-4CA2-BE4A-7681E60BA92E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the most iconic example

>> No.18238517

both look like shit

>> No.18238525

never got the appeal of corndogs

>> No.18238531
File: 132 KB, 884x807, 42324A76-6751-428D-BD51-4EC0CB9AB17D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes a shitty Arab drink and makes it an entire industry

>> No.18238532

Korean corn/ricedogs are kinda crap and usually way too sweet. American corndogs aren't exactly culinary supremacy, but at least they're not charging $6 per fucking stick.

>> No.18238546
File: 52 KB, 473x306, 1657416801220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of it, but are things "Cafe's" and such because they serve Caffeinated drinks?

>> No.18238554
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>> No.18238566

Americans will never understand the power fluff uwu

>> No.18238571
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>> No.18238586

Thai curry>Indian curry

>> No.18238591
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Taiwanese ones are better imho

>> No.18238595
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Forgot pic

>> No.18238636
File: 539 KB, 2800x1586, 225DA08D-BBBC-4AD9-9D0B-0619B077A8AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American take on Arab food is surprisingly good

>> No.18238641
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, 0A5224BF-8B4C-4707-859A-E1EB7C07D922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you show is OSAKA cheese hotdog
Korea dog would use REAL dog. Osaka cheese hotdog uses pork.
So maybe tomorrow you try to not be so dog-eating gay boy okay?

>> No.18238642
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Also pic related (Chopped cheese)

>> No.18238656

The sausage in the Korean corn dogs have fish in them. It's not very strong and you probably won't notice that much but if you're sensitive to fishy tastes it could be a deal breaker

>> No.18238661

>The term "café" comes from the French word meaning "coffee".
Caffeine came from the word cafe since it was discovered after coffee was already known.

>> No.18238663

Posts like these are only really funny on flagboards.

>> No.18238672
File: 81 KB, 1170x514, C846BF5B-A4B7-48D7-8750-6A9C55A72A04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18238673

Thank you for the question

Café is a shortened Café Maison, or Coffee House in French.
Caffeine comes from the German Kaffee, chemist F.F. Runge referred to the alkaloid as Kaffein which the French picked up as caféine and into English as caffeine.

So caffeine comes from coffee, and coffee comes from Dutch traders Koffie, from Turks Kahveh, from Arabic Qahwah which is rooted in their word for Kaffa region of Ethiopia, a home of the plant.

>> No.18238677
File: 3.97 MB, 1348x1346, 0A15D6DA-6CD2-4282-A773-83A9A7B553C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More/better ingredients = better price

Also Looks way cooler (Americans suck at presentation)

>> No.18238685

>>18238673 >>18238531
so it was actually a shitty Ethiopian drink which Italians improved upon

>> No.18238889

Its puke

>> No.18239175

>not charging $6 a stick
What the fuck kind of county fair are you going to?

>> No.18239190

They're still overpriced garbage for urbanite faggots to fawn over and take a billion pictures of. "Better" ingredients, lmao. It's diced potatoes, crumbled instant noodles, and a fucktonne of sugar.
Enjoy your $6 social media experience, I guess.

>> No.18239192

I have never once seen one of those Korean ricedogs sold for under $6.

>> No.18239196

Had one of those Korean potato corndogs recently, really didn't think much of it and probably wouldn't get it again.

>> No.18239246
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>> No.18239282

based lusophone
Italian coffee is vastly overrated and good Austrian or Turkish coffee can both easily go head to head with it. Not to mention most places in Italy serve absolutely awful coffee compared to what the Italian coffee "standard" is supposed to be yet keep fellating themselves over it as they ingest their acidic over-extracted acid reflux juice.
t. Slovenian

>> No.18239327

Based Jap bro, you tell 'em.

>> No.18239328

Anything involving potatoes, tomatoes, and corn.
Well, maybe not corn. Kinda fucked that one up.

>> No.18239362

why are Asians incapable of ANYTHING except social media meme food? i heard most of it isn't even good

>> No.18239369

No cap

>> No.18239424

>I heard
You’re gonna hear my cock in your mouth if you don’t start forming your own opinions

>> No.18239443

so it is gonna make a small squeaking sound?

>> No.18239473
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, Cincinnati-Chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexicans invented chili, Americans perfected it

>> No.18239484

that's spaget bolognese

>> No.18239495

chili doesnt need beans

>> No.18239499

Chili without beans is just beef stew.

>> No.18239500

i agree. what the heart wants the heart wants.

>> No.18239506

it's technically ragu of beef.

>> No.18239520

i always got more of a poop tastes over a vomit taste everybody mentions

>> No.18239528

the spices are what make chili, chili.
beans are unnecessary and gay

>> No.18239555

chilies as in peppers are what make chili , chili. After that its perfectly fine to add ingredients that would be commonly found in the region such as beef, tomatoes, beans and masa(corn meal)

>> No.18239626 [DELETED] 

where did burgers originally come from?

>> No.18239633 [DELETED] 

its just a sponge cake with cream cheese, I don't get the appeal

>> No.18239634

new haven connecticut

>> No.18239639

the water is what makes taco filling into chili

>> No.18239641 [DELETED] 

looks like if an Indian guy tried to make mexican food

>> No.18239643


>> No.18239677
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>> No.18239681

Based Louis Lunch enthusiast

>> No.18239699

American sushi, you get the best of both worlds

>> No.18239702


>> No.18239707

You do know that actual chilli doesn’t have beans in it right retard?

>> No.18239773

oh they know

>> No.18239784

But did you know it has fruit in it?

>> No.18239788
File: 190 KB, 1381x778, fried-sushi-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn straight

>> No.18239790

Did you know you're a fucking fruit?

>> No.18239791 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 780x520, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american hard taco shells are better than traditional mexican soft and floppy ones

>> No.18239794

yeah your mom calls me her eggplant man

>> No.18239795
File: 54 KB, 1024x1010, 7D006986-D71C-468D-A2C0-53892414FDE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a fucking psychopath

>> No.18239796 [DELETED] 

American sushi is the korean corndogs of sushi. Japanese sushi is supposed to be simple fast food, but americans made it all fancy and packed with all sorts of different toppings

>> No.18239800

That’s exactly why it’s great also, idk where you’re getting that Japanese sushi is fast food. The whole point is you want it to be as fresh as possible.

>> No.18239807

>whole point is you want it to be as fresh as possible
what the fuck are you talking about? sushi was shitty cheap street food. just because the fish is raw doesn't mean it's "fresh" you fucking dipshit

>> No.18239817

>actual chilli
actual chili is made with unseasoned dried beef and some dried pepper that they loosely smash up in their hands

>> No.18239827

Hamburg, Germany

>> No.18239826

>Doesn't use All Beef hotdogs
You some kind of homosexual?

>> No.18239830

the majority of japanese people eat sushi at family chains like sushiro, hamazushi, kurazushi, and kappazushi. they all have rotating belts so you just grab what you want, but they also have a little bullet train for when you order specific things for the table that rushes it out to you when ready. it's super cheap and fresh, of course, and quite literally fast food. idk why the other guy is trying to claim it's shitty, though, Japanese are super anal about specifically Japanese things and doing them the correct way so I imagine sushi has always been about being fresh, that's kind of the whole point, but this board is fucking dumb when it comes to other countries and their habits, i read the stupidest shit on here from americans who never travel and just assume random things and europeans who think that because they visited one place for one day and ate at a tourist trap they're now experts on the entire region

>> No.18239859

uneducated mondo retard detected

>> No.18239866

lol no. even nippers complain when their thousand times folded fish is "too fresh". do you even japanese food or do you eat sushi made by chinese?

>> No.18239895
File: 629 KB, 1242x1446, 1F8AA298-051F-44CB-95EB-450BC5D19164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even Japanese food
First off you fucking weeb, you have no idea what you’re even talking about. Secondly, I don’t give a fuck if a jap says the fish is too fresh they’re retarded. Because they’re Japanese does not mean they are the gold standard or the authority. Have you ever had an independent thought in your life? You probably don’t even live by the sea and have never had something that was caught 5 minutes ago.

>> No.18239901

when a sushi place buys a huge tuna they'll have a special dinner you can go to and pay to have them slice you off pieces of it, really fun to go to with friends and a great life experience, not that you have either of those things in your "life" you fucking weirdo lmao

>> No.18239904

shut the fuck up faggot. i've caught 500 lb tuna while crossing you silly bitch.

>> No.18239913
File: 879 KB, 1108x1655, D3C5C5BC-1352-4AAC-BF5A-376B1F724AF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After your previous post there’s no fooling anyone lmfao you destroyed any credibility you had it’s ur bed time

>do you even Japanese food


>> No.18239917

>japanese know food and suchi
>well japanese don't know food and sushi they're no authority
>you don't even live near an ocean what do you know about jap food?
what the fuck?

>> No.18239918

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.18239920

Chopped cheese is an American take on already American food, the fuck do you mean?

>> No.18239925

Are you dyslexic, where did I say any of those things I did say japs aren’t an authority i for sure never said they know food

Retarded b8

>> No.18239926
File: 104 KB, 509x513, tacos dorados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the lazy vrsion of tacos dorados, I bet the hard shell taco is just a tostada.

>> No.18239929

you obviously don't know absolutely anything about sushi or japanese food. what is this retarded larp?

>> No.18239935

>japs aren't an authority on jap food
>japs don't know food

>> No.18239946
File: 5 KB, 233x216, 2187ABD9-10C0-4477-808D-D2C1604A91CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty weaboo fags stay mad

>> No.18239951
File: 109 KB, 1400x850, NEWS-header-2014-05-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, no. I think what you're trying to say is tacos DORITOS. This is a much more authentic Mexican dish.

>> No.18239953

sushi is absolutely not fast food, its not always served fast and even if it is its still not fast food
>>18239866 imagine being this adopted you can sushi fast food

>> No.18239957

little bitch keeps crying because it doesn't know what it's talking about

>> No.18239960

A lot of taco shops also have crispy fried tortillas but yeah the tepid floppy corn tortillas that have to be doubled up suck pretty bad.

>> No.18239964 [DELETED] 

fish caught 5 minutes ago have no taste retard, they have sit abit for the unami to form

>> No.18239968
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>> No.18239996

cry harder my little bitch.

>> No.18240091

Who did it better?

>> No.18240097

koreans make some fucking bomb ass burgers ngl fr fr no cap mn

>> No.18240161
File: 189 KB, 438x333, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that burger is all wrong the tomato and onion are to thick, the bacon should be touching the cheese and the tomato should be touching the bacon

>> No.18240477

It's literally rotten milk

>> No.18240517

>raw onion

>> No.18240523

I've tried this and it is NOT better. Like that other anon said, it's just sponge cake. New York style Cheesecake is an entirely different and unique experience.

>> No.18240547
File: 70 KB, 1024x577, chcken_parma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's something of a national dish in straya
our lil tweeest is we have ham between the cheese and napoli sauce

>> No.18240566

I really wish the tomato was between the meat and the cheese

>> No.18240582

That fork is laughing at me... please delete this image

>> No.18240583

How are they better?

>> No.18240604


>> No.18240626


>> No.18240641

cheesecake is interesting because its one of the oldest dishes that's still popular today. in general, cuisine is very transient, and most dishes you've ever cooked or eaten can only be traced back two or three centuries at most. however, we have a surviving cheesecake recipe from 160 BCE that's no different from a modern cheesecake

>> No.18240643


>> No.18240968

>Sponge cake
>Sponge cake but Japan

>> No.18241021

It's cheesecake.

>> No.18241023

The Korean ones are ok, but they use fish sausage or mozzarella cheese as the center rather than a hot dog. It's a bit much. The potatoes on the outside is ok, but then you have to add your own salt, pepper, and ketchup to make it good.

>> No.18241040

American sushi gives you a tiny piece of fish wrapped up in a bunch of other filler. Just give me a big slice of fish on a rice ball like the Japs eat, thanks.

>> No.18241373
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>> No.18241404 [DELETED] 

I thought Australia's national dish was the blooming onion?

>> No.18241449

Good luck finding a beef hotdog in Japan, bro.
They’re all pork, and pretty much all natural-casing.
In fact Japanese sausage/hotdog commercials go out of their way to show off the “snap” their sausages have.

>> No.18241462
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, mongorian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have really perfected Mongolian food

>> No.18241474

No, that came from a Beijing guy living in Taiwan.

>> No.18241551 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 1200x1800, Chinese-Orange-Chicken-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans do chinese food better than chinese

>> No.18241573
File: 332 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Chicago-Style_Stuffed_Pizza_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invented in New York City
Perfected in Chicago.

>> No.18241625 [DELETED] 

that's a casserole

>> No.18241712

That’s an option at most place mr. Complainsabouitshittofeelasenseofsuperiority

>> No.18241717

Anything else>Indian version

>> No.18241718

You do know that no one gives a fuck, right retard?

>> No.18241725

The best place to eat pizza in the world is Buenos Aires. Americans, cope and seethe

>> No.18241737
File: 225 KB, 750x501, Disgusted Blood Starved Beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pastaniggers I swear to god.

>> No.18241742

Why you are seething? India has famous food and culture.

>> No.18241747

Famous != Good

>> No.18241755

Studied abroad in Australia and I can confirm it's great. I love that it's even a bar food, and served with fries.

>> No.18241760

Famous is good. Everybody knows India and nobody knows you.

>> No.18241776

If it was well-known but not good, that would make it infamous, not famous.

>> No.18241797

Actually what they call a "Mexican pizza" is a tostada

>> No.18241994

>order caffè corretto

>> No.18242276


>> No.18242304

I fucking hate these chink dogs. They use a rice dough instead of corn bread. They taste fucking awful and they cover everything in cane sugar. Fuck you.

>> No.18242308

I agree I tried one and the sugar was crunchy there was so much on it I almost threw up

>> No.18242312

tl;dr: no country ever managed to improve a food from another country.

>> No.18242347
File: 781 KB, 998x1140, 1551151408739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't agree more. Everytime I have to work in China I stick to a couple of dishes because the authentic versions of the foods we love a fucking revolting. Worst still is the health quality. If you're not eating in a white people restaurant then you are eating shit fingers and or recycled oil.

>> No.18242479 [DELETED] 

try reading the thread

>> No.18242506


>> No.18242671

Good one.

>> No.18242722


>> No.18243347

Osaka cheese dog was stolen from Korea by the Japs during WW2. It's a traditional Korean dish which Japanese war criminals and rapists stole the technology for.

>> No.18243390

Obviously an isekai situation

>> No.18243408

anyone who says otherwise hasn't been to China
Taiwan is a little better but only because they have some semblance of health and safety for food

>> No.18243436

the cheeto dust is all this needs now

>> No.18243572

Crab Rangoon

>> No.18243696

Korean dogs are not as good as regular corn dogs. It's purely a novelty for tourists.

>> No.18243702

What is it with Asians and adding sugar to savoury foods? They always add it to marinades too.

>> No.18243760

They like shit sweet, it may have to do with the luxury status of sugar and not having it historically. It infiltrated the diet and they like sweetmeats.

>> No.18243798
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>> No.18244132 [DELETED] 

like Americans can talk. Even bacon and sausages are sweet

>> No.18244133

I had absolutely delicious food in Hong Kong, but I don't consider it China no matter what that faggot Xi does.

>> No.18244147

I have a feeling that Mexicans would make the best curry.

>> No.18244158

Like a Zweigles white hot!

>> No.18244183

I think it's spelled baloney.

>> No.18244196
File: 6 KB, 143x185, Spaghet_result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw somebody touches your spaget

>> No.18244199

>Try to make chicken cordon bleu
>Don't have swiss so use mozz
>To lazy to actually put the ham and cheese inside
>Throw some marinara on top
>Becomes the aussie national dish

>> No.18244211 [DELETED] 

you know there are other chinese restaurants in the US other than Panda Express right?

>> No.18244230

raw onion is the difference between having a 300% boost in natural testosterone production and having a limp pile of nutritionless "tasty" garbage you fuck

>> No.18244252

mmmmmm, butyric acid. Delicious.

>> No.18244297
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>> No.18244406 [DELETED] 

what is that supposed to be?

>> No.18246041 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 3872x2592, Fortune_cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad american fortune cookie is so popular that even chinese restaurants are using them now

>> No.18246139

No way, my friend. I'm from Hamburg, Germany and there is nothing comparable to american burgers in a german cuisine. Calling a burger german dish is like calling beef patty mongolian because some mongolian fuck ate beef tartare in the 12 century

>> No.18246813

What do you know about German cuisine? It's been long since replaced with immigrant slop.

>> No.18246885
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Oberhafenkantine_(Hamburger_Rundstück).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are mentions of frikadeller being served sandwich style on 19th century trans-Atlantic passenger ships out of Hamburg. The first mentions of the modern "hamburger sandwich" didn't start showing up until early the 20th century in the US, though.

>> No.18246889

Oops, wrong picture.

>> No.18247064

>What do you know about German cuisine?
Quite a bit more than you for sure — living in Germany for more than 25 years, travelling all the countryside long and beeing a foodie.

Thats the point: there is a dish called "Frikadelle"(Fleischpflanzerl etc.), which is literally a seasoned roasted or seared patty, but calling it a burger is like calling Vienna sausage a hotdog.

>> No.18247070

There's too much fucking shit on that burger, all you need is meat, cheese, and onion

>> No.18247095

> Acidic
> Overextracted
It doesn't sound like you know what coffee should taste like

>> No.18247446

Made in america by a japanese person and adopted by the chinese, kinda weird to think about

>> No.18247497

got one fresh in japan, no it's not better. it's not even cheesecake, just a giant egg souffle.

>> No.18247508
File: 551 KB, 1100x500, img2019032613181691013800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the basis for the fortune cookie had been around for hundreds of years in Japan. The new version just replaces sesame with vanilla and sticks the fortune inside instead of in the crack.

>> No.18247555

Foodies are the reason why cuisines decline.

>> No.18247865

most retarded things i read today. you win

>> No.18248205 [DELETED] 

you can't even taste the cheese really either

>> No.18248207 [DELETED] 

this picture looks sexual, though its expected made by japs

>> No.18248761

These taste like shit btw

>> No.18249191

Sweet and savory goes well together

>> No.18249767

>order any coffee

>> No.18249849

Hoe fo you eat this grabbing it and trying to eat it would be insane, the stuff will slip out and it will give you an over bite. It's very thick. Do you eat it with a knife and forked?

>> No.18249869

That's a nice loaf, post crumb, but shame on you for making a meat stew on non stick.

>> No.18249925

jackinthebox> the entire province of scotland

>> No.18249931

Forgot about Mongolian bbq. They do pretty damn good. Sushi n chow mein are big weaknesses for me even during recession.

>> No.18249954
File: 53 KB, 540x540, 294588188_363822489236690_3939641160382489781_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your whore mouth

>> No.18250052

thai’s always been a bit watery for my tastes

>> No.18250060
File: 291 KB, 1280x826, addis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based wop colonizers

>> No.18250129

Looks like a dog pussy

>> No.18250583

More comfy.

>> No.18250611
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>> No.18250623

thats a ripoff, the original was about taking the intestines out of the sheep.

>> No.18250627

Sushi started out in Norway, right? Or is that just a rumor? Japan also does ramen better than China

>> No.18250643

>Sushi started out in Norway
doubt.jpg, norway aint exactly known for their rice culture. unless you want to go with sushi being xyz + raw fish, and even then soy sauce is kinda vital to sushi.

>> No.18250665

Yeah I just looked it up and the Norweigans only made salmon sushi and it was specifically to market it to the Japs

>> No.18250671

Sorry, the sign literally says 「おおさか チーズドッグ」.
Korea can’t change the sign. Korea can’t change history.

>> No.18250684

Yeah, the Japanese historically refused to raw or undercooked salmon due to parasite concerns. Wild-caught salmon from warmer waters tend to have higher concentrations of parasite, and eating raw salmon was taboo in Japan until the 1970s. The Norwegians had a salmon surplus at the time and were looking for new markets for their product, one of these was Japan. They worked with Japanese chefs and consultants to come up with an advertising campaign promoting Norwegian salmon as "clean and safe", going as far as to serve it raw as sushi.
Norwegian salmon still has something of a meme status today, not just in Japan but other parts of east asia, where it's seen as a "high-quality" alternative to local salmon.

>> No.18250806
File: 90 KB, 793x597, 6a016766faffa0970b0240a4e253f1200d-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Norwegian salmon as "clean and safe",

>> No.18250817

If you don't like hot dogs at all or cornbread then yeah no appeal. I like both and having a hotdog fried up in cornbread batter is tits, stick is just a gimmick to allow it to be eaten easier while walking from attraction to attraction at the County fair.

>> No.18250881

If you're referring to Cincinnati chili that was actually originally from greece/Macedonia.

>> No.18250893

Literacy skills: 0

>> No.18250896

Any fish prepared in Japan is fresh because everywhere in Japan is less than a days travel from the ocean. Can't say the same for sushi prepared in Omaha Nebraska.

>> No.18250914

You do know that fisherman throw their fish on ice when they catch it, right? They don't just come running back to shore every time they catch a fish. They sit out on the water all day or night with their fish in an icebox before coming back to sell it.

>> No.18250945
File: 92 KB, 400x400, analysis_norway_1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geography skills: 0
same waters bud

>> No.18250953

You mean not enough. It's missing beetroot and egg.

>> No.18250964

I bet you repost PETA garbage, too.

>> No.18250967

Salmon caught further south in warmer waters have more parasites. The northernmost tip of Scotland is at the same latitude as the southernmost tip of Norway.

>> No.18250975

And you doubled down like a retard. Norway is the world's largest salmon farmer. Farmed salmon are treated with anti-parisitic medications.

>> No.18251024

fishing boats will flash freeze their fish with nitrogen to -40°F. they can stay out for days or weeks until their hold is full.

>> No.18251032
File: 59 KB, 481x719, c03_atlantic_currents_sst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>further south in warmer waters
>north sea
yea you're right Scotland is a tropical paradise

>> No.18251036

Mmmm, "fresh"...

>> No.18251040

Chopped cheese is just deconstructed cheeseburger made by sandniggers in NYC that got over hyped by stupid 2nd generation west Indian immigrants.

>> No.18251045

Macedonian immigrants got claims to this pile of shit.

>> No.18251047

most sushi fish isn't eaten "fresh". much like beef, it's usually aged for a certain period of time in order to improve the texture and flavor

>> No.18251061

Lol motherfucker you are beyond retarded.
There’s a reason Tsukiji fish market was home to the world’s largest blast freezer.

>> No.18251062

What do I do if I'm in Italy and I just want to order a plain coffee? Do they only serve these fag drinks?

>> No.18251082

Yes and your own pic proves that the waters around Norway are somewhat colder than the waters around Scotland.

>> No.18251089

Say "kaffee" in your best German accent and they'll usually give you what you want. They're used to tourists.

>> No.18251095

Anon, are you retarded or colourblind?

>> No.18251161
File: 91 KB, 771x592, 6a016766faffa0970b0240a45c600a200c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you're right it's 2 whole degrees colder
also they're farming the same breed stock

>> No.18251202
File: 811 KB, 3024x4032, tip8xswcaci71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn dogs are profitable because the actual dog is concealed under the batter. You never really see what you're eating, only the top cross-section from your last bite.
Pic related. If you "peel" a corn dog, you're likely to find something like this.

>> No.18251213

Lol, more shock photos, this time in CG. Veeeery convincing.

>> No.18251250
File: 70 KB, 422x750, 750x750bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh im a /3/fag and that's clearly not CG... it would look more hyper-realistic (we just can't help ourselves)
Anyways keep eating your peasant fish that get parasites from 2 degree above freezing water while i eat cero mackerel thats swimming around in 80 degree water with no problem

>> No.18251290

that explains it

>> No.18251294

Nope, sushi is a Japanese modification of a south east Asian dish.
Ethiopian coffee is good, anon.

>> No.18251302


>> No.18251310
File: 39 KB, 287x400, 1547079852264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Hong Kong. Since Xi took over though, the place is another Chinese shithole. Face recognition cameras everywhere, voice recognition discovery devices everywhere, and the worst of all: super restricted foreign exports, so the food is all chink shit now, even in the European corners.

>> No.18251317

that explains it

>> No.18251322

Wtf is a "plain coffee"? Are you talking about drip coffee? Ask for that. If they don't have that you can ask for an americano

>> No.18251333

>salmon farms
Everyone knows farmed fish is shit.

>> No.18251382

trips of truth, that was my point

>> No.18251415
File: 109 KB, 738x213, poor salmo salme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame the medication doesn't work

>> No.18251472


>> No.18251503

Just order “Caffe faggissimo succi mi sacci”.
They will tremble with fear and give you coffee.

>> No.18251513

>t. zoomcunt who thinks he’s Anthony Bourdain or some shit
Dumb faggot ass bitch.
Farmed urchin is fantastic.
Farmed freshwater fish is superior to wild
Don’t be a foodlet faggot cocksucker.

>> No.18251585

>sea urchins
go back to high school please

>> No.18251609

Lmfao, more shock images as """proof"""? Leave your fucking house for once, retard.

>> No.18251617

have sex

>> No.18251619

the food of this nation is not very good

>> No.18251624

>pretending to know about salmon
Yeah, you probably shouldn't have revealed how massively retarded you are. We're talking about salmon. "Salmon". Not whatever muckfish you're bragging about.

>> No.18251630

Do you live vicariously through others like that? How cute.

>> No.18251633
File: 48 KB, 700x438, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is the best example

>> No.18251648

>you said urchin
>luckily that means I don’t have to address the entire category of fish you mentioned
>it also means I can ignore all other forms of farmed seafood
Say hi to your single mom for me, zoomer.

>> No.18251664
File: 39 KB, 567x381, swordfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not from Florida
>pretending to know anything about fish

>> No.18251667

Go eat a ham sandwich, Pablo. We're talking about salmon.

>> No.18251669

Strange, Chicken Parm is often served over pasta here in the US and Canada as a pre-game meal for hockey players.

>> No.18251680

nice bait. im gonna cum

>> No.18251694

touch grass

>> No.18251708

This isn't your "to-do list", retard.

>> No.18251805

Yes and urchins still aren't fish. You also brought up freshwater fish when we were clearly talking about salmon, which are usually oceanic fish. Keep coping.

>> No.18251860

ok incel

>> No.18251895


>> No.18251931

it reflects in your posts, lowering the quality of the website. log off, go outside

>> No.18251943

>no we’re only talking about oceanic fish!
>but only fish and not other ocean creatures!
So did you say hi to your single mom for me? Finish your homework, too.

>> No.18251950

>farmed fish is shit

>> No.18251990

230 posts in and not a single dish created in one country was made better in another. Well done, America.

>> No.18252062
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, futurama-days-since-last-accident.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log off

>> No.18252151

Still aren't fish.